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Is there any wrestler that you can relate to?


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Gimmick wise of course. Have you ever seen anyone come down that ramp and say hmmm we've got some qualities in common!

For me I relate to Mick Foley. Thats why he's one of my top 3 favorites. Especially his Mankind character when he turned all goofy and silly and became the lovable loser.. THATS ME!! :p :blush:

Really think, why your favorite superstars is your favorite. Can you relate to him/her?

I don't think I'm alone on this. At least I hope not :shrug: :)

The Rock is the main guy I always could relate to he is one of the main reasons I got into wwe/f cause at 1st I was mostly a WcW fan cause that is what my dad got me into. He use to watch Raw every so often & I heard The Rock cut a promo on HHH & I thought to myself hey I kinda talk just like this. I use to really have this bad habit of talking in 3rd person when I grow up & when me & my friends use to joke around & talk about each other I use to rip them a new one by saying the most off the wall stuff. This is why my name is E Rock my friends changed it from E Like (my last name is Like) to this cause even they thought I sounded like The Rock at times & I'm really a confident person & sometimes I rub off on ppl as being cocky. The Hollywood part of my name came from the fact that I want to be an actor .
Some lad in my class said to me a 1-2 years ago that i remind him of Randy Orton. That i pull the same faces as he does, i speak in the same tone as him when he gets pissed (female tone of course because i am female). People say Randy is sadistic and on numerous occasions i'v been called sadistic (don't know why) i was called that many times that i looked it up in the dictionary because i didn't know what it meant.

But TBH i could say i relate to The Miz. I admit i am a cocky bitch just like The Miz is cocky. I'm confident just like Miz. My trash talk is right up there with The Miz. Trust me u don't wana get into an argument with me because i will rip you just like The Awesome One does. When i piss people off, at times i do say shite like i'm better than you blah blah blah, shit Miz would say to get heat but i do that for a buzz and because it's funny and because the other person who i piss off (usually a person who i don't like) gets vexed. But i don't love myself like The Miz does.
CM Punk. I follow the straight edge lifestyle, partially because of him. Also I love talking down to idiots and telling them how much better I am.

To clarify, I'm more like the SES preachy CM Punk.
Edge in his Rated-R Superstar gimmick. In fact, I even have a Rated-R Star tattoo on my left shoulder and Edge's "Rise Above" tattoo on my left forearm. (And soon to add a Dias De Los Muertos skull, not the exact same as him, but still)

I am lewd, crude, and obviously tattooed. I also do what I want even if it pisses people off and I am an opportunist. Pretty much anything from clothing style to attitude I have in common with Edge.
Jericho... Best in the World Circa...


Because when I go out to do something, I do it with the intent on becoming the best at doing it. I really connected to this gimmick more than anyone could ever imagine.
C.M Punk for sure. I am straightedge, and he is one of the few reasons I still watch WWE. He has become my 2nd favorite of all time. (1st being Tully Blanchard) But C.M Punk lives the same lifestyle as I do and is not afraid to me confident about it. ;)
I think I most relate to Kane, I like the colour red, my best years are behind me and I always performed better in a leather mask! Ha jokes.
Nah I don't think I can relate to any superstar ever, I'm just a normal guy and normal and gimmick don't go that well together (although gone are the days of over exaggeration). If I had to say I'd go with christian, face or heel he's a funny a guy and his timing is pretty spot on.
I can relate most to John Cena. I'm not a big fan but I am that guy fighting the good battle (in my opinion). I dont take shortcuts on anything and I try to keep a positive face wether people "boo" or "cheer" me. I can especially relate to what Cena said about The Rock, and how hes always there to show how he likes the fans. My hard work is often overlooked in favor of whoever rubs people the righter way. Cena's charcter is very real, its based on a simple guy just being as genuine as he can be and I think thats a good description of me. I dont do facades or mind games, I'm just straightup with it, just like the Cena character is: a good guy but at the same time not a pushover.
first off i just wanna say this is a really cool thread idea!

i think i relate most to Mr.Anderson & The Rock...because im an complete asshole like anderson in my day to day life i dont care if i piss people off doing what i do its just who i am and like anderson i admit im a asshole and im proud of it (NOTE: i was admitting i was a asshole when mr.anderson was mr.kennedy :lmao:)

the reason i relate to the rock is because theres times when i talk in 3rd person and i always refer to myself with The in front of my first name its funny,egotistical and just makes me even more of a asshole then before! lmfao
This is a fun thread.

