Is There A Real Zombie Game Out There?

Spidey Revivey

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I bet I have some of you out there goin :confused: dude, there are so many from Abomination: The Nemesis Project to the SNES classic Zombies Ate My Neighbors. But all of them seem to follow the same kind of settup whether:

A. You are stuck on an island with the creepy bastards.
B. In space/lab/military compound.
C. Leading an army to combat the living dead.
D. First Person Shooter with Fantastical Weaponry.

The zombie medium has seen its fair share of sci-fi horror. It has seen it's fair share of "isolated area" as well.

But what about an actual realistic view?

I'm talking about a Sandbox-style approach to gaming, like Grand Theft Auto is known for. Where you must really fight to survive day after night, for a place to rest, find food and ammo, and search for survivors while facing a serious pandemic upon your little video game world.

Does such a game exist?

I'm not talking about being a soldier in a game or be superhuman either. I mean playing as an average joe who is in a rural/urban area fending off hordes of zombies while trying to get the bare necessities like food, water, company, and shelter.

I want a realistic game here, where you can go into an abandoned supermarket for supplies or a person's home and find a weapon. I'm thinking of a serious approach to Zombieland with the massive areas of GTA. Think Night Of The Living Dead with access to vehicles and such.

Does anyone know of a game?
Not quite THAT realistic but there's always Dead Rising. You're a reporter and you go to this town that's been having strange reports. You get stuck in the mall and it's full of zombies (there's an achievement for killing 53,000ish). The second one, which is coming out soon, has you stuck in an entire city and the number of on screen zombies has been upgraded to 8,000 I believe. As for bare necessities I don't think you will have to hunt for things like that, but I do have limited knowledge of the second one. The first one gave you the ability to use random shit as weapons (charge with an umbrella, swing a bench, lawnmower, cars/motorcycles in the garage) and a few oddly placed real weapons like a katana and guns with very limited ammo

If you smoke pot, get the first one. There is an insane chainsaw juggling clown. Need I say more?
An actual realistic view...on zombies? Not sure where they would get reference material from on this one. There needs to be some sort of reason for the zombie population existing. Yuo can't just have them...there for no reason. The game would need a story. If you're only goal is to survive than there's really no point to the game. You need goals, you need things to accomplish or it's going to get incredibly boring incredibly fast.

The only game that I can think of that somewhat fits this Dead Rising. Still, there were things to do and things complete. You had a progressing storyline that kept the player interested. I see where you are coming from and the game you describe could be pretty interesting, but it needs to be a lot more polished than what you're describing.
An actual realistic view...on zombies? Not sure where they would get reference material from on this one. There needs to be some sort of reason for the zombie population existing. Yuo can't just have them...there for no reason. The game would need a story. If you're only goal is to survive than there's really no point to the game. You need goals, you need things to accomplish or it's going to get incredibly boring incredibly fast.

The only game that I can think of that somewhat fits this Dead Rising. Still, there were things to do and things complete. You had a progressing storyline that kept the player interested. I see where you are coming from and the game you describe could be pretty interesting, but it needs to be a lot more polished than what you're describing.

I apologize for my lack of detail. I meant like the usual "zombie outbreak" like disease, medical mishap and that standard deal. And I know it will need a lot more story than just Day One: Survive -Day Two: Survive Again. I didn't want to span too far away from ths subject of finding an actual you are stuck in a world of the living dead game. This isn't really my concept of what Zombie game I myself would create, but just an idea on what I cannot really find in that genre.

It does sound a little confusing, but this is what I am looking for:

-Play as a regular person/not a marine, cyborg, whatever.
-Needs necessities like food, rest, company, etc. to keep alive.
-Storyline revolves around finding others and not going insane in a world inhibited with the undead while killing 'em off. Of course the story should be much much more in depth than that, but I'm looking for something basic really.
-Expansive world, like mentioned a la GTA or even WoW. The bigger the better. Need things to do to keep it interesting. Travel is a must.

Idea came to me looking back at movies like Last Man On Earth (I Am Legend), Zombieland, and Night Of The Living Dead. I would like to see a game based on these mediums.

Not well descriptive I know, but like I stated it's not my "dream game". Just looking for a modern day representation of Zombieland gone wrong.

Will definitely look into this Dead Rising though.
I don't know there aren't necessarily games like that on Xbox or PS3 but there are internet games made about that which are pretty lame. I wouldn't like to think of something like that as it would bring in too much of a realistic feel to it.

I've always wanted to try to play a game where fighting a zombie is your last resort.
For instance your character only has a pistol & a knife(let's be realistic, I mean who the hell would leave a micro SMG in a kitchen?) and the zombies, who would naturally after all their minds only tell them the bare essentials which is eat to survive and hunt the weaker species or pose a threat. Naturally they would hunt together so maybe your character would have to run from them and violence would be the last resort. These would have been pretty cool in a game such as Resident Evil.
Left 4 Dead is basically Zombieland.. only you're playing a movie. If you took out the movie part then you would see that it seems legit.
Left 4 Dead is NO WHERE near the kind of game COR is looking for. L4D is nothing more than running through a straight level and killing tons of zombies with guns and a few melee weapons. Cult is looking for a big time, survivor zombie game, not a mario party with zombies. Cult, like I said, right now your best bet is to try Dead Rising or wait for Dead Rising 2
Left 4 Dead is NO WHERE near the kind of game COR is looking for. L4D is nothing more than running through a straight level and killing tons of zombies with guns and a few melee weapons. Cult is looking for a big time, survivor zombie game, not a mario party with zombies. Cult, like I said, right now your best bet is to try Dead Rising or wait for Dead Rising 2

I agree with TokiRKO here Cult. Your best bet is Dead Rising or Dead Rising 2. From the description of the game that you want to play, Dead Rising is almost exactly what you want. Especially if you play in the Infinity mode where you have to eat food every so often just to stay alive in the mall.

Give Dead Rising or Dead Rising 2 a look, you shouldn't be disappointed.
Left 4 Dead, to me at least, feels like an actual zombie apocalypse is going on.

Dead Rising definitely had something going for them, but I just didn't feel like I was killing zombies.

Also, I guess you could kinda say [PROTOTYPE] in a way is the sandbox - zombie survival game, but you're not an average joe.

I don't know. I think a game like that would be very, very interesting.

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