Is it possible to be straighedge...

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
... if you are a sick person. I think being straightedge is a great lifestyle. And I'm thinking of taking up that lifestyle someday. However, I am a pretty sick person. I have asthma, and take Singulair (pills... DRUGS), and I'm sure I will develop other illnesses in the future that will require me to take other drugs.

So, if I don't drink alcohol and don't smoke, but have a pretty weak immune system, meaning I have to take a lot of medicine... is it possible to be straightedge?

Answers please.
Well dude I've been SxE for 6 years now, and I gotta tell you, YOU HAVE TO BE REALLY DEVOTED! It's hard. I have been made fun of so fucking much for not doing drugs or smoking pot or whatever! People in WZ have made fun of me, and people in real life have made fun of me. Plus no matter how stressed you are you cant take a beer, you cant get high, you cant do any of that shit. If you can get past peer pressure and stress like I have and will continue to do, than be Straight Edge dude, just sayin'.
...That doesn't answer his question at all Sasori.

But basically, no, I don't think you can be straight edge and still take drugs, even non-intoxicant drugs dude.
I think what he's asking is if it still counts as straightedge if you're taking prescribed medications.

Yes, it still counts as straightedge. My best friend in college was straightedge. He was also diabetic and epileptic. Took medication for both.
It's "Hardline" that doesn't allow any sort of medication at all. Not "straightedge". Straightedge is just abstaining from illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Sometimes premarital sex too, depending on who you talk to.

Hardline is against all that, in addition to any medication whatsoever, abortion, contraceptives, sex for any reason other than procreation, and homosexuality. They're also strict vegans.
It's "Hardline" that doesn't allow any sort of medication at all. Not "straightedge". Straightedge is just abstaining from illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Sometimes premarital sex too, depending on who you talk to.

Hardline is against all that, in addition to any medication whatsoever, abortion, contraceptives, sex for any reason other than procreation, and homosexuality. They're also strict vegans.

Thanks! All of you have helped me answer my question. But, I didn't realize that the act of being straightedge went farther than staying away from drugs and alchol and smoking. I watched C.M. Punk a few weeks ago and he was saying that the only drug he would allow in his body was that prescribed bottle of eyedrops. I assumed he wasn't a very sick child.
Ya know though... you really shouldn't feel like you have to be part of a subculture just to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Might sound like an after school special, but it's true. If you don't wanna do that shit, don't do it. It's not necessary to draw Xs on your hands, just... don't do shit you don't feel like doing. The end.
Well, Dexter... I did think to myself that, if you stay away from drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol, does it automatically make you straightedge? I see pictures of a bunch of straightedge people, and all of them are all tatted up, with X's and whatnot. I wondered that if you're straightedge, is it mandatory to have all those tattoos. Most straightedge people are rockers, or atleast look like them.
I don't think people should label themselves like that at all. Just do what's right for you. Don't say "I'm not straight-edge because I have to take drugs." Just know that you're being the person you want to be without drinking, smoking or doing drugs unneccesarily.
Well, Dexter... I did think to myself that, if you stay away from drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol, does it automatically make you straightedge? I see pictures of a bunch of straightedge people, and all of them are all tatted up, with X's and whatnot. I wondered that if you're straightedge, is it mandatory to have all those tattoos. Most straightedge people are rockers, or atleast look like them.

It's just a subculture, like any other. They have musical requirements, dress requirements, and behavioral requirements. Never been a big fan of that kind of thing myself, but to each his/her own.

But no, the clean living doesn't make you automatically straightedge. It doesn't mean anything at all outside of your own personal choice.
It's "Hardline" that doesn't allow any sort of medication at all. Not "straightedge". Straightedge is just abstaining from illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Sometimes premarital sex too, depending on who you talk to.

