Is it just me or is there a "pattern" with the WWE Divas title?


Dark Match Winner
I didn't know where to put this thread because it concerns all of the Divas Roster (RAW/SD)...sort of. Anyway to the point.

Pretty much the title says it all. My friend was flicking around on looking at title history and the Divas Belt had an a "pattern" to it. He said that other title histories had a "pattern" but this one wasn't as obvious as the Divas one. So I'll cut to the chase and tell you what he told me.

So the first Divas Champion was Michelle McCool who was a face.
Then Maryse (heel) beat Michelle.
Mickie James (face)
Jillian (heel)
Melina (face)
Maryse (heel)
Eve (face)
Alicia Fox (heel)
Melina (face)
Michelle McCool (heel)
Natalya (face)

Probably everyone is thinking so what's your point? My point is that judging by this so-called "pattern" the next person to win the belt has to be heel. Since I don't see any Divas turning heel (maybe Melina because of her match with Natalya on 6th December RAW but her turning heel is unlikely) I'm thinking that either Layla or Michelle is going to win the title then drop it to Beth. So the next feud that starts after the LayCool/Beth one a heel will have to win? I think personally (sorry to burst my friends bubble, if he reads this) that this is the way westling works. If a heel holds the title a face will take it from them and vice versa.

So my questions are:

1) Do you think there is a "pattern" with the Divas Belt or is it all just a coincidence?
2) IF Beth get's the title who would she face? Or should I ask, who would you want her to face?

Feel free to leave your opinion below, I don't care if they're negative or positve posts, just want to hear what people have to say. I would want Beth to face Natalya, personally.
i think that WWE does it right with the booking for the divas. they will never allow any to have great matches like Lita and Trish or Chyna and Ivory so why not do simple booking. IMO the divas are jus for show anyway. you here how dead the crowds are during the bouts. they wouldnt buy into a complex story anymore because the Divas division died with the retirement of Lita and Trish.
Well, here's the thing. First of all, championships change hand usually between heels and faces unless there is some kind of tournament. Its just how it works. I mean you can't have heel feuding with heels for a long period of time. So of course there's a pattern, any short lived (so far anyways) championship will always have this pattern. Heels face faces and faces face heels.

What's different is when you have a face vs. face feud, or should I say match. Usually when you have a legnthy feud between two faces, the crowd gets behind one of the faces and the other woud turn heel. I would love a Beth Pheonix/Natalya feud. If one were to turn heel, i'd say Natalya would seem a better fit. She seems more agressive. I could also see a feud involving Malina and Michelle McCool. A feud involving any of the mentioned divas would be great, just as liong as you don't have two heels facing one another.
I do see what you are talking about in regards to the "pattern". I do also agree with both replies so far. I personally would love to see Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya. To me, it wouldn't matter if they were both faces at the time. I think (even though WWE wouldn't allow it to be) it would definitely have the potential to be a classic match..which doesn't really happen when it comes to the women's division. I also believe that either of them would make a good heel. I know we have seen Beth as a heel already. Have we seen Natalya as a heel yet? I honestly don't think so, but I could be wrong. If not, I still believe she would make an excellent heel.
With both Diva's as faces or with one face and one heel...I still believe that it could be a very good match.
The pattern makes sense. In any area of the company, you could do a virtual breakdow. What you would most likely find is the same pattern. Lets look at this past years WWE Championship.

At Elimination Chamber, John Cena(face) won the WWE title from Sheamus(heel). He was then defeated right after the match for the title by Batista.(heel. Cena(face) regained the title from Batista at Wrestlemania, then lost it to Sheamus(heel) at Fatal Four Way. Sheamus held the title until NOC, where he lost the title to Randy Orton(face.) Orton then lost the title on the night following Survivor Series to Miz(heel).

I could do the same breakdown on Smackdown, and it would be the same, other then when Jericho lost the title due to Swagger cashing in on him. The point Im making is, this isnt exclusive to Divas. Heels feud with faces, and lose their titles to them. The converse is also true. Very rarely is there a feud where there's a face/face matchup, or a heel/heel matchup. The storyline behind the match is generally better when there's a heel/face dynamic. But nice research man.
The Miz < Randy Orton < Sheamus < John Cena < Batista < John Cena < Sheamus < John Cena < Randy Orton < John Cena < Randy Orton < Batista < Randy Orton < HHH < Edge < Jeff Hardy < Edge < HHH < Randy Orton < HHH < Randy Orton < so on and so forth

The heel/face/heel/face pattern is with every championship. Its rare that it goes from a heel to a heel or a face to a face. If memory serves me correct, the last time that happened in the WWE was when John Morrison beat Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental championship, which was supposed to be going to Dolph Ziggler, but Mysterio's injury changed things up.

