Is Orton Being Under-Used?


Dark Match Winner
So a little less than a year ago Randy Orton got drafted to Smackdown! and the word was he was going to become the John Cena of SD! But Randy Orton's past three 'mania matches they have been undercard fillers(counting this years with Kane, last years with Punk, and 26 with against Legacy). So the thing I don't understand is how if this guy is suppose to be playing second fiddle to Cena in overall main faces, then why is he in some title match/ main event caliber match?
How is Randy Orton underused? You also have to remember that before 26 in 24 and 25 he had 2 WWE title matches. Plus throughout 2011 he was owning SD. Randy is just taking a second seat to Cena it isn't a bad thing. Orton isn't underused at all, watch next year or in the next few yrs Orton will be in the main event of Mania just watch. He's overused and I'm happy that Sheamus is in the World Title picture instead of Orton. It's a breath of fresh air honestly.
He had two title matches at 24 and 25 and what before that? Money in the Bank, match with Taker, and Handicap match with Evolution vs Rock n Sock. Every match Cena has been in at Mania has been a title match, besides the one this year. So all I'm saying if he is the Cena of Smackdown I'd think they'd give him a higher profile match or something.
I don't think you can use the matches he was in before he was drafted to Smackdown against him.

I think the recent string of injuries has been the problem. Over the summer and fall he was constantly in the Smackdown main event, always around the World Title and even after he lost it he was in the feuds with Rhodes and Barrett. He was being built very nicely. Then the injuries hit.

The feud with Kane is just a filler to give him something to do for Mania. He is too big a name to leave off the card but its hard to build up a big feud less than a month out and Kane was coming off the Cena feud and had some decent heat
Yawn, Randy is anything but underused the problem WWE has this WrestleMania no one is free and a fresh match for Randy, what you're failing to realize his how important Kane actually is and Orton/Kane is the freshest ppv match WWE has to offer for Randy and the biggest match they have for Kane's tradional WM match. the fact it's never happened on PPV and only happened two-or-three times on tv only gives it that special appeal;

If anything I applaud WWE for making this match.
While labeling the matches of Orton vs Kane or Punk as "undercard filler" seems a bit harsh, I know what you mean. The problem with Orton, as I see it, is that he's been cruising ever since going to Smackdown, maybe even already a bit sooner than that.

I don't get the impression that he is hungry or driven. He seems like a guy who knows he's done proving himself, has secured himself a spot high enough on the totem pole and now he is contented. He's had some really great matches since then (the long feud with Christian comes to mind), but creatively he comes across as uninspired and stale. When he talks it seems like he'd rather be fishing. What was his last memorable promo?

Orton is one of the greats, no doubt about it, but I would have to agree that he is in a bit of a rut.
Orton is definetly being underused at the moment but I see it as more of a tactical thing than anything else with somebody having to work to Kane and maybe then not just wanting to insert him into a title match for the heel of it.
You see he is currently being underused no doubt but the reason for that is because in the past he has been very over used...

Think about it Randy Orton is the youngest world heavyweight champion they pushed randy very quick very early he had a fantastic run with the IC title before that and then all of a sudden he was main eventing Summerslam against Benoit for the world heavyweight title. This isn’t for one minute Orton’s fault that WWE needed to fulfil a gap that was left by the likes of Austin, Rock, Michaels, Jericho, Lesnar etc WWE needed there next top guy and they thought that they had that with Randy and to be fair to WWE they were right they do have that in Orton but when u put the world heavyweight title on a guy at the age of 24 they are kinda stuck when he gets to a certain age to give him something he hasn’t done already.

Orton has won the Royal Rumble, former tag team champion, IC Champion and last but not least a former NINE TIME world Champion. WWE cant constantly have Orton and Cena in the title picture at this rate if Orton continues to wrestle until he is say 41 Orton could be a 20 time world champion lol its just not feasible, that kinda ruins peoples reputations like Bret Hart for example was only a WWE Champion 5 times.

Once again isn’t Orton’s fault, to be fair Orton is appreciated by all wrestling fans now I think, his in ring ability is so slick, I hope we don’t see Orton in the title picture for at least the next 12 months to be fair. I read in a interview he gave anyway that he wanted to feud with Kane now he had the mask back and said he would also like to feud with Del Rio which is great to see him in the mid card section whilst people like Bryan, Christian, Sheamus and even Mark Henry get a chance of being in the main event.
How is Randy Orton underused? You also have to remember that before 26 in 24 and 25 he had 2 WWE title matches. Plus throughout 2011 he was owning SD. Randy is just taking a second seat to Cena it isn't a bad thing. Orton isn't underused at all, watch next year or in the next few yrs Orton will be in the main event of Mania just watch. He's overused and I'm happy that Sheamus is in the World Title picture instead of Orton. It's a breath of fresh air honestly.

