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Is there a chance the united states and ecw titles will be defended at wrestlemania


Pre-Show Stalwart
As of late i seen on smackdown and on ecw that there builting up a feud with both titles for the ecw title finley christian and jack swagger and for the united states title chavo shelton and mvp and i was thinking do you think there builting these to thing up for 2 wrestlemania matches with 5 or 6 weeks until mania it very much could happen both seem pretty good in my opinoins espically the united states title match thats the reason i watch smackdown every week just to see where it well go and im glad there push the usa title again but thats another thread also i think if wwe are going with that idea it wont be that bad i mean with the united states title all the mania matches with that were pretty good to decent ( see benoit mvp or cena big show} and as for the ecw title well i just hope it dose not end up like last year 13 secounds dule yeah well thats my thoughts on this but what did you think is there a chance that both belts well be defended at mania
I definitely don't see there being a match for the U.S. Championship. Since CM Punk has qualified for MITB, I don't see why the U.S. Title should be defended at WM 25 when the Intercontinental Championship will not be defended. So, I'm guessing Shelton Benjamin qualifies for MITB.

As for the ECW Title, this will definitely be defended. More than likely, Swagger's opponent will either be Finlay or Tommy Dreamer. It could be Christian, but it is my belief that WWE just put him on ECW until the draft. Thus, if Christian qualifies for MITB, I would look for him to win it.
I hate to burst your bubble and sense of hope, but as far as the US Title goes. Not a chance. Unless Shelton Benjamin drops the belt before WM25, Shelton will be in the MITB match. He has the one move, the one moment, the one spot every single year that everybody remembers and this year won't be any different. He steals the show every year even though he doesn't go over. The ECW Title however I think could be defended. Although as much as I want Christian to be ECW Champ... I want to see him in MITB even more. I think if we could see Finlay with the ECW Title, he could win it at WM25 over Swagger in an Extreme Rules match. I would say Belfast Brawl, but since we had one last year, I just don't think they'd call it the same thing even though the matches are pretty much one in the same. But I'd like to see Extreme Rules match or Belfast Brawl with Finlay and Swagger at WM25. And again, as for the US Title... don't count on it unless Shelton drops it before hand.

Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer is also a viable match for WM25. But since his contract is up in June and One Night Stand or Night of Extreme or Extreme Rules or whatever the eff you wanna call it is also the beginning of June and it's seen as kinda sorta a ppv as an homage to the original ECW (but even that's a stretch), I would see Tommy Dreamer finally winning the ECW Title at ONS and not WM25. I see Finaly going over Swagger at WM25 and Swagger getting it back at some point between then and ONS and Dreamer going over at ONS.
I think we all can agree that Shelton Benjamin puts on a very good showing in every Money in the Bank match he's been in. But the question is: How many MitB matches can Shelton Benjamin be in before finally winning it? I mean, Benjamin puts his life on the life once a year, at Wrestlemania and there will come a time that he will say that he'll no longer compete in the match, until he can win it.

Since the Intercontinental Champion, C.M. Punk is in the MitB, it would make sense whether WWE decides to put the U.S. Champion, Shelton Benjamin in the Bank match or have him defend the title. I've loved seeing Shelton in every Money in the Bank match he's been in, but I think it would be a wiser decision to have him defend the title. Assuming, Shelton Benjamin is still the champion by Wrestlemania 25, it would have been about 8.5 months since he won the title and what better way to go to the grandest stage of them all as the champ, whether you lose or win. So, in conclusion... I would very much prefer to see Shelton Benjamin defend the U.S. Championship in a Fatal Four match against M.V.P., Chavo Guerrero, and Mr. Kennedy, but if he is in the Money in the Bank match, I'm not opposed to it. I JUST HOPE THAT SHELTON BENJAMIN IS NOT COMPLETELY TAKEN OFF THE CARD!
I defenitly can see the ECW title on the line at wrestlemania. i think it should be swagger vs christian vs finlay vs henry. that would be an awesome match. but realisticly i think its gonna be christian vs swagger for the title.

As for the US title i would love to see it on the line, because of mvp r truth and chavo guerrero. but the money in the bank is sooo much better with benjamin in the match because of his style. but it would be nice to have the us title on the line because it normally is on the line at wrestlemania and usually a good match.
I can see Christian going for the ECW strap at Mania. Swagger's a good wrestler, I'll give him that, even though Im not his biggest fan. But Christian vs Swagger at Mania is one that Im betting will be a very good match if it does happen. I hope the WWE actually does it justice though and doesnt put it as one of the opening matches... mind you, Vince has never seen all that much in Captain Charisma...

