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Is Sandow being buried? If so, why?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Sandow was arguably the most 'over' performer in the early part of 2015 and it seemed like WWE was getting ready to do something with him...except it didn't happen. He lost to the Big Show at the Andre the Giant Battle Royale and then lost to Miz, which sort of confused me. I don't mind the Miz, but he was about to leave to film another movie and promote "The Marine 4", so he didn't really need the win on the way out.

Sandow did, as this was supposed to be the beginning of his rebooted career. He could've kept the music, name, etc if he wanted to and then Miz could win it back once he returned- maybe at a PPV. Their feud got Miz lots of heat and Sandow lots of love, so I think most would've been fine with it taking a PPV spot.

Afterwards, I was expecting Sandow to maybe become the next Daniel Bryan. He was selling me as the underdog, was getting major reactions and then...he was demoted to a feud with Curtis Axel...Then he went back to being a comedic character with his Macho Mandow impersonation. Now they are a team, but the majority of this storyline is being told on Main Event...isn't that like the lowest of WWE programming? I remember when he returned as Sandow for the first time and gave his thank you speech, they didn't even show it on Hulu.

So...what happened? I can understand Fandando, Alberto del Rio, R-Truth, Stardust, Swagger, Axel, Adam Rose or Bo Dallas being demoted to the low card because while talented, they didn't get strong reactions on their own. But Sandow was getting stronger pops than Reigns and even Cena, so this confuses me.

It is possible that WWE doesn't have a lot of room for him, but really? I've seen Fandango more on RAW and Smackdown lately than Sandow and Fandango only gets real pops when he's in the U.K.
darn it brother.. if u are on tv in any way you are not being buried.
what is happening is , Damien Sandow is not being used to his full potential at this current time. that is ok, the E obviously knows what he is capable of, the suits with the pencils saw the same footage you & i saw for the past year..
but it is so obvious that the WWE only creates and runs with a limited number of storylines at one given time... including a certain number of superstars & divas, and plan to run each storyline to the end.. hoping to create many months of WWE ppvs ( network) matches and tv segments..

this method was different in attitude era where every guy on card was used in a storyline and promoted well so each card at house shows had a match that was an ongoing feud with stories u saw on tv..

plus i warned every1 i knew that during the end of the MIZ & MIZDOW gimick , that the E suits were totally on board with the fact mizdow was getting heat only because he was w/ MIZ.. dont get your calvin kleins in a bunch brother, its true. we hated miz more.. we cheered on mizdow more because of our hate for miz... it was the same reason we liked VIRGIL in 1991, because of how much we hated dibiase ( of course that was strung out much longer!)..
it is what made Diesel a super babyface in late 94. cause we hated HBK.
its not the only reason, BUT a HUGE benefit & factor in it.. WARRIOR went from over to super over after he defeated Honky Tonk Man at msg SS88, as honly was #2 hated then...

although Mizdow did prove he could now get over, and work clean and safely.. but who is he..?? during his & Miz's run, i always felt it was fun & working but i always felt it was gunna do nothing for Mizdow Post- Miz.. i fear i was right..

now believe me, Sandow is super happy right now.. he is getting paid well, to have fun and wrestle a much safer style for now.. the comedy helps.. so for now i say let sandow & axel really try to make us laugh, and maybe go further into this gimmick with a diva playing a Miss Elizabeth type .. maybe even another diva doin a sherri gimmick.. so once axel & mandow split..sandow becomes Macho Kingdow & gets his Queen !! oh and i would LOVE, LOVE to see a jakked up african american superstar play the Zeus, and lead to a classic blue cage match!!

embrace it, if u r a fan of Damien Sandow, hes on tv.. performing.. when you dont see or hear about him for weeks, then hes being buried..
Sandow is given something and does it fantastically. That is both a testament to his talent but also going to be his downfall.

Due to his versatility as a performer and his obvious comedic traits he is likely to be stuck in the undercard. He is on TV and PPV regularly at the moment presumably making good money. I hope all this leads to be a big shoot heel turn at some point and really elevates him but I think Vince will keep him doing what he is doing.
they didn't get strong reactions on their own

and neither was Sandow

But Sandow was getting stronger pops than Reigns and even Cena, so this confuses me.

He wasn't though, was he?

