Is The Miz Going Anywhere At The Moment?


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Right so i'm a pretty big fan of The Miz and i was pleased to see him get a main event push at the back end of 2010. I think he did a great job as champion growing both as an in ring performer and on the mic during his reign. Everything looked rosy for him as he main evented wrestlemania and beat super Cena, all be it with Rock interfering. His career was really on the rise.

However, nearly a year on and i feel that he hasn't progressed the way he should have in the last 10 months or so. Although he can still be classified as a main eventer i wouldn't say he has solidified his position at the top. He had a rather strange feud with Alex Riley and then formed a duo with R-Truth which ultimately achieved very little. Now he finds himself in a feud with Truth which doesn't really interest me at all.

At the moment it seems as if WWE don't really know what to do with him, i would guess he'll be in a midcard match at Wrestlemania if that which compared with last year this is disappointing.

So my questions to you are:
  • Do you think the Miz is struggling at the moment after a tough last few months?
  • Do you think his character is becoming stale and needs a tweak to stay fresh?
  • What would you like to see The Miz do at Wrestlemania 28?
[*]Do you think the Miz is struggling at the moment after a tough last few months?
Here's the only point I'll give you: The Miz hasn't necessarily solidified his place on top. A lot of that isn't his fault at all - CM Punk rose up quickly, ADR has the Rumble and MITB behind him, Triple H returned, the Rock returned, and John Cena never left. The Miz has certainly had a lot of guys in his way, and no he hasn't really shone through the mess. But to say he is "struggling" is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. At the last PPV he fought for the WWE Championship, and came very close to winning. The PPV before that he faced John Cena and the Rock in his first match back in eight years. Before that he faced Triple H and CM Punk... Is he WWE Champion? No. But is he struggling? Not at all!

He is currently involved in a feud with R-Truth, with pretty much had to happen at some point. Both guys are over big as a face and heel, respectively. They're not the main event feud, but that's only because so many other talents have risen out of the mid-card since Miz was the WWE Champion. Don't look at his current spot as a slap to him, but rather as a compliment to other guys like Punk, Ziggler, and Ryder for stepping up and finally doing something worth paying attention to. Cena/Kane and Punk/Ziggler/Laurinaitis will remain the top feuds on Raw, and when Kane is over Rock will take his place. With Jericho around to step into the WWE title picture, Miz won't be returning to that spot any time soon. He's still a great talent, management still loves him, and he's doing a fantastic job where he is. Buck up buckaroo!

[*] Do you think his character is becoming stale and needs a tweak to stay fresh?
I just think he needs to not be overshadowed by bigger names... He's not that complex of a guy, so to tweak him really just means "add On" to his current character. There's enough stupid gimmicks in pro wrestling right now, so if anything he could just use a bit more intensity. I think that's something we're going to see with this R-Truth feud, which I personally am really looking forward to.

[*]What would you like to see The Miz do at Wrestlemania 28?
Face R-Truth. I know a four month feud sounds like a lot considering WWE's modern-day shotgun style of booking, but with gimmick PPV's populating the next two events, it's not that farfetched an idea. They eliminate each other from the Rumble, the cost each other the title (or title match) in the Chamber...they finally go one-on-one at WrestleMania. That's what I would like to see. Will it happen? Probably not. Will they likely blow this feud off at Raw, or at most the Elimination Chamber PPV? Probably.
I agree, the Miz was a very good champion IMO, and he is full of charisma, and his in-ring skills are pretty good.

Yes, the Miz is struggling at the moment. I'm quite annoyed at this, as I think the Miz has the potential to be the next poster boy of the WWE. He could be the next big babyface after Cena, Orton etc. He needs to be in a better rivalry than the one with Truth. He should be vying for the No.1 Contenders slot, if not for the WWEC.

I don't think Miz needs a character tweak personally. Some may say that he is becoming stale, but he needs more time on the mic. This is where he can shine, and his restriction on the mic isn't doing him any favours. He needs to be on the mic again and not doing the same old promos that he does now being the arrogant heel, but he needs to find something, that spark that he had before back in WM27.