Simple answer. He's being underused because he's on smackdown, and nobody watches smackdown. And smackdown is not - for the most part - an entertaining show to watch.

I think last week and yesterday were the only times I even remember hearing Orton talk in months, lol.
I don’t think Randy is underused per say; however he is being kept from pursuing the bigger feuds in my opinion. Why? He is injury prone. I think Randy is an exceptional performer, who has always caught me off guard with innovation and creativity when it comes to performance. He isn’t the best on the Mic, but hey neither are some of the other great headliners as of late. Overall I think Randy could hit a much higher mountain and I really hope it works for him. I can also understand that it is a risk pushing him to the bigger feuds if he is prone to injury.

His rivalry with Kane is just logical. Kane is a veteran and will be able to work with Randy in a safe way. Much like Kane and Cena’s feud was all about keeping Cena occupied - but safe - leading up to Wrestlemania. These are just opinions though.
I don't see how being put in a WM match with Kane is being 'underused'. Orton has been injured alot recently and for him to just come back and immediately be put into a title frame that is doing surprisingly well is not needed. Creative have done a really good job in ensuring that 2 of the companys biggest names are still at WM.
I dont think its him being underused.. I think Randy Orton for the first time is his great arrogant life, is actually paving the way and letting the young guys have shine in Sheamus and Daniel Bryan.. whats wrong with that? nothing. I believe he will be rewarded for it and be a major player that he is after Wrestlemania. Randy Orton is already established as the top 3 attractions the WWE has along with Cena and Punk. He has had numerous titles reigns, me being one of the biggest Orton fans out, really can't complain to much or honestly at all.

The dude is Smackdown and one of the faces of the WWE.. He will have bigger Wrestlemania matches in his future, on top of the ones that he has already had with Cena, Trips, and that match last year with Punk wasnt no filler match.. Look what happen with both of them two after Mania.. it elevated both of them.. dont be so jaded man
I don't feel as though he's being underused. He still gets tv time, still has a match going on a WM with Kane, and still gets booked to win most of his matches. While i do feel that his previous injuries are part of why we've seen less of him it's also a good thing because it lets other players like Bryan and Sheamus run with the ball and prove they too can be main event players. Inevitably he'll be back in the main event picture, there's just no room for him there with the current storylines going on. though i am looking forward to his WM match with Kane, i'd also be interested in a fued between him and Bryan leading into a nice PPV match.
He's been underused lately, but I don't think it's been that big of a deal. He's been hurt off and on, but aside from that the only thing they've pumped the brakes on are his promos. Creatively, it just seems like there isn't a lot for him at the moment.
I don't see him as underused at all. I think it's a combination of things going on. For one thing, people are more used to seeing Randy Orton in the top feuds. He'd grown sort of stale on Raw and headed to SD!, there he spent much of last year in programs over the WHC. He main evented big ppvs, he consistently was given television time and had some of the best matches and feuds of the year. Just because he's not in the main event doesn't qualify as being underused just as losing a few matched doesn't equal being buried.

Also, the WWE is pushing wrestlers like Punk, Bryan, Sheamus and others as top tier players, at least for right now, and that means room has to be made. Not everybody, no matter how big of a star they are, can simply fit into the main event picture at one time. Orton's a 9 time World Champion and has been a constant fixture in the main event spot since he was in his mid 20s as has John Cena. Both men are still main event level talent, they're just not feuding for the titles right now and I've no problem with that whatsoever. The WWE has steadily introduced new faces into the main event scene the past few years, resulting in an infinitely more interesting main event picture on both Raw & SD! in my opinion.
I definitely don't see Orton as being underused.

People just simply cannot be the top dog ALL THE TIME. He is still constantly involved in the top of the card on SmackDown! and he has been in the World Title mix at least somewhat as recently as last month.

I like that he is in a spot to "catch his breath" so to speak. He is still in a strong position and still the face of SD! ... but he is in a smaller feud while creative waits to get him a solid storyline.

He will not remain out of the World Heavyweight Championship picture for long ... so it is almost refreshing when he is in a different program.
Is Orton underused? Tough to tell if it's a matter of that. I don't know exactly how injured he is, nor how much that plays a part in it, but think about his importance. It's quite a stretch to pretend he's actually the Cena of SD. Even when Cena isn't on the top of the card, there's a significant difference between him and Orton. I can't really put my finger on it, but Orton hasn't been anything special or exciting for awhile. He's just kind of been there.
He's going through a injury prone phase in his career he's still no where near Kevin Nash level injury prone, but he's been injury prone none the less. Had Wade Barret not gotten injured it may be a whole new story. Orton is a 9 time champion he should be putting the Barret's, Bryan's, Rhode's, Ziggler's and Sheamus's over at this point of his career. Orton may have another good 10+ years left in him if he works safe besides no matter who he loses to you can easily put Orton back in the main event title picture with one simple promo.
not even close to being underused. he is on pretty much every raw and smackdown and was the main guy on smackdown for the past year. the fact he isn't in a huge wrestlemania match is simple - too many guys, not enough main event space. truth is they should take him off of tv for about 3 months(or have him do something on NXT) so what when he does return, he is hot again. they should do that with every superstar but no way they will ever take Cena off tv for a full 3 months.
I dont think its him being underused.. I think Randy Orton for the first time is his great arrogant life, is actually paving the way and letting the young guys have shine in Sheamus and Daniel Bryan.. whats wrong with that? nothing. I believe he will be rewarded for it and be a major player that he is after Wrestlemania. Randy Orton is already established as the top 3 attractions the WWE has along with Cena and Punk. He has had numerous titles reigns, me being one of the biggest Orton fans out, really can't complain to much or honestly at all.