As much as I would like to see the U.S title defended, it's not like any belts matter these days but world championships so I wouldn't be betting on it at all. But like I have said previously, midcarders can have extremely diverse and entertaining matches should they be given the right opportunities. I just wish the U.S title meant as much now as it used to.
The only title I think that'll probably be defended at Wrestlemania is the ECW championship with Swagger probably going into Wrestlemania as the ECW champion defending against Christian possibly even a triple threat with Finlay.
I don't think the U.S. Championship will be defended at Wrestlemania, I actually think Shelton Benjamin if he's still the champion by Wrestlemania will be in the Money in the Bank ladder match unless they decided to have MVP wrestle Shelton Benjamin for the US title.
man, you should really start using points and commas ;)

@topic: i could really imagine that at this years wrestlemania. the swagger-christian feud seems to be leading to mania, and the mvp-benjamin feud could lead to mania too. although the united states belt could change hands at a smackdown! show because it would also be great seeing benjamin in the mitb ladder match!
I wouldnt have U.S tiltle at mania mybe 2 weeks before then 1 or both of them in MiTB if there are any spots left. But as far as ECW title goes i would have it at mania and hopefully more than 8 seconds this time
The U.S and Intercontinental titles will not be defended at WM25, I would bet on them not seeing a defense, but I wish they would be defended as it would help to build more prestige to these titles, which have suffered since the "attitude era". We klnow Punk is in the MITB bout but we can hope and pray for an MVP -vs- Benjamin title fight.
Possibly neither, if any of them i'd say the ECW title has more than a 50% chance, especially as they have been pushing Swagger about as much as anyone on ECW can be pushed. My guess they'll have something to do with Finaly or Christian, all though Christian himself is a good fit for MITB and wouldnt be surprised if they had him win that (his reward for resigning with them)

as the u.s. title, a very small chance, i think Shelton vs MVP could be a great match, but both are probably destined for another spot in MITB. I just dont see them giving them a singles match on the big show (all though before Beniot did his thing they did defend it with a couple singles matches 2 years in a row and 22 and 23)
Well considering that the following matches take place...

1.Money in the Bank

2.Jericho vs. Former Wrestler/Actor/Boxer... w/e match

3.Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

4. HHH vs. Randy Orton (WWE title)

5. Edge vs. Cena (WHC title)

6. Jeff vs. Matt Hardy

Those are the only matches I would bet are pretty much guaranteed to show up at WM. Considering the fact that they have to have a Diva's match (They've had a Diva's only match every WM since WMXV. WMXIV had an intergender tag team match however) it'll probably be Melina vs. Beth Pheonix.

I do not see the United States Championship match being held whatsoever. I wouldn't be suprised to NOT see an ECW title defense either. In my opinion they should.

Christian vs. Swagger in an ECW Extreme Rules Match.

The reason I wouldn't be suprised is, the matches that I listed, if they are in fact the ones going to be booked...None of them look like they'll be shorter than 15 minutes. Only the Diva's match and possibly Jericho's will go under 10.
Well considering that the following matches take place...

1.Money in the Bank

2.Jericho vs. Former Wrestler/Actor/Boxer... w/e match

3.Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

4. HHH vs. Randy Orton (WWE title)

5. Edge vs. Cena (WHC title)

6. Jeff vs. Matt Hardy

Those are the only matches I would bet are pretty much guaranteed to show up at WM. Considering the fact that they have to have a Diva's match (They've had a Diva's only match every WM since WMXV. WMXIV had an intergender tag team match however) it'll probably be Melina vs. Beth Pheonix.

I do not see the United States Championship match being held whatsoever. I wouldn't be suprised to NOT see an ECW title defense either. In my opinion they should.

Christian vs. Swagger in an ECW Extreme Rules Match.

The reason I wouldn't be suprised is, the matches that I listed, if they are in fact the ones going to be booked...None of them look like they'll be shorter than 15 minutes. Only the Diva's match and possibly Jericho's will go under 10.

These matches seem correct, the only chance would be the Banjamin -vs- MVP bout, which I really, really hope happens at WM25, it would definatly add to an already stacked card.
I feel there's a strong chance that there will be a US title match involving Shelton, MVP, possibly Chavo, and maybe even a fourth competitor (R-Truth?). But probably just those three.

I thought it'd just be a fued between Shelton and MVP, but Chavo's been involved way to much to not get a shot at the belt. He's even beaten Shelton cleanly. I think they're building towards a triple threat for the belt at WM, with MVP winning.

"I definitely don't see there being a match for the U.S. Championship. Since CM Punk has qualified for MITB, I don't see why the U.S. Title should be defended at WM 25 when the Intercontinental Championship will not be defended. So, I'm guessing Shelton Benjamin qualifies for MITB."

The US title's been defended at WM's 20, 22, 23. It wouldn't be the first time the US title made the card and the IC title was snubbed.

The ECW title will definately be defended. It'll either be a Swagger/Christian rematch. Or Tommy Dreamer can get his shot at Swagger while Christian competes in the MITB. Maybe that'll be a triple threat also.

I can't see Swagger being added to the MITB, nor do I see him off the card with the way he's been built up. Look for Swagger defending the belt at 'Mania.

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