Is Jericho's awesome work for nothing?


Dark Match Winner
Is Jericho's awesome work for nothing?

With the ending to Monday Night's Raw, I get the feeling that we are about to see JeriShow vs DX at at least 1 pay-per-view.

I'm all for a good feud between the two tag teams...if both teams look good!

We've all read about the HHH/Jericho relationship.....or lack of.

We also know that Chris Jericho has been PURE GOLD with his tag run with Big Show, his feud with Rey Rey, and his HBK feud that followed with 2 World Title runs last year.

I for one, thought that Y2J would have been the Smackdown World Champion by now...especially with the loss of Edge.

I'm a little worried that DX will simply "bulldoze" over JeriShow like they were not even a worthy competitor. Since HHH will not put Jericho over, I see no upside to this feud...we already know that DX will take the titles if the feud goes forward.

Monday night, HHH pinned Jericho....AGAIN!!!!!!! How many times, must one man pin another to make himself feel better????

What are your thoughts on this possible feud?
Well, obviously DX will crush Jerishow. They never put anyone ever and they sleep with the bosses daughter. Despite the fact that they made Legacy seem like a legit threat, they've never, ever put anyone over, I get it.

How about we just look forward to a feud between on of the greatest teams/factions of all time and what is quickly becoming the greatest WWE tag team in recent memory. Won't you be looking forward to DX v. Jerishow promos each and every week? I know I will.

This should be a great feud, unless of course, HHH tosses Stephanie's salad and convices her to put the titles on DX next week, which will likely happen.
I for one think that this could be an awesome feud if booked correctly. I wouldn't have DX go over right off the bat at Bragging Rights (im thinking thats when the 1st match will be). Burying Jerisho now destroys everything they did for tag teams in WWE this summer/fall. And your right Jericho has had an amazing year, and i as well expected him to main event smackdown, but you gotta expect Jericho to get buried as usual unfortunatly by HHH and Co. I hope he feuds with Edge when he returns, i think that they could have an amazing high profile program with Jericho as Heel World Champ and Edge the reformed face. This could lead to an E & C reunion as well against Jerisho, who knows.
I'm not even sure if this will even end up becoming a real fued. If it is... who's to say if it won't be a title fued? DX can easily fued with JeriShow with the titles not on the line. And if they do fued over the titles, why is it completely out of the question for JeriShow to still retain? Not as unlikely as many of you make it seem.

Anyway... assuming this fued does indeed happen, I would be very happy to see it. You have 4 former World Champions fueding over the Unified Tag Team Championship. You can't get much better than that. The promos that would be involved in the fued would be just awesome! However, if DX does come out the fued with the Unified Tag Team Championships, it would be corny that Shawn Michaels wouldn't be able to make regular appearances on Smackdown. Plus... I'm not even sure if Triple H would show up either. So, if that is the case... JeriShow really would need to retain.
I agree. But his heel character needs to new improvement and new material. I meant how much longer can he go around everyone is a bunch of hypocrites. maybe thats just me. but maybe dx vs jeri-show could be an interesting feud if dx wont win every single match.
Come on guys.

I really don't think DX will destroy Jerishow. Look at the big Picture, Michaels is working a limited schedule and getting the belts will double the dates of him working and HHH cannot go all the way himself.

As for Jericho been pinned by HHH, I don't think Jericho even care about it, he kows the WWE needs him more than anyone right now, That is why they put him and Edge as Unified tag champions, and now the Big Show. Y2J has put Show so over than now they are "the tag team" of the WWE, yes, DX is popular and gave its rub to Legacy, but at the end of the day Jedrishow has made those belts mean something and they fight any team, something DX won't do and has not done.

I thing the victory over Jerishow is only to set up Jerishow win at Bragging Rights (of Course it will be Show pinning HBK since Michaels is usually the one that gets the bullet when they lose, or it could be Jericho winning since Michaels doesn't have a problem putting him over since they have done it for each other in the past) or DX win by DQ.

