Is there a better pick for world champion than AJ Styles?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
No. There isn't.

I think the only real contender for that crown would be Jarrett. I can't decide whether he's coming back full time and half time. Neither can he, I think. At least he has the decency to not hold the belt while he decides, unlike some people.

His matches with Angle showed that he's still got it though. I reckon he'd make a pretty decent face champion. Problem is, who is there left for him to face that he hasn't already? You've got Booker T and you've exhausted the list already. His match with Joe was a bit of an anomaly so a repeat wouldn't be so bad. Y'know, if he converts his excess flab back into sanity.

I'll only mention Sting because he's currently holding the belt. Terrible champion. The worst TNA has ever had, quite possibly. His most convincing win so far is the match where he had his own referee and personal enforcer there. Bravo.

Otherwise, you've only got the up-and-comers that might be good champions but that TNA would not be willing to invest in. Hernandez springs to mind. I will admit TNA do a good job of making him look strong. Roode and Storm are both exceptionally promising. Shame they'll be propping up the tag division for maybe years to come. I could see them putting it on Suicide, sadly.

AJ Styles is the champion the company needs. He's always the most over person in the entire company, but never gets the main event that his popularity warrants. Have him win the title, at long last, at Bound For Glory and I will show you a roof being blown off an arena.

It's about time a dramatically over face held the belt. I don't think it has ever happened before.
No there isn't. AJ Styles is 30 years old but he feels like he's been around forever. In today's wrestling business, 30 is nothing. If TNA is around for say 10 more years, AJ could be their top guy all 10 of them. He's the undisputed biggest star that TNA has ever produced. His being the first to hold all four men's titles is the absolute best choice as no one else deserves it. He's held the triple crown three times already. That's nothing short of mind blowing. AJ is the king of TNA and he deserves the top belt before people start thinking that Angle is a TNA wrestler, because he's not. AJ and Jeff are the two big time TNA originals left. Jarrett is getting up in years while Styles is just reaching his prime. Give him the title as there isn't anyone that deserves it more.
See AJ styles is TNA Jeff hardy he a spot monkey he overrated and he has won almost every title even though he sucks
Spot monkeys fucking rock. The logic behind that is this: what are the best parts of the match? The spots. A spot is known as a spot because it's an exciting part of the match. Why anybody would dislike a wrestler who repeatedly performs exciting moves is beyond me. Once you find someone that can put feasible transitions between these numerous spots, you're golden.

AJ Styles is a spot monkey who can wrestle an actual match; hence why he's so widely popular. He understands where spots should go and why they go there, but they're still fucking sick when he does them.

Shit, who even needs feasible transitions? The Money in the Bank is popular because John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin and the like just bump around like there's no tomorrow.

Anyway, AJ is the best spot monkey there is today. The guy is fearless and entertaining. Evan Bourne is more unorthodox, but he's just going to injure himself over and over, so people will be reluctant to invest time and money in him. Go with someone equally as popular who won't be breaking themselves every month. AJ, on the other hand, is as smooth as silk. That makes him injury free.

Not only that, but - like I said - he is the most over person in TNA today. That's not even arguable. More over than Jarrett, more over than Angle. More over than Joe, Sting, Foley, Abyss, whoever. Why would you not want him as your champion? He also bleeds charisma these days and is more than competent on the stick. The only people who are generally considered better talkers are Jarrett and Angle. Personally, I reckon Shelley and Storm, but others don't.

If AJ's overrated, he's overrated. Even though he's not. But even if he is; he's still popular, isn't he? And he'd still be a successful world champion.
Untill Joe sorts out his temper and his weight,Aj seems the only feasible choice.Jarrett is busy as founder so rule him out.And the "Sleeping Pill" champ,well he is just boring the hell out of me.Angle is too busy jumping in and out of feuds.They need a change,and fast!

Abyss would have been a good choice,but his good boy gimmick is crap,so untill his mind fucks up and he goes crazy,stick to the therapy.Matt Morgan kind of bores me,actually really bores me.Roode and Storm are tag team wrestlers,great one's at that,so they aren't championship material-Yet.Hernandez will hopefully get a clean shot,but I still can't see him winning the title.Steiner,nash and booker.Please.They want to improve the company,not destroy it.Rhino seems to have disappeared so ount him out.So that leaves only AJ.