The dude is Smackdown and one of the faces of the WWE.. He will have bigger Wrestlemania matches in his future, on top of the ones that he has already had with Cena, Trips, and that match last year with Punk wasnt no filler match.. Look what happen with both of them two after Mania.. it elevated both of them.. dont be so jaded man

Sheamus is older than randy orton. Daniel bryan is a year younger. I know he's been around a while, but randy orton is still a young guy that you speak of. Good job though.

I don't think he's being underused at all. He's been injured, so he can't just come back and automatically be in the whc match. That wouldn't make sense. Kane is the perfect opponent for him since wade barret got hurt. Its not a big deal.maybe if things had played out a little differently he would be in the main event, but it is what it is.

One thing I am starting to wonder though, and I know its a little cliche. But does anyone else feel that orton should turn heel again? I know he's playing the whole anti hero stone cold style face, but it just seemsa little awkward to me. I think that's the reason some people have been saying that he doesn't seem interested, or doesn't have anything to work for. Maybe he's just not comfortable as a babyface. Let's face it, randy orton is an easy guy to hate, he's just a natural heel. And he looked like he had a lot of fun while doing his heel work. Maybe that's the way to go this summer.
He didn't get a high profile match at this years Wrestlemania, but that is not exactly under-using him. They could of gave him Taker but the son in law got that again. He will probably get a more high profile match next year.

Under-using Orton would be placing him in a shitty midcarder 12 man tag. He got a singles match with Kane. It did feel a little rushed because he got hurt. But Kane is still a very respectable opponent.

With Rock/Cena, and HIAC pretty much everything else is getting overshadowed. Even Punk vs Jericho is getting overshadowed a bit. That match could easily headline WM in a different year.

I think Survior Series was the first time since 2007 that both Cena and Orton were not in a world title match at a ppv. They temporary took both of them out of the title picture and are trying to build some new stars using the titles.

He's the face of Smackdown and pretty much in 90% of the SD main events. The last 6 or 7 months he's been elevating some guys. I'm sure him and Cena will eventually enter the title picture again.
Maybe it's something Orton wants himself, i mean one of the reasons people hate Cena so much is the fact he always gets the main event. No self respecting wrestler would want to be hated like Cena is, and maybe Orton feels that would happen if he's pushed down our throats the way Cena is.

Another reason is the fact WWE is in a transitional phase right now. I mean the only guys you could say are legit mega stars right now are Cena and Orton. CM Punk is the only guy close to them right now, but he needs another year or so at the top to get to that level of super-stardom. WWE realizes this, so are trying to put new talent over like Sheamus, Bryan, Rhodes, Del Rio, etc by giving them more spotlight.
He's clearly being underused but I think someone earlier said it best when they said the injuries killed him. I truly believed that he was going to win the WHC at Elimination Chamber and then force the main event to be Orton vs. Bryan vs. Sheamus with Orton walking in with the belt and then perhaps Sheamus walking out. Sheamus vs Bryan is a terrible world title match IMO and those who disagree should think about last year's WrestleMania and how Bryan vs. Sheamus for the US title was THE DARK MATCH, they couldn't get any airtime. Although Sheamus has had a nice build up since then I don't think this match is world title worthy especially on a card that has so many iconic matches on one. Orton has the name value and ability to make a world title match very interesting but I think his concussion that forced him to miss EC killed him and his injury before that definitely made him lose steam
Is it really that bad that he's underused? He's got a condition in his joints that make dislocations pretty easy. Besides, I'd rather have slow doses of Orton in the main event than a constant parade much he did in 2009. It's plagued John Cena in a sense, so doing it to Orton too wouldn't be particularly good.
Not really. When you have a mega-over baby face like Randy Orton, you utilize that as much as you can. You can only do so much while holding your respective brand's top title. Without the title, Orton can be paired up with just about any midcarder to help establish some up and comers like Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. He's not being under used - he's actually being used the way many top superstars within the WWE should be used; to get others over. It's true, his position on the Wrestlemania card could have been a hell of alot better but Orton is using his position within the company the way he should be using it -helping others get over.

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