The divas title doing this is nothing significant. Melina will turn heel, beat Natalya, then most likely drop it to Beth, who will most likely drop it to Michelle or another heel.
The pattern makes sense. In any area of the company, you could do a virtual breakdow. What you would most likely find is the same pattern. Lets look at this past years WWE Championship.

At Elimination Chamber, John Cena(face) won the WWE title from Sheamus(heel). He was then defeated right after the match for the title by Batista.(heel. Cena(face) regained the title from Batista at Wrestlemania, then lost it to Sheamus(heel) at Fatal Four Way. Sheamus held the title until NOC, where he lost the title to Randy Orton(face.) Orton then lost the title on the night following Survivor Series to Miz(heel).

I could do the same breakdown on Smackdown, and it would be the same, other then when Jericho lost the title due to Swagger cashing in on him. The point Im making is, this isnt exclusive to Divas. Heels feud with faces, and lose their titles to them. The converse is also true. Very rarely is there a feud where there's a face/face matchup, or a heel/heel matchup. The storyline behind the match is generally better when there's a heel/face dynamic. But nice research man.

I agree with you and all the other replies. I'm just saying because there are not enough heels on the Divas Roster it is more predictable who will win the title because of the heel vs face "pattern". There's 4 heel divas and that's about it. Unless someone of course turns heel. For some reason I don't pick this up in the Superstar Division maybe because they have enough heels to go around while Divas don't really matter anymore. At least with the Superstars you can't predict who will win the title just by looking at past results. Also another thing I want to put out there. Can't a heel pin another heel in a Fatal Four or a Triple Threat? That's something I never understand with WWE. In a singles/tag team match the heel vs face thing works but when you have something like a Fatal Four, there's usually 2 faces and 2 heels (correct me if I'm wrong). In this situation the heel vs face thing can work to an extent but it confuses me because they are all competing against eachother so why can't a heel pin a heel? Therefore for a fictional example you can get Miz pinning Sheamus to win the title (just random pairing). Oh and thank you for acknowledging my research, I appreciate it. As everyone can tell I haven't been a fan of WWE for that long lol. (less than a year in fact).
As others have said, this happens most of the time with all other champions. Heels always fight faces in order to give the crowd someone to cheer for. No point in doing it any other way. Most of the occasions with the male titles passing from face to face or heel to heel are a direct result of tournaments or Triple threats/Fatal four/HIAC/Chamber matches.

I think the first replier got it spot on. The days of Trish and Lita are long gone. Mickie has been released and the best they have now is Beth Phoenix and Natalya. Not quite the same league though. Keep it simple
I didn't know where to put this thread because it concerns all of the Divas Roster (RAW/SD)...sort of. Anyway to the point.

Pretty much the title says it all. My friend was flicking around on looking at title history and the Divas Belt had an a "pattern" to it. He said that other title histories had a "pattern" but this one wasn't as obvious as the Divas one. So I'll cut to the chase and tell you what he told me.

So the first Divas Champion was Michelle McCool who was a face.
Then Maryse (heel) beat Michelle.
Mickie James (face)
Jillian (heel)
Melina (face)
Maryse (heel)
Eve (face)
Alicia Fox (heel)
Melina (face)
Michelle McCool (heel)
Natalya (face)

Probably everyone is thinking so what's your point? My point is that judging by this so-called "pattern" the next person to win the belt has to be heel. Since I don't see any Divas turning heel (maybe Melina because of her match with Natalya on 6th December RAW but her turning heel is unlikely) I'm thinking that either Layla or Michelle is going to win the title then drop it to Beth. So the next feud that starts after the LayCool/Beth one a heel will have to win? I think personally (sorry to burst my friends bubble, if he reads this) that this is the way westling works. If a heel holds the title a face will take it from them and vice versa.

So my questions are:

1) Do you think there is a "pattern" with the Divas Belt or is it all just a coincidence?
2) IF Beth get's the title who would she face? Or should I ask, who would you want her to face?

Feel free to leave your opinion below, I don't care if they're negative or positve posts, just want to hear what people have to say. I would want Beth to face Natalya, personally.

