''Is The Walkout Creating Breakout Opportunities For Young Superstars?''


There are few occupations as competitive as that of a WWE Superstar. And with nearly the entire Raw locker room unanimous in its decision to walk out on WWE Chief Operating Officer Triple H, there are many new opportunities on the table for up-and-coming young competitors – but only if they’re willing to take them.

As noted by Triple H himself in an interview with WWE.com, the COO will not step down from running the day-to-day operations of WWE Raw SuperShow, meaning that the protests will continue indefinitely. To date, only John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show have confirmed they will appear on Monday night in spite of the walkout. These ring warriors are undoubtedly five of the most exciting Superstars in recent history, but it’s unrealistic to think that WWE Raw SuperShow can carry on with only a roster of five. As such, perhaps this is the opening many young and hungry ring warriors have been waiting for. But are they willing to stand apart from their fellow protesters in order to capitalize on this unique situation?

Since a walkout of this scale has never occurred in WWE history – the September 1999 referee protest notwithstanding (STORY) – it’s hard to gauge what sorts of consequences would be wrought upon those who attempted to return to action after walking out on the COO. Would their fellow disgruntled Superstars understand their decisions? Would they make new enemies among those protesting? And, perhaps most importantly, would The Game even allow them to compete after turning their backs on him and, in his eyes, the WWE Universe? All questions to consider for those who might be having second thoughts over opting to protest the so-called “unsafe working environment” The King of Kings has cultivated as COO.

But who would benefit most from a post-walkout WWE Raw SuperShow? Self-professed Internet Champion Zack Ryder immediately springs to mind. In response to his minimal time on WWE TV, The Long Island Iced Z took to YouTube and Twitter to build a fan base. Now that a vast majority of the Raw locker room is refusing to compete on WWE Raw SuperShow, Ryder will finally get even more of the spotlight he has worked so hard to attain.

Alex Riley is another Superstar who would be wise to take advantage of the diminished Raw roster. After spending months under the boot heel of former mentor (and former Superstar) The Miz, A-Ry has been eager to grasp the main event glory that would rival that of his past employer.

And what of Yoshi Tatsu, who has begun displaying a more aggressive in-ring style, intimidating ring gear and attention-grabbing face paint, an homage to legendary Japanese grappler The Great Muta? Or his WWE NXT rival Tyson Kidd, whose Hart Dungeon training makes him one of the most cunning mat technicians on the WWE roster? Each of these Superstars – neither of whom were actually present during the vote of “no confidence” in Triple H on the Oct. 3, 2011, edition of WWE Raw SuperShow – would thrive as their peers protest.

Although the rightful bearer of the name has been in question in recent weeks, international sensation Sin Cara (in one form or another) has been dazzling WWE Universe members for months now, but both masked ring warriors still apparently vying to become the one, true Sin Cara participated in the walkout last Monday night. What if one Sin Cara returned to action on Monday nights while the other did not? What if they both stopped protesting? Championship glory could await either bearer of the Sin Cara mantle sooner rather than later.

With more opportunities on the Raw roster than ever before, it will be interesting to see which Superstars – if any – will step forward and take advantage. Check back with WWE.com for the latest updates on this unprecedented walkout.

So as I read through this article, i was thinking....is WWE really doing this, is WWE really giving young stars that have been tossed to WWE superstars and jobbing lately a chance to prove themselves to the world.

What do u expect from this upcoming monday, will we finally see stars like Tyson kid, Tyler reks, Yoshi Tatsu get an opportunity that they have been waiting for.

what do u think is happening, do u think wwe is trying to get the guys who have been stuck on superstars a chance to shine?
Honestly, I can picture a Raw show that's gonna be about 70% talking/negotiating/whatever you wanna call it, to either get HHH out, or to try to change the minds of the other stars.