In the EC, I would hope to see Miz make a decent showing at least. I would prefer to see Punk/Jericho and would be disappointed if it wasn't to be honest. This should lead him nicely onto a decent upper-midcard match with a good face, maybe someone like Ryder. Maybe he would be competing for the US title. This may seem like a backwards step for now, but he can get a steady base from there, and get another push from there, just like he did before.
To be short the Miz isn't struggling he's just not as big as the things going on currently. Jericho's return, Triple H's return, THE ROCK'S return. Whether you like these guys are not it's pretty clear they're all above Miz so he's going to take a step back for a little while while whatever creative has planned goes down.
I don't think the Miz is really needed much in the storyline right now. Raw has a lot of other things going on at the moment. I think he is in the same boat as Alberto Del Rio. They are both descent in the ring and pretty good on the mic, especially Miz, but there is not much room for either right now. I think they are getting overshadowed by guys like Cena, Punk, Jericho, Ziggler, Kane, etc... They have him in this feud with R-Truth which doesn't seem to be going anywhere besides an eventual one on one match, maybe. I think they should have stayed together. We all know the tag division needs all the help it can get. With it being so weak I don't think they needed to split them up like they have. I'm hoping they'll eventaully return as a tag team and dominate, but who knows? By Mania I can only see Miz being in a lower card match or a MITB match if they have one. I don't think he will be in any major feud at this years Mania. Unless, he comes out of nowhere and wins the Rumble, but now that Jericho is back I think he will win and face Punk at Mania 28.
I think the miz is horrible, hes not entertaining at all, he says the same thing week after week after week, he has a moveset consisting of 3 moves which arent very good at all anyway, his finisher shouldnt be a finisher, every tag team hes been in hes been carried by the partner, everything that hes gotten of the last year and a half he hasnt deserved at all and i cant stand that people argue hes better then most people on the roster, and all he deserves mid card as far as im concerned.
1. I won't call this past year 'tough'; I mean, while he hasn't really been visible as a main-event guy (except as part of Awesome Truth and recently in the hunt for CM Punk's belt), it's only because John Cena has been involved in some pretty engrossing storylines during the past year.

So no, 'struggling' isn't a word you use to describe the Awesome One's current situation. Or his situation for the year after relinquishing the WWE title to Cena.

2. Heck no. Just because the Miz can't get involved in the current Cena/Kane or Punk/Ace angles doesn't mean he has lost his touch. Rather, I'd blame R-Truth and his Wellness Policy violation.

3. Face the Truth at Wrestlemania, along lines the Power Ranger has proposed.
Why does this community always over-react to everything? The Miz is doing just fine.

His feud with Alex Riley was completely organic. Riley was his lackey. They wanted to break the duo up, so the two had a short feud where Miz went over and Riley was taken off TV.

To consider his run with R-Truth as achieving very little is unfair. I'll admit the run should have lasted longer ... that it should have had more impact ... but the fact is that those two were a part of the biggest story line in the WWE. Those two stepped into the ring with The Rock and John Cena at Survivor Series. In fairness to the WWE, we'll never know where the angle was supposed to lead since R-Truth was suspended following Survivor Series, leading to the team breaking up.

Now he finds himself in a feud with R-Truth ... which might not entertain you ... but is 100% necessary for The Miz. All high-profile tag teams - no matter how short their run - need a blow-off feud with each other when their break-up is the result of one turning on the other.

And might I ask, despite not being entertained by his current feud, how can you ask if The Miz is struggling when he's in the 3rd biggest story line on Raw ... a story line that has garnered multiple segments in two of the past three weeks and will ultimately lead to pay-per view matches? Do you think it's necessary for a wrestler to ALWAYS be in the main event / championship picture in order to be considered "used properly?" If that's the case, then how in the world can EVERYONE be used properly?

