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Is it time for Jerishow to split up?

MVs Prodigy

Dark Match Winner
I did not know were to put this one, so I put it as a normal WWE thread.

What I was wondering after I saw SD the other day, is Jerishow over? After Survivor Series will we see the beginning of the end for Jerishow?

What I want to see is Taker remain champ, have the writers split up Jerishow somehow and have them lose the titles at the next PPV, then feud at least NWO. Then after that what? What is to become of the unified tag titles after Jerichow, what is going to happen with Jericho on SD and Show on RAW?

Well in my prediction if they feud til NWO I want to see the return of EDGE (hopefull he is healthy by mania) and have Jericho vs Edge-Mania match. Then for Show im tired of how he always loses at the PPV for the title. I want to see another Big Show title reign.

But what do you want to see happen with Jerishow?
Odds are Taker will lose the title at one of the next 2 ppvs.The odds of Jericho Big Show lasting 3 PPVs in a fued is unbelievably unlikely. I will agree on Jericho vs Edge if Edge is back and healthy. Big Show will never get another World Title reign cuz he is getting old and can't really carry a show in the way Undertaker or Jericho could. Big Show was the poster boy for the WWECW Championship. Not good enough to hold a world title, so they gave him a long ECW title reign.

As for Jerishow, it has gotten very stale and if the WWE wants to have any sense of a tag team division, split these two up and give the titles to any team, Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, anybody.
Well for me I don't think its time. But judging by the booking it looks like it is. If wwe had some more baby face tag teams maybe they would have more to do but since they don't. I guess its time for them to split. I can see Jericho contend for the world title or helping the younger talent that need the rub like Morrison or R truth. But I don't see what Big show will do.

I mean before this tag team with Chris Jericho. He was feuding with Cena I don't see much for him to do. In less you make him a serious threat to the world title or what not.
Nope. Not until you figure out someone who can take the titles from them and maintain the same status. JeriShow holding the tag titles is doing wonders for them and it's because of their ranking in the WWE. If you were to put it on say, the Hart Dynasty, then Vince and Co won't feel the need to put them on every ppv, and the tag titles will fade into obscurity again. The only reason they're consistently being represented is because of the two people holding them. Thus, either management/creative has to fully start backing a team like the Hart Dynasty or whomever, and give them those ppv spots by default, or they need to give the tag titles to a team of equal or greater value in order to maintain that status quo.

So that leaves you with three options, basically:

1) Give the tag titles to DX as they're the only "equal or greater value" tag team that would have ppv presence.

2) Give it to a lesser tag team and keep your focus, as it goes to hell if you don't.

3) Keep it on JeriShow until you can do option 1 or option 2.

Personally, as a means to get a lot of people on the card and provide a good match, I'd love to see them lose the titles just a little after WrestleMania. Best scenario in my mind is to have a multi-team match at WM 26 with JeriShow just barely getting out of it alive, but having a babyface team seem like they SHOULD have won if not having been cheated. The following ppv, that team gets a one-on-one (or two-on-two really lol) shot against JeriShow and cleanly beats them. This gives you lots of people on the card at WM, boosts the credibility of that other team that will win soon enough, and can truly deliver a fun, entertaining match. Whom that team should be? I have no idea.
I kinda don't understand the other guys argument on here that big show is getting old to hold the world title. Thats a mute point considering that he is younger than both the undertaker and jericho, he's 1 yr older than edge, so your point is mute. He does need to grow his flat top back because the bald head doesn't fit him at all. Big show holding the title is real slim because of how he is constantly booked by the writers to look like anything but a giant. They make him look like crap. I still don't understand how they booked him to end the next big thing brock lesnar's streak but he can't even get anywhere close to the title now. Just crazy. When jerichoke puts his pants back on, then put him back in the title picture, he just looks so stupid in the speedos.
If you want to be able to act like there is a tag eam didvision, just keep the titles where they are at. There really isnt any tagteams in WWE right now. You have Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, and Legacy, which from what I hear will lead for Dibiase to have a singles run soon. I am a fan of todays wrestling but i wish they would have kept some of the original ideas of wrestling. I dont know, like having a tag division, having the itles mean something other than being a prop. I was so excited when Dibiase and Rhodes first got together.

