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Is Superstars worth it?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So superstars doesnt draw alot of ratings. Its only purpose is to give the crap talent and the talent that has nothing else to do. So should vince keep it going, cancel it, or stream it on WWE.COM?
I think what they should do is improve it and use it as a draw against TNA. Improve it to a show thats actually worth something by adding some brand vs. brand matches and some Upper card talent.

So thoughts?
For me theres 2 options...

My favorite would be future NXT seasons in its place, with NXT 4 - Tag Teams only... its a reach but they did a divas season.... why not Tag Teams.

Or just throw me 1 ME level star or upper mid-card guy a week. Sheamus, Punk, Orton, Edge, Mysterio, Show, or Kane.... Even if its Kane vs Zack Ryder in a squash, having the WHC in the show will give it a bit of a big match feel.
I feel that it is actually a good show to watch and provides some actual wrestling matches. It also helps give the Divas more time for their matches and gives the low mid card some air time to show the WWE Universe what they can do.

Speaking of lower midcard, does anyone know where Yoshi Tatsu is at?

As for the show, I think it works for what it is but I feel that they should somehow incorporate the feuds into one of the main shows more often.
They better keep it.

Bringing in bigger stars to make the show better / bring up ratings would be against the point of allowing time for lower carders to have matches every week. They could keep having the people who appear on there now keep appearing, maybe with a few surprise uppercarders once in a while.

What they could do to improve the quality of the show is to make some actual storylines once in a while between the guys on the show instead of just having random matches. People are not easily interested in random matches with no feuds (or half-assed feuds for that matter) behind them, and if you add that to the already low card roster then that is two strikes against this show.

Basically, I think the roster members they are using are not as big of a problem as the lack of storylines on the show. It's pretty remarkable how a show of jobbers in random matches is able to get above a .2 honestly.
I personally never enjoyed Superstars; I always found it very boring.

Superstars usually repeats the same main events over and over again so many times that it is just not even bearable. Besides, the only people that you usually have at in Superstars matches are usually just jobbers (low-carders) or at te very best lingering mid-carders on the main rosters. Now tell me...Who the hell wants to watch that? I know some people will say that it actually shows decent wrestling (or whatever), but I just don't see the point if the only people there are usually people that you don't give two shits about: Chris Masters, Vance Archer, Chavo, MVP, etc.

What I think should happen is that they remove the show Superstars all-together and replace it with NXT. NXT right now is only available on the internet. Now, if you were to get rid of Superstars and move NXT to that place, I think it would be a much better benefit for WWE. Besides, Superstars bearly puts up to ratings of 0.7...meaning no one really gives a shit about it. At least with NXT you had ratings in the 1.0 range. NXT is a much more entertaining show; I'd much rather see that on Thursdays than seeing Superstars.

But this is only my opinion and I am speaking hypothetically of course. I don't expect what I mentioned above to happen, but I would like to see it happen.
motherFUCK ya its worth it, just a bit misguided. If only it were on a network people could actually watch, it would have a much higher purpose. It could be like ECW used to be, but with no champion. Shit, in actuality, you could have a mid card title match or tag title ME the show every now and again, and give those titles a bit of prestige back.

Give it a nationwide network and just slightly stronger booking, and that show could be DAMN worth it and likely draw in the .8 to 1.0 range weekly. Come the fuck on, as if Wedsnday or thursday night at 10 on USA or SyFy brings down better ratings than that?

I dont see why it doesnt happen anyway.
Yeh i never got why its called "Superstars" yet Jobbers are on it every week. Make it the next stage for the NXT guys to go(when its back to men lol) and create real fueds between them on that show. Then they can release the ones that aint doing good and keep the ones that are the "next best thing".After that they can get promoted to raw or smackdown. It would give the value of the NXT winner more meaning aswell because they get to go on Raw or Smackdown str8 away. At least the name would be relevant because it would be where "Superstars" are made!
Living in Canada, I know I can live without it. But I wish I could watch it. Though I have only seen it once when I was down in New York, I can see this show being a building block to RAW or Smackdown. Use some of the lesser talents and push title matches on the show (not the world titles), that would be using the show to it's full potential. To answer you question your question Vince shouldn't do any of your options, He should put it on in Canada.
This is how wrestling used to be. A mish-mosh of matches from several different venues. It's not bad, but isn't great either. It does pass the time, however, until TNA is on.
Vince should put Superstars on the web. It's a good show in terms of giving the lower midcarders something to do and giving the lower midcarders more exposure, but from a viewers point of view its boring.
They should end the show right here right now. It sucks. The main event says "Ziggler vs Masters"?? WTH!! They have three options here:

1. They should end the show
2. They should make it a WWE.com exclusive
3. Add some main-eventers like Edge, Jericho, Show, Punk, Sheamus etc.

Also, another option would be to just make it a Divas show. All the divas competing. There are hardly 15. A 8-diva battle royal, tag team, a triple threat to crown the No.1 contender (if already crowned, just a normal no-stipulation match) or an extreme match followed by a champion vs _____ main-event. Would be good and some guest stars (yeah, instead of on RAW, on this show would be good) like Pee-wee or Snoop Dog would make it watchable unlike Superstars. Rename the show as "WWE DIVAS".
It's good experience for the "newbies" to prepare themselves for their future in wwe by getting some TV time and it's also good for wwe because it's a way of seeing if the wrestler can appeal to the crowd or not. It's what replaced ECW but without a title and no real storylines just plain old wrestling.

So, yes I think Superstars is worth it.
Im kinda dissapointed how NXT started off with great interest and now is on the Dot Com! Its sad really. I liked that show untill they ruined it by ruining the diva challenges etc

Onto superstars, its a great show with fast paced wrestling. The crowd is always into it and it seems like its genuine crowd reaction by the way they stand up and cheer. The talent is great, its just that they are there because they dont get time to wrestle on raw or smackdown. I would suggest adding some fueds to the mix. Also, what i like is that its raw vs smackdown anytime, so there are lots of potential matchups. Iv seen numerous classics that beat any match tna put on that week aswell.

I say keep the show, just make it more credible with champions on it and fueds. An appearance from the WHC or orton wouldn't hurt. They could work an extra session im sure.

Also, its where tag team wrestling is at its finest in wwe, because i dont see a bloody tag match on smackdown or raw these days. I missed when the dudebusters would face cryme tyme etc, now they are hardly shown.
Superstars serves its purpose of exposing lowercard talent to the fanbase and sets up undercard angles on the main show

its definitely worth it as it doesn't cost WWE any extra money to produce and WGN is paying a pretty penny to have it on their network
i think they need a television title. then some younger guys can use that as a building block on superstars. im not saying make the tv title like a WHC of superstars but make it where its only defended on there. and put a guy like santino or someone on there with it and that way when someone gets mad at him they have to come to superstars to try and take his title away.
If I remember right, wgn is the channel its on? They asked the wwe to make a show for their channel. This cost to make the show for them is next to nothing and wgn wants it and is willing to pay them for it.
So why not. Its a good show to get the crowd motivated for the main show that's what the main purpose for show is and its doing well at that. So the question is it worth it? for you maybe not because it does not show main even wrestlers. For the midcarders yes its worth it. And for the fans in the crowd its worth it. For the wwe as a company standpoint hell ya its worth it.
I don't see what to many people have a problem with. It's a wrestling show that features almost only wrestling matches. What's so wrong about that exactly? There used to be a number of 1 hour programs in the past that did the very same thing, but we look back on them fondly. As usual, the IWC has to find something to bitch about no matter what it is.

Superstars is a show that costs virtually nothing to make. The WWE puts virtually no effort into the show and it generally draws about 700,000 viewers in its first airing on Thursday nights. WGN gets a show that delivers viewers, the WWE makes money, wrestlers that often don't get much time on Raw or SD! are given some television time and the show usually produces pretty good wrestling content overall. So why in the blue frig would the WWE not want Superstars on the air? Superstars accomplishes exactly what it's been intended to do.