Jericho will made this worth a million and at some point the Company will reward him somehow and will keep him away from HHH, They know that at the end of the day even if HHH does not put him over, he will still look like the Champion he is.
I don't think all the work Jericho's done will be all for nothing if they fight DX. Whether it be a feud or just one match, it will involve four of the biggest superstars in the WWE and will be fun to watch. If it does involve the titles, it's a good chance that Jerishow will lose the titles and I don't know how I feel about that.
To say if Jericho's work is for nothing we have to first define what the antithesis - anything - is in this case. To me, as long as a guy is putting on great matches and being entertaining on the mic to the point where I look forward to seeing him week in and week out then he's fulfilling his role perfectly. Jericho does this in spades.

DX might squash Jerishow for the titles. Yes, that would suck. (I actually don't think it'll happen. I actually think they'll had a title match at Bragging Rights and Jerishow will retain so that RAW can get Show and SD can get Jericho in the final main event tag team match.) But Jericho would still be having great matches and he'd still be entertaining without gold around his waist.

If anything I'm more concerned about Jericho not being able to appear on RAW anymore since he's one of the few bright spots on the show.
I would love to see this feud. I am a huge Y2J fan and anything he does I enjoy. He's the most talented wrestler in the WWE right now(IMO) and he makes ANYBODY look good, or at least look better than they are (Batista). This would be a great feud, it's fresh, and Jericho and HHH are two of the best on the mic. They could have some kick-ass promos. But, I agree with the majority of you that think JeriShow would be crushed... There's not really a shot in Hell of JeriShow winning the feud, at least the way I see it. But if it lasted a while, I would still really enjoy it.
i dont like the feud. there is 0 need for dx to hold the title and there is 0 need for them to go over jerishow. i find the whole thing pointless. jerishow needs to drop the titles to an up and coming tagteam so jericho can finally take his spot next to cm punk as the top heels of smackdown and get big show off of my fucking tv!!!!!!
In light of recent feuds I believe that DX will not take the tag team belts off of JeriShow. It would be all for nothing. Who would they feud with? There are only two heel tag teams in existence outside of JeriShow and that being Legacy and the Hart Dynasty. DX winning the championship would allow them to be on Smackdown and feud with the Hart Dynasty though which would be good if they can do to them what they did to Legacy.

Also I believe that if this were to happen it would take Triple H even further out of the Raw title scene thus opening up more spots for some people. All in all there are pros and cons to this situation. In my opinion there are as many pros as cons.

Besides if HHH has the ego that everyone says he does that he may feel like the tag belts are below him.
First off Trips hates working thursdays and Shawn isn't gonna wrestle raw and smackdown in one week as an unfied tag champ. I don't see them winning.
Jerishow is one of the few reasons to watch today's wwe product. A fued w/ DX would put asses in the seats if done correctly. DX is gonna have to swallow thier pride and lose a few matches to make this feud interesting.Like someone had already said, having 4 world champs fighting over the tag titles can only help elevate them back where they belong
Why won't HHH put over Jericho and why don't they get along? Can someone answer this for me.?

From what I gather the problem on HHH end. Jericho never really trashed HHH,but we do know HHH has bashed Jericho in the past and has never let Jericho beat him once. I'm not really worried about the tag gold myself. What I am wondering is how a certain returned superstar can be put in Smackdown ppv main event for a certain title. While a wrestler like Jericho who busted his butt is left out of it.
Jericho has won the World Title twice because of his "awesome" work, so even if he never won it again, his awesome work wasn't/isn't for nothing. As long as he is kept busy in a program that has people speaking then he is not being wasted. His tag team with The Big Show has been very fun from the moment Edge went out. Jericho has rejuvenated Big Show, and he has done a great job putting credibility on the tag titles.