Honestly - if you want to create a thread about a wrestler not going anywhere at the moment, then go to the TNA section and start a thread about Mr. Kennedy/Anderson. He hasn't even been on TV in two months despite being healthy. That's what I'd call "not going anywhere." As for the Miz - a guy with consistent TV time that's in one of the biggest feuds on the show - he's doing just fine.
Miz has good mic skills...but his in ring ability is not all that great...he doesnt look like a main event-er in the first place...he looks like a mid-carder who wants to make it to the top...
He had an entertaining run as champ, but he's a little stale for me right now. And he's just not believable when he gets all mad and falls back on saying he "took out" guys like John Morrison and R-Truth - when we all know the reasoning behind those angles anyway.

If the WWE would EVER bring back stables, I could see Miz heading one up...having his goons doing his dirty work, being a mouthpiece for them, etc... That might help him change things up a little. It worked moderately for Randy Orton, although he never seems to talk at all anymore, but that's a different story.

But like others have said, he's probably the 8th or 9th guy on the hierarchy right now. I count Cena, Kane, Punk, Ziggler, R-Truth, ADR and Jericho above him...hell it pains me to say it but probably Ryder at the moment, too.

He's not in the doghouse or anything, there are just lulls in the WWE roller coaster for everyone. Sheamus has been without a feud for a while until they finally threw him in a program with Barrett, which is good for both of them I think.

When Miz makes his impact felt again, it needs to be monumental.

Or maybe JL should get a stable going with Jericho, Miz, Nash and whoever. Make things interesting again and keep Punk in that "underdog" role his character thrives on.
without knowing whats happening in the near future, i think miz and jericho need to get a long lasting feud going, i mean like start it at summerslam and end it at next years mania that would be an epic passing of the torch...i see alot of y2j in miz, and i think miz has paid his dues to get a nice shove into one of the top heels in 2013-2014 y2j would be the guy to do it. miz is a lost cause right now, he cant go face...but hes got no meaning as a heel....but as a close second i would agree have him lead a stable, he kinda made alex riley a 10 minute star without even trying, i know its not a great example but riley got some pops for a short period due to miz.
Right now I would say Miz is in a good place. He may not be at the top but he hasn't fallen enough that it is such a far cry that he can't get back there easily. In other words the losses that he's suffered have not diminished his ability significantly. However, I'm not convinced that he is going to come out on top over Truth. Truth is hot right now, he gets a solid reaction from the crowd. A month ago I would have said Truth was just a quick stepping stone for Miz (especially after a suspension), but I'm not sure if that is still the case. WWE is going to want to keep Truth's antics going and a loss to Miz may damage that momentum.

I think Miz's problem lie in the ring. He doesn't have much of an in-ring identity. He is not a speed guy and he doesn't always look convincing when he uses power. I think he actually looks his best when he brawls or cheats. Miz is good on the mic and gets good reactions as a heel from the crowd.

I really like the idea of a heel Miz face Jericho feud. I don't know how they get there but it would be highly entertaining and Jericho is one of the guys that could still be used to help Miz look stronger.
Punk, Dolph, Miz, Cena, Kane, God! How many championships belts do you people want!? Back in the days when wrestling was much better, you could be a top draw and not have the belt. JYD never won a belt in the WWF, and I doubt there would have been "Where is he going?" posts. He is going to liven the crowd, entertain people and not need a worthless strap to legitimize himself. He wasn't the greatest talent, but he played his role extremely well. There were New Year's shows where guys would come out and say their goal was to win the Intercontinental title that year. The World Title was not something every Mysterio-sized joke was up for on a weekly basis. Nor should it be.

The IWC wants every top star to be World champ, seemingly at the same time. Get a clue.
Do you think the Miz is struggling at the moment after a tough last few months?
No, he is in a better spot then most of the company, including guys like Sheamus. He is and has been in great storyline. He fought the Rock on Rocky's in-ring return! sounds like he doing okay to me.

Do you think his character is becoming stale and needs a tweak to stay fresh?
No, his character is one of the best cocky heels in a long time. He has recently boosted up his aggression and i like that, but his character is great.