WWE made it look like they were going to re-build the tag division but no. They held the titles two months and we went right back to a tag team holding two tag team titles. How pathetic. Get rid of one of the straps. You only have three tag teams in the WWE so I can see why they unified them. Just drop the one and go back to calling them the tag champs instead of unified. Any how, in my opinion right now it is JeriShow that is making the tag titles seem to matter. If they want to keep the titles going in WWE, keep the titles on Jerishow till they can build a tag division. Look at the 80s. I can name 20 tag teams off the top of my head that were around in WWE at the sae time. Now we are lucky to come up with three or four. KEEP THE BELTS ON JERISHOW( for now).
The traditional tag teams are about dead. That said, Jerishow shouldn't split it up. They were doing so well at the beginning or their reign and just seemed to have gotten off track with the Survivor Series Feud. Now that Survivor Series has come and gone, I'm looking forward to seeing these 2 pick up where they left off and face the other tag teams again. With TLC being the next PPV, why not just put the Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, and MVP/Henry in a Fatal 4 Way for the Unified Tag Team Championship?

It would be a great way to put all the teams on the card and get the ball rolling again. If Jerishow were to split up, it should be at the next PPV with the other 3 teams doing what they can to finally beat them. Not to make the other 3 teams looks weak, because MVP/Henry and Cryme Tyme have managed to beat them before ( I don't think the Hart Dynasty has), but let it be a combined effort to beat the champions.
With Show apparently injured, I think the end of Jerishow is coming...probably tonight, on the 3-Hour RAW. Who becomes the new Tag Champs? DX, in my mind, is the only believable contender at this point. The World's Strongest Tag Team needs pushed some more, and Legacy fell off the radar heading into SS, so I don't see them as possible champs. Of course, with the SS fallout from Sweet Chin Music, who knows if DX will even make it through the first five minutes of the show?

I think Jerishow is done (thanks to injuries), but have no clue where those belts are going. Perhaps, and this is just a random thought...Brothers of Destruction? It's be cool, and believable...but would 'Taker want to work the increased schedule?
With Show having a nagging knee injury, I can see them splitting up soon, but not necessarily tonight, or on Smackdown. I think Show can go a little longer before going out for surgery. Besides, there's no way Jericho could believably do anything to Show to keep him out long enough for his surgery.

I believe JeriShow will be around for at least another month. They will break up and start building seperate paths for Wrestlemania. But right now, there is no one they can give the belts to that would still have them sort of mean anything. They have a few options of what they can do though with them obviously needing to drop the belts :

- They can give the belts to DX and start having DX on Smackdown too.

- Give the belts to a non-makeshift team, like the Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, Legacy, etc. and have them either actually feud with teams or have the belts just go back to being nothing.

If they do the latter, then all the work of Jericho and Show would be all for nothing. The only credible team to take the belts would be DX. I can only imagine what they are going to do with JeriShow, and I hope it is something fun and entertaining for the fans. I don't want to see Show just disappear and Jericho come out with all four belts and go on another rant about having another contract for a replacement partner, as right now there is no one who could really fill Show's shoes. Only time will tell what's in store for JeriShow.
The likely answer is that DX will win the TLC match at the next PPV. It wouldn't make sense in terms of a logistic point of view, because Show would only need to climb like 3 rungs to grab the belt, and Jericho is the only guy in the match to have been in TLC before, having won 1 of the 2 matches he's been in, but a DX victory would make more sense to me. That way.....

DX can be on any show, which could mean better ratings for SD or ECW.
Jericho can return to singles competition and run a fued with Taker perhaps at the Rumble.
Show can go back to doing nothing on Raw except jobbing.
DX can potentially help younger teams to get over. Imagine, DX v Cryme Tyme, DX v Hart Dynasty, DX v Legacy again, DX v WSTT and any other new ones they cook up outta nowhere.

If it were my booking decision, JeriShow wouldn't lose until Edge returned, and then he and Christian would re-unite, win the titles, and THAT can be how they transition Christian from ECW to SD!. Surely Sunday night's performance, plus the pops that Christian was getting should be enough to convince Vince that he would be more beneficial on the #2 show instead of #3? Personally, I also would have had Jericho continue to insult Edge throughout this title reign. Let Jericho brag about how amazing their team is, and end EVERY promo with 'And it's all thanks to Edge. Thankyou Edge', exactly as he did in the very first promo they did at NOC. However, since we don't know if Edge will ever come back or not, i guess they can't run the angle like that in case it turned out to be a waste of time.
For this topic I think you have to take a look at the competition elsewhere to make a good decision as to what to do with Jerishow, and the tag titles. By this I mean you need to take a look at another product that technically has a better tag team division, meaning TNA.