So many of you are fortunate I no longer mod, as I would just automatically trash any thread with the word "bury" or "buried" in the title. 99% of you clearly have zero knowledge of what it actually means. To you it means "my favorite isn't mowing through people like Goldberg"

Someone being buried is an intentional effort to remove any and all worth from that character. Sandow is still on PPV and weekly programming, and was given a comedy gimmick (after he got over doing comedy) to run with.

Sandow being over was never anything other than being a part of a comedy act with the Miz. What were they supposed to do with him after the spilt? Have him come out and promo every week about "hey remember that time I mocked the miz? Wasn't that great?!?!"

He is a comedy character. He is doing what comedy characters do.
If he were getting buried he would either be kept off TV or he would be out there getting no intros and jobbing to a range of superstars in under two minutes. He may not be getting used as well as you'd like but there are multiple reasons why that is. I personally don't see him as anything other than midcard talent so I think he's in the right spot, I assume Vince McMahon and/or Triple H have that viewpoint as well.
I personally don't see him as anything other than midcard talent so I think he's in the right spot, I assume Vince McMahon and/or Triple H have that viewpoint as well.

I agree, yet when watching Damien Sandow, I keep thinking of Charlie Haas.

Charlie was a talented wrestler who, once the company was finished casting him in serious programs, used him to play "dress up" and job to anyone and everyone.

Since I liked the guy, I hoped the next step would be to let him go back to the midcard cast and use his superior technical ability to earn his living. Instead, as we now know, the comedy stuff was a prelude to being bounced out of WWE.

Is it going to be the same for Sandow? Like Haas, Damien isn't simply in a comedy gimmick; he's actually doing joke impersonations of people......if you can tell me appearing in a ballet tutu is going to make us take the man seriously .....well, I don't even know how to respond.

To answer the original question: No, I don't think he's being buried; no one who appears on WWE TV as much as he can be viewed as buried.

But, as to his future, I remind everyone that Charlie Haas showed up on TV a lot at the end, too.........
darn it brother.. if u are on tv in any way you are not being buried.

So many of you are fortunate I no longer mod, as I would just automatically trash any thread with the word "bury" or "buried" in the title. 99% of you clearly have zero knowledge of what it actually means. To you it means "my favorite isn't mowing through people like Goldberg"

The topic is "Is Sandow being buried", which questions whether he is in the process of one, not that it has already happened. When someone goes from being a prominent force in RAW, even getting a major moment in Wrestlemania and then suddenly finds themselves being shown primarily on Main Event- is that not the early stages of a burial? It hasn't happened yet, but that's why I'm asking if it is happening right now.

I'm glad you're not a mod either, as you seem overly touchy if you think that I'm disappointed that "Sandow isn't mowing through people like Goldberg". Do not put words in my mouth...or fingers, I guess... I was complaining that he went from working with upper-mid card performers like the Miz and Bigshow on major platforms and is now working with low-card performers like Axel and the Ascension (although admittedly I'm not sure if they count as low or midcard right now) on Main Event.
and neither was Sandow

So were those loud "We wan't Mizdow" chants that were heard on almost a weekly basis figments of my imagination? Or did I mentally block out the "We wan't R-Truth" chants?
Just a guess but I feel like Sandow's story with The Miz isn't over. Macho Mandow gives Miz something to mock and attack when he gets back. It gives Miz the opportunity to tell the fans he was right and without Miz, Sandow is back to being a joke. This in turn gives Sandow a chance to fight Miz again and finally get revenge - either as Sandow, Mizdow, or Mandow.

Or maybe it is just mindless entertainment that is meant to last a while, promote the Network, and give Sandow something to do until they find him something else to do.