I don't think we're gonna see anything different in terms on the young stars stepping up as replacements. I think WWE is going to go deep into this storyline, wherever it may wind up, so the whole show is going to revolve around the walkout.
I would love for this to happen. Give the young guys a real opportunity. I want to know if guys like Kidd, Clay, Hawkins, Rekks, Barreta, etc. can get over with the crowd, or at least how the crowd reacts for one night... or a couple of weeks depending on how long this walk-out will continue. It opens up some real big opportunity for these guys to step it up.

I want the WWE to give these guys their chance.
they should have more jobbers and lower card guys do incredible things every raw and establish themselves, 8 man tag matches of Hawkins, Reks, Tyson & McIntyre vs Barreta, Tatsu, The Usos & Gabriel and have them go crazy for weeks.
If this does happen, I will be impressed that WWE had the stones to do it. I can't think of a time they did something half as gutsy as this.

I think we will see evidence of a "superstar breakout", with two or three matches featuring the usual suspects of Superstars or NXT. However, I think these matches will have a fine line to walk. If we get Tatsu vs Kidd on Raw, it will be their job to make a compelling match and add to the current storyline.

Another option, which I think the creative team is more likely to do, is feature squash matches with those who haven't walked out. It sounds like an easy-out, but could still make for good TV, and even help put a superstar or two over. Hypothetically, imagine this; The commentators are William Regal, Matt Striker and Jim Ross (who's reconsidered his position on the walkout). The show opens, Punk beats Tatsu in a relatively competitive match. Sheamus goes over Tyson Kidd. Randy Orton RKO's a victory out of Trent Baretta. And in a semi-hyped main event, Brodus Clay picks up a victory over John Cena (well put, Grand Sword.)

In reality, like lonewolf said, I can't see them doing anything but doing a promo-heavy Raw with lots of segments. Even in my forementioned hypothetical angle, Kevin Nash and John Laurenitis probably come out and beat up things.

This will be a storyline driven Raw, but they won't "take advantage" of their shallow roster pool, but dammit, I'd love to be surprised.
I don't think the current 'walk out' angle will really prove to be a catalyst for the elevation of the younger talent. It will give them a certain amount of exposure, as WWE does not want to risk its high level talent, specifically faces being booed.

The only real way I see any mid level or young talent getting a good rub from this whole angle would be with a possible match at Survivors Series. A match pitting the young disgruntled talent against Cena, Rock, Sheamus, Orton... could help the likes of someone like Cody Rhoades, if he were chosen to be team captain of the heel team. WWE seems to be building a slow burn for David Otunga in this angle, but I can't see him really going too far with his new gimmick.

Since this angle will most likely ultimately steer towards the return of Vince/Stephanie..I'd say the only real opportunity for a bump back up on the fans radar is the McMahon family.
Here's what I'm seeing: HHH threatens to use his "power" to get them all fired if they don't show up and wrestlers/Divas/refs show up merely to save their jobs but phone it in. Personally I'd like to see a mix of the underused guys and a few of the top developmental guys with the guys who didn't walk out. Gives the crowd exposure to the developmental guys that are possibly the future of the WWE.
remember when Shelton Benjamin shocked the world when he defeated HHH! Just imagine one of the young guys gets a big win over a Cena or an Orton.. it could turn them inot a superstar overnight.

The main eventer can say he took the young guy lightly and challenges him for a rematch which could be really great tv.

I do agree that this will lead to a big storyline and the heels coordinating the walk out will be great in their roles in promos, but the in ring stuff could be left to the young guys.

It could bring a really different pace to Raw with having some crazy matches and outcomes!
I don't think the walk out will help anybody. The problem with today's WWE is lack of character development. Everyone but Cena, Punk, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Orton, Rhodes (to an extent) and Air Boom seem to be jobbers. Hell even Air Boom basically job in every non title match. I also hate the fact that WWE constantly references real life. They constantly talk about Youtube and Twitter and Facebook. WWE used to have larger than life characters like Undertaker and Kane and to a lesser extent Val Venis and Golddust.

