Is there anything left for AJ to do?


TNA World Butterfly Champion
Since arriving in TNA, AJ Styles has won pretty much everything. These are his TNA accomplishments straight from wikipedia.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
NWA World Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Jerry Lynn (1), Abyss (1), and Christopher Daniels (2)
TNA Legends/Global/Television Championship (2 times)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
TNA World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Tomko
TNA X Division Championship (6 times)
First TNA Triple Crown Champion (4 times)
First TNA Grand Slam Champion (2 times)
Mr. TNA (2003–2005)
TNA Match of the Year (2006) with Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide and Hernandez at No Surrender, September 24, 2006
TNA Match of the Year (2009) vs. Sting at Bound for Glory, October 18, 2009
TNA Tag Team of the Year (2006) with Christopher Daniels

My point is that AJ has done all of this and is still with TNA. I admire his loyalty, but soon he's going to start asking questions. This time last year he was World Champion. Now he's feuding and been "injured" by Bully Ray. That's right. AJ Styles is feuding with Bubba Ray Dudley. Nothing against Bully Ray, he plays his part superbly. But his time has passed.
Many would call for AJ to jump to the WWE. But do you really think that would be a good idea? Would he ever get a world title push in the WWE? Evan Bourne has similar ability to AJ and look where Bourne is. Superstars and Raw squash matches.
TNA hasn't used AJ the right way. They should have been pushing him as the company's top star. It took them until last year to do that and then they gave the title to RVD, then Meth Hardy, then Mr. Anderson and now back to Sting. Everyone was going insane with the possibility of Sting going to WWE and if he did then he definitely won't be stuck in the mid card. Reason? Sting was a huge star before TNA. Before TNA, AJ was an indy star. Now he's an IWC star. He doesn't have the star power of some of the WWE superstars. I bet Kofi Kingston's shirts sell more than AJ's shirts.
My point is, eventually AJ is going to realise that he's got nothing left to do in TNA. He's not the big name he could be because TNA haven't used him right. By that point will it be too late to jump ship?
Thoughts on AJ?
He has one thing to accomplish, and for one I would love to see AJ Styles some day wrestle at Wrestlemania, or hit the Pele Kick in an ROH ring just one more time, but this one last accomplishment that he has to achieve always leaves me with little hope.

He has to guide TNA to the "big time." Hes been the face of TNA since near enough the beginning, and he is the only one I can see in the company who has his dues to pay and stick with TNA through thick and thin. No matter how shit the company books events or no matter how bad the storylines become.

He needs TNA to make it. And that will take a lot of time, and a lot more hardwork.
Go to WWE!

Seriously, the guy was a top face in the company, now he's in midcard hell now becuase they care about the notalent nondraw Matt Hardy instead of a guy they can seriously build around like Styles.

He should get out of TNA right now! Just do it until Hogan buries you Styles, oh he'll do it. If he could beat you, he would.

There's nothing left for him to od in TNA. If he want's to get noticed, and actually be in a legit entertaining fued, go to WWE. You actually get television time, you get a chance. TNA; if you not from the other company, you not on television.
Maybe he doesn't want to leave TNA. Maybe he doesn't want to not stay there because there's nothing for him to do, but stay there because, like Sting, he is a big fish in a little pond.

The above 2 posters are talking about hm going to WWE or maybe ROH. I think AJ enjoys being in 'the house that AJ built', he likes being 'the face of TNA' {like Sting}, he likes wrestling in front of the small fan base and meeting fans, he likes the road schedule and being with his family when he can - these are all luxuries WWE won't be able to provide. All WWE guarantees is a gruelling road schedule and a fat paycheck - and even that's not guaranteed, depends on how high up on the card you are.

I don't want him to go to WWE and possibly be misused and burn his bridge with TNA. In WWE he won't be able to perform his 'Phenomenal' moves; and his mic work is tolerable and improving, so that won't get him far in the 'E as it's all about charisma,not so much talent.

Personally, he should stay in TNA, at least until it eventually folds or he retires.
He has plenty to do. He could be the first TNA champion to reach double-digit championship reigns.

He could headline the best-selling TNA PPV ever if they ever start to make some noise with their buyrates.

He could win the PWI Wrestler Of The Year award the most times in a row and the most times overall (3 for both.)

He could also with the WWE or World Heavyweight championship. He'd be the only guy to primarily wrestle in TNA during his major run and then win a WWE-based Heavyweight championship.

Headline or work a WrestleMania and Royal Rumble, also.

Plenty left to do. Once you reach all your goals, you simply set new ones.
I would hate to see AJ go to WWE. He would probably end up as a midcarder, instead of getting the opportunity to be a Main Eventer in TNA. Yeah he might have taken a backseat and become a midcarder after losing his World Championship. But that let him work closer with Flair, the man who helped improved his mic ability immensely. When Styles comes back from his injury I have no doubt he'll be ready to main event in TNA again.

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