Is it becoming too much?


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Short and sweet: is Chris Jericho putting people over too often?

I believe there are two types of loss: jobbing, and putting someone over. If you are a credible performer who loses to someone who is beneath or equal to you, you are putting them over. If you're the guy they wheel out to lose to someone and make them look good, you're jobbing.

No I'm not calling Chris Jericho a jobber by any means. His resume speaks for itself, his matches are often the best of the night, and he gets a better reaction heel or face than half of the roster. I also don't have a problem with any of the people he's put over since 2011 or how he did so. But those losses have accumulated to the point where beating Chris Jericho just isn't a big deal anymore, because everyone has done it.

Take Fandango last night for example. Despite the huge upset they're selling it as, did anyone think he wasn't going to beat Jericho last night? If Jericho had been on a roll lately, maybe we wouldn't have seen it coming.

I think a good way to remedy this would be to give Jericho a title run. Maybe not a WWE or even World Heavyweight title run, but being a champion for a few months would make Jericho out to be a winner again. He can still put people over by beating them in title matches, because they're in a title feud with Chris Jericho. And when he does drop the title to somebody, it'll put them over in a bigger way than a standard match on Raw or SmackDown would.

So with that in mind:

1) Is Chris Jericho losing too much?

2) Should Jericho have a title run in the near future?

3) Do you let the AAs breathe?
Y2J is one of my all time favorite performers and I will admit that it's sad for me to see him losing so often but I can see that it isn't ridiculous factoring where he is in his career. He's had a great run but right now he's doing his music thing and wrestling at the same time, theres no way WWE could comit him to be a high carder. He's doing the Jobbing to the stars thing now which I guess is ok as long as I keep seeing him get quality air time.

I fully expected the loss to Fandango since theres no good reason somebody should have a debut match in that context and lose. I was a little put off and wish it was on raw instead of mania, but oh well.
First off, the AA's have got to be given time to breath.

Back to topic I feel it is far too often that Jericho is losing and his star power seems to be fading. Although he is doing a respectful job by helping these newcomers get over it may be time to ease off it a bit and get back to just Jericho for a while.

Also a title run would be a dream but only if it was World/WWE, no shitty, now worthless, mid-cards as Jericho is far too good for that.

No I don't think Jericho will ever be a champion again. Jericho's always come across to me as the kind of guy who cares way more about the business than himself. I think he realizes his best days are behind him (he's 42), and he wants to spend the rest of his time helping to get younger guys over. Personally, I wish more guys would dedicate the final stage of their careers to getting younger talent over. That's how the business used to work. You wrestled for years and when you reach a certain point you help get the young guys over.
Jericho is doing a good job putting over the newer talent this past year. I would like to see him win a bit more in the process but overall he has been doing what's needed for the business. It was really refreshing to see him kick Fandangos ass tonight on Raw and I would have been disappointed if they hadn't let him save face after jobbing at WrestleMania. It wouldn't surprise me if at some point they rewarded Chris with another brief championship run as a transitional championship. He's earned it and is a legit contender compared to some on the roster.
I love how Jericho keeps putting over younger talent time and time again. He's pretty much done everything imaginable in this business, and there's really not much left to do for him since he's done it all. Plus, you have to think back when he was the young guy especially in WCW where the egos were so big that no one was going to put him over thus forcing him to jump ship to the WWE. I think Jericho doesn't want to be one of those ego-centric veterans who book themselves for championship runs whenever they please, but he wants to be the veteran that gives back to the business in a very positive way. In other words, he's in a position now where he can do that. Plus, he wants to put these young guys over because he knows exactly what it feels like to be in that position of being young, and no one putting you over.
Putting people over too often? Maybe. But Chris Jericho has reached the point in his career that the reputation he's built over many years of excellence allows him to do pretty much whatever he wants.

Ten years ago, can you imagine Vince McMahon allowing someone to come and go as he pleased, the way Jericho has? Even today, very, very few performers merit that privilege, but if any of the others came to Vince and said: "Why can't I have what Chris Jericho has?" he can answer: "When you've accomplished everything Jericho has, come talk to me."

So, there you have it. Jericho has made it plain if WWE wants him at all, it will have to be on the man's own terms. Meanwhile, he's unselfish and a company man, so he's willing to put people over......and being put over by a star of Y2J's magnitude has a much more far-reaching impact than being put over by Jindar Mahal, as it should.

To further this, since Chris comes and goes according to the demands of his non-wrestling activities, they don't cast him as fighting for titles; in fact, this time around, he wasn't even involved in any programs.

So, this is the way it's going to be. Sure, if Jericho commits to WWE for a one or two year run, they'll probably schedule some feuds and programs for him. But when his contract period is only set to run for a few months, like this last one, Chris won't be the star.....he'll be the star-maker.

Better that than no Chris Jericho at all.
When you consider, ultimately, where Chris Jericho is at both this stage of his life and career, I think he's a perfect wrestler to ultimately help put over new stars.

Chris Jericho is one of the most unselfish wrestlers I've heard of and cares far more about the business as a whole than stroking his own ego. When you combine that sort of mentality with the overall ability and star power that Jericho has, then you have an ideal formula for giving a rub to someone. Jericho knows how it feels to have all kinds of potential but to not have anyone with any stroke on the roster willing to recognize it. That describes most of his career while he was in WCW.

Jericho is 42 years old and looks great. He's in great shape and has been very fortunate in his life to avoid suffering major, career debilitating injuries. The fact that he's gotten older, however, is something that's no doubt influenced many of his career decisions the past few years. Having the foresight, intelligence and common sense to make some changes before he doesn't have a choice sounds very reasonable to me. He's got a good head on his shoulders. Based on what I've read, he's going to be wrestling part time for the forseeable future, so he's not going away for probably most of the rest of the year like The Rock. He'll take time off when he's got some gigs coming up with Fozzy and maybe to film something for an outside project. So because of that, it's not likely that he'll be winning anymore World Championships anytime soon.

Jericho's a future WWE Hall of Famer. He's a 6 time World Champion, 9 time Intercontinental Champion, & 4 time Cruiserweight Champion and 7 time Tag Team Champion in WWE and WCW. As he's in his early 40s, Jericho probably believes that his best years are behind him, in terms of being at the top of the roster, and he's probably right. He's done pretty much everything there is to do in WWE, is extremely loyal to WWE and still very much loves the business. On top of all that, Jericho can lose and lose often without losing any credibility.

Ultimately, seeing Jericho feud with wrestlers like Fandango, possibly Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro, Daniel Bryan, someone from The Shield, used as part of a significant tag team, etc. are all, in my eyes, great use of someone like him.
I get that Jericho is very unselfish when it comes to helping out younger guys, but his constant losing is getting to a point where he's losing credibility. His loss Sunday night doesn't do that much for Fandango, because Jericho is the guy who always loses on PPV.

Since Jericho retained the World Heavyweight Title against Edge at WM26, a T-Rex could count the number of his PPV victories on one hand. What good is it to be put over by a jobber?
Jericho has reached the stage in his career where wins and losses don't very much matter. People are going to pop for him regardless of what happens and he will be considered a legend. Both he and the E realize it, and that's how they're playing it these days.

I'm guessing that when he's really going to be retiring from in-ring duty for good in a couple years, he's going to get a win over another guy who for wins and losses don't matter, and then as his last act, he's going to do what he can to put somebody over who could really use it (Somebody like Cody Rhodes).

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