As for HHH, I think that HHH's so called opinions on Jericho are outdated. You guys are living in the past. When HHH said he won't let Jericho go over him, that was at the beginning of the decade. Jericho could go over HHH, especially in a tag team match. Bottom line, I dont see what the problem is. Jerishow vs. DX is a great program. DX winning the titles is not guaranteed by any stretch, and even if it is, so what? Why is that so bad? It's not like DX would hold on to the titles for too long, and let's face it, there aren't exactly a big list of other tag teams banging down the door right now.
i think waht is gonna happen is this dx will probably crush jerishow wich is to bad cause i think it would be a great feud for a couple ppv's so dx gets the straps jericho starts chasing the undertaker to break the streak at wrestlemania for the title. but teddy long will make jerhico win the royal rumbel for a title shot he wins gets the match and the month before the wrestlemania edge will make a suprise return and beat the taker for the strap wich leads to edge vs jerhico at wrestlemania wich would be gold! and building up they could have edge and christian team up to feud with jerishow till mania. so that being said they are actually going to reward him with possibly the best run to wrestlmania ever and win the whc i belive there not wasting gold like this on anything but wrestlemania and he could work with cena when he goes to smackdown after this ppv when he looses to orton
I dont think the titles will be off Jerishow for a long time. I mean it would be ridiculous as to DX defending the titles against random Heel teams other than the Hart Dynasty. After Batista and Rey didnt win the titles i figure that Jerishow would keep the titles until its time for Edge to return. I mean look at it this way, Legacy vs DX is nowhere near done and I expect them to mess up the title match and come back on Raw saying, "I hope you guys didnt forget about us". There feud is suppose to go all the to survivor series so i doubt they get the titles with Cody and Ted about to become faces and singles wrestlers. I mean having Jerishow pick on Christian as he chooses different partners until the ppv where Jerishow gets rid of his fake partner. Christian comes out a lone and out comes edge for a huge pop. I mean E&C would still be hugely over its not even funny. If this is what WWE is truly planning as it seems that way then IMO its awesome! but eh its the WWE so it might not happen.
If the titles go to DX it will be a waste, they can win the feud, they can make Jerishow look bad, but if the titles go to DX and that isn't IMMEDIATELY followed up by a feud in which DX put over the Hart Dynasty or Legacy the whole rebuilding of the tag division will be a waste.

We know DX are an awesome tag team and one of the best in the business, them holding the tag belts will do NOTHING, an established team of main eventers winning the belts off of Jerishow will do...NOTHING.

We need a new team to prove they they are worthy, that will allow the main eventers to split up and new tag teams to form and challenge.

I don't mind the idea of the feud at all, in fact im looking forward to it. I just feel that it would be counter productive to switch the belts at this point.

Just My Opinion
This is simple the wwe doesnt care about what the iwc thinks,and they shouldnt, shure its fair for jerishow to go over but the marks allways want the face to go over the heel. thats just how it is.
but if jerishow drops the belts and split up so he can feud with edge when he returns (right before mania) then dx can go put over legacy and give them the belts, legacy deserves those belts to build them up unified tag belts then us/intercontinental runs for each and then the main event god everyone loves jericho so much he is overated and i think he couldnt evan lace up bret harts boots
Jericho is a hell of a talent and he should never be wasted and put to the side. I'm not saying always be in some sort a feud where a title is concerned, but he needs to be in one of the top 5 feuds all the time. He's great in the ring and on the stick and can make anyone look good. He's helped Big Show get out of the slump he seemed forever trapped in and the once "dead" tag team division is now showing signs of life and I'll even go as far as it being entertaining again.

As far as the question goes, no his work isn't going un noticed. He's been rewarded with several Intercontinental Championship reigns, 2 World Heavyweight reigns and is one of the two responsible ( if not sole person responsable) for rebuilding a once thought dead tag team division. His work is living on in the rest of the tag teams. Jericho isn't being forgotten this time around.

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