Is There A Reason To Have A Diva's Match at Hell In A Cell?


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I'm not arguing that the divas shouldn't have a match at the different PPVs, but why make one at HIAC. I mean they're clearly not going to do anything involving the cage, or if they try i'm sure KK wouldn't be able to make it look decent/believable...I think it would be smarter to give some of the midcarders a chance to have a HIAC match and maybe have a cool spot or 2, and my point in doing this is to use the Cell which is the whole point of the PPV..People want to see a brutal match involing people throwing each other into steel..I just can't see it looking good with KK even with the "divas of doom."

I can only imagine how annoying Cole would sound during that match lol...

So my question to the IWC is, should there be a divas match at HIAC?
Not every match at HIAC is an actual Hell in a Cell match. Last year, only two matches were HIAC matches, and I'd expect the same from this year. Therefore, a Divas match is fine as it most likely won't involve the cell, and it doesn't have to.
Yeah they should.

Most people don't think so but there is a niche fanbase that actually likes - well, perhaps a better word is acknowledges - the work the Divas do. Also there are some good female wrestlers out there on the indies. In addition to this it prevents the WWE from being accused of sexism, though that will probably happen anyway (because women in skimpy outfits automatically = sexism, right?!)

If it's there, then you need to acknowledge its presence with a match on most PPVs, if not all of them.

First of all, these gimmick PPVs don't all have matches of the gimmick type. It's not gonna be a Cell match. There is still this weird stigma with showing women inflict the level of violence on each other that it is ok for men to do. Ok I think Stratus and Lita had a hardcore match, with blood, on Raw once and they even main evented one time. In OVW Beth Phoenix had a ladder match with Katie Lea (Now TNA's Winter) and as bad as this is to say, I felt weird watching women be that violent in that kind of match. There were all kinds of bumps that many here would be surprised to see even Beth do.

Summary: Yeah, they should have a match, but no, it won't & shouldn't be a Hell in a Cell match.
The divas might get a match on the card. It obviously won't be a Hell In a Cell match though. This isn't TNA Lockdown. Only a few matches have to be in a steel cage. I would want to see Natalya get a title shot and defeat Kelly. Beth had a couple of title shots and three in a row would be a bit much. They should be on the card because at pretty much every show they get a match or segment, it just won't be inside a steel cage.
WWE has to put in a diva's match for this PPV. Otherwise, there would only be 3/4 matches on the night.

Not something that's worth $50. Should of added another week for the PPV, so they can at least build up something else, not two weeks after Night of Champions. Silly.
I think it'd be cool and would influence my decision to buy the PPV. One of my favorite things with SvsR11 was you COULD DO a diva HITC maych and it made a divas match fun. Only ones that can wrestle.
they should have one , how will they make super kelly win if they dont have one? lol
this is becoming really annoying!!!
Yes they should, but of course not inside the HIAC. Only the WHC and the WWEC are the one the would be in the cage. Divas match are good once in a while and they shouldn't remove it. It's not like we are having 2 or 3 divas match.

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