Hardline is against all that, in addition to any medication whatsoever, abortion, contraceptives, sex for any reason other than procreation, and homosexuality. They're also strict vegans.

cuz you know, who wants to enjoy their life anyway..
Well, Dexter... I did think to myself that, if you stay away from drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol, does it automatically make you straightedge? I see pictures of a bunch of straightedge people, and all of them are all tatted up, with X's and whatnot. I wondered that if you're straightedge, is it mandatory to have all those tattoos. Most straightedge people are rockers, or atleast look like them.

I would consider myself straight-edge but I don't have any tattoos and I don't have any X's on me, I guess it all depends on who you ask.
Ok this has gotta stop. The "sXe" thing is about purity of self. Drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex, smoking etc etc etc are all variously addictive vices that straight's believe prevent one's clarity, focus, and a hindrance to achieving one's ultimate potential. It's not about the actual imbibing of drink nor passing of medication through the lips. Clearly you need certain medication to survive lest your lungs cease up and you die. Only absolute morons (hardliners) would think you less for taking the necessary medication(s) you require to sustain life.
If your lifestyle is about being the best you can be in body, mind, and spirit and by doing so you abstain from participating in and/or ingesting things that alter or impair those abilities then I truly believe you are "straight edge". But that said... who the F' am I, and why should you care what I think?
More to the point if for any reason people don't believe or think so... then tell 'em to F' Off as they've clearly missed the point entirely and are closed-minded hypocrites. Same goes for the jackanapes who mindlessly prattle on about what music,clothes and fashions are/aren't "true" punk/hardcore/sXe like so much ambivalent white-noise. At it's core "punk fashion" wasn't a statement but rather the end results of youths who couldn't afford fancy clothes and by consequence (not choice) ****e them till they frayed, ripped etc. and generally fell apart; sometimes they held said garments together by means of safety pins if necessary. Only later was some stupid manifesto and creed applied to the whole concept ad hoc as a way to make everyone feel rebellious and non-conformist.
Wear whatever you like and if someone doesn't like it or doesn't think it's sXe and calls you out for it then clearly they're part of the same conformist, herd mentality that was the whole thing you "punk rockers" where trying to avoid, hence the above mentioned hypocrisy and infantile posturing, of form over substance.
Do what you do for yourself please. As long as you don't hurt anyone or deprive them of their rights then you've no one to answer to but your own reflection and conscience.
format that and I'm sure I'll read it

For Lee.

Ok this has gotta stop. The "sXe" thing is about purity of self. Drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex, smoking etc etc etc are all variously addictive vices that straight's believe prevent one's clarity, focus, and a hindrance to achieving one's ultimate potential. It's not about the actual imbibing of drink nor passing of medication through the lips. Clearly you need certain medication to survive lest your lungs cease up and you die. Only absolute morons (hardliners) would think you less for taking the necessary medication(s) you require to sustain life.

If your lifestyle is about being the best you can be in body, mind, and spirit and by doing so you abstain from participating in and/or ingesting things that alter or impair those abilities then I truly believe you are "straight edge". But that said... who the F' am I, and why should you care what I think?

More to the point if for any reason people don't believe or think so... then tell 'em to F' Off as they've clearly missed the point entirely and are closed-minded hypocrites. Same goes for the jackanapes who mindlessly prattle on about what music,clothes and fashions are/aren't "true" punk/hardcore/sXe like so much ambivalent white-noise. At it's core "punk fashion" wasn't a statement but rather the end results of youths who couldn't afford fancy clothes and by consequence (not choice) ****e them till they frayed, ripped etc. and generally fell apart; sometimes they held said garments together by means of safety pins if necessary. Only later was some stupid manifesto and creed applied to the whole concept ad hoc as a way to make everyone feel rebellious and non-conformist.

Wear whatever you like and if someone doesn't like it or doesn't think it's sXe and calls you out for it then clearly they're part of the same conformist, herd mentality that was the whole thing you "punk rockers" where trying to avoid, hence the above mentioned hypocrisy and infantile posturing, of form over substance.

Do what you do for yourself please. As long as you don't hurt anyone or deprive them of their rights then you've no one to answer to but your own reflection and conscience.
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