I would love for AJ,the "man" in TNA,to win the title and bring up the company.But I doubt it now he has the "Legends" title,which he is the only deservant aswell,so we may have to wait for the Phenomenal reign.Pity,well at least Sting cures my insomnia nowadays.
A.J. is not only the best choice for Champion I am suprised every week that goes by that he is not at the minimum in the hunt for the title. If I had to go with other possible champions it would be a short list of Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Robert Roode, and Kazarian if and when he gets back. If TNA learns from WCW not to let MEM (the nWo) to completely take over then they will realize that the imaginary faction of the Front Line needs to have the championship and A.J. {who is by the way the first grandslam TNA champ ever) needs to be the one to do it.
But then what do you do with AJ if he does win the championship because of his Attitude no one like wrestling him
Honestly.. I see AJ Styles as the second most deserving man in the company right now for champion.. Why do I say second most? I think Christopher Daniels should be the man to win the TNA Championship from Sting. See, unless Kaz is ready to return and resume his role playing Suicide, I think they may make some sort of angle out of Suicide reverting back to the Fallen Angel, and they re-kick off the greatest TNA Feud that never was. The Daniels/Sting feud. As they had started it briefly in late 06 or early 07, but it never went anywhere.. I truly believe Daniels has been deserving since his feud with AJ Styles in 2006.. Yet, both men... Who might I say, are over and absolutely fantastic talents, have been buried in the mid-card.. To an extent where Daniels had actually been fired in Kayfabe... TWICE.. but I think this is the right time, however, I don't see how it would work with Sting slowly turning face once again.. As he was, well.. I wouldn't say he was a heel, he was a bad tweener.. Regardless of his alignment. I believe if not Daniels, the only logical choice would be AJ Styles.

Even if they choose not to give AJ that push, although they should... I fear they may re-push Samoa Joe to the main event.. Don't get me wrong, Samoa Joe is an amazing talent, and he has enough charisma and a strong enough character to get over... Yet, why would TNA want a man with that image, in the mainstream wrestling world nonetheless, as their frontman? He doesn't have the look.. anyways, I've said my piece.
If Jeff Jarrett ever comes back as a full time wrestler, I wouldn't mind him winning the title at some point. But in the current situation, AJ Styles is the only choice. He should be the one that takes the title away from the Main EVent Mafia and bring it back to the Frontline and TNA. I would have had this happen at Lockdown, but knowing TNA, it will happen months after nobody really cares anymore. So I am fully expecting them to have him win it at Bound For Glory. TNA will want there best home grown talent to take it at their biggest show. Right now it seems as if they are making AJ face every MEM member before he finally gets his shot at Sting. I say it seems because I haven't watched TNA in months and really have no idea whats going on besides AJ fighting Booker.
Something wild, crazy, and unexpected should happen. I haven't been surprised at all at a championship match since Orton beat Benoit at Summerslam 04. Something like a match where Sting beats AJ Styles on a PPV(not cleanly tho), leave room for about 20 seconds of MEM euphoria, and OUT COMES HERNANDEZ cashing in the briefcase, and one border toss later, we have a new TNA World Champ and suddenly the MEM is 1-upped by the Frontline, finally! Something like that..
I'm almost forced to agree, but it's more of a testament as to how weak the overall talent pool seems because of the craptastic booking. AJ Styles had a lot of his credibility hurt by playing the comical flunky to both Christian Cage and Kurt Angle. He's only just started to emerge from that bout of ridiculiusness.

AJ Styles is good, no doubt, but he still needs work. His promos are decent at best, and in all honesty I think he could benefit from some coaching to get his pacing down. His matches are almost always good, but he is a spot monkey that relies heavily on those high spots, rather than story telling.

That being said, I think that I would prefer building up people like Hernandez, Roode or Storm be boosted to main event level with a title run rather than having AJ hold it.

Also, I don't think he gets the biggest pops from the crowd. I'll be damned, but it always seems to me that Jay Lethal gets monster pops, oddly enough...
But then what do you do with AJ if he does win the championship because of his Attitude no one like wrestling him

I have never, ever heard of AJ's attitude problems. I did witness him going a little stiff on Steiner, but that was almost after Steiner broke his neck. The likes of Angle, Foley, Sting and Jarrett could all gladly walk away from a match with AJ, but none of them did.

Are you thinking of Randy Orton? Or Alex Shelley perhaps?

Next up; that guy that said Christopher Daniels.

Honestly.. I see AJ Styles as the second most deserving man in the company right now for champion..

Second most? Why do you say that?

Why do I say second most?

