Is There Something Wrong With Wanting To Be Entertained?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
We all have different taste when it comes to movies. Some people prefer a good story and good acting. Then there are others who just want to be entertained, and these are the people who I want to focus on.

There are plenty of major blockbuster films that draw huge crowds, but these films are usually bashed by critics and others. I'll use a recent film that gets constantly torn apart as an example......Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen. Personally, I didn't like this movie, but I could see why a lot of people would. It has everything a typical Hollywood blockbuster film usually has. Flashy fight scenes, the hot woman(Megan Fox), a ton of sexual innuendos, and a lovable main character(Shia LaBeouf). Revenge Of The Fallen spent a good amount time at the #1 spot, and it made a ton of money at the box office. I thought this film was a clusterfuck. Michael Bay truly went mad with this one, but at the end of the day, this film was a financial success, and there are a lot people out there who like it.

People who like or love films such as Transformers, GI Joe: The Rise Of Cobra, or the many other Hollywood blockbusters are usually ridiculed. But is there something wrong with wanting to have a good time while watching enjoyable garbage? Maybe some people just like to sit down with their popcorn(whether it be at theaters or at home) and have a good time?

What are your thoughts?
There's nothing wrong with it at all.

Mostly the only people who get ridiculed for liking a film like Transformers 2 are those who try to pass it off as a truly great film or one of the best action movies ever made. Those people deserve to be ridiculed if that's their opinion, because it's ridiculous.

However, if someone simply enjoys a movie like that, then that's fine. I love B-Rated action movies such as the Kickboxer sequels and shit like Blown Away with Cory Haim. Those movies are fucking awesome, but I would never try to convince someone that they're truly great films and that everyone should see them at least once in their lifetime. If I did, then I would deserve someone telling me to go fuck myself.

Also, I know there are some movie snobs who will send an ugly look to those who even enjoy a Transformers movie, but at the same time... there are a lot more people out there who would call me a fucking loser for watching a movie with subtitles. There are way more people out there like that than there are snobs who look down on someone for actually enjoying something ridiculous like Transformers 2.
I love watching films that actually have some artistic significance but I also just enjoy seeing some tits and explosions. There is a time and a place for each type of film and a mood I have to be in. As much as I enjoy watching a film such as The Godfather I equally enjoy watching a film like The Losers. Both depend entirely on the mood I am in.

Also, there is nothing wrong with just wanting to be entertained. Tits sell and I love seeing them. If Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox are going to make out in Jennifer's Body then fuck yes I am going to spend my 9 bucks to see it happen. There is nothing wrong with watching a film because of sex or violence because it is quiet frankly just fun to watch.
I dont see anything wrong with it at all. I mean hell i love Billy Madison, Underworld, Daredevil, and there is this one movie probably not a lot of people know about that is called "Killer Pad" and it was one of those movies that was so bad it was good I had a great time with girlfriend or buddies watching movies like those, you know the movies that critics usually call shit. They are a good time. Of course there are movies where I love to watch them for the acting and the story they tell and are considered my favorites, but ya i still like watching movies critics call crap because they are entertaining. I dont even agree with critics half the time. A lot said that Sweeney todd was a shit movie before i saw it and thank god i didnt listen to them and i went and saw it and in my own opinion i loved it (im a fan of musicals call me a *** lol).

there is nothing wrong with just wanting to be entertained. Tits sell and I love seeing them. If Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox are going to make out in Jennifer's Body then fuck yes I am going to spend my 9 bucks to see it happen.

hell yes. Btw mind if i sig this quote?
The movie "The Wrestler" is the best example of a movie that I have seen that wasn't a blockbuster. It was an independent film (correct me if i am wrong). I thought the Wrestler was an excellent movie, plus it really digs into the life of a pro-wrestler (atleast some wrestlers, mainly ones in the Indpendent circuit).

I hated Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. The first Transformers was excellent but the second one was boring and sucked big time. I would rather watch The Wrestler rather than a piece of trash like Transformers 2.
The movie "The Wrestler" is the best example of a movie that I have seen that wasn't a blockbuster. It was an independent film (correct me if i am wrong). I thought the Wrestler was an excellent movie, plus it really digs into the life of a pro-wrestler (atleast some wrestlers, mainly ones in the Indpendent circuit).

I hated Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. The first Transformers was excellent but the second one was boring and sucked big time. I would rather watch The Wrestler rather than a piece of trash like Transformers 2.

I didn't like the wrestler at all.
It was awkwardly a porno with an R rating :banghead:
Seriously there are tons of movies that have scenes at sex clubs that don't show as much as they showed in that movie and the length that they showed the nudity was like Oh my god are you guys serious?

and then the 'firemans' party or whatever it was with well you guys know what that scene was if you saw the movie...

Now I read into it and I know why the director did it. The stripper friend was actually at the tail end of her career with being older, the crows feet just as he was at the end of his and they both just are kinda going though the same things but in different professions but still
You did not have to see that much nudity....I mean people watch this stuff with there husbands and wives you know and not everyone feels comfortable watching that kind of stuff....

I have no issue with movies that are just made for entertainment...I don't think everything in the world needs some deep meaning to it, hey I love kiss and none of there music has meaning lol
but back to the point a lot of the entertaining movies just aren't depicting good things, now I don't have any issue with violence or language but the nudity is going to a whole new level

There's tons of movies I love that are just down right pointless, but there's a line I like not to cross...and when it comes to sex I like to stay on more of a conservative line

Like the expendables coming out tomorrow...stupid action movie with cheesy lines and a cast that blows any other cast for any other movie out of the water...but is it filled with meaning? UMMM's not but it's going to be freaking awesome
As long as someone enjoys a movie there isn't a problem with it. Some movies I disagree with as far as being the number one movie ever made and so forth. Some people find Titanic and Avatar as the greatest movies ever made, when the majority of people don't believe that. Anyways, it seems a lot of people enjoy the Transformers franchise and the other movie blockbuster's like Iron Man. It may not be Citizen Kane, but people enjoy them. There are a lot of really bad horror and comedy movies that I enjoy but wouldn't recommend them to other people. It all depends on your personal tastes. I don't think it is far to say someone has bad tastes because they prefer independent movies or cheesy action/horror movies over new movies or vice versa.
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