But it is definitely not the start of a burial. Not even close.
I'm sorry (because I actually enjoy his work), but Damien Sandow doesn't have what it takes to get "over" and be successful. He, like Cody Rhodes, has been given multiple opportunities/"gimmicks" to run with (Sandow is great on the mic), but at the end of the day, he just doesn't have that "it" factor. His greatest fan reaction came when he was cheered in spite of the Miz! If WWE were going to keep his "momentum" going, you would think that now would be the time to push him as a singles competitor. But, no, what does WWE creative do? "Hey, lets throw Sandow in a Macho Man outfit and team him up with Axel (talk about living on your last name)!" Between the Mizdow and Macho Mandow characters, he has essentially taken Santino Marella's spot as the resident comedy jobber.
I don't see this as a burial. Its a logical course of action for Sandow, but that doesn't mean it will turn out great.
He is a comedy guy, that does great when he has someone to feed off of. It makes sense to put him in a comedy tag team.
When they put Kidd and Cesaro they were not doing great but have come a long way. They are pretty popular and are taken seriously.
When you think burial, think the Spirit Squad, that is a burial.
The boys who cried burial. This is the era of hyperbole, so as soon as our favourite guy isn't top of the card, we cry burial. Sandow was getting massive pops, but they were also a symptom of an opposite reaction to Sandow's partner, The Miz. The Sandow pops began when Miz went for a pop, was met with boos, and Sandow did the same. I would go so far as to argue that Sandow was hardly over at all; The Miz was over as a heel, and Sandow was because we wanted Miz's ass whooped.

Sandow's pop was small compared to Ambrose, Ziggler, or Bryan. Reigns and Cena are poor examples, as both men have opinionated men with a hate-on. Sandow was being cheered, but so was Zack Ryder. If you want to see a modern example of a burial, look up Ryder, Zack.

If you're on main event or superstars, you're not buried. If you're constantly embarrassed and humiliated then given dark matches and catering, you're buried. WWE wants to continue Sandow's popularity, so they've teamed him with another superstar who was getting over with a similar gimmick. They just had a PPV match. Pre-show is still a PPV match, they trust you to get people excited to buy the show/sign up for the network.

Sandow may go down in the history books as a comedy jobber. He may be the next Santino. They clearly believe in the guy enough to give him an angle, and PPV pre-show, he just didn't get pushed as an upper mid-card to main event babyface as Sandow fans had hoped.

Remember, start of burial = public humiliation and an immediate removal from televised product. A PPV preshow match means the company is fine with if not high on you. There's no burial here.
The boys who cried burial. This is the era of hyperbole, so as soon as our favourite guy isn't top of the card, we cry burial. Sandow was getting massive pops, but they were also a symptom of an opposite reaction to Sandow's partner, The Miz. The Sandow pops began when Miz went for a pop, was met with boos, and Sandow did the same. I would go so far as to argue that Sandow was hardly over at all; The Miz was over as a heel, and Sandow was because we wanted Miz's ass whooped.

Sandow's pop was small compared to Ambrose, Ziggler, or Bryan. Reigns and Cena are poor examples, as both men have opinionated men with a hate-on. Sandow was being cheered, but so was Zack Ryder. If you want to see a modern example of a burial, look up Ryder, Zack.

If you're on main event or superstars, you're not buried. If you're constantly embarrassed and humiliated then given dark matches and catering, you're buried. WWE wants to continue Sandow's popularity, so they've teamed him with another superstar who was getting over with a similar gimmick. They just had a PPV match. Pre-show is still a PPV match, they trust you to get people excited to buy the show/sign up for the network.

Sandow may go down in the history books as a comedy jobber. He may be the next Santino. They clearly believe in the guy enough to give him an angle, and PPV pre-show, he just didn't get pushed as an upper mid-card to main event babyface as Sandow fans had hoped.

Remember, start of burial = public humiliation and an immediate removal from televised product. A PPV preshow match means the company is fine with if not high on you. There's no burial here.

Actually, the Mizdow pops just began during a random 'Miz Vs Sheamus' match. Miz wasn't posing, they were just fighting. It seemed to throw Mizdow off guard, who then started to play to the crowd. Sheamus actually reacted to them more, looking confused and even sort of annoyed (sort of like Big E when they turned on New Day). I don't even remember Miz responding at all until later.

Jeez, I've already explained why and how I used the term 'buried', so I'm done.
I'm glad you're not a mod either

You should be. Even though I rocked.

I was complaining that he went from working with upper-mid card performers like the Miz and Bigshow on major platforms and is now working with low-card performers like Axel and the Ascension (although admittedly I'm not sure if they count as low or midcard right now) on Main Event.

Which is not being buried. Or signs of being such.

So were those loud "We wan't Mizdow" chants that were heard on almost a weekly basis figments of my imagination?

