Is Hernandez Ready For A Solo Push?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I've heard rumours that L.A.X. will be going their separate ways in a couple of months. You'd imagine that it would be Hernandez that would get the biggest push, him being the larger of the two. Homicide is a better heel, but him turning on a larger opponent wouldn't work as well in my eyes.

But do you think he's ready? He's improved a hell of a lot since he made his debut. Quickly as well I might add. Maybe that's what happens when you have feuds with Christopher Daniels & A.J. Styles.

He's got the size for a big push. I'm unsure if he can cut a decent promo. But there's no reason why he can't succeed without talking. Or they could give him a manager, so long as it isn't Hector Guerrero. A feud with Abyss could work for him, but I don't think he's ready at the moment. Not that it matters. TNA would push him for a month then forget about him, then push him, then put him in a tag team. So he'll end up a square one anyway.
Id love to see a Hernandez vs Samoa Joe heavyweight title fight on impact. Itd be such a treat for loyal TNA fans. Good god, just think about the impact zone during that match. The roof would blow off the building before they even locked up
I think hernandez has improved as much, if not more, than anyone else on the tna roster over the last year to 18 months. on the face of it, homicide was always the obvious talent in lax, but the big guy has come on leaps and bounds (pretty literally at times). his look is cool, lax get wicked pops but lets face it, most of them come when hernandez is in the ring, or flying out of it. i managed to catch tna when they were in the uk, and when hernandez flew out of the ring, the pop was as loud as anything ive ever heard (louder than 86 thousand people at a foo fighters gig i went to the week before)

so, yeah, give the guy a chance. morgan, tomko and abyss have all seem to have been lost in the shuffle, so we could use a big guy with the crowd behind him. maybe creative can use his momentum better than they did with joe or a hundred other guys..........
Without a mouth piece - a decent mouth piece - I doubt he ever would be. I'm not a big fan of LAX breaking up just yet anyway; it should be left until after Bound For Glory.

Without a mouth piece, Hernandez would just be another Matt Morgan. Bland and uninteresting. He could still "make it". He'd have a better chance than Morgan, much better. He'd never really be held as highly if he did though. Like a Chris Benoit or Rey Mysterio. Shame too, because I'm a huge fan of the guy. In-ring, he's untouchable.

Which is precisely why, with a decent mouth piece, it could work. It's difficult to speculate, but I think it really could work, some way. Like Jake said though, they'd likely just Kaz him.
I totally think Hernandez is ready for a solo push and I think he could really run away with it. Hernandez is easily one of the best big men in TNA right in my opinion just as good as Joe but a different style. He has that monster like style that he could pull off the guy is a real powerhouse on top of the fact that when he wants to he can cut an intense promo. I think TNA should give Hernandez a shot if they break LAX up.
I think Lax splitting up could be a good move but it could also be a bad move. Lax is one of the best tag teams in TNA because of there mix of styles they got a big man and a high flyer that imo equals the perfect tag team. But if you split them up you could Homicide as a big X divison superstar competing for the X divison title and Hernandez could be pushed towards the TNA world title i could see him having good matches with guys like AJ Styles and Kurt Angle even Samoa Joe.
I think hernendez can do it but y? This is why the tag team division is going down in dumps... He's in a good team with an actual name and a gimick that fits and its keepin the tag division in tna alive... Yeah he would put on some good matches with joe and styles and the rest of them but I say keep the tag team going and still push him as singles.. Don't kill the team
i think hernadez has alot to prove for a singles push....but iv always said hes tnas answer 2 batista(who also won the tag titles wif flair be4 his singles push)......but better......everytime he jumps over that top rope a say to whoevas with me at the time.....i bet batista couldnt do ur hart out..........but we dont know how good he is on the put him with salinas.....let them grow together and we may have the future of tna......along with morgan,roode,storm and aj of course

they need to get him a mouthpiece if hes going to be a succesful as a singles wrestler but yes i believe he will recieve a decent push. i see him having decent feuds with joe and tomko and mabye a few others but i dont see him being a main contender for the title
Salinas is gone from TNA buddies just thought i'd tell you now.
but on the other hand watch Hernandez ROH stuff if he can conduct himself like that he can pull off a singles career in TNA he can promo half decent, definitely at a batista quality and even without coming off as a full of himself douche.
hernandez isn't ready for a solo've seen what they did with matt morgan...noone cares for him....hernandez should stick with LAX....thats how hes over becuase of the group
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