Yes. Why?

I think Christopher Daniels should be the man to win the TNA Championship from Sting.

Ah, I see. Christopher Daniels retuning to take revenge on the man that proved he wasn't good enough to be in the main event.

I believe if not Daniels, the only logical choice would be AJ Styles.

You seem to be implying that Daniels would be a logical choice.

I'm almost forced to agree, but it's more of a testament as to how weak the overall talent pool seems because of the craptastic booking.

Anything in the last bit anti-AJ Styles is just wrong. He has universal appeal. Hence this statement is wrong. Yes, despite agreeing that the talent pool is weak and the booking decisively craptastic. AJ Styles being a credible option is not testament to that.

80's Hulk Hogan could hop out of a time machine and yell, "I have travelled through time, collecting the very best of professional wrestling and we're all here to work for TNA!" and AJ Styles would still be a credible option. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a little.

AJ Styles had a lot of his credibility hurt by playing the comical flunky to both Christian Cage and Kurt Angle. He's only just started to emerge from that bout of ridiculiusness.

AJ could take a shit on someone's face and the fans would have gladly forgotten about it ten minutes later. I've even managed to to repress the "I am legend!" memory. He emerged from said bout of ridiculousness - where he took a much-needed soak in the wacky heart of TNA in order to gain some character - the moment he hinted a face turn.

AJ Styles is good, no doubt, but he still needs work.

Hey, even Randy Savage had room for improvement.

His promos are decent at best, and in all honesty I think he could benefit from some coaching to get his pacing down.

His pacing's fine. In TNA, being "decent at best" at promos means you're the cream of the crop. Like I said, only a few names above him - Foley, Jarrett and Angle. Sting's beneath him.

His matches are almost always good, but he is a spot monkey that relies heavily on those high spots, rather than story telling.

Story telling, smory telling. If it's not a problem for SlyFox, it shouldn't be a problem for people that don't over-analyse everything they come across.

That being said, I think that I would prefer building up people like Hernandez, Roode or Storm be boosted to main event level with a title run rather than having AJ hold it.

AJ could beat them and still put them over. There's no shame in losing to everyone's favourite wrestler.

Also, I don't think he gets the biggest pops from the crowd. I'll be damned, but it always seems to me that Jay Lethal gets monster pops, oddly enough...

You'd think so, but you'd be wrong.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christopher Daniels but you don't come back from being Curry Man and get handed the world title.

AJ is great in the ring but his stick work is nowhere near good enough for a world champion in a company with as much exposure as TNA now has. He's always been average at best, his work only looks better when compared next to Samoa Joe's.

I do think it's time for Sting to lose the title now though, hopefully he doesn't win it back again at Bound for Glory V lol. Obviously Foley won't win it off him at Lockdown due to his inability to wrestle regularly/executive shareholder role on tv. No one is really standing out as a real challenger right now, much like the competition for Awesome Kong in the knockout division. Hopefully Sarah Stock comes soon and sorts that out.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christopher Daniels but you don't come back from being Curry Man and get handed the world title.

You're right. You come back from being Suicide, X Division champion and professional gimp, and get handed the world title. I mean, he was a big part of the X Division once upon a time. Instant world title material, surely?

AJ is great in the ring but his stick work is nowhere near good enough for a world champion in a company with as much exposure as TNA now has. He's always been average at best, his work only looks better when compared next to Samoa Joe's.

Yeah, Joe does suck. Considering how below par AJ's skills are, can you imagine if they put the belt on Samoa Joe? Even worse, can you imagine if he had a considerable reign?

At this point, I should point out that Sting is at best competent on the stick. He's as slippery as The Undertaker, but much blander.

I do think it's time for Sting to lose the title now though, hopefully he doesn't win it back again at Bound for Glory V lol.

It's TNA, baby. 'Course Sting will win the title at BFG.

Hopefully Sarah Stock comes soon and sorts that out.

Sarah Stock for world champion? Fuck it, I'm on-board!
You're right. You come back from being Suicide, X Division champion and professional gimp, and get handed the world title. I mean, he was a big part of the X Division once upon a time. Instant world title material, surely?

Great athlete for sure, but just doesn't have that world champion look. In no way can you believe that Kurt Angle, Sting, Joe etc wouldn't kick his as sin a real fight.

Yeah, Joe does suck. Considering how below par AJ's skills are, can you imagine if they put the belt on Samoa Joe? Even worse, can you imagine if he had a considerable reign?