What would you like to see The Miz do at Wrestlemania 28?
I want to see mix in a upper mid-card match. Alot of guys are already rumored for matches. So lets take out Rock, Punk, Cena, Jericho, Orton, HHH, and Taker.
This leaves a lot of up and coming maineventers. (i just misspelled that on my MAC, and it gave me ENTERTAINERS as a spelling suggestment)

He could face guys like Truth, Barret, Sheamus, Bryan, Ziggler, or even Kane.
The major problem I see with the Miz is that he's failed to capitilize to keep his spot on top. He was given the biggest rub possible when he defeated John Cena in the main event at Wrestlemania. Regardless of how he won, he pinned the face of the company at the biggest PPV of the year. But even as he stood tall as WWE Champion, he was overshadowed by the Rock. And that seems to be the story of Miz' main event career.

Looking at the build to Wrestlemania, he was considered an afterthought in his feud for the WWE Championship. Much like we're seeing with Dolph Ziggler right now, Miz was an afterthought to his oppponent and a third party. This happens, but to a champion? It's one thing for Ziggler, who's just breaking into the main event scene. But for the champion of 5 months to be overshadowed? He even acknowledged it himself.

Personally, I don't think Miz measures up when he's in there with the big boys. He was quickly passed by Alberto Del Rio when healthy, and now has been passed by Dolph Ziggler. The problem here is that while Miz shined and stood out while in the mid-card as the best thing going, he failed to sustain that momentum in the main event scene. It was clear from the start that WWE believed this when his first title defense, which should have been a big moment for him, will be remembered for the start of the Cole/Lawler feud, not for anything Miz did. His subsequent title defenses following until he lost the belt were much of the same, as they served as springboards for other feuds. His match with Orton at the Rumble was the catalyst for the Punk/Orton feud, and Wrestlemania as stated earlier was completely about Rock/Cena.

Personally, I really like the Miz. I'd go as far as to say that he's similar to Zach Ryder in that he got himself over. But a great mid-carder does not always make for a great main-eventer, and I believe that's the case with Miz here. He was all the rage in the mid-card, and his ascension to the main event seemed natural. But once there, he seemed out of place, doing nothing really remarkable or memorable.

So where is the Miz headed? Back to the mid-card, likely, where he can be the man. Miz truly is a star, just not in the position on the card some consider him to be.
I like The Miz but IMO he doesn't have a stand alone type character. He has always been more interesting when paired up with someone. Case in point his dry spell before the conspircy(sp?) program with R Turth or his tag title push with Big Show. Hell even his title run was with Alex Reily. I saw give him a new partner or team and let him go from there. I think the guy's character is a lot better as the leader of something. Maybe put him and Mason Ryan together, it would be great for Ryan's character 2 be with someone who has good mic skills and can help him build his character as a heel much like how evoultion had when Randy Orton and Batista teamed 2gether.
Punk, Dolph, Miz, Cena, Kane, God! How many championships belts do you people want!? Back in the days when wrestling was much better, you could be a top draw and not have the belt. JYD never won a belt in the WWF, and I doubt there would have been "Where is he going?" posts. He is going to liven the crowd, entertain people and not need a worthless strap to legitimize himself. He wasn't the greatest talent, but he played his role extremely well. There were New Year's shows where guys would come out and say their goal was to win the Intercontinental title that year. The World Title was not something every Mysterio-sized joke was up for on a weekly basis. Nor should it be.

The IWC wants every top star to be World champ, seemingly at the same time. Get a clue.
I agree with this post. It seems like anyone whos not "mysterio sized" or a world champion is completely irrelevant to the IWC fans. Thats the very reason why there should be less titles in the company. Personally I think they would do great with the WWE, Intercontinental, and Divas title. If they're not even willing to make a change in the tag division why have the title there in the first place. That way superstars can gain notoriety for their character and not the strap they have. The WWE title would be for the Hogan esque charcter, they TV champion that gets everyone watching. The IC for the guy who has the talent but isnt quite there yet. The divas title is there mainly to keep the divas division relevant due to the lack of talent.