One thing that WWE has to maintain is it's superiority or perceived superiority. I think TNA has better teams, primarily Beer Money Inc. or MCMG. However putting two great superstars together to make a team creates that superiority, meaning Big Show and Jericho. Because they separately are better than anyone on TNA, they as a team are better than any team on TNA, and you have to stay better than the competition. So, if you are going to break up Jerishow than you need a replacement that is credible enough that you can say "These guys are definitely better than Beer Money Inc. or MCMG." That's a really tall order from where I am sitting and I am not sure that aside from Jerishow the WWE has a better tag team.

You can make an argument for DX, but I don't think they are really the team you want to put the straps on, simply because they don't need them to be over, and it doesn't really serve a real purpose because they are a here-one-day-gone-the-next tag team, so it has to be a real tag team who gets the belts.

I would think that Crime Tyme would be the best candidates. They are a solid tag team, over with the crowd, and they have never held the titles. They are definitely deserving of a run. Also, I could see them being competitive against either Beer Money Inc. or MCMG which I am using as the measuring stick for this topic.

Your next best option in my view would be Legacy for obvious reasons. They have been together for a while, and proven countless times that they are a very effective tag team, and have held the titles. This could also stir up a little jealousy with Randy Orton as he would be without any gold, and DiBiase and Rhodes would have the tag titles making it look like they have outgrown Randy Orton, and no longer need him for their success. And once again this is a WWE tag team I could see competing against MCMG or Beer Money Inc. Let's not forget the root of the subject as I have laid it out. Any WWE tag team at this point has to be better than any TNA tag team to maintain it's credibility in that division and dominance overall.

The Hart Dynasty would be ok with me if they ever won anything, but they are basically buried week in and week out, so it would be hard to make them look legit when everyone has beaten them countless times.

I like Tyson Kidd's ring work, I think he is very similar to Bret Hart if you pay attention, but D.H. Smith is what kills it to me. He just seems like the weak link in the chain. He is not very impressive at anything I have seen him do. He doesn't really have the look either. I understand that he is a necessary part of the team as he is apart of the Hart lineage but I see him as the part of the team holding them back in some ways. Until he improves, the team can't improve. The big thing that I think makes them a little special though is the fact that they have a manager in Natalya. Tag Teams used to have managers but not so much anymore. I think having one in some ways makes them a little more like an old school legit tag team, and could be one of the things that gets them over the hump so to speak. As far as them comparing to MCMG or Beer Money Inc. I think that my prior statements hold true. If D.H. Smith were more of a factor I would say they are on par with them. But having Tyson Kidd basically carrying the team gives the edge to TNA when it comes to them.

The Worlds Strongest Tag Team is cool to me. I like Mark Henry as a face, and I like M.V.P in general so having him with Henry makes a pretty good team in my view. I could see them dominating Beer Money Inc. due to size and strength on both mens parts, but I think MCMG would out work them and prove to be too fast, too high flying, and too in sync for them. The power and strength would be neutralized by the attributes of the MCMG and ultimately prove to be too much for The Worlds Stronger Tag Team.

I think that Jerishow is definitely on the way out, as Big Show does need a knee surgery, and is likely going to be getting it done soon. So maybe DX will win at this next PPV and act as transitional tag team champions to hand them to someone else, and who would be more obvious than Legacy to take them, considering the history?
What I want and what I expect are not entirely the same, WWE doesn't seem to have any staying power with teams and will undoubtedly split up Jerishow soon enough for a fued. Personally I'm fed up of partners fueding, I think if they were to lose the belt they need not split immediatly, they could remain friends in the hunt for the gold and during an expected Edge/Jericho mania match. It would then give WWE a regular strong team for a return title run later.
I think it is pretty likely we will see DX win because they will be a big draw for Smackdown. Also it frees up Jericho to work with the Undertaker. I am not sure who DX will feud with though probably the Hart foundation are the only other real pairingabout that would make sense and there is a bit of history with DX/the Hart's so that might be interesting
JeriShow should NOT split up until Edge returns. Everyone was excited when we were going to have the Edge & Jericho team but then Edge got injured. They are doing a fantastic job of making the Unified Tag Team Championship seem like a really important title to win. They should not split up just yet. Even if they lose the belts before Edge returns, they could feud with whoever beats them (probably DX) for a while. Then do something with Edge once he comes back.... and then they can split up. I really think they should stay together until then because they are such a great team.

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