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Is He Back ???


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
For those who didn't see it, Ric Flair made a surprise return to the ring tonight at Judgment Day.

After Orton got himself DQ'ed, Legacy began to attack Batista. While most people probably thought HHH was headed for the ring (I did), Flair's music hit and out come the Nature Boy.

After disposing of Legacy, Flair and Batista stood triumphant in the ring, with Flair making a two versus three motion to Orton, Rhodes and Dibiase.

A couple days ago, I started a thread asking if Flair should come back since he has stated that "he has the itch and is tired of signing autographs" and if he did return, how should the "E" introduce the storyline considering the amazing sendoff at WM 24.

Now... I'm asking is he back and was this the proper way to do it ??
I thought he was in roh. I guess that explains why he said what he said about TNA. I guess vince stills owns ricks soul, poor rick. I hope they let him wrestle on tv and not only on ppv.

what a joke. lets hear it all you TNA haters, lets hear you say wwe sucks because they are pushing 60+ old farts who can't wrestle, instead of the young guys, who can't wrestle.
Look, if Flair wrestles again, he's pissing on a lot of people. He'd be pissing on HBK, he'd be pissing on the old schoolers who were content with him being gone and he'd be pissing on the younger guys. I mean, there was ZERO need for Flair to show up. It's just stupid. You go from having Legacy being thumped by Shane to having Flair come out, old age and all, and beat the hell out of both of them. Really? REALLY?

But Flair's an icon. He misses it too much and you knew he wanted to do some kind of run in and stuff. But I hope it's not a return for him. I merely hope it's a one or two time thing and it's back to Charlotte for the Nature Boy. And not back in the ring.
I wanna say it now before this topic gets too heavy, can you really complain when a legend just can't let go? Did we shun Hogan after his 4th or 5th WWE return? No we didn't even if Hogan is a 1 shot pony most of the time, Flair still has the drive to go. Has anyone forgotten that Terry Funk has retired about 10 times now? We don't go to the arena and chant "Terry Quit! Terry Quit!", this is what there passion is, HBK knows what it is like to retire and come back, and if Flair came back Shawn would understand. Hell for all we know Flair may have told Shawn if I come back you can put me away again at Summerslam, or maybe Vince said one more day in the spotlight to stay above Triple H, the fact of the matter is you can never complain about the men that made this business what it is today.
I dont think he'll wrestle. This is what i think will happen.

Batista vs randy orton vs hhh with special guest referee ric flair.

i think this will be because he wont wrestle out of michaels respect and IMO i dont think he could have a good match. his match with hbk was good but it made it really good becuase of the drama involved so i dont know how well it would work out. so this will be cool and would be entertaining way to have flair be involved but not too involved.:worship::flair:
I agree with Lariat. Flair doesn't need to be back. He may want to be back, he may be begging Vince to get back into the ring first thing every morning, but he doesn't need to be back. He left, HBK "retired" him. How much sense does it make for Vince McMahon to dictate Ric Flair's own gauntlet of "You Lose, You Retire" matches, yet let Ric Flair be the one to make the save for Batista, a man who is apparently fighting the good fight for Triple H and family while Triple H is out? Shouldn't Vince have gone down there? Hell, it would have made more since for Shane to go down there and make a fool of himself then it did for Flair to show up.

Sure, Flair and Batista were in Evolution. So? This was not Flair's fight. It is Batista's, and soon to be the McMahons', Triple H's, and Batista's fight. Flair shouldn't have shown up. He just shouldn't have.

If he is back, I can only see it as a heel turn for Batista. Flair, if he is back, could be building for a "I saved you, but that was just so that I could turn on you and join Legacy" thing, but that's most likely not it.

Flair will be around, doing promos with Batista, and teasing a 2 vs. 3 handicap match. All for it to culminate one night into a promo with Flair and Batista in the ring. Flair starts rambling, and Legacy comes out. Orton drones on, Rhodes and Dibiase look like they are just so angry at Batista and Flair, but good thing they're holding themselves back. Either Batista takes offense at something Flair says and attacks him, making a hellacious heel turn and Legacy alignment with his attack on Flair; or a match is set up and after the finish Flair comes out to celebrate with Batista only for Batista to attack him, finishing the heel turn.

This is the only way I could see Flair being in the WWE right now. Not as a wrestler, but as a pawn to complete the Batista heel turn that will probably happen. Cena and Triple H can only fight Big Show/Orton for so long.
Yeah well, that's WWE "creative" for you, that's likely why we saw Ric Flair for some absurd, insulting and unknown reason.
Flair recieved the grandest of send offs, and deservedly so, now it seems he is set to urinate all over said moment and get in the ring with Orton, or at the very least get into the mix between he and Batista.
I hate this idea, and while the prospect every one was expecting in Triple H meddling with Batista was not exactly enthralling either, at least it made some degree of sense.