This is hilarious. :disappointed: even better you chose to respond to the part were I emphasized that he was in no way receiving these reactions all by himself.
As I said a while back, Sandow is Santino's replacement as a comedy act. He can do anything that creative can throw at him. If it is crap, he makes it gold. He is going nowhere for a long while. As long as he does not get it into his head that he is Main Event material, he will have a job for at least 10 years.
The tag team sucks and obviously has no legs. Some, maybe a lot of people would disagree with me on that, but they lost to The Ascension on a PPV pre-show... doesn't seem like WWE is very adamant on getting them over. So, this program will probably end soon enough followed by a one-two week blowoff feud with Axel.

Where Sandow goes from there, who knows, but I'd say his WWE career depends on it. If he's given a chance to move up the card it may revitalize his career. Were he to be given another comedy gimmick than I think it'd be safe to say that will be his spot on the roster from now on.

He's not being buried though.
Sandow was arguably the most 'over' performer in the early part of 2015 and it seemed like WWE was getting ready to do something with him...except it didn't happen. He lost to the Big Show at the Andre the Giant Battle Royale and then lost to Miz, which sort of confused me. I don't mind the Miz, but he was about to leave to film another movie and promote "The Marine 4", so he didn't really need the win on the way out.

Sandow did, as this was supposed to be the beginning of his rebooted career. He could've kept the music, name, etc if he wanted to and then Miz could win it back once he returned- maybe at a PPV. Their feud got Miz lots of heat and Sandow lots of love, so I think most would've been fine with it taking a PPV spot.

Afterwards, I was expecting Sandow to maybe become the next Daniel Bryan. He was selling me as the underdog, was getting major reactions and then...he was demoted to a feud with Curtis Axel...Then he went back to being a comedic character with his Macho Mandow impersonation. Now they are a team, but the majority of this storyline is being told on Main Event...isn't that like the lowest of WWE programming? I remember when he returned as Sandow for the first time and gave his thank you speech, they didn't even show it on Hulu.

So...what happened? I can understand Fandando, Alberto del Rio, R-Truth, Stardust, Swagger, Axel, Adam Rose or Bo Dallas being demoted to the low card because while talented, they didn't get strong reactions on their own. But Sandow was getting stronger pops than Reigns and even Cena, so this confuses me.

It is possible that WWE doesn't have a lot of room for him, but really? I've seen Fandango more on RAW and Smackdown lately than Sandow and Fandango only gets real pops when he's in the U.K.

I don't think he's being buried. I just think WWE may think being a face comedy character is Sandow's niche.

You have to remember that when Miz and Sandow were originally a tag team, they were heels and eventually Sandow got bigger than a tag team as a face.

Rather than completely changing what's been working for him, they've took his new found fame further.
Which is not being buried. Or signs of being such.

Then please elaborate on what you consider a burial, preferably without pretending I said anything along the lines of ""my favorite isn't mowing through people like Goldberg".
This is hilarious. :disappointed: even better you chose to respond to the part were I emphasized that he was in no way receiving these reactions all by himself.

The problem I have with crediting the Miz is that once again, the chants started randomly during a 'Miz Vs Sheamus' match. They booed when Sheamus attacked Mizdow, so couldn't that easily mean that Sheamus deserves responsibility for that as well? This wasn't a one time deal, like when fans cheered Rusev in order to spite Reigns. How do you determine who is over based on that? When Cesaro turned on Swagger and got a huge pop, was it because they liked Cesaro or hated Swagger?

WWE later on decided to play up the 'Mizdow gets cheered, Miz gets booed' dynamic. But it obviously began as something they weren't expecting. Maybe you're right and they just were shitting on the match before it became trendy, but that same argument could be used for anyone. Maybe no one would give a shit about Ryback if it weren't for his catchphrase, or Bryan's yes chant. To me, strong reactions= over with the crowd. That is amusingly why Cena is still probably the most 'over', as much as people tend to hate him, because he will get 'Let's go Cena, Cena sucks' chants regardless of who he is fighting. People are paying attention to him more than his opponent, just as people were paying more attention to Mizdow than they were the Miz.
Then please elaborate on what you consider a burial, preferably without pretending I said anything along the lines of ""my favorite isn't mowing through people like Goldberg".

I already did, in my first post.

The problem I have with crediting the Miz is that once again, the chants started randomly during a 'Miz Vs Sheamus' match. They booed when Sheamus attacked Mizdow, so couldn't that easily mean that Sheamus deserves responsibility for that as well? This wasn't a one time deal, like when fans cheered Rusev in order to spite Reigns. How do you determine who is over based on that? When Cesaro turned on Swagger and got a huge pop, was it because they liked Cesaro or hated Swagger?


