Is the feud over? Undertaker vs. Kane

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These two have been against each other since the debut of the Kane character. Their most recent feud I feel ended without a real conclusion. Kane has buried or at least helped bury The Undertaker 3 times out of the 5 Buried Alive Matches. I know nobody else wants to see it but I think this feud should continue and the final fallout match should be at Wrestlemania with Kane going over.

so I ask you..

Was the ending at Bragging Rights as good as it gets?:disappointed:
Should the feud continue? Would you like to see it?
Given the storyline since 1997 who should end the feud the victor?
I think that the feud should end at mania as Taker's last match, have Taker beat Kane at Wrestlemania again, but after the match, have Kane drag Taker to hell and they both dissappear forever. I think that would be a great ending for both characters to retire on. I would rather see the masked Kane do it though, cause this Kane isn't the same.
I think this is one feud they can always go with. I really like this one because so many years are invested in it and it started right after I got into wrestling when I was in the 4th grade.
Good Lord, I hope not. Their feud should continue. We see Taker "go to heaven" and it's over?? WTF!? Maybe Kane takes credit for why Undertaker couldn't stand at Wrestlemania. The last match should be at Survivor Series(where I also think Taker's career should end). The fact that they dropped it just so Taker and HHH could face each other(with no sensible story what so ever) was crap.
I think that the feud should end at mania as Taker's last match, have Taker beat Kane at Wrestlemania again, but after the match, have Kane drag Taker to hell and they both dissappear forever. I think that would be a great ending for both characters to retire on. I would rather see the masked Kane do it though, cause this Kane isn't the same.

I totally agree with you with taker beating kane at their final match ever at Wrestle Mania. But i would do the ending a bit more story telling.

I would is Under taker wins, then his original theme plays from his 1990 to 1991 days, then he picks up his brother to his feet, then they do that kneel down communication they used to do back in the 1998 days and while they do that the lightning pyro goes off through the enitre arena, and that would be a symbol of their fued is over and they have nothing left to do. then paul bearer voice comes over the loud speaker as if his sould was speaking from hell, and tells the brothers of destruction to come home for ever in the eternity of hell. The after he finishes that message, a huge lighting hits the wring and makes a gaping hole in the middle of the wring, with both taker and kane falls in to, then a kane like pyro goes off and the wring is engolfed with flames. then on loud speaker have both of them do an evil faint of a laugh , then the whole arena goes black and the only thing visible is the wring on fire with the whole in it, and they close mania with that moment.

thats what i would do if i were mcmahon.
I hope it is...Look at what Kane has been doing the last few weeks, the trumpet celebrations with santino? really? the WWE is running out of ideas for kane and if anything the only thing that this guy is supposed to be doing now is carrying over the younger talents like sheamus or jack swagger...
As for the Undertaker, if he can have one more Wrestlemania run, then i believe Chris Jericho should be that opponent. Jericho never faced Taker at Wm and this guy is a natural...he can still wrestle and lead a good feud into mania. With Cena taken, i believe that he is the only man that can fight for kane, he can either make the younger guys look good or retire because he got nothing left ging for him other than some decent promo skills and very limitted in ring skills
I think this idea for Taker's last match in WWE is great! Taker Vs Kane at WM28, not Taker Vs Triple H. I love the character of Kane. I love how Glen Jacobs had a bunch of different gimmicks in WWF at the time. But the one that got him to WWE Champion status, even if for 24 hours, was the Kane gimmick! I started watching WWF in '97. The first PPV I saw live was Badd Blood '97. HBK Vs Taker in the first HIAC match, with Paul Bearer bringing in Kane, who rips the door off the cell and tombstones Taker! That got me so into WWF and it started a 14 year old storyline and feud!

