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Is Rollins overlooked?


Getting Noticed By Management
For the last couple of months, maybe even more than that, we have been hearing two things, two main sides of the fans; one supports Reigns to be the future, the other supports Ambrose. Both sides have their claims and I won't judge any of their decisions on this thread, even though I side with Ambrose.

The thing is though, through all of this, Seth is being overlooked. I don't know if this is because he is a heel and we are currently looking for the next big star, who will most likely make it as a face, or because he is holding the briefcast, which pretty much sets him up to become a WWEWH Champion down the road, but it really bugs me, because the guy is amazing.

If we could compare him to Dean and Roman, we would see a lot of characteristics about him that would actually make Seth the future:

-Dean: Excellent on the mic, good in the ring, likes hardcore matches, ring psychology and connection to the crowd, regular body structure.

-Roman: Amazing look, but as everyone else says, pretty green on every other part, but I tend to thing that he is able to improve and he will do.

-SETH: Really great look, his body is really amazing, top-tier in ring work, good on the mic, connects with the crowd as a heel, but also as a face (watch the matches against the Wyatts and Evolution), he has that psychology, a lot of experience on every type of match etc.

From all the above, it seems like Seth has more things going about him than the other two. You might make the claim that Ambrose plays his currect character to perfection and that outweighs a lot of his missing points, or should I say, the things he is outdone from Rollins, and that's alright, but overlooking Seth, if that's the case, giving the spotlight to either Dean or Roman, or in some cases Cesaro and Wyatt, is really absurd to me.
Who's ignoring him? The WWE or the IWC?

The WWE haven't overlooked him at all. They made him a member of the Authority, HHH's chosen one so to speak, and he won the MITB. I would say they'e made quite a big deal out of him. Much more so than I thought would have ever happened if and when the Shield split up. He was the guy who I thought would have had the hardest time making a splash, mainly for the reasons you wrote about above.

Ambrose is gold on the mic and he is fantastic in the ring. He knows how to work a character and while he's a little out there, it's refreshing to have someone who is going to constantly surprise us. Reigns has the look and will be the future face of the company when he is ready. Yes he's a bit horrible right now on the mic, and a needs a little work in other places, but when he gets his run it's going to be special.

Rollins always seemed to me to be the brains of the outfit. I agree he has a good look, not as good as Reigns. He is superior in the ring to him, but he's not as good on the mic as Ambrose is, and he doesn't play the character as well either. He's like a mix of the two of them.

The IWC well, we don't really matter at all do we in the grand scheme of things. But I have seen a lot of people comment and seen a lot of threads about the Rollins/Ambrose feud. Which is the best thing going in wrestling right now. With Ambrose gone, they have thrown Reigns against him to keep both of them in the forefront. I see Reigns as a placeholder for Ambrose until he comes back.

He hasn't been ignored at all, actually he and Ambrose have been booked perfectly. The only loser in the Shield breakup has been Reigns, who as I've said before seems to have nothing to do now that Lesnar is holding the title. Sure everyone is talking about Reigns and when/will he win the titles and there is nothing wrong with that. Rollins has a great career ahead of him as well, he's main event material, but right now the focus is on Reigns and that's the way they want it.
He's my #4 guy right now. My sad thing is I don't see him cashing in successfully. He can't cash in on Lesnar. And Reigns will be built so well that I could see them beating Lesnar and Rollins in the same night.
Rollins, for me, is the worst top guy I've ever heard on the mic. I much prefer, say, Bret Hart's sluggish monotone, but he sounds like a man. Ditto Orton, Batista etc. Rollins sounds like a child trying to act tough, and it's embarrassing. He should learn how to lower his voice a few semitones when he talks, and try not to rise into shouting. Maybe say a few lines, then have a manager do the rest.

He looks cool, though. I can imagine girls and kids gravitating to him. His in-ring work is exciting but I'm not sure how well it would stand up in a 30 minute pay-per-view main event. Too spotty and not enough story.

When everything levels out a few years from now, I see Rollins as a popular upper-mid guy, Reigns as a main event heel (fans will eventually reject this mega face push because he's not good enough for it) and Ambrose as one of the company's elite.
See, I think Rollins is pretty good on the mic, personally. I'm not saying he's an Ambrose on the mic, but I think he's pretty good nevertheless. He seems confident in his delivery every time to me, even if it's not the most interesting promo. There have been ocassions when he's dragged a promo on a bit, but I like him.

