Is it me or have I predicted the Cena VS Rusev storyline correct thus far

Yet another Poll from me???

  • You just had some spot on predictions

  • They saw your post on Reddit and went with it

  • It's Coincidence Bitch (Lol) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That N Word

Actively evolving
My predicted storylineWWE has been going with a similar story they did with Taker/Cena in '03 with Cena/Rusev so far. It is the old legend vs. the new rookie. So far it has been pretty decent thus far. But if they are going the route of Cena "being a washed up old hag who needs to retire" (even though he will only be 38 this year.) This is what should happen. Cena should lose to Rusev at Fast Lane with Rusev making him pass out to the accolade. Cena say's I was about to say I do still have it and will prove it against you at WrestleMania. Lana can then say silly Cena,you don't call the shots around here we do. Lana denies him the challenge. Rusev can basically keep turning Cena down for a rematch at WrestleMania and saying you can't fight the future Cena. Cena becomes even darker and darker (not a heel but heel like.) Cena sneak attacks Rusev backstage and beats him brutally and puts him through the wall. Cena say's "Give me my damn Mania match. Your the future well you have to go through me at WrestleMania." The next week have Rusev snap and finally accept and say he has to put his career on the line though. Rusev can then beat Cena at Mania and retain his title by making him tap out. It would be almost as shocking as Taker's streak ending last year. Then, Cena "retires" the next night on Raw but becomes desperate for WWE to "re-sign" him but they keep denying him. So then have Cena finally get signed to a contract again for "one last chance" at Rusev. At Summerslam Cena loses again and say's he will not retire and he needs to leave to find his mojo. At Survivor Series, Cena can stand by in the locker room (in his grey hoodie) and watch on a monitor as Rusev get his first loss against Roman Reigns . He can look frustrated throw the chair around the locker room he is sitting in watching on a monitor. Cena can return on Raw the next night in the same hoodie and hold the microphone to his mouth and then drop it without saying anything and leaving. Cena returns at Royal Rumble and makes the save for Reigns doing a world title match between Reigns and Wyatt. Reigns is defending the belt against Wyatt in the match and it is no DQ who has reformed the Wyatts and have them attacking Reigns. Cena then returns with no salute or smile in his grey hoodie walking to the ring slowly with no music beats up Harper/Rowan before AA'ing Roman FINALLY turning heel. Cena then finally breaks his silence the next night on Raw and say's he took out a man who was able to do something he couldn't twice and will prove he never lost it by beating Roman at WrestleMania. He say's the reason he was failing because he was steady worried about who was cheering or booing him. He lost against Rusev because of the boo's (if he get's booed) , he lost to Bryan because of the boo's , He lost to guys like Punk,Lesnar,Rock because of the boo's and he is so damn sick of hearing "Cena Sucks" and he doesn't give a damn what you people think. Roman comes out accepts his challenge and say's your right I am the future and your right i'm taking your torch. But I am not waiting around for you to pass it...I'M SNATCHING IT!!! " Cena yell's "The Future has to go through me" and the brawl is on from there.

According to Daily Wrestling News, the two are set for a gimmick match at WrestleMania 31. The rumor going around is that it is set to be an “I Quit” match, which would be a match Cena has never lost in his WWE career. A possible addition is that if Cena wins, he gets the U.S. title, but Rusev would want to end his career thus setting up a career versus title scenario. However, this is not yet confirmed.
WWE has led us to this conclusion however, as they have had Rusev continue to talk of John Cena being old and past his time. He has also continued to tell us that Cena is not worthy of a U.S. title when Cena is a 15-time WWE and World Heavyweight Champion. Rusev has also given multiple matches to several in the past, including the likes of Jack Swagger.
The only way the Rusev character would most likely agree to this match with Cena is if he could end his career at WrestleMania. While it does seem like a foregone conclusion Cena would win at WrestleMania regardless of this stipulation, this would almost guarantee a win for Cena….or would it? WWE has put a WWE Superstar’s career on the line twice in the last decade. Both times, the person who had their career on the line lost. Those two men were Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels.
Unlike Flair and Michaels, Cena is by no means ready to retire. Some would argue Flair and HBK weren’t either.

So far I predicted the Accolade pass out right, The Cena challenge and being denied right,and it appears the Career vs. Title right. Could it be that I was right, or WWE saw and decided to use my story, or strictly coincidence
All these rumours, if proven correct, prove that even though he is in a 'midcard' feud, John Cena's storyline booking will always be given priority over everyone else on the card. Though, fact remains, he is still very much the "Face that runs the place".

However, I would love this feud to spring a huge surprise coming out of Mania. Maybe, Cena falls short again and takes some time off(though that will depend on if the new guys like Reigns/Rollins etc. can step up to the plate)...
It would be far to obvious if it was career v title match that Cena would win

Rusev needs a finisher which he can pin someone off of so Cena keeps his 'never give up' motto and Rusev gets put over was all pretty predictable from the start?

They won't go career v title tho, coz the fans won't believe it.

It would be far to obvious if it was career v title match that Cena would win

Rusev needs a finisher which he can pin someone off of so Cena keeps his 'never give up' motto and Rusev gets put over

That is the thing it's WrestleMania and we need a HUGE surprise. WWE is balls deep on making Reigns the new "Face" that runs the place. If they are serious and confident enough in Reigns, then the time is now to slowly break down those barriers and have Cena slowly lose that character and do the whole retirement angle so Cena can take some time off and WWE can allow the young stars to step into their new roles. Not only would I have Cena lose, but clean. As he begins to pass out to the accolade we hear the words "quit!!!" As Rusev drops him for the win in a "I Quit Match."

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