HUH? You said he got the reaction by himself. To deny people hating the Miz had anything to do with it is silly. Nothing about the act or Sandows heat was sustainable.

Your Ryback and Bryan examples are flawed, as both of them were already over to some degree before their catch phrases became popular.
Someone being buried is an intentional effort to remove any and all worth from that character.

Isn't that too vague though? When Barrett returned in 2014, he was presented as a credible and dangerous champion- cleanly beating upper/midcard faces. When he returned the last time, he became a weakling who spent the build up to wrestlemania losing in every match he had. Leading up to Fast Lane, he even lost to R-Truth and Sin Cara. Isn't that technically removing his 'worth'? Yet I don't think Barrett has ever been buried, as he still is very prominent on WWE programming.

Sandow's Macho Man impersonation seems like a major step back in character development, but even then, I wouldn't suggest that he is in the process of a burial if he was prominent on RAW or even Smackdown. Somebody said that Ryder is an example of being buried, but even Main Event allows him to do some real wrestling...and that seems to be the current home of Macho Mandow. Which once again, the point of my topic was to question whether Sandow is in the 'process' of being buried. Most burials don't happen in a single night. Now for all I know, Sandow might become prominent next week. But that's why this is a discussion.

UH? You said he got the reaction by himself. To deny people hating the Miz had anything to do with it is silly. Nothing about the act or Sandows heat was sustainable.

I was referring to you and someone else crediting the Miz, even if partial. I think that's kind of stupid anyway since faces and heels work off each-other to get momentum as faces or heels already. If you want to get a good guy over, have him beat up a despised villain. If you want to get a bad guy over, have him do something terrible to a beloved heel. It's impossible to prove who is responsible for that heat unless fans lose interest immediately after the angle is over. Even then, arguments can be made that the wrong loss deflated their popularity. Swagger losing excessively to Rusev and Rowan losing to the Big Show might've hurt the pops they got. Or maybe no one really cared about them and just hated Rusev and Big Show that much. But Sandow never really suffered that much a drop in interest and was demoted to playing with Axel in main event anyway.

But the crowds are the ones who determine who is 'over' anyway, which is why your responses confuse me. Are you just pissed that I abused the term 'burial' (in your eyes) and are opposing me in every way possible? Or do you just not like Sandow? Because "over" means that they get the desired reaction from fans...and Sandow was getting cheered before WWE decided to embrace it. If it was just them hating on Miz, they would've yelled "Miz, you suck" like they occasionally did. But instead they supported Sandow, so they were paying attention to him more.
Isn't that too vague though?

Well, no, its actually quite clear.

When he returned the last time, he became a weakling who spent the build up to wrestlemania losing in every match he had. Leading up to Fast Lane, he even lost to R-Truth and Sin Cara. Isn't that technically removing his 'worth'?

Do you lack reading comprehension? I said the INTENTIONAL REMOVAL OF ALL WORTH TO A CHARCTER. You are confusing shitty booking with burial.

Let me try to put in a different light....The term bury is mostly from territorial days, up until the late 90s. A promoter would discover that someone was going to leave them, and go elsewere....therefore, the promoter would book the guy in such a fashion to were he would be utterly crushed by anyone and everyone, so as to remove his or her worth before they left for a competitor. You see this at times in a lesser version when someone is on their way out of WWE, but 99% of the time its not to the fullest true extent of the term.

I was referring to you and someone else crediting the Miz, even if partial. I think that's kind of stupid anyway since faces and heels work off each-other to get momentum as faces or heels already. If you want to get a good guy over, have him beat up a despised villain. .

Or mock him relentlessly in a comical way? Is this all seriously that much over your head?

You keep posting things as though they are counter points when they only reinforce my original point.
Do you lack reading comprehension? I said the INTENTIONAL REMOVAL OF ALL WORTH TO A CHARCTER. You are confusing shitty booking with burial.

Let me try to put in a different light....The term bury is mostly from territorial days, up until the late 90s. A promoter would discover that someone was going to leave them, and go elsewere....therefore, the promoter would book the guy in such a fashion to were he would be utterly crushed by anyone and everyone, so as to remove his or her worth before they left for a competitor. You see this at times in a lesser version when someone is on their way out of WWE, but 99% of the time its not to the fullest true extent of the term.