Is this a sarcastic reference to last years Joe title debacle? you don't seriously think that was a good reign do you?

At this point, I should point out that Sting is at best competent on the stick. He's as slippery as The Undertaker, but much blander.

Yeah he isn't great, but unlike AJ he doesn't have to sell himself to casual viewers as pretty much anyone who's ever seen a wrestling match knows Sting.

It's TNA, baby. 'Course Sting will win the title at BFG.

Don't jinx it now lol

Sarah Stock for world champion? Fuck it, I'm on-board!

Not quite my plan...if it was the year 2000 it might've still been Russo's lol

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Great athlete for sure, but just doesn't have that world champion look. In no way can you believe that Kurt Angle, Sting, Joe etc wouldn't kick his as sin a real fight.

Wrestling isn't about what would happen in a real fight though, is it? If it were, the Big Show and the Great Khali would hold the belts indefinitely, and Chris Jericho would have never got a look in.

Is this a sarcastic reference to last years Joe title debacle? you don't seriously think that was a good reign do you?

Nor do I think it was a bad one. His match with Angle and his match with Sting (save the dodgy Nash interference) were marvellous book ends, with an unremarkable in-between. Some people did like his feud with Booker.

At the very least, he was a fighting champion. That's more than you can say for Sting, who I don't think has won a match clean since winning the belt. Of course, ratings are up by an entire point with Sting in charge.

Yeah he isn't great, but unlike AJ he doesn't have to sell himself to casual viewers as pretty much anyone who's ever seen a wrestling match knows Sting.

AJ's not actually bad though. He's cut some good promos. No, they won't be setting the world on fire. No, they won't be referenced as the moment that "Stone Cold" AJ Styles was born. They are, however, the promos of someone competent enough to carry a company. SlyFox (Slyfox696) appreciates this aspect of AJ much more than me.

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If they put the belt on AJ again then fair enough, deserves it for what he's done for the company and he hasn't held the TNA title belt, only the old NWA one.

Just can't see it now he's Legends champ, think they might look to bring someone in to join the front line and give them a real push as they need it badly. Last 2 months it's been about MEM in fighting with little mention of front line faction.

In an ideal world an RVD or a Goldberg would be perfect...ah I can but dream.
Does anyone else remember the triple threat for the X title from Unbreakable 2005 featuring Daniels, Styles, and Joe? That match was FUCKING sick and I saw it on the best of styles vol 2, made me tune into TNA.

Have Styles win the belt and before or during or however, get daniels back, built into a contender and build a fued amongst these two real life friends, after a while introduce joe and try to reproduce the magic, they've had ...3 or 4 triple threats i believe but that first was O_O.

Back to original statement, I feel styles should win it as he wasnt been champ since tna became "popular" or what have you, give him belt now, sure his promos need some work but hes MUCH better then he used to be. See what happens, even a dropped attempt by Styles would be more entertaining then Angle or Sting atm....wait whos even champ? Sting? Angle? I saw last ppv but cant remember..and no i'm not tryin to be cute but whosever champ isnt sticking out to me...which means either up their character or change to someone else.
Does anyone else remember the triple threat for the X title from Unbreakable 2005 featuring Daniels, Styles, and Joe? That match was FUCKING sick and I saw it on the best of styles vol 2, made me tune into TNA.

That's one of my favourite matches. However, you have that style of match in the main event of a modern TNA pay-per-view and it ain't gonna work. And I don't just mean that AJ is the only one out of the three that has improved since then.

Have Styles win the belt and before or during or however, get daniels back, built into a contender and build a fued amongst these two real life friends, after a while introduce joe and try to reproduce the magic, they've had ...3 or 4 triple threats i believe but that first was O_O.

What is this love for Christopher Daniels? It confuses me as much as the love for Kookie Kutter Kruiserweight Kaz. He's just another bland cruiserweight. It's kind of fitting how he and Kaz have both donned the Suicide outfit.

His tag team with AJ was great; that's the highlight of his career. When Sting can't put you over - and it doesn't seem as if he likes to put a lot of people over, ask James Storm - then you're just not main event material.

AJ Styles is, was and always will be in another league completely to Christopher Daniels.

wait whos even champ? Sting? Angle? I saw last ppv but cant remember..and no i'm not tryin to be cute but whosever champ isnt sticking out to me...which means either up their character or change to someone else.

He's Sting. He's just beginning a moderately interesting program with Mick Foley, actually.
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