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Is it destiny that JR should add two extra initials to his title.... GM?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ages ago I thought to myself that JR should become RAW's general manager. It's something I will just LOVE to see, let's face it, everyone loves JR and to have become the GM of RAW will be awesome.

I was reminded of this when I saw WZ's top ten GM candidates, when I saw number one, JR, I was like "YES!" With there being a vacant GM slot at the moment, I want JR to take it, purely because I think in a way, he has earned it, to be a huge on TV power. Of both shows? Sure. But I still wouldn't mind if he just got RAW and Edge got SD! That's what I'd like to see...

Now if JR actually became the GM I would actually like to see him do it for a really long time, maybe even as long as Teddy, he'll be great and he knows what people like to see. It's almost like this position was made for him!

Although with creative's thought process at the moment, odds are they'd make him GM for about a week, injure him the next week, then Johnny Laur will take back over, which would SERIOUSLY piss me off. Just like how they used Rey to get the title over to Cena.

In conclusion I wanna see JR become the RAW general manager and be good at it, last for a long time and NOT be fucked with.

So this is a question for you guys: "Do you think JR should be GM?"
It may not be the popular answer, but no, I don't. I don't think his personality or "character" would translate well into the role of GM at all.

I think it would just come across as awkward and after 2 weeks, extremely boring. Plus, there are no top heels in the company anymore outside of Daniel Bryan, so you'd get very little storyline confrontation if JR was buddy buddy with everyone. I'm telling you it would get old real quick and he'd be more of a drag than JL.

UNLESS - JR comes into the role as a heel. That I might have interest in.
I'd rather JR have more to do behind the scenes in creative than any on air role. When Cole dials back the heel stuff (not all the way back) he is actually a really good announcer. JR is great, don't get me wrong, but with his knowledge of wrestling, I think he could be a really good creative addition.
i just cant see it, my guess is because WWE likes him on nxt and doesnt want to use him as a gm or a lead announcer (which is what they SHOULD do), but i dont see him as a gm even if it makes sense. i still see the gm being either JBL or someone more off the radar, but i think JBL makes most sense as it's said he could come back and i think he would play the gm role to perfection.
Don't get me wrong. I love JR - as a commentator. Love him in that role so much so that I would place him next to the all time greats: Vin Scully, Jack Buck, Al Michaels, Bob Costas, Jim Ross.

With that being said, I see him as a commentator and only as such. He does not have what it takes to play such a demanding role. It's my opinion, but I don't believe he has the edge to be a GM.

A great GM needs fire, passion, grit. All of which JR possesses - while wearing a headset, but it never translates while he's in front of the camera. When good ol' JR is front of the camera, to me, he's awkward, and it's a chore for me to watch.

Stick to the other side of the table, Jim.
I love the idea of JR as a slightly-face leaning WWE President a la Jack Tunney. Indulge me in some armchair booking:

The board has decided that they mettle too much in WWE, and need a trusted non-McMahon hand to give advice which they will follow. Things worked out pretty well under the anonymous GM, right? Well, they'll just bring him back but in his corporeal vestige this time. Thus, they have annointed old hand JR to oversee the pro wrestling rosters, matchups on Raw/SD, title changes, and that aspect of the company.

JR shows up and puts over the new NXT. He'll be announcing there and helping develop talent and he'll be off scouting. In the meantime, he promises to leave us in good hands. Trusty hands. A pair of fellas he got to know on commentary. He doesn't like this first guy, but damn if he doesn't respect his genius for the business... new GM Paul Heyman. Of course, JR realizes that a single GM can and will always cause problems for some guys inevitably so he's decided to be bipartisan.

So, there's another very trusty hand on the roster who will co-GM with Heyman. This guy's run the show before, too. Granted, down in Memphis. Co-GM Jerry Lawler will work with Paul Heyman, and they have equal power and must agree on every match, every title shot, everything. And if they can't decide, JR's a tweet or an email away.


You get a decent power dynamic, JR is regularly "involved." Worst case, Lawler gets one show, Heyman gets the other. It moves Lawler off commentary and allows JBL/Foley/some newer face to work in the booth. In fact, in story, it makes perfect sense for Lawler to cut his first deal with Heyman: if Heyman agrees to get rid of Michael Cole, he can choose the replacement. Heyman agrees, and we get Joey Styles in the booth and Cole as the heel manager he was destined to be.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but J.R. won't become the GM for the same reason that he doesn't do Raw commentary every week anymore; Jim Ross is 60 years old and has frequent health issues.
The extensive touring schedule, so I've read, is too much for J.R. at this stage in his career, and he would much rather stay put in one place close to home, and have a much lighter role. Hence why we're seeing him at FCW and NXT recently, which also corresponds to his position in overseeing developmental talent.
In a nutshell, after being on-screen for nearly 30 years, Jim Ross is deservedly taking a back-seat in matters.
No. Like someone else said, JR would be boring after 2 weeks easily. He doesnt have the staying power for a GM role. At most JR should be GM for one day only....say the 1000 epidsode of RAW and then let JR get revenge on vince for all the bullshit he went through.

Have JR do something really memorable/shocking like him and vince in a back stage segment with vince passed out. Then JR takes a piss on vince(his penis would obviously not be on camera and he;d just use a juice box or something). Its a simple segment, its humilating for vince, PG enough and it gives wrestlers tons of ammo to make fun of vince.

CM punk and others can make tons of "Golden showers" jokes toward vince.

Why do the same old stunner and beer bath when vince can get a golden shower?:lmao:
The one thing JR has going for him is he is welcomed back and cheered..........in small doses. When he was a weekly announcer, he was at the top of his game, but he didn't have to do anything BUT announce as an on-air personality.

His character and his demeanor wouldn't last very long with the audience. He'd be good for a week, but that's about it. Outside of his catchphrases and his play calling during big moves in matches, he's pretty vanilla and boring.

And like Diet Soda said: The travel and schedule would be too much. JR is perfectly happy with his current role, his BBQ branding and his close friendship with Stone Cold.
A Jack Tunney style TV Character sounds great. When the Heels gain too much momentum, he pops in to straighten things out. I like it. He builds more value in certain matches and for characters.

But, I would rather see another set of initials by his name. VP. of Talent Relations. He found better talent then what they had. He knew how to use talent, and pushed them in the right direction.

I read in Kevin Kelly's article that the WWE has released 130 or more wrestlers, since Johnny Ace took over. 130 or more wrestlers that Johnny hired, and let go. Granted it could a creative talent ordeal, but that's a very high number.

Getting JR back to that role makes sense.
also, with JR on tv each week in the role, Vince will not be able to help himself and will instruct the writers to sandbag the show simply to put more shit on Jim Ross. JR will never be an on air talent, he is in his 60s now, that ship has passed. JR should be used in a more behind the scenes creative way, but he has worn that hat previously also.
If they do go down the path of having a GM, I hope they firstly clear up the Mystery Raw GM storyline, may be have the laptop show up at the next ppv as a swerve and have the real GM show up the next night on Raw......
I've never seen just what is so great about him as a commentator. But at least he's tolerable at it. As anything else he's just not that interesting. Where he really shines is getting beat up and embarassed by Vince or anyone else who needs "I beat up the commentators" heat. :lmao:

Seriously though it just wouldn't work. And it wouldn't really be his fault, it's that babyface Authority figures just don't work on a long term basis. Making occasional appearances when the heels step too far out of line is ok, but not all the time. It just takes away the conflict and makes the faces look weak. Babyfaces are supposed to be stand up guys who fight their own battles instead of running and crying to the boss like a little bitch all the time.

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