As for being overlooked, I don't think so really. Perhaps we're taking him for granted right now because we know sometime or another he'll cash in his contract, and the odds suggest he'll become champion. Even though we're not sure he who'll cash in against, but I still think they'll make him champion. We kinda know his time is coming so we're not sat here demanding he gets a push because we're expecting it to properly happen soon anyway.
I say Rollins future and current status is and will be excellent. Not only is he great as a heel with he hard-hitting style and I'm superior- promos, but he also has a character trait all to himself. His long black hair with yellow in it is well liked by the WWE Universe. I always see videos with someone dressed up as Seth Rollins and I see those impersonators in the crowds as well. That right there leads to great merchandise sells heel or face. And when he is a face again. he has those high-flying crowd pleasing risks in his move sets. Rollins is known to be a great seller, just look at the Raw where he "suffered a knee injury" in the main event. People are ready to cheer Rollins, and judging by the reception h got last Raw.... it will be a great sight for the WWE Universe. I don't think Rollins is being overlooked at all.
I think if anyone is really overlooking Seth Rollins, it MIGHT be Vince McMahon and a few others in WWE management. Vince McMahon my want another John Cena, but that doesn't mean he's necessarily gonna find him. What I mean by Vince wanting another Cena is someone who has that great look, impressive physique, natural charisma, connection with fans and ability to appeal to the family friendly image he wants for the "face" of the company. If Vince could clone John Cena, give him Cena's personality and make him about 27 or 28 years old, he'd do it in a second.

The problem is that Vince isn't gonna be able to find someone that has EXACTLY all those qualities in just the right amount that Cena has. The impression I get of what Triple H is generally hoping to see happening is something more akin to the Attitude Era in which there really wasn't one, single true "face" of the company.That's the impression I'm getting based on what generally goes on in NXT, you don't see them putting 70% of the focus on a single guy. Let's face it, we've seen WWE do that fairly often with John Cena, maybe not as much or as constant as they once did, but it still happens. I think it's a practical way to go because anything can happen. The top guy can get injured, severely, so it just makes sense to have several other guys who can genuinely step in. During the Attitude Era, there was Stone Cold, The Rock, Taker, Triple H, & HBK as probably the top tier guys in the company. Some obviously connected more with fans in some ways than others, but that's always gonna happen. Vince didn't try to put all his eggs in one basket in those days and we see him go into panic mode and immediately switch back to Cena too often when something doesn't go exactly as planned.

When I see Rollins, I see someone that can be one of the top tier talents of the next decade. He's got everything it takes and he's shown that over the course of the past couple of years and it's the same thing with Dean Ambrose. Roman Reigns can also be among those top tier talents, even though he isn't as good as Ambrose or Rollins in my opinion, the future's looking bright for him.
Who's ignoring him? The WWE or the IWC?

Yes, it seems to depend on how one defines "overlooked." I say a performer who holds the MITB belt, has a defined function in his dealings with others (especially his two former partners) and.....most importantly.....appears on every single episode of Raw and Smackdown, usually for a out of ring piece of business as well as a match......could be called overlooked.

As you state, he's a heel while his former Shield-ites are face, so they're designed to draw conflicting reactions from the fans. Seth is following his own path and is doing a fabulous job with it. I love his look and ring repertoire.

The future is wide open and he seems ready and able to take advantage of it.....and no one overlooking him.
I think a lot of the problem is that Seth is no longer being booked as dangerous. After his immediate heel turn, he defeated pretty much everyone he came into contact with- such as RVD, Ziggler and maybe Jericho (I don't remember how that ended). He also kicked ass during the Money in the Bank PPV, but it also started a bad trend with him.

These days, it doesn't seem like Rollins can do much without the help of Kane. Roman Reigns is being booked as stupidly invincible and Ambrose would be the exact same way if it wasn't for...well...Kane! He seems to prefer team matches right now, but is usually the guy who we enjoy seeing get trashed. When he gets an offensive, it's usually because someone else put his opponent down for him. I also question the writing at times, like how Rollins chose to leave at Battleground before Cena's match...You'd think he'd want to be there with that briefcase he keeps waving around...