Maybe I'm reading too deeply into this, but I found it funny how you chose to omit the 'some' in your definition that you re-posted in caps, as if that would nullify my point. Barrett was degraded into a weak champion who couldn't even hold onto his belt while he was champion, while Ambrose, Truth and others carried it around. That seems like intentional removal of worth to me, even if it is more for booking purposes. But by your definition, were Ryder and Drew M. not buried? Because if it's only used for people who are leaving, then at least I can understand your frustration with my definition. Although that doesn't excuse you from claiming that I considering anything less than a Golberg-esque push is the equivalent of a burial. Or from just being a condescending prick in general.

Or mock him relentlessly in a comical way? Is this all seriously that much over your head?

You keep posting things as though they are counter points when they only reinforce my original point.

"You look Stupid", "You suck", "Big Slow", "Bootista" are examples of how people insult wrestlers. Could "Mizdow is better" been more directed at Miz? Sure. But saying "We wan't Mizdow" is attributed to this is unfair because that is the chant directed for all the fan favorites. If it was just a dig at Miz, then people wouldn;'t have popped so hard when he first appeared at the Royal Rumble.
But by your definition, were Ryder and Drew M. not buried? Because if it's only used for people who are leaving, then at least I can understand your frustration with my definition.

Ryder was on RAW Monday, so I don't know why you are comparing him with someone who left. Mcyntire wasn't buried, he was given a shit gimmick and allowed time to try to improve. He never did, for many reasons not all his fault.

But by your definition, were Ryder and Drew M. not buried? Because if it's only used for people who are leaving, then at least I can understand your frustration with my definition.

Ryder was on RAW Monday, so I don't know why you are comparing him with someone who left. Mcyntire wasn't buried, he was given a shit gimmick and allowed time to try to improve. He never did, for many reasons not all his fault.

Although that doesn't excuse you from claiming that I considering anything less than a Golberg-esque push is the equivalent of a burial. Or from just being a condescending prick in general

Its called hyperbole. Maybe try not to be a pussy in the future. I wasn't even talking about "you" specifically.

If it was just a dig at Miz, then people wouldn;'t have popped so hard when he first appeared at the Royal Rumble.

I never said it was. You cant honestly be this dense, you are just fucking with me by this point right? Or are you like, 16 or something?
Ryder was on RAW Monday, so I don't know why you are comparing him with someone who left. Mcyntire wasn't buried, he was given a shit gimmick and allowed time to try to improve. He never did, for many reasons not all his fault.

Ryder was on RAW Monday, so I don't know why you are comparing him with someone who left. Mcyntire wasn't buried, he was given a shit gimmick and allowed time to try to improve. He never did, for many reasons not all his fault.

Its called hyperbole. Maybe try not to be a pussy in the future. I wasn't even talking about "you" specifically.

I never said it was. You cant honestly be this dense, you are just fucking with me by this point right? Or are you like, 16 or something?

Oi, unless you know of an official wrestling dictionary to support your claim/disprove my own, your definition doesn't even match the majority of this forums definition of the term (even among posters who disagreed with my usage). So I see no reason to change my own definition. If anything, you being a dick only makes me want to be even more liberal with the term.

Do you know who else has been buried? The Undertaker! :lmao:
Mcyntire wasn't buried, he was given a shit gimmick and allowed time to try to improve. He never did, for many reasons not all his fault.

Drew McIntyre wasn't that bad in the ring, and he has a good look. I read the reasons for him being future endeavoured where. Number one his accent, people couldn't understand him in promo's, and two the fact he and his wife got into a physical altercation, and she came out on top. Whether it's true or not, it's a shame because at one point he was McMahon's chosen one.

On topic. Sandow is still getting TV time, and appearing at PPV's. I don't think he's being buried, he's playing what he does best a comedy character. If he was doing it badly I would complain, but he isn't. He'll never at a shot at the WHC title, but what's wrong with being on TV every week, fans still see you, and you get a regular paycheck. That's something that even the top echelon in TNA is having issues with right now. They lost more than half their viewers with the move to DA, and reports are they aren't getting paid on time. Sandow has it pretty good and shouldn't complain.

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