Is the Iron Man Match John Cena's big chance?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This thread topic is pretty simple so I shouldn't rat off for too long here....

As we all know, John Cena is heavily criticized by "Cena Haters". One of the things Cena Haters have always complained about is his in ring ability. Now, I think that the consensus is that he has put a great deal of those critics to rest as time has gone on, but of course some Cena Haters don't budge, and some wrestling "purists" are stubborn. But here is my question in this thread....

With the Iron Man Match approaching against Randy Orton, is this Cena's BIG CHANCE to prove the (non-synical and non-stubborn) critics of his in ring ability wrong once and for all? I mean, this isn't exactly a match Hogan, Batista, Warrior, etc. can participate disrespect to those names or their entertainment value, but they just aren't versitile enough to pull it off. The only Iron Man Matches I can recall are HBK/Bret, HHH/Rock, and Brock/Kurt. Out of all those, the one that came off the least smooth is HHH/Rock. Now, if Cena/Orton can match or surpass HHH/Rock...let alone if Cena/Orton can get through the whole hour at a reasonable entertainment level without putting people to that not a DEFINITIVE STATEMENT about Cena's ability to carry on a match? I know some people may say Orton might carry him and so on and so forth, but no man can carry another man for an truly takes two. Even if you want to put other Cena classics such as Cena/HBK on one man, Randy Orton is no HBK, so you would have to give Cena props if he can put on a solid Iron Man Match.

That being said, is this Cena's big chance to make a statement to critics of his in ring ability? There are some who have said that Cena can do ALOT MORE than WWE allow him to do...will we see some of that in this match?

Personally, I think Cena and Orton will be a tad bit better than HHH/Rock. I think they will surprise you and I think the match will be psychologically better than most fans are expecting. I think there will be controversy and run-ins, but at the end of the day, an hour of wrestling is an hour of wrestling, and Cena getting through this to me is a statement and achievement that would silence many of his critics.

Cena will not make any sort of statement to anyone who does not think he can wrestle. Im pretty sure i heard them say it is an anything goes match...hinting an interference by Legacy (never seen that before i wonder how it will go)....But pretty much it will be a weapon fest the whole time and it will end with the typical Cena match.

I am one of those who don't like to watch his matches because i know what to expect of them. Honestly, if you just saw the very ending, you can pretty much predict and assume how the match went anyways. I find his matches just boring. They aren't different at all, so it's hard to try and be entertained.

I am also one of those who want his gimmick somewhat changed a little, but just because it has been the same thing for about 4 years. It is time for a change, but I'm sure wwe isn't really concerned because if you think about it, Cena is at least on a hiatus for at least 3 months a year, and he deserves it.

Above all, this match will really not change anyone's opinion towards him because in reality, it is a typical Cena match, just an hour long.
My opinion is that Cena could pull off a 5-star match and the IWC would only hate him more. There is too much about Cena that rubs internet fans the wrong way. The kids will love him more, but that's it. And it won't be Cena's last chance by a long shot. He's got a lot of years left, just needs to do something with his character to appeal to the "others".
This is one match that the WWE should leave alone.

There are no two wrestlers in the company now that have the ring psychology to go for an hour.

This match type should have been one and done at WM 12, as it was never going to be improved upon after Bret and Shawn. That match was perfect.
Cena will not make any sort of statement to anyone who does not think he can wrestle. Im pretty sure i heard them say it is an anything goes match...hinting an interference by Legacy (never seen that before i wonder how it will go)....But pretty much it will be a weapon fest the whole time and it will end with the typical Cena match...

Well, I doubt The Legacy will stick around for a whole hour, I think this match has potential to be a good match (I said good not great). They know each other very well, we know they can last that long, all they have to do is add some variety, which is probably why the no DQ rule was placed. It can end up as good as their match at Breaking Point or as bad as the one they had at No Way Out '07. We just have to wait and see if they can both handle it.
i gotta agree with tyler on everything he said. its anything goes which means we really will just see a typical cena match but its longer and has weapons.

im gonna be at bragging rights, 2nd row, so im really hoping im wrong and it turns into a really good match. if cena were in his old gimmick id be into it from the getgo a lot more but supercena doesnt interest me in the slightest. i have crazy low expectations for this match (as ive rather disliked their entire feud) but hopefully that just means it will be harder for them to disappoint me and easier to make me like it. good luck cena
There are no two wrestlers in the company now that have the ring psychology to go for an hour.
Except that Cena and HBK did it only a couple years ago, and it was magnificent.