That's not to say that it couldn't be a lot better overall. I usually enjoy Superstars and I don't think it'd take very much effort at all for the WWE to make the show relevant. Put a few main eventers on the show sometimes, give them a lot of time to have great matches, hype the show on Raw and SD! and things'll be fine. For instance, if you announce on a live episode of Raw that John Cena & Sheamus will wrestle in the main event on Superstars, that episode of Superstars sould outdraw TNA iMPACT!.
OP, please don't tell me you are one of those people who complain about the lack of 'wrestling' on Raw.

I love Superstars. The show usually has 3 matches, and just like the Meatloaf song.. "Two out of three ain't bad."

Chris Masters is easily one of the most UNDERRATED wrestlers of the year and is a Superstars regular. The guy is a beast in the ring and I can't think of one bad match he has had on the show all year.

The show also allows for mini-feuds that like the action in the ring do the talking. The Bellas and Jillian had a fun feud from late June - early August that was much better than any LayCool promo has had all year. A sad Mark Henry beating up the Usos = love. Darren Young has been trying to find his footing since getting the boot by Wade. And of course, anything with Primo is good.
I do have to admit that I think it's funny that in the opening montage for the superstars program, it shows all these wrestlers that never actually appear on the superstars program.

That aside though, I do think it's a good show. It gives some of the mid carders something to do when there is not a specific program or story for them on the main show, and it gives the newbies an opportunity to show their stuff. Honestly, without superstars there would be at least a dozen wrestlers we all probably would have forgotten are still around.

Can it be made better? Sure, it wouldn't hurt to have some a main eventer or two rotate in the superstars program once in a while, maybe even build up a feud or a story. I certainly wouldn't complain if that were to happen. But even if it doesn't, I can't really find a fault or complaint with the show. Perhaps its not as entertaining, storyline wise, but the matches are still good quality.
It has no storylines, but maybe because of that, it has some of the best matches every week, featuring a lot of underrated talents and veterans. They need storylines on the main shows to keep people interested and draw PPV buys, but an exhibition show is also good if you just want to watch some wrestling, with guys who wouldn't be on air otherwise.
Its basically a recap show with a few matches that have divas and some lower midcarders. I really don't think WWE cares about the ratings or that its on the same night as Impact. Not many people get WGN America. I don't know what type of ratings they draw on the network, but I'm sure Superstars may be the highest rating they have. Its not like they have anything else except reruns of Matlock, Bewitched, and the Beverly Hillbillies. There is South Park and baseball games though.

Not a great show, but there is no reason to get rid of it unless the company doesn't want it.
I think its alright. It gives some midcard guys a chance to shine. However I think the channel Superstars is on infleunces the amount of viewers avaliable. I don't live in America so I cannot comment but from what i heard the show is limited to certain audiences. If I was WWE I would transfer Superstars to the WWE.com exclusive show whilst NXT is shown on TV on thursday nights. However what do I know
No, it ain't worth. Somebody answer me this. Why does NXT, the show devoted to creating the next breakout Star/Diva/Tag Team of WWE as well as give other new talents a good start, have to be aired on WWE.com while Superstars, a show that just offers lowercard matches, has a full TV deal? We have a show for making new stars, but it's taking a back seat to filler. Amazing. That alone makes Superstars look like a bother. Not to mention how well promoted it is that you have to read online spoilers to get any sort of preview. The show is also far away from a pre-PPV timeslot, so if Sunday Night Heat became pointless, imagine this one.

In my sincerest opinion, WWE Superstars is a total waste of resources.
I guess it gives people who want to watch a quality wrestling program an option for Thursday nights, as there's nothing much else on that night which gets the job done :)

All joking aside, I don't see the appeal for Superstars. I am by far and away a WWE guy more so than a TNA guy, yet I have never seen Superstars. In fact, I don't even know if it's available in my area and I simply have never bothered to check. I do attempt to watch iMPACT for the most part, if I manage to make it through 2+ hours of it without getting a migraine. I would think WWE's resources would be better spent either investing in making a developmental program such as NXT or a returning Tough Enough (so I've read) better, or doing something better with Superstars to try to increase it's appeal. Because if they cannot make someone like myself care enough to watch it, there never going to entice anyone else to do so.

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