Everybody on the roster from the main event to the jobbers were entertaining and interesting. As much as I like Dolph Ziggler, who is he supposed to be? What is his character? What is he portraying himself to be? Either let him be who he is in real life or make him something interesting. Why name him Dolph Ziggler? Also, the United States title is dead and has been dead for like 4 years or so. There's no established division and there's no feuds over the US Title.

WWE also doesn't use the IC and US title to establish mid card talent before they become main eventers. Ziggler has been US Champion for what seems like forever and has made 0 impact. He hasn't done anything. Cody Rhodes is actually being used like mid card talent should be.

I know I might have went a little off topic, but all in all, I don't think the walk out will amount to anything for anyone other than the guys didn't show up at ringside last week.

Atleast Cody Rhodes is attempting to resuscitate the IC Title. The WWE has some major problems right now. I also don't like how it's silently implied that if you don't immediately challenge for the WWE or World Title and simply go for the IC or US title that you obviously suck or aren't that talented.
I disagree, all it is doing is making it clear for the return of veterans like Undertaker, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Dave Batista and possibly Steve Austin for a one off, not to mention The Rock. HHH was supposed to be the figurehead, not the headline act of the storylines but this is exactly what has occurred.
You do know that Most of the Superstars you Mentioned Were part of that Walkout on Raw? I Made a Thread Very Similar to this on Friday and people were quick to Remind me lol. I still think it should happen as it would not make Raw as Predictable as a John Cena Match Finish.
I see it like this, Raw still has Cena, Orton, Punk and Kelly Kelly for the divas. Matches wont be booked per-say but instead there will be brawls/unbooked matches that apparently just happen off the cuff. There will be negitiation and a lot of talk, but there will also be matches, just not in advertised matches because if they were advertised then it would blow the whole walkout thing out of the water.
I don't think the walk out will help anybody. The problem with today's WWE is lack of character development. Everyone but Cena, Punk, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Orton, Rhodes (to an extent) and Air Boom seem to be jobbers. Hell even Air Boom basically job in every non title match. I also hate the fact that WWE constantly references real life. They constantly talk about Youtube and Twitter and Facebook. WWE used to have larger than life characters like Undertaker and Kane and to a lesser extent Val Venis and Golddust.

Everybody on the roster from the main event to the jobbers were entertaining and interesting. As much as I like Dolph Ziggler, who is he supposed to be? What is his character? What is he portraying himself to be? Either let him be who he is in real life or make him something interesting. Why name him Dolph Ziggler? Also, the United States title is dead and has been dead for like 4 years or so. There's no established division and there's no feuds over the US Title.

WWE also doesn't use the IC and US title to establish mid card talent before they become main eventers. Ziggler has been US Champion for what seems like forever and has made 0 impact. He hasn't done anything. Cody Rhodes is actually being used like mid card talent should be.

I know I might have went a little off topic, but all in all, I don't think the walk out will amount to anything for anyone other than the guys didn't show up at ringside last week.

Atleast Cody Rhodes is attempting to resuscitate the IC Title. The WWE has some major problems right now. I also don't like how it's silently implied that if you don't immediately challenge for the WWE or World Title and simply go for the IC or US title that you obviously suck or aren't that talented.

There is a difference between jobbing and losing a match to further a storyline. Airboom losing singles matches to Miz and Truth furthered the storyline and showed that they are better as a team than individually.

Jobbers are people who lose after about 1 minute with next to no offence coming from them. Losing and jobbing are two entirely different things

I agree with you on the character development point
If those superstars that walked out are going to picket RAW...I would love to Triple H to walk out there and threaten strip Beth Phoenix, Ziggler, Rhodes, and Del Rio of their titles unless they perform. Yes I know Del Rio JUST won it back, but it might force them to turn on everyone else. Just a thought.

I can see H going to some of the younger guys and giving them a second chance, telling them that since the roster is so much smaller, they will get a better chance to shine. Some guys might even go back to Triple H while the others stay back and protest. He could even offer them title chances since, again, he could strip everyone of their title and put it up for grabs...maybe even have a tournament for an interim champion.
Like most major sports (and sports entertainment) organizations, WWE is a star-driven company; they thrive by placing before fans the performers who are the most popular. It explains why even though many of you go insane with outrage that John Cena gets so much exposure, he's still the most popular, and therefore the guy you're going to see the most.