Orton is a very solid worker, and Cena is an incredible worker. If any two guys can pull it off, these two can. They are both young and in shape, and work well together.

This match type should have been one and done at WM 12, as it was never going to be improved upon after Bret and Shawn. That match was perfect.
No it wasn't. It wasn't even great, arguable whether it was even good. It was a 25 minute match stretched out for an hour. That's not a good match.

A good hour long match is one that you aren't even aware is an hour until you start approaching that 60 minute mark and are shocked as hell it's been that long.
No this isn't his big chance. People that like Cena will still like Cena and people that don't like Cena are going to shit all over this no matter how good he is in it. The feud isn't well liked because of how long it's gone on and it's hurting the credit that they will or won't get for what they do. In other words, a lot of people are going to have their minds made up for the most part before the match happens because of how polarizing these two are. It certainly could be good, but I think it's going to run into the same issue that all Iron Man matches have: all that's going to matter will be the last five minutes. I'm not wild on using this on a PPV but I get why they did it.

Also, HBK and Hart wasn't as great as people say it was. The last ten minutes and overtime were great. Other than that it was a lot of restholds etc. Rock and HHH was good but not great, Angle vs. Lesnar was solid because there was more of a story in it and Benoit vs. HHH wasn't that good at all. An hour is hard to keep most viewer's interest held, which is the big issue they'll likely be facing.
I'm not a big fan of Cena or Orton, which means I'm not a big fan of their matches. If Cena and Orton were able to go an entire hour, entertain for that entire hour, and do it without weapons, then the opinions of others may change slightly....

But beings how there is a No DQ stipulation added to the match, it either means one of two, creative doesn't have faith in them to put on a solid entertaining WRESTLING match for an entire hour or second...well...that's probably the only reason why the No DQ stipulation was added.

I know both Cena and Orton have a love for the business and would do anything for the business, they both work extremely hard in the ring and to always be at the top of their game, and at times are able to tell a good story in the ring. And I respect them both for that, but their ability to put on a solid wrestling match together lacks and is extremely boring at times. I won't blame them 100%, because there is a WWE style and they have both been limited to what they can do in the ring.

So no, I don't think anyones opinion about Cena or Orton for that matter is going to change after the Iron Man match.
I like Cena, I also no he can work. WWE has this theory that the less a face does the better he is. Jake Roberts has said this a million times. So it is not Cenas fault if you think he sucks he is just doing what he is told. Anyway this match is going to suck big time. Half of it will probably be in the back stage and parking lot areas. Its falls count anywhere no dq. It will be an hour long brawl with someone probably getting thrown in a river or something stupid like that.
An hour is hard to keep most viewer's interest held, which is the big issue they'll likely be facing.

I also agree that this is also going to be an issue going into the match. Especially these days and age. 20 years ago, hell even 10 years ago, things weren't so fast paced. 20 years ago, it wasn't uncommon for a match to last an hour. Now the standard match usually lasts anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. Things are a lot more fast paced these days. People aren't patient enough.
I like Cena, I also no he can work. WWE has this theory that the less a face does the better he is. Jake Roberts has said this a million times. So it is not Cenas fault if you think he sucks he is just doing what he is told. Anyway this match is going to suck big time. Half of it will probably be in the back stage and parking lot areas. Its falls count anywhere no dq. It will be an hour long brawl with someone probably getting thrown in a river or something stupid like that.

No. No no no no no. No. It's never said anywhere that this is going to be falls count anywhere. Why would anyone think that? "Anything Goes" is not "Falls Count Anywhere", so unless something is expanded upon in the stipulation in the next few Raws, it is not Falls Count Anywhere.

Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of Cena, however, he can string together a long match quite well even if he wins every match the same way. His match with HBK that went an hour was quite a decent match that actually kept me interested the entire time, through all the commercials and everything.