Yeah the same pattern is followed by all the belts pretty much. The difference is for male wrestling they have intriguing storylines, good matches, and plenty of good wrestlers to help cover it up. But that's what works, heel vs face that's why the pattern is always followed. There are really only two heels in the divas division at this moment anyway as far as I can tell. So if it follows that pattern expect Lay-cool to have another reign unless they can turn another one to the dark side.

If Beth get's the belt, I wouldn't mind seeing her face Natalya. Also good opponents would be Melina, Naomi (if she get's a contract), and (I just drew a blank).

But anyway nice going for your friend to be able to stay awake long enough during a diva's match to realize that.
This holds true to just about every title in the WWE with the exception of the Tag titles/World Heavyweight championship. Why? Whats the sense in having a Face beat a face? Unless the face is going to make a heel turn or its changing hands for storyline purposes theres no point in it. The company is built on Heels vs Faces and it only makes sense for the titles to follow the same patterns. The Divas get less time then US,IC,Tag,WHC and WWE titles so theres no real time to make a "storyline" where a face takes a title off a face with a crammed roster like the divas divison. I mean everybody likes see the heel lose right?

Anyway I singled out the Tags/WHC for their recent history;

WHC: Undertaker(Face) -> Jericho(heel) -> Jack Swagger(heel) -> Rey Mysterio(face) -> Kane(face)

Tag Titles: Showmiz(heel) -> Hart Dynasty(face) -> Drew Mcintyre/Cody Rhodes(heel) -> Nexus(heel) -> Santino/Kozlov
the last time a heel pinned a heel that i can think of is orton on bigshow last year in the match with cena and triple h.

in terms of the question, good catch, but as others have pointed out, that is how it is with the belts. scsa and the rock were the best as a face face fued because both were at the top of the era and both were just badass and always wanted to prove they were the best. but it doesnt work with everyone. can you imagine big show vs triple h, or cena vs edge as faces? face/heel is just natural and creates good entertaining fueds.
fantastic research and one of the best threads i've come along concerning the divas and the division as a whole.

now, if rumors are to be believed, it was recently reported that Melina is expected to turn heel and feud with Natalya. if that is the case, i think you can see your next champion for the division.

my guess is that this would be followed by a feud with Beth Phoenix, the next face champion, and then maybe a feud with a turned-heel Natalya.

regardless, as nearly everyone has pointed out, the heel to face, face to heel, match ups and feuds is pretty historic. it's just the best way to write.

the exceptions are MITB cash-ins, tournaments for vacant titles, when legit injuries force immediate change or some sort of unification or title vs. title match.

one such example that i saw mentioned was Austin vs. Rock at WM17. two faces going at it for the title. however, what about Hogan vs. Warrior at WM6? that was the first time something like this ever happened. and it really was a top face winning over the next top face for the WHC and the IC Title was also on the line.

so you do get those kinds of matches, but they're usually one-off matches. if the match becomes a feud, then more often than not, one of the faces turns heel so that the feud can be written as is the pattern that the OP pointed out.

again, great thread.
The Divas division (formerly the Women's Division - another meaningless name change by WWE) is, and will never be, nowhere near what the Women's Division was pre-2006. It wasn't uncommon to have a good 7-10 minute Women's match on Raw or (rarely) SmackDown. This was due to the amount of good, trained WWE Divas at the time.

For Example, from 1998-2006, WWE had Chyna, Jacqueline, Trish Stratus, Ivory, Molly Holly, Gail Kim, Lita (who raised the standard for athleticism in the Women's Division), Melina, Mickie James, Torrie Wilson (granted, she started off rocky, but was improving), Victoria, Tori, Luna, Jazz, Beth Phoenix, and Jillian Hall - all of whom were bonafide professional wrestlers. They possessed both the in-ring ability AND the looks. Hell, the Women's Championship even main-evented Raw a few times. We also got to see Lita v. Victoria in the first ever Women's Steel Cage Match, Trish v. Victoria in Hardcore Matches, Jackie hold the Cruiserweight Championship, Chyna hold the Intercontinental Championship on three occasions, and Molly, Terri, and Trish hold the Hardcore Championship.

It was more common to see faces have matches for the title. If anyone remembers the first ever Vengeance (now Night of Champions) PPV in 2001, Jacqueline and Trish were involved in a brief feud over Trish's Women's Championship. Both were faces.

Now, it's a bit more difficult. Heels are easier to book into the title picture and WWE focuses more on looks than talent for their divas, anyway.

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