I never loved Ric, but i never hated him either, and this is just too much insult to the very garish retiement ceremony he was given (both wrestlemania and he was granted virtually the entire Raw the night after for his send off). I'm not one of those guys whose gonna trash about Ric because he's old and lie by saying that he can't still go, because the fact is that he can still outpreform most of that Raw locker room (sad but fucking true).
And I know how the wrestling buisness is, I've sat through the numerous Funk retirements and the countless Hogan (Fuck him) sendoffs, But no wrestler got the grandious treatment like Ric did.

Nobody was shown so much adoration and respect from fans and wrestlers alike during his public retirement. Also, how does a creative meeting that supposedly dealt with developing new and young talent into main eventers translate into "Let's get Ric back out there." ?
Maybe i'm jumping the gun, maybe Ric will just do a one time managerial thing, but judging by the circumstances under which he returned (main event match on ppv) I would say he is getting back in that ring.
I won't over react to it like most will if/when it happens, ill just once again be very disappointed with my favorite monday night program and all parties involved in the matter.
I agree with Lariat. Flair doesn't need to be back. He may want to be back, he may be begging Vince to get back into the ring first thing every morning, but he doesn't need to be back. He left, HBK "retired" him. How much sense does it make for Vince McMahon to dictate Ric Flair's own gauntlet of "You Lose, You Retire" matches, yet let Ric Flair be the one to make the save for Batista, a man who is apparently fighting the good fight for Triple H and family while Triple H is out? Shouldn't Vince have gone down there? Hell, it would have made more since for Shane to go down there and make a fool of himself then it did for Flair to show up.

Sure, Flair and Batista were in Evolution. So? This was not Flair's fight. It is Batista's, and soon to be the McMahons', Triple H's, and Batista's fight. Flair shouldn't have shown up. He just shouldn't have.

If he is back, I can only see it as a heel turn for Batista. Flair, if he is back, could be building for a "I saved you, but that was just so that I could turn on you and join Legacy" thing, but that's most likely not it.

Flair will be around, doing promos with Batista, and teasing a 2 vs. 3 handicap match. All for it to culminate one night into a promo with Flair and Batista in the ring. Flair starts rambling, and Legacy comes out. Orton drones on, Rhodes and Dibiase look like they are just so angry at Batista and Flair, but good thing they're holding themselves back. Either Batista takes offense at something Flair says and attacks him, making a hellacious heel turn and Legacy alignment with his attack on Flair; or a match is set up and after the finish Flair comes out to celebrate with Batista only for Batista to attack him, finishing the heel turn.

This is the only way I could see Flair being in the WWE right now. Not as a wrestler, but as a pawn to complete the Batista heel turn that will probably happen. Cena and Triple H can only fight Big Show/Orton for so long.
good thinking, I wouldn't mind seeing that, especially since I already hate everything about Batista.
But I don't think Flair was needed to complete this turn, they already had the actions in place after Backlash. Have him play innocent with Triple H at first after he returns, then reveal the truth of his actions at Backlash. Heel turn complete.
Though perhaps Flair is a better piece for it, as Triple H has turn on so many people, it's difficult to feel much sympathy for his character, Flair on the other hand would garner much, much more heat for Batista, heat that he likely is incapable of getting on his own.
(please god let him be a silent heel, If I have to hear the man baotched another line on live TV again i'm just gonna hit the mute button and render myself blissfully ignorant).
good thinking, I wouldn't mind seeing that, especially since I already hate everything about Batista.
But I don't think Flair was needed to complete this turn, they already had the actions in place after Backlash. Have him play innocent with Triple H at first after he returns, then reveal the truth of his actions at Backlash. Heel turn complete.
Though perhaps Flair is a better piece for it, as Triple H has turn on so many people, it's difficult to feel much sympathy for his character, Flair on the other hand would garner much, much more heat for Batista, heat that he likely is incapable of getting on his own.
(please god let him be a silent heel, If I have to hear the man baotched another line on live TV again i'm just gonna hit the mute button and render myself blissfully ignorant).

Meh. Batista turning on Triple H is all well and good. He IS fighting against Randy Orton, the man who is systematically destroying the McMahon family. No matter how many times Triple H has turned on others, you gotta feel for a man who is losing his family to a sadistic man who punts everybody (lulz).

It works a lot better with Flair, in my opinion. Flair is the darling babyface. I mean, how many people get cheered when they punch their opponent in the balls or pull on the tights? The crowd adores Flair much more than they adore Triple H. Don't get me wrong, Triple H is mega over. But Flair will always be the old legend that everyone wants to see win. And with their history? Batista turning on the legend who "taught him everything he knows" is way more of an impact that clotheslining Triple H.