Gotta be Daniel Bryan for me. Never in my life did I think the WWE would have a vegan wrestler, but... there ya go. He's also a fan of one of my favorite musical artists, Jeffrey Lewis. And, personality-wise, he doesn't seem like another one of these roid-rage meat heads, from what I can tell. I think we'd get along!
I can relate to different wrestlers at different times depending on my mood, when I'm happy I relate to Zach Ryder, when I'm angry Randy Orton. But over all I relate to the most is Owen hart. The younger brother always living in his brother shadow desperate to get out I feel like that a lot. I remember being so happy when he beat Bret hart wm10, jumped in the air and the people I was watching the event with look at me weird because owen was the bad guy. Another wrestler I related to was DDP, because he had learning disability like me.
I relate to Trish Stratus. Throughout Trish's career, she has always been 100% confident and hasn't cared what anyone else thinks; she knows she's beautiful and talented. I can be the biggest bitch or the nicest person ever, I'm not afraid of people and I don't back down, no fight is too big. Trish is the epitome of a good person who is strong, smart, and confident, I want to be a Diva someday and I use this attitude to keep myself hopeful and also to let others know what I don't mess around, but I can also be nice, I would give up my last dollar if it could help someone in need, and I'll always be there for people.
Christian for me, always getting the short end of the stick, and nobody in the back really recognizes his talent to be pushed. It's totally similar to my case in sports and other things.

Me i related more to Raven. I liked is grundge look and the fact that he was somewhat of a loner. Also i liked the fact that he is a metalhead like me and that he has t-shirts of bands that he saw in concerts like i do.
Jericho for sure for me. Not only his he my second favorite wrestler of all time. look at my name and ill give you 3 guesses as to my favorite. lol. but i relate to him because i am a metal head and a christian, and so is he.
Mick Foley, i used to do crazy , stupid shit when i was younger, now im in my mid 40's , have a fat ass and cant move very well because of arthritis from all of the injuries ive sustained.
John Cena. Some people love him for who he is, other people hate him for who he is. However, no matter what, he's always himself. People who dislike cena dislike him because it's the cool thing to do. They follow trends. I'm more like Cena, I don't follow trends, I'm me. I do what I like, I'm outspoken about what I like, I don't really care if you like it or not. It's who I am.

It's why his character is so awesome. I don't relate to the whole rapping thing, the jean shorts, the cornyness, because I'm not like that at all, however the true essense of the character, that's what I "get."
The late great Eddie Guerrero , basically put id do anything to win. If I'm playing sport I'm a very competitive guy, id do anything to win if I break the rules whatever doesn't matter endless your caught ;P
The Miz, because I'm awesome!

Okay that reply is cheap. But really, I can relate to the whole no one giving you a chance or taking you seriously in what you do and having zero respect from your peers in your field. In response to this feeling I tend to appear brash, cocky, arrogant and holding an inflated sense of self worth (I dont really have these characteristics but do tend to project them as some kind of defence mechanism)

So yeah I relate to the Miz's story, only he achieved his dreams, I'm still waiting :shrug:
Based on my two favourite wrestlers it is

Shawn Michaels:Because we both have the same name (Sean and yes i know its spelt differently and shawn isnt his real name but it said gimmick wise)

and Eddie Guerrero because in sports I always cheat and even did that thing playing soccer once where i tripped and guy and before the ref saw(because some mom was yelling at him)i fell over as well and pretended to be realy hurt and got our team the penalty.
Mega heel heat for the soccer sell?

Anyways I think most people relate to characters that are more fleshed out. Cena is a pretty deep character because it's actually him. Miz is kinda the same way. HBK was an arrogant but funny dude, kinda seems like him in real life.

Wrestlers in general are bad actors, but it's not hard to act like an amped up version of yourself because you're amped from 20K people. You are yourself because, well, you're you. So it makes sense.
I'd say I contain different traits of many wrestlers.

John Cena - I rarely give up for what I believe in

CM Punk - I dont drink or smoke, plain and simple lol

Zack Ryder - I fight for my cause with words and comedy

John Morrison - I say and sometimes do the wrong thing, but I still get the end job done

Santino Marrella - People take me seriously when im not being serious at all
I relate most to Kurt Angle at the moment, due to the fact that he is divorced and fighting his ex wife and current husband, well I am going through a divorce and fighting my ex wife in the courts. Its all for the kids, if not i just would have signed to get it overwith.

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