I could send you my IQ test if you want. I mean, I WOULDN'T, but I could. I know exactly where they are located at school.Well, I only have your word for that.
Then you probably shouldn't make comments you can't support.You know full well that I can't do that.
How do you know I haven't? Maybe I just don't talk about it?Do you? Considering that you've never done it, I'd like to know why you're so "well-informed" on the subject.
But I can tell you unequivocally I had a couple of friends who thought it would be a great idea, then found out it was mostly bullshit. I've talked with several former wrestlers on wrestling forums about it. You can read any number of books which discuss it, you could even start with Heyman and the ECW. You can look at the list of wrestlers who have done drugs and do drugs, including the massive addiction to painkillers. Finally, you can just take a look at the list of all the wrestlers who have died young.
Trying to say pro wrestling isn't a stupid career is just asinine, and can only come from one who is looking at it through rose colored glasses.
But many many do, which is really all that matters.Wrestlers do get addicted to drugs and/or die young. Many more don't.
Exactly. Here's a guy who was the #1 guy in the NWA for over a decade, and he has money problems. A guy who could put down a $25,000 deposit for a prop, can't afford to live without working in his 60s.Ric Flair still works because he has to sure
Just think about that for a moment.
Hmm, you seem to think I'm some kid who thinks the life of a wrestler is like something from the Evolution titantron. I know full well that it is not. It may be a hard life, sure, but I think you're letting "The Wrestler" go to your head.
I assure you, I had the same beliefs about the business long before The Wrestler came out. Good try though.
I'm not telling them they have a shit job, I'm telling Hardcore it's a shit profession. Which it is. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad some people are stupid enough to do it, but it's still a shit job.Wrestlers wrestle because they love it. Whether it's WWE or some indy in Georgia. Who are you to tell them that they have a shit job?
So is my job. I get paid in the middle-lower class tier of pay, and have to deal with all sorts of problems I shouldn't have to deal with. I do it because I love it too. I could have done anything I wanted, could have gone to nearly any school I could afford. My cousin graduated from a Tier 2 law school, and I am far more academically inclined than she is. But that doesn't mean I'd encourage people to do my job, just like I wouldn't encourage anyone to be a pro wrestler.