To think the stars are stepping aside tonight and refusing to participate in the program isn't logical. They may pretend to be doing that, but they'll be on-screen as they do. The Creative people have already written the storyline, and we'll be seeing plenty of the regular crew tonight. The only way I can think that new stars will emerge is if a rift between them and the big stars develops: in other words, the lesser stars break the boycott to gain themselves some much needed ring time at the expense of the veterans......and those veterans take issue with the lesser stars for doing so. It would be a classic "union" battle: the rank and file members vs. the scabs.

But even if it happens that way, we'll still be seeing the same folks we always see. A change of pace might be nice, but the company has ratings to consider.....and I doubt a Trent Barretta vs. Primo Colon main event is going to measure up to something like Del Rio vs Punk.
Idk if this was brought up yet but how about WWE bringing some of the FCW guys up to compete on RAW. It could be billed as HHH went and found some guys who werent afraid to "fight". Give these guys gimmicks with a bit of an edge make them appear to be "tough enough". Its been said for a while now that HHH has been looking to bring in more fresher talent well this would be a good time to do that. I also think this would be a good time to bring in the Kings of Wrestling if they are actually signed to WWE. Most of these new guys will most likely be paired together so this could actually be a chance to strengthen the tag divison 2.
It's possible. WWE's Walkout could give an opportunity on Raw tonight for guys who were doomed to failure while being stuck on Superstars or NXT. This could be their chance to sink or swim. Unless they just bring in all of the Smackdown guys tonight to fill the void left by the group that walked out. Anything could happen. I'd like to see people like Ryder, Riley, Tyson, or Yoshi all get a chance to do something impressive onscreen this week. I'm not going into it expecting anything though because there is always that chance of everyone coming back despite walking out last week. Don't expect anything, just watch the show and relax. If the Walkout gives an opportunity to guys who were stuck on Superstars, awesome. If not, that's still not the end of the world. It would be cool if it did though since they never get a chance to show what they can do. The kayfabe'd reasons are there for giving them that shot tonight. Maybe we will get really lucky and see someone's breakout begin.
Okay, so i was thinking about the WWE "Walkout" and how superstars refuse to perform on Raw. Some of them like airboom will only participate on Smackdown. So this got me thinking, is this the perfect opportunity for the WWE to push brand new talents from FCW, or Indies to make known? You could essential revive the tagteam and cruserweight division by "hiring" new guys to come up and take over the wwe since essentially the RAW talent is on 'strike'. This way new guys can get some air time, and let them get use to the business
What do you guys think?
This topic has popped up a few times, I think the walkout is just going to turn into a big name push, just like everytime superstars are "fired". It's simply going to push HHH off his throne, and they'll all be back again.
WWE had a great opportunity to showcase some young talent and see how they could handle the pressure of being on live television, trial by fire, so to say. However, Vince drops the ball yet again and gives us more of the same pathetic product that has WWE has become over the past 5 or 6 years. I personally think I will find something else to watch on Monday and Friday night, just can't the same stale crap any longer. TNA is crap as well but anything is an improvement over WWE.. Thank God For ROH
Wasted opportunity....

10/10/11 of Raw had the biggest opportunity to make some stars but in one show they brought everyone back... including Vince... I'm not really a WWE fan, justa fan of wrestling... and this story had so much potential but whoever is booking/writing this must be on speed... absolutely no slow burn at all...

Was hoping for a Brodus Clay or even Richie Seamboat appearance tonight... alas it's business as usual for the evil empire...
I think more could have bee done to elevate young stars last Monday, I mean I forgot who brought it up, but using FCW talent as scabs to replace current roster stars for the night would definitely have been a great way to not only add to the story, but also help expose young stars to the audience.

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