To be honest, I can see this match ending the exact same way as Brock/Kurt from Smackdown years back. Orton is up by only 1 decison, and Orton's in control, Cena mounts a comeback, looking to tie it up and go into sudden death overtime. Cena locks in the STF(u) with 10-15 seconds left, leading everyone to believe that Orton will tap and and tie it up, only to watch the clock tick the last few seconds tick away and Orton to hold out until the clock reaches 0:00.

... I know, chances are Cena will win or SOMETHING will happen to keep him on Raw, I'd love to see Orton squeek out a ridiculously close win. I don't think this match will change anyone's view on Cena anymore than that match with HBK did. I know atleast I'll be interested though, and I guess that's all the really matters.
One problem would be that Orton vs Cena is just not a 60 min match material, especially because of Orton re-packaged move-set (constituted of the headlock, chinlock, stomp, stomp, another stomp, knee drops, punt kick, etc.). And Cena is a decent wrestler. I just don't feel a great in-ring chemistry between the two. Those who can carry Cena to a 60 min ironman match would be HBK, HHH, Edge, maybe jericho. Orton today is just over-using the stomps, knee drops, etc. that won't make much of a good iron-man match. i'll pretty much see them spending at least 10-15 min outside the ring brawling against each other in order to pass some time out of the 60 min.
Does anyone else feel like they are about to play SvR 2010? No? It's just me?

This match doesn't have to be as great as the best one hour matches. And I've seen a 30minute iron man tables match, tyler black vs josh abercrombie... so weapons in an iron man match won't be anything new to me.

What I fear is that this is going to just be a hardcore or rest hold-fest that's going to destroy the match. They can do so many things with this but they will probably drop the ball AGAIN...

As to whether it will change people's minds... I doubt it. Haters are haters. The better someone does, the more they hate. The worse they do, the more their hate is rationalized. I just hope it stops some of the damn "die cena" crap I see in Justin.TV chat rooms. I mean people really are talking about how they would kill the man. There are some people who need serious help. And I just hope that somehow this stops that. There is no need for that and there have been many wrestlers who have had to watch their backs due to their characters/gimmicks in the past. I just don't want that to happen to Cena... just not worth it.

So let's hope this delivers, it might be the best chance to shove it down hater's throats... even though Cena will probably lose...

Ok.. case in point. I just typed "cena" in the ecw on syfy stream i was watching... the chat was flooded, and had to be cleared FOUR times in THREE minutes for all the "die cena" remarks... this BETTER deliver... for the sake of us all
To be honest, I can see this match ending the exact same way as Brock/Kurt from Smackdown years back. Orton is up by only 1 decison, and Orton's in control, Cena mounts a comeback, looking to tie it up and go into sudden death overtime. Cena locks in the STF(u) with 10-15 seconds left, leading everyone to believe that Orton will tap and and tie it up, only to watch the clock tick the last few seconds tick away and Orton to hold out until the clock reaches 0:00.

Thats has a 75-80% chance of happening. I would not be surprised to see this happen. I meen come on, it would be a good finish, re-used bu good none the less. So I would have to go with this being the ending.

Now this match will a stellar match, it won't be Bad and it wont be great, it'll be OK-Good thats it. Will it finally show what Cena can do, maybe, I'm a Huge Cena fan, I know what he can do if given the opportunity, hes not half bad, but it won't change anything because after this match hes going to go back to same old 5 Move Of Doom John Cena, and people will begin complaining again in no time.
I'd say it's an hr of that PPV that will be pretty much unwatchable.
30mins is more than long enough for any match hour long matches are bore fest for the most part. even the awesome Iron Man match between two mat legends in Bret Hart and HBK was boring for half of it as all they did was basic holds and spent alot of time resting.

As for not Cena's fault he sucks, sure it's not entirely his fault however
* he is the one that spouts lame comments on the mic and can't act for shit,
* he's the one that doesn't sell moves or oversells only to be fresh as a daisy two minutes later, even Hogan still showed signs of fatigue and pain when he hulked up.
* he's the one that poorly executes the few moves he does do in the ring,

I mean common look at the match he had with orton under I quit rules, the whole time he was getting "beaten" the hell up, and if the ref chucked the mic into his face to ask the question he calmy said no. No sense of i'm in excrutiating pain in his voice and won't give up. Noto mention his match with HBK at mania a few yrs back where he didn't sell any leg pain despite HBK working on it for near 25mins.

so yeah alot of it is his fault.

