Is the WWE Youtube Channel An Attempt To Reach The IWC?


Dark Match Winner
Pardon for the long title, however I would like you to think about it.

Let's look at some of the most current discussions among us IWCers.
Some of us enjoy the Miracle at Milan, Santino Marella. We get a very awesome match at Elimination Chamber and a Youtube site featuring Santino.

Some of us crave for DX?
We get a return of Road Dogg in the Rumble and a channel with him and Josh Matthews.

Zack Ryder?
WWE picked up his videos, I'm sure we can all figure out why.

Oh, you want wrestling?
They play random "classic" matches and review the weekly shows.

And TNA has backstage interviews!
Well... The WWE has Backstage Fallout.

My questions are:

1. Will this be relevant in the future of the WWE?
2. Will this take the place of WWE Studios?
3. Can this increase ratings to the weekly shows?
Vince McMahon understands that social media is a big trend right now. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are 3 of the biggest sites on the web. If thats where the people are, then thats where he wants to be. He understands that everyone, not just the "IWC" uses those sites.
Its just Vince trying to push his company more towards the main stream thats all.

Im sure he's trying to specifically aim at the IWC with this but i agree there have been times recently where he has tried to satisfy the hardcore fan which i am fine with personally.
I would say that the WWE YouTube channel, like anything promoted by WWE on their weekly programming, is an attempt to reach not just the IWC, but any viewers they can get. I'm not sure how much time the IWC is spending on their YouTube channel, but, if you're like me you don't really care.

There's something for everyone on the official YouTube channel of the WWE! If you haven't checked out Santino's "Foreign Exchange" yet, then get your butt over there and make sure your sides are well-taped to prevent splitting. It's the kind of entertainment you don't need to be a member of the IWC to enjoy.

I think that they should extend on some of this programming because it's so overwhelmingly entertaining. If only there were a channel... a 24 hour, 7 days a week kind of channel... where I could watch that kind of programming through my cable or satellite provider... well, I'd do nothing short of paying an added monthly subscription fee to get it.

Yes indeed, the WWE YouTube channel has certainly tantalized me into hoping for something extended with more commercials. It's got me enjoying quality WWE programming even when it's not live, adrenaline pumping in-ring action on Raw or Smackdown.

Be you a casual viewer, member of the oh-so exclusive IWC, wrasslin fanatic, or comedy lover, you should stop by the official YouTube channel of the WWE! "Chop chop suey, Yoshi, let's gooooo..." Best regards, fellow wrestling fans.
The WWE has never been overly concerned with courting the IWC. It's an exercise in futility because, as a whole, the IWC never seems satisfied. You have the factions that want unexpected stuff to happen, yet complain as much as ever when & if it happens. You have the factions that believe they have some sort of special insight that nobody else has and that everything that WWE does should be exactly what they think it should be. You've got the factions that want certain wrestlers pushed and when & if they are pushed, they'll usually complain that they're not being "used right" and so on and so forth.

I think pretty much all wrestling fans go online but not all fans who go online are members of the IWC. I'd say a good 70% of the posts you'll read on these forums are complaints or criticisms about one thing or another in the WWE. If the majority of WWE's audience felt the same way as most of the negative posters, the WWE would have long since gone out of business.

If anything, I think the WWE's Youtube! channel is pretty much aimed at just about anybody. Fans who watch it, people that don't watch it but might be interested, fans who used to watch and might watch again, people that'd never watched anything pro wrestling related in their lives, etc.
As others have said Mcmahon is big on the social media thing, plus he's always been big on exploring new frontiers in media so this is right up his alley. As for courting the IWC, I think that's probably the furthest thing from his mind seeing as the IWC doesn't have a unified opinion or agenda. It's just a bunch of people complaining about one thing or another. We really have nothing in common with eachother except for the fact that we watch wrestling and own computers so trying to lock in on what would make the community happy would be impossible and pointless.
To me, "IWC" is a mindset. That mostly being an incredibly ignorant "WRESTLING AND MOOOVEZ SELL".

fans on the internet aren't all "IWC". I know that's the definition, but it's an outdated one. Now, EVERYONE uses the internet. However, not EVERYONE has the same mindset as the prototypical IWC mark who likes to watch people in baggy pants and kickpads no sell headdrops for 45 minutes.

I don't think the WWE's youtube stuff has anything to do with the IWC, they don't give a fuck about the typical IWC fan because they generally don't know anything. They think insane thoughts like "Sheamus sucks because, even though he's over, he only clubs people despite that pretty much fitting his character". WWE doesn't care about the IWC. All this internet stuff the WWE is doing is simply to "keep up with the Joneses" with the entertainment industry. don't give yourself that much credit, you (typical IWC mark) don't matter.
Vince McMahon understands that social media is a big trend right now. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are 3 of the biggest sites on the web. If thats where the people are, then thats where he wants to be. He understands that everyone, not just the "IWC" uses those sites.

Exactly. The internet is so easily accessible by people that Vince has no choice but to embrace it now. The YouTube shows seem more like test runs for potential 30 minute shows on the WWE Network whenever that comes to fruition.
All this internet stuff the WWE is doing is simply to "keep up with the Joneses" with the entertainment industry. don't give yourself that much credit, you (typical IWC mark) don't matter.

Yep, what it is is just another outlet for WWE to expose their product. They know a lot of people use Youtube and they're hoping to capitalize on it.
The WWE Youtube Channel is a very very VERY sad attempt at trying to Steal from Zack Ryder.

Where did ryder get his popularity? Youtube and HIS Youtube show. Why did Ryder get the US Title? Because of all the fans he garnered From his popular YouTube Show.

So what happened? At the Height of his Popularity, Ryder gets tossed into a storyline as a crash test dummy, all the while WWE starts their little youtube channel to try and do what One Man did on his own, get noticed. They want the "Internet Success" that got Ryder SO Much attention. Lets see where it gets them..
1. Will this be relevant in the future of the WWE?
2. Will this take the place of WWE Studios?
3. Can this increase ratings to the weekly shows?

In response to your questions

1. yes, because it appears to me that the internet is having a bigger effect in how the WWE runs business. With the fact that WWE has its own You tube channel.
2. Yes, because I can't remember a major film that has come out of WWE studios with the possible exception of See no evil.
3. I don't think it will make that much of a difference as regular fans will probably watch the show regardless and I am not sure casual fans will follow the You tube channel as they do not watch it week in week out.

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