So for me anyway, WWE needs to remind everyone why Rollins is so damn successful. If Rusev, Bo, Bray, and Cesaro (before what happened to him started coming into effect) could get meaningful wins on their own, why can't Rollins?
People are ready to cheer Rollins, and judging by the reception h got last Raw...

Just FYI, the reason Rollins got the reaction he did, is because they were filming in his hometown in Iowa. That being said, did find it odd to make an omission of Big E as he's an Iowa lad too.
Yeah, Rollins is WWE's next breakout star. Not Reigns and certainly not Ambrose.

He has everything and WWE clearly see that as he's holding a MITB briefcase in a time where we're back to having one world title.

He'll never be the man (That's Cena until he dies) but he'll be WWE's number two.
I personally see Rollins as the weakest of the three. Obviously, the WWE does as well, which is why he's in the position he's in.

Think about it. Reigns is the guy they're grooming to be their next big guy, so he's on his own, taking on all comers. Ambrose has a fanbase on the IWC, big enough to get him over to some extent, and has a style somewhat uncommon to today's WWE. He's going solo as well.

So it's a good choice to put the weakest of the three, Seth Rollins, in a heel stable. Why? Because he'll get lost in the shuffle. He and Kane are only there to help get HHH over. The henchmen in the main heel stable rarely ever amount to much these days... anybody remember Orlando Jordan, who beat Cena for the US title, or Bam Neely? Let Rollins get lost in the shuffle where he belongs, and focus on Reigns and Ambrose.

And anyone whining about how Rollins is MITB, doesn't matter. He's never gonna win the WWE title with it. Either he's gonna lose the case to someone (IE: Ken Kennedy), or worse, the Cena Curse is going to go into effect (Ever since John Cena cashed in MITB and lost, nobody has ever cashed it in and won... granted, that was just Sandow, but still. I get the feeling with Rollins, it'll be come a full-fledged thing.)
During Shield's run, I never saw Rollins as a top guy. I always pictured him as another Kofi Kingston or Tito Santana. Career midcarder with a chance to dabble in the main event, but the one who can always be counted on to have a good match or be a helping hand. He just never screamed main eventer to me the way Ambrose and Reigns did.

I am highly pulling for Dean Ambrose to be the top guy and I haven't really seen anyone say the same for Rollins. He's one of those guys that I just can't picture in that spot. There really isn't much I can say about why as it's something about it him I just can't put my finger on.
Practically no one thinks to themselves, "man, I cant wait to see what Seth Rollins does on raw". He doesn't say anything cool or funny. His matches and fights have always been him and someone else jumping someone. Dude is snore city. His hair is stupid. His entrance and music suck. So far he is like Buff Bagwell or Scott Norton or Virgil. Just kind of there, chipping in a few "i'm gonna kick your ass" comments sparingly.
His in ring skills are solid. He needs to improve on the entertainment aspect of sports entertainment. I think of him like a young Randy Orton. Boring, but a good wrestler. I'm sure we fans can look forward to a decade of him being forced upon us, slightly changing his personality every so often until we just accept that he is good.
Yeah Rollins is great. Good mic skill, amazing in the ring when he actually fights (was quite annoyed that in his last couple of matches he was just doing chicken heel shit though :\ but he can put up really good matches, Rollins v Jericho at smackdown a couple of weeks ago was fantastic) and he actually manages to have even that stupid hair work for him.

I do not think he is overlook, they're building him slowly (which is good, too many mitb winners have crashed and burned). If they play him right I can see him become the next great heel of WWE in four or five years.

Practically no one thinks to themselves, "man, I cant wait to see what Seth Rollins does on raw".

I do :suspic:
He's set as a heel, possibly for life. When talking about the next big face then then one of the best heels in the company probably shouldn't be in the discussion.

Rollins is in a good place. MITB winner. Associated with HHH, Orton and possibly Batista. The guy can keep the momentum from turning on Reigns/Ambrose and become one of the best heels in a long time.

He is good in the ring (important for heels) and can deliver on the mic. That puts him in a good position and, given he already has heat, Rollins can be a top guy.
I personally think they have built him at the perfect speed... not too fast or slow... he can put on a good match with anyone and I'll also admit I'm not waiting to see what he does every week but I don't dread seeing him either. The crazy leather superhero get up gear he wears took some time to get used to but I guess they are trying new stuff with gear these days.

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