Orton could go an hr, sure Cena could go an hr physically, but wouold it be entertaining, not in the least. Zzzzzzzz
slydog 696 im guessing ur a cena fan, and dont know what the bloody hell "true" fans talk about.........the match HBK/Bret did was amazing, Cena and Orton could not even possibly live up to it, no wrestler could........i hope Randy wins becasue Cena is a Douche, LEAVE IT AT THAT!
I should have known that when Cena said that "this was Orton's last chance at the WWE Title" that it was going to result in an Orton win ..... only to go back to Orton defending against Cena again.

I really don't think most of the audience have the attention spans for Iron Man Matches anymore. 60 minutes worth of headlocks from Randy Orton are just entirely too much for me.

Not to mention that these matches really take away time from other stars getting on the PPV's and allowing them time to grow and develop-- WWE's biggest thorn in it side at the moment. It just boggles my mind that they would do this type of a match.

It's funny because here we are in October already, and the only two major opponents Randy Orton has faced all year have been John Cena and Triple H.

It's pretty clear, and has been for some time now, that WWE has nothing new to offer it's fans. Nothing. Thank God it's football season.
Cena and HBK tore the house down for a whole hour a few years back. HBK didn't carry Cena in that match, and vice versa. I gained alot more respect for Cena after watching that match, it was fucking incredible. They had chemistry out the ass, and so does Cena/RKO. I look forward to this, I honestly think Cena's gonna prove all his doubters wrong once and for all. But like someone before me said, he could wrestle a 5 star match and they'd still bitch. I like John Cena, I like watching him wrestle. It's entertaining. Bret/HBK wasn't that great of a match, not as legendary as everyone makes it out to be at least. I'm pretty pumped to see what Cena/RKO are gonna do with a whole hour to wrestle.
For some strange reason i actually have a feeling that Cena and Orton are going to shock the wrestling world with this and pull of a enjoyable match. I will admit i cant sit through a 20 minute match most times without finding it boring, so if Cena and Orton can keep me entertained for the hour, theyve done a damn good show.

Onto topic the IWC will never like Cena, they say turn him heel, evenif they did turn him heel he would still be doing the rong things. In the ring i dont like Cena, but he has my upmost respect, he is a super athelete and works his ass off for the business.
Hopefully Cena will take advantage of this chance to show off a whole slew of moves that we know from his pre WWE days. The guy can wrestle, he's just booked in a way to not show them off. Even though it'll be a losing effort, it'll still be nice to see Cena show everyone exactly what he's got in this 60 minute Iron Man Match. If he just sticks to his guns as of right now, this match will be a flop.
personally i like the cena/orton feud. It has been interesting to showcase their talents against each other, especially this past sunday at HIAC, with Orton pinning Cena legit. They both should be able to last the hour. Cena already proved it in May a few years back with that 62 minute match against HBK. Orton is in better shape than Cena, so it should be good. My opinion though...if you really want to put a rivalry to rest, let the match have no interference in it. Leave Legacy out, and let them do it on their own. It'll be a much more respectful win that way. I hope Orton wins though...I'm not a Cena Hater, but I think Orton would serve better as champ.
It truly depends on how the WWE writers want the match to go. I think the I quit match that Cena and Orton had could have had a much higher rating if the writers didn't do what they did. He was restraint or handcuffed the majority of the time and they eventually let him win because of the punishment he took. They should let the two wrestle with out Orton doing something crazy or legacy interfering. That's the only way everyone will see the quality these two can bring to a match.
Really, you think cena's in ring ability is great? I have to disagree. Sure his mic skills are awesome im not going to lie. but his wrestling ability really lacks. When he does that five knuckle shuffle, it doesn't even look like he hits them.

Now the only reason i see him going to smackdown, is so they can make him even more like the rock. Let's face it he is in love with The Rock. He wants to be every bit like him. So if he loses there's no doubt about it first day on raw. He prolly say he's the best on the show. Just like everytime he's in a match he always says it's going to be the best match of all time and blah blah. Such a fucking ego and you think his wrestling skills are good. That makes me laugh
I agree John Cena does work is ass of.. And i the The Iron Man Match will be hardcore (different) match since i guess there's no rule..... I am enjoying Ortons work i think he is a better heel than HHH

Orton to win at bragging rights

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