I think before Taker retires, this story needs to end. Kane buried Taker with help from Nexus at Bragging Rights 2010, but now he's back and wrestles Triple H...? Why not Kane, Wade Barrett, CM Punk or any Nexus member...? Storyline wise, it's the right thing to do.
No. This feud needed to end. It was epic, but we had seen it before and it lasted a little too long. The way things played out was just fine. I don't think the Bragging Rights match was "as good as it gets" though. I'd rather see them dominate the tag team division again instead of facing each other. Come on, who DOESN'T want to see The Brothers of Destruction as tag team champions, even for a brief run from one PPV to the next? I don't want to see another Kane VS Undertaker match for a very long time. Especially not at Wrestlemania. Michaels and Trips both got a rematch. Kane had a rematch already. We all know Taker will win a 3rd match against the big red monster. Plus, it would be nearly impossible to top their original Wrestlemania match at Wrestlemania 14. Kane got to win this feud. He lost two Wrestlemania matches (14 and 20) so let him win this feud, it should be over now and hopefully stays that way. If, for whatever reason, it continues again I really hope it doesn't go to Wrestlemania because there is no reason to have a 3rd Kane match.
The feud has just gone on for so long that it needed to end. I wouldn't mind a one-off match somewhere, but they shouldn't have another extended feud. It's just getting old and tired. They've been tied together for Kane's entire career, it's probably time that it's over. I agree with Dagger in that It was nice for Kane to get the last win, after losing so many times, he finally got the upper hand. It was only fitting. I don't think that Kane or 'Taker should retire each other or anything, I don't think it's needed. One last match wouldn't hurt, but it should be over.
I'd like to see something a little different personally. At Survivor Series, I'd like to see Kane take on Mason Ryan and Undertaker face CM Punk. Ryan/Kane would end in some kind of a DQ finish which ends up with Kane being incapacitated by Ryan. Taker would go over Punk, only to be brutally attacked by both Punk and Ryan after the match. Punk and Ryan would achieve quite a bit of tag team success (the rest of New Nexus would be disbanded at this point) and win the titles in the months leading up to the Royal Rumble. At the Rumble, Kane will return and eliminate both Punk and Ryan and in the weeks after that he'll be chasing them out of arenas and all that fun stuff. Eventually Kane will wrestle a match on Raw and get jumped by Punk and Ryan, but then the lights will go off and out comes Undertaker to clear house. Brothers of Destruction challenge Punk and Ryan at Wrestlemania for the titles, win, and they both retire that night as tag team champions, giving closure to both of their careers. I wouldn't have Undertaker wrestle at all from Survivor Series until Wrestlemania, that way his last one on one match would occur where it all began for him, and his last match overall would be at Mania bringing the streak to 20-0.

...Sorry for that long winded fantasy booking. I swear that wasn't my intention when I started writing this out. :icon_neutral:
Other than Mankind and The Undertakers fued leading up to the attitude era I consider Kane and The Undertaker to be my favourite fued in the WWE. Especially in the very early days. The storylines and characters were so well written..promos and on screen interactions were played out perfectly by 'Taker, kane and Bearer. I feel that the whole episode does need(deserve) a proper ending so I am guessing we will see something happen between the two before one or both call it a day. The fued did get stale for a while and everytime the two got together either to fight or to tag up it almost seemed like they were going through motions just to please the fans (a bit like later day DX) but the last little fued just before The Undertaker got injured actually looked like it was going somewhere interesting so it's ashame it was cut short.
Although I dont believe their last match was anywhere near as good as it gets, Taker-Kane matches dont have the excitment that they used to have. They have simply done it too many times and with both of them fading(Undertaker fading faster ofcourse) I don't think it would benefit either of them to go through it again and it certainly is not what the fans would want. On top of that I am not a big fan of having them do another match at Mania, most people have forgotten that they already had a Mania match and honestly we've had enough repeat streak matches at Wrestlemania.I do believe that Taker and Kane would be a great ending to Taker's career storywise but lets face it, as fans we want his last one to be a quality match. He needs to defend the streak one more time and end on a good victory, while Kane can continue his career a bit longer and give us a little more hell on earth.
I didn't see their match at Survivor Series so I can't comment on if that match was as good as it gets. I'm quite sure they had better matches when they were both younger and back when Kane still had his mask. But I do believe the feud had to end. They've been tied together their entire careers. Their last feud, while good, went on a little longer than I would have wanted it too. However, I am very happy that Kane ended up getting the last win. It was fitting considering he had been living in the Undertaker's shadow for years. I wouldn't mind them having another one on one match sometime down the line but I don't want another full blown feud. It was fun while it lasted but it's gotten old. There are far more interesting feuds the both of them can have without involving one another.
This feud has been too long and has gotten stale a little. The last feud these two got had great promos and build ups, but after all the talk ended, their matches were "meh". Take an example 2004, the build up for Taker's return was pretty sweet, but does anyone actually remember the match? The same can be said about their last feud: everyone was so hyped about Kane's promo and etc, but as far the matches were concerned, the only thing we all remember today is why the Nexus helped Kane.

This would work if both men were younger, specially Taker. Today they just can't deliver an amazing match between each other. I think the symbolism about their feud ended with the burial. I don't think it was the proper end, I disagree with most here but Taker should win. Simple booking, face win, heel lose; unless of course their last match would be in a SD! or RAW were Kane could win (it happen with the Eddie/Rey feud, Angle/Benoit for example). It's the right time when both men should move on and continue their respective careers helping getting over the youth movement.
I have seen these two lock up so many times over the years, I hope we have seen the end of a really long-term feud between Taker and Kane. However, if Kane is to be Undertakers last opponent then I would not be against them feuding 1 last time.

I think Kane should be involved in the last match of his "brother". The two of them have been linked in some way pretty much ever since Kane's awesome debut back in the 1st ever HIAC match. Their matches are always decent, but never awesome as we have seen it all so many times before.

I personally hope they stay apart from each other, until Undertaker is getting ready to retire and we see him face Kane for a last time...a MASKED Kane hopefully.
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