Is Kalisto THAT GOOD that he makes Sin Cara look average


Sir Darth Maul
I love the Lucha Dragons.
But has Kalisto been that good that sin cara looks not bad but average
I don't really get excited for sin cara the way hunico plays him
Yes he puts on solid matches and doesn't really botch moves but he just doesn't get me to go wow when he does a move like Kalisto would
So do you guys think the same and if they were to ever split where would it leave sin cara
I have been a fan of Kalisto for years, even before he stepped foot into the WWE - he is an amazing talent that could quickly rise to the top tier of the WWE if he ever gets the chance. He is amazing in the ring, has charisma with the fans & brings a unique flare to every match he is involved in. So I can see what you are saying about how he casts a shadow over Sin Cara & makes him look mediocre at best.

It's very hard to answer your question because Sin Cara could be a solid upper mid card talent (if they were to split - he would also be a better heel, hunico was a greatly good heel) but I have thought this about many other talents that have ultimately failed. Even going on fan reaction really cannot be a good gauge - think about guys like Ryder, he has talent & was waaaaaaaaaay over with the fans but failed because the "authority" held him down & wouldn't allow him to flourish. So I guess what I am saying is I really don't know - he has the talent to be a mainstay in the midcard title scene but that doesn't mean that he would be allowed to do so.
I see exactly what your saying
Hunico has the perfect style to be a heel
He doesn't fly around to much and he can slow a match down greatly
Kalisto is probably the best luchador that I've seen personally
Even better that rey when he was at his best
I'm a huge fan of his but I think sin cara slowing the pace of the match could be a good thing also
I seen the opposite with Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin both crazy highflighers but in the end it ended in disaster for Sabin
Maybe this works for both even though Kalisto flourishes a lot more
Sin Cara 2 is infinitely superior to Sin Cara 1. He actually knows how to work a match and can move without his leg falling off.

The Lucha Dragons don't interest me as a team. They're channel-changers for me. I'd rather just have Sin Cara as a low-level midcard guy to put over heels, that's what he's best for. Luchadores should never be near the top of the card in my opinion.
I think size is a big factor in comparing the two. To me it seems like Sin Cara is pretty large, relatively speaking, for a luchador. I remember being introduced in the mid 90s to lucha and Mysterio and Juventud seemed leaps and bounds much more interesting than Psychosis, who was much bigger. When you're smaller, you are faster/quicker and can pull off more exciting moves
Sin Cara is a decent cruiser weight-styled high flyer. Maybe he's even good, although it doesn't seem like WWE allows him to do a significant amount. Kalisto just seems more...explosive I guess? His cooler spots just stand out more. But whenever I watch "Lucha Dragons", it always seems like maybe Sin Cara has been told not to outshine Kalisto. Either that, or Kalisto is just that much better. I don't know though as I don't think WWE is the best place to show off your skills...even though it's the most lucrative.
I think that Kalisto is, generally speaking, the sort of talent that WWE officials were hoping for when they originally signed Mistico several years back. Kalisto has a lot of energy, he has some legit charisma, he has the whole bright & colorful outfit that catches the eye, he's extremely fast, extremely agile, knows the Lucha Libre style of wrestling and, best of all, he doesn't botch every other maneuver he tries. As for Mistico, AKA the original Sin Cara, the guy came off to me as someone who didn't remotely live up to all the hype and internet praise.

Vince has been wanting someone to sort of be the next Rey Mysterio and Kalisto is someone who might be the prime candidate for all the reasons I named, plus he's a young guy at only 28 years old. As far as the way Hunico plays Sin Cara, I've got no real problem with it. He's not as fast or agile as the original Sin Cara but, at the same time, he also doesn't botch his spots with anything approaching the frequency in which the original did either. Hunico is also nearly 38 years old, so it's possible that the high point of his WWE career MIGHT be a run with Kalisto as tag champs before eventually breaking up and engaging Kalisto in a singles feud where he puts him over before fading back into obscurity.
Sin Cara might look a bit not so much talented as Kalisto but it might be the reason that many of his moves must've been barred from using in WWE.

Nevertheless, Kalisto is more agile, innovative and charismatic to watch than Sin Cara. So no wonder Sin Cara looks a bit average while pairing up with him. But both are exciting to watch when they're together, albeit Kalisto looks more better than Sin Cara.

The first time I saw Sin Cara at a house show I was stunned, he was so much taller than Kalisto. It's kind of an odd pairing, but they work very well together in the ring.

Out of the two of them Kalisto is the one people come to see by the looks of things. Sin Cara usually starts the matches, and pace while not as slow as others definitely picks up when Kalisto gets tagged in. He's quite the high flyer and it looks like Sin Cara can't keep up with him.

They are very enjoyable to watch, but Kalisto is the star of the team, and will probably end up replacing the departed Rey Mysterio. Sin Cara might get a run with the tag belts, but it's as high as he'll go. Kalisto on the other hand can have a great run with the IC or US title. He's a quick little bugger.
Sin Cara is there to make Kalisto look good. In that respect he's doing his job. Lucha Dragon matches usually go; Sin Cara starts; Sin Cara gets beaten for a good 8 minutes; 10 second comeback; hot tag to Kalisto; Kalisto runs through both opponents; Salida del Sol; 1-2-3.

Also, I think Kalisto is just a much better talent than Sin Cara (Hunico). It's not that Kalisto MAKES Sin Cara look average, Sin Cara IS pretty average, all things considered.
Idkkk I like both although I do enjoy seeing Kalisto more than Sin Cara ... Kalisto is just so full of energy and his lucha libre style is so explosive ,most of the moves he does have me in amazement almost all the time ... Hes crafty for sure and I see h moving on to big things when they finally split ... Sin Cara on the other hand , I enjoy watching him because his style in a way reminds me of Eddie Guerrero , where he can pull off the High flying moves but he could also slow down the whole pace of the match ... I like them paired up and I look forward to a future feud between the two , remember when Eddie and Rey split ? What a great storied rivalry that was ..
I honestly believe that he is indeed better. Much more crisp on his moves and how he.sells.
Sin Cara is a fake and their actually used to be a better one.
I honestly believe that he is indeed better. Much more crisp on his moves and how he.sells.
Sin Cara is a fake and their actually used to be a better one.

There used to be a Sin Cara who couldn't work a match without injuring himself. Now there's a far better Sin Cara who actually knows how to wrestle. Sin Cara II is the REAL Sin Cara in my book.

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