The only way Flair could pull off a Legacy alignment is if he is the new spokesman for Legacy, which I am apprehensive about. Flair flopping around, yelling about how "LEGACY WILL NEVAHHH RETIRAAAH" or Orton droning on and on about nothing? Meh. Flair would at least be good on the mic....

But Batista's heel turn is the only way to have a finish that doesn't end with Flair wrestling and ends up at least sorta opening up the main event scene to a new match or two. At least we can see Batista/Cena again. That wasn't bad at all.
Ric Flair Pissing on his retirement? Because the man once to get in the ring again he is pissing on a memorable match? No i do not think so That match would have been better if it would not have been to retire the nature boy. why? because we would not have known who was going to win, because Ric Flair can still wrestle. Is he old hell yes he is but he can still get in the ring and put on an amazing match as we saw when he faced HBK. and guess what folks HBK has already said hey Ric is a big boy if he wants to get back in the ring and that makes him happy he should do it. Bringing him back as a top teir guy who is enhancing storylines is much better than what they did with hogan where he came in and WENT OVER Randy I mean really what was the point in that at least this way ric can give back and still be The nature boy..... WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Flair doesn't return to the ring full time just because of the great sendoff he had. I do however think that he would make a great GM. Tiffany is still being called the "interim GM", which makes me think they are looking for a replacement. I seriously doubt they would bring back a big name like Flair just to be on ECW, but it still seems like it wouldn't be a bad idea down the road.
He need's to stay out. Stay the fuck away. WM25 was enough for me, barely a year has passes since his retirement and he is already back (somewhat). Why can't he stay away!?

Yeah, yeah he loves it too much but come on! I can't stand seeing him on WWE TV anymore. Yes he is a legend and a great performer but he is far past his prime and is now devaluating his legacy with these shitty little 'acts' on WWE.

Stay away Flair.
Ric Flair can do whatever he wants. It is obvious that he is old, beginning to become incredible washed up, and heaven forbid, might be stealing spots from the younger chaps, who would rather live the life, then do what is needed. And I am a guy who is not a Ric Flair fan.

Ric Flair can come back for one offs, and still be retired. I am sure there will never be an official long feud, but why not have a short feud here and there. Mick Foley has been doing the same thing for years. Ric Flair still sells, so as long as they can extract money from his character, the WWE will look to do it, and Ric will look to get the pay check.

Ric could probably come back, and even do a match, (What a crazy idea), despite being retired. A carpenter who retires can still cut a piece of wood. Im sure Ric wont be there for long, but long enough to hold out for Triple H, or however the storyline goes.
Look, if Flair wrestles again, he's pissing on a lot of people. He'd be pissing on HBK, he'd be pissing on the old schoolers who were content with him being gone and he'd be pissing on the younger guys. I mean, there was ZERO need for Flair to show up. It's just stupid. You go from having Legacy being thumped by Shane to having Flair come out, old age and all, and beat the hell out of both of them. Really? REALLY?

But Flair's an icon. He misses it too much and you knew he wanted to do some kind of run in and stuff. But I hope it's not a return for him. I merely hope it's a one or two time thing and it's back to Charlotte for the Nature Boy. And not back in the ring.

If he wants to wrestle again, just let him. He loves the business so so much and it's obvious he can still help in some way. People would forgive him in a heartbeat anyways. Most of you seem to be sick of him, but I'd rather watch Flair then someone like Hulk Hogan any day of the week.
I think it was really unecessary for Flair to come back. He had an awesome match with HBK last year and he keeps coming back and coming back. Y even go out like that if ur gonna keep showing up for no reason. Flair had no business showing up whatsoever. I kno HBK has to be pissed. Its obvious he can't stay away and its obvious he needs the money. My opinion, all us internet fans thought Triple H was gonna come back unadvertised and screw Batista but obviously Flair showing up was Vince's way of saying "I fooled all u bastards"
Ric Flair has dedicated his life to the wrestling business so he can do whatever he wants. After that great retirement ceremony after Wrestlemania 24, it just doesn't seem right coming back as I don't know about his financial situations. I can see him wrestling a match or two here or there just like Mick Foley did.
Yet again, another subject where I am torn!!

On, one hand, I think Ric DOES need to stay away. He gave us 30+ years of excellence in the ring. What else is there left for this legend to accomplish? He's held about every major championship and then some.

On the other hand, Ric is still entertaining(IMO) in the ring. He can still cut a promo, still wrestle a half way decent match, and for his age, I can only hope I am in that kind of shape when I get there. It's like I said about Steamboat in a thread a couple of weeks ago, if they are still entertaining, hell, put 'em in there. The crowd popped louder for him last night than they did for Morrison, Punk(they were in Chicago, mind you), and Cena. He still has drawing power, so, let him go!!