Now on to the Miz. Look, everybody cant be on top at the same time. They're sacrificing The Miz's push to give Truth something relevant to do. Miz will always be releavnt, even if he isnt 100% over. He seems to be going through the same thing Del Rio was going through as champion. But Miz's time will come, as well as those who are waiting around for their next push.
As much as people may hate it... I see Miz going to WrestleMania 28 and facing R-Truth. Think about... There probably won't be a real one-on-one match between the two before Mania. They will prolly face off in the rumble match, then I see them both being in the elimination chamber and facing off in there. I think they will have some stipulation and we will see Miz vs R-Truth at Mania. I wanna see it though. Could be a good match. Yes its a down grade from last year's WM. But not everyone can have a WWE title match every WM.... well except cena :banghead:
without knowing whats happening in the near future, i think miz and jericho need to get a long lasting feud going, i mean like start it at summerslam and end it at next years mania that would be an epic passing of the torch...i see alot of y2j in miz, and i think miz has paid his dues to get a nice shove into one of the top heels in 2013-2014 y2j would be the guy to do it. miz is a lost cause right now, he cant go face...but hes got no meaning as a heel....but as a close second i would agree have him lead a stable, he kinda made alex riley a 10 minute star without even trying, i know its not a great example but riley got some pops for a short period due to miz.

Miz did make Riley. I honestly think the two of them should be reunited as faces later on. Miz as a face would be new and fresh. Yes, Miz is "above" being in a tag team, but I feel that his singles push can exist even with a regular partner. I can see Riley playing the role of Miz's "little buddy".
miz is great performer. he drastically IMPROVED and UPPED his game in 2010 when he fueded with CENA. his mic work and in ring work shined .

but yeah, you're right. i don't think he will have a credible program going on with him on RAW.

after his fued with r-truth, i think the WWE should just somehow move him over to smackdown. the raw brand is just over-stacked right now with heels that i think a move to smackdown will benefit the miz.

he can move on to a fued with shaemus or a fresh one with randy orton once orton is done with barrett.

as far as being in the title picture, both world titles seem pretty dead set on other top guys, i don't see miz fueding over a belt for a while. the wwe title will be fueded over by cm punk, ziggler, and eventually jericho. the world title, fueded by heel bryan (whom is super OVER-RATED by the way), heel henry, big show, possibly orton. its too bunched up at the top right now

if i had my way, i would STRIP that title off the UNDESERVING daniel bryan, move miz over to smackdown , and pretty much take over BRYAN'S spot.


bryan has YET to cut a believable, serious promo that could advance a feud. all he does is scream into a microphone 'I AM THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!" thats pretty much the extent of his mic skill. if you mute the 'piped in' audience on smackdown, he can't get much of a reaction with anything else.

have bryan lose the strap QUICKLY, move MIZ to smackdown, and have MIZ take the #1 heel spot to fued with henry and show.
I, for one, would like The Miz to return to the character that he was in late 2010 early 2011.
Less aggressive, more coward, more egomaniac.

His current personality isn't suiting him well, I believe.
I like the miz character as it is. Don't add on. Let him and truth end it at WM in a no holds barred match. But I like Miz alot more than daniel bryan. Leave miz heel do not ever turn that man face can you say boring?
It he hasn't progressed the way he should have in the last 10 months or so.

It's a matter of opinion, of course, just as it is for any performer. Personally, I think the reason he hasn't progressed much in the past ten months is because he over-progressed before that. IMO, he went much further than a person of his ability should have. I have nothing against him, yet he seems like a wrestler who advanced beyond mid-card, but shouldn't have.

His physique is average at best, his ability to work a match is good but not great, his talking ability is pretty good, but without bravado and threats (along with a healthy dose of irony), I don't think his speeches would be overly inspiring.

In other words, he's a good middle-of-the-road performer whom good fortune and good timing vaulted to main event status. After he had his run as champion, there didn't seem to be much more to his persona to get excited about.

Still, it's good to have Miz around. He's a useful heel presence.....and it will someday be interesting to see how he functions as a face. Right now, it doesn't even seem possible he could ever be one, doesn't it? Yet, back in the day, we couldn't see guys like Sheamus and Batista as faces, either. It happened for them and it'll happen for Miz.
heel have a match at mania with rtruth he has become boring needs to change things up maybe new gimmik yes really really i cant see him becoming champ again in next year unless he changes things

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