is there enough Bulldog in him????


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What does that mean you might ask???

Put simply I am referring to David Hart Smith and whether or not (given WWE has disbanded the Hart Dynasty) he could pull off a gimmick change and become the next generation of "British Bulldog" just like his dad...

I think for him to be a viable singles wrestler he needs to change his look and adopting his dad's look (minus the freakishly big "roid-bod") would get people interested in him and could get a good run in the mid-card level...

That's my opinion, what about you???
I don't know exactly what to say. People seem to forget that davey boy was a lot like his friend bret, great wrestler but outside the ring bad talker and boring as anything. I think if your trying to get people interested in him, having him go the route of his dad is one thing to make sure NOT to do, you wouldn't be able to get away with him being that mundane as a character now.

WWE already has a thing about trying to get guys over by having them act like their fathers, and this would do nothing to help hart-smith in himself but the bulldog legacy. You have ted immitating the million dollar man and since then he has been stagnant, swagger imitating kurt angle and he has plateau'd career wise.

If I was WWE trying to get hart over, I think I would give him a fresh gimmick like they did in the rhodes family with dustin and cody, who have both to some degree been successful at it. But I definately wouldn't want to see another chris benoit or bret hart running around, I'd rather something new.
I personally think that David Hart Smith has quite a bit of untapped potential. I think that if the WWE tried to have him going with his father's gimmick and ends up failing at will do worse for him than having him be his own person.
I can't say right now whether DH Smith will be a big name or not in the future...only time can tell that...but I think if he is going to do it...he should do it on his own. It's one thing to honor family that has wrestled's another thing to try to be them.
I am not sure I would like to see D.H. Smith take on the same gimmick as his father. What would he do get a bulldog, a cape, and some corn rolls? I think he should bring the running power slam into his move set, he has been supporting the blue and red boots like his dad had, and that should be enough. I think it is up to the commentators to remind the casual fan of his lineage. Orton did not have a cast nor call himself Cowboy Randy, and he got over just fine. I think D.H. Smith just needs time to improve and he will get over on his own.
i really like dh smith. i always wanted to see him dressed like his father. i would love to see smith get a huge push. i think this fued wwe are doing between kidd and himself has been going pretty good. they have been really putting on some great matches wether its on superstars or raw. this can really help smith's singles career. i do believe he does potentially have the talent to be a top guy in the wwe or at least be a top mid carder like his father was. he has the size and he can always work on his mic skills.sfter this program with kidd i can see him having some great matches with daniel bryan, cm punk, john morrison, randy orton, triple h, or michael mcguillicutty. if wwe uses him right i can see him being a pretty big star some time down the road.
I don't think he would be there without his dads name. Just a simple vanilla type guy.. nothing special.
Mike,he is not just a simple vanilla guy. He's a really really good wrestler , his programme with Kidd at the moment has produced some good matches and is doing both of them a lot of good. Smith will get a mid-card push at some point if he keeps producing good matches like that. Whether he ends up truly succesful is anyone's guess.
I'd like to think that I see a little bit of Davey Boy Smith in David Hart Smith. He definitely has a bit of the same build, as well as the same sort of move-set resemblance.

However I don't exactly see him getting over like his father did. Or getting nearly as accomplished as he did. Sure Davey Boy wasn't a major superstar that accomplished major amounts of things. But he was very loved by the crowd, and I seriously don't see it ever happening completely for David Hart. He suffers from severe lack of charisma, and his overall career will probably take a dive from it.

However, I can only hope that he does end up getting a firm mid-card career. He does have some good potential as a single wrestler. And I can only hope that it's utilized to it's full extent.
I don't really see him thriving anywhere but the mid card. He reminds me of a bigger version of Ted DiBiase Jr. as in average in the ring, but for the life of me I can't care enough about him. DH Smith just doesn't have anything that stands out about him. Thats the problem with a lot of 2nd/3rd generation superstars, the WWE expects them to be carbon copys of their fathers as in success wise. They have to get it through that not everyone can be a Randy Orton. If DH Smith is to thrive at all they need to get him away from this "Hart" gimmick, stop living off the legacy of his dad and the harts and find something different for him. Much like his former partner Tyson Kidd is doing at the moment and what Cody Rhodes has been doing excellent at lately.
Unfortunatly I see nothing in DH Smith... he is big and generic. The guy always has this stupid grin on his face and cant cut a promo at all. Maybe send him to Smackdown and have him feud with Ziggler and Rhodes for some decent matchups but I dont see much of a future for the kid honestly.
He doesnt excite me, but he is still a very young guy and has plenty of time to develop his own persona to be successful.

Cody Rhodes had the same problem, he was always being compared with his Dad and it took a total gimmick change for him to become a prominent force in the WWE. I think the same has to be done for Smith. Going down the Bulldog route is not something I want to see, we have already had DiBiase copying his Dad and it hasnt really been a roaring success.

Smith needs to have his own style, its all well and good having his dads powerslam as a finisher, but thats as far as the similarities should go now that the Hart Dynasty has been ended. Its going to be hard for the kid, as he has little or no mic skills or personality, but he is good in the ring. He just needs to work on a new character/look to give himself a better chance of being a long-term success in the WWE
i actually think that he could do better than trying to mimic his dad. gotta remember the time frames too. when his dad was wrestling for the WWF and had his most success, the WWF was huge into very "larger than life" and almost cartoonish gimmicks. his dad, The British Bulldog, wore the Union Jack as a cape to the ring, came to the very generic British music and brought a literal bulldog mascot to the ring.

that just wouldn't work in today's wrestling. it's PG, but it's not a cartoon. not always. and when it is, it shouldn't be.

i think that, given his lack of mic skills at the present, he'd be better off repackaged as a snob heel from the UK with a serious aggressive mean streak. and i'd use Regal as a mentor and manager and mouthpiece for him.

that'd give DH Smith the chance to learn from a true master of the mic and crowd reaction, give him a totally different gimmick from his dad so that he could make it on his own so to speak and it'd be a believable gimmick that's not so cartoon-y.
I really think they should try to make DH Smith a completely different person. I don't think making him EXACTLY what William Regal has been...and making Regal his manager will do him ANY good.
No, I don't think there is enough bulldog in him. Because it'd have to be twice as much as his father just to survive in this era with that gimmick.

2nd generation guys don't need their father's gimmicks. Plain and simple. ESPECIALLY if they have no skill on the mic. Ted can't do it. And Baby Bull, sure as hell can't do it.

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