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Is Sandow being buried? If so, why?

While I'm not a huge fan of the guy, I don't want people to think I'm hating on him here...but his gimmick was a joke to begin with, he got it over because he was paired with a really good heel in Miz. His gimmick before was act like other people, while working with the Miz his role was the Miz, and towards the tail end of the program his gimmick was feud with Miz while being Miz.

How do you give him a storyline as Mizdow? What someone gets angry at the Miz and accidentally attacks Mizdow? There is almost nothing to give him, and really the gimmick was what was over and that was only because of the Miz.

The only real choice to keep him over was to continue the Mizdow gimmick or return to imitating other people. And they really tried to give him a character to impersonate who would give him an insanely strong face pop.

And to everyone who said he had a big program at Wrestlemania, the program was on the preshow, inside of another match, which they let Big Show win so he could be given to Reigns. They considered Miz/Mizdow so unimportant it wasn't given an actual Mania match.

Sandow will rebound, I'm almost certain he isn't going to be future endeavored, but we'll find out one day
There almost needs to be two separate topics here.

One is about what buried really means or how it should be used and the other is about Damien Sandow's status in WWE.

Let me tackle the first one. I agree that people often misuse the term "buried" because often people throw around buried as soon as someone who had some reasonable pop from the crowd and mid to high spot on the card is now dropped down in priority and importance. That's not buried because they are still on TV and making money but it certainly isn't an absolute ideal position for most wrestlers if you ask them. So the IWC probably needs a new WORD alternative for "buried" that is more accurate. But I don't know what that word should be. Maybe "de-pushed" is as close to accurate as I can think.

As for Damien Sandow's position in WWE. I can't say I'm too surprised. Sandow got popular again because of a comedy gimmick Mizdow and really, what could be expected of him soon after he finished with Miz? Even if he went back to a more serious Damien Sandow character which he kinda tried to before the Macho Mandow thing... where was he going to go on the card and in terms of importance?

The top card is pretty stacked with wrestlers who have more legitimacy. So Sandow wasn't going anywhere near the WWE World Title. He wasn't going to go anywhere near the US Title because Cena vs Rusev and Cena being US Champ. Even if Sandow did or does the US Challenge and has a good match, it won't help much because he needs to be built up in a different way. He has LOST too much and become too much of a joke to just turn around and be taken seriously.

Honestly, Sandow had his chance to be taken seriously when he debuted as Intellectual Saviour of the Masses but for whatever reason he didn't get enough true heat or Vince just didn't like him and it went downhill. The hill is way too high to climb again so fast.

You might say, look at Santino Marella how he was a comedy character and still won titles like a long run as US champ. To that I would like to say, I hope that is an EXCEPTION and not something that becomes more common.

So I think Sandow, or Mandow is really in the spot he should be. There is NO room for him anywhere else really. People laugh at R-Truth being in the IC Elimination Chamber title match but really he is more legit than Sandow because Truth has won more matches here and there and he's won more titles than Sandow. Macho Mandow with Axelmania may be a lazy rehash of Mega Powers but it's done as a comedy thing and they are a tag team that can job which is needed. WWE needs jobbers, that's just how pro wrestling works. You can still enjoy a match with a jobber or a comedy team as long as the show isn't just quick job matches and comedy matches.

The other thing is, and sorry to say for the guy playing Sandow, but WWE needs to have SOME wrestlers who haven't won titles otherwise it's like why is anyone special if EVERYONE who comes into WWE wins titles?

Not sure what is in Sandow's future but he serves a purpose now with his team with Curtis Axel and he'll probably be playing the comedy jobber baby face with maybe some pops into the upper mid card like R-Truth has had over his career or if he personally doesn't like it he'll just ask to be released or wait for his contract to be up.
Oi, unless you know of an official wrestling dictionary to support your claim/disprove my own, your definition doesn't even match the majority of this forums definition of the term (even among posters who disagreed with my usage). So I see no reason to change my own definition. If anything, you being a dick only makes me want to be even more liberal with the term.

Huh, that's funny, it feels like I might have said that 99% of the forum seems to have no clue about what the term means. Its not my fault the majority of this forum doesn't know what it means, but many people don't seem to understand what a lot of terms mean.

No, there is no dictionary, just having seen/watched/heard people with a combined 200 years of experience in the business explain it the way I have, not to mention fairly common knowledge of anyone who has a fucking clue what they are talking about. That's why half of Slyfox's posts are him just educating people on how wrestling actually works, and what the terms they are misusing actually mean.

He has more patience for teaching than I do.

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