For the person who posted about WWE pushing an old man and supporting TNA. You cant honestly say that Flair is not more entertaining than Nash and Steiner, can you? Gimme a break! Well, actually, I think Nash has actually gotten a little better in the ring, the last time I watched Impact. But Steiner? Steiner's a joke!

Anyway, I also dont think that Flair is pissing on anybody. If HBK is cool with it, he's the only one that should matter in this whole deal. He was the chosen one to "end" Flair's career. But, if he is down with the return, so be it!!
I think an Evolution Triple Threat match for the WWE Title with Flair as the ref would be great. Flair and Batista can turn on HHH and the Royal Family with ease. Batista can do the whole, “Hunter held me back from the Title” storyline and Flair can do the whole, “If Vince didn’t put me in the “lose and leave” stipulation, I would still be in this ring doing what I love to do” angle. Batista’s Heel turn can work better with a manager and who better than someone who Dave won the Tag Titles with and mentored him to the top?? Flair!! The end result would be, Flair doesn’t wrestle, Batista doesn’t talk, and everyone wins. I would like to see Flair add managing to his illustrious career. I’d like to see him add Championship Stars to his stable. I’d like to see Flair become the new “Brain”. If Harley Race can do it with Vader, Flair can do it with just about anybody.
I think an Evolution Triple Threat match for the WWE Title with Flair as the ref would be great. Flair and Batista can turn on HHH and the Royal Family with ease. Batista can do the whole, “Hunter held me back from the Title” storyline and Flair can do the whole, “If Vince didn’t put me in the “lose and leave” stipulation, I would still be in this ring doing what I love to do” angle. Batista’s Heel turn can work better with a manager and who better than someone who Dave won the Tag Titles with and mentored him to the top?? Flair!! The end result would be, Flair doesn’t wrestle, Batista doesn’t talk, and everyone wins. I would like to see Flair add managing to his illustrious career. I’d like to see him add Championship Stars to his stable. I’d like to see Flair become the new “Brain”. If Harley Race can do it with Vader, Flair can do it with just about anybody.
Okay I have to agree, that is the best possible scenario.
Flair not wrestling and mostly, Batista not talking sells me a thousands times over.
I am really not interested in an Evolution triple threat match, but I never cared for this faction anyhow, nor do I care for Legacy in the least (btw Mark madden dropped a gem of a line about Legacy in his new article, so good I cant spoil it, go read yourself)
Flair in the Harley Race role is a brilliant idea, well thought out.
Look, if Flair wrestles again, he's pissing on a lot of people. He'd be pissing on HBK, he'd be pissing on the old schoolers who were content with him being gone and he'd be pissing on the younger guys. I mean, there was ZERO need for Flair to show up. It's just stupid. You go from having Legacy being thumped by Shane to having Flair come out, old age and all, and beat the hell out of both of them. Really? REALLY?

I have to agree with all of the above. Its getting ridiculous, they make Legacy look ridiculously weak and for WHAT reason? To bring Flair back? Look Flair's a legend and is one of the most decorated wretlers ever, but there is NO need for him tocome back to wrestle. I really really hope it's just a one time manager deal but with reports of Flair getting the 'itch' and WWE creative doing anything for a cheap pop, he may wrestle again.

Flair's becoming a lot like Nelson Mandela, everyone respects what he's done but you just wish he'd fuck off.
It wouldn't make that much sense to have Flair wrestle now and not wrestle Jericho at WrestleMania after they had Jericho beat the sh*t out of him. I don't know what they're thinking with this. Flair vs. Jericho would have been the best time to have Flair wrestle again.

I understand they're probably going for a big Evolution storyline but still...
:shooter: I just want to shoot myself in the fucking head. I mean seriously, what the fuck is this bullshit. This is going to look like a Justin or X rant, so if you're squeamish, move on to the next post.

Are you fucking kidding me. Old saggy boobs flair is back once again, not only pissing on ihs career, but pissing on the grand finale that the WWE fucking wasted a good portion of Wrestlemania 24 in dedication to him to kick his ass out of the business one last time, all for him to build the foundation for a comeback.

All of this because Triple H has a raging hard on for the guy, all of this because the WWE is going to milk the fucking Wrestler angle until the very last drop, until they slaughter the cow for spare parts next. Seriously, we've had Jerry lynn win the ROH title, we've had Mick Foley win the TNA title, so now it's time to put the belt on the 60 year old man that lost what he had damn near 20 years ago, what a fucking joke.

Ratings are plummeting, the roster is full of young guys in their low 30's to mid 20's, but no, instead of pushing young, we're going to bring back the senior citizen brigade for one last fucking hoorah, give me a damn break. Ric Flair, Retire. WWE Creative, quit fucking watching the wrestler and move on to something else. For fuck sake, this is just getting obnoxious and stupid as all hell at this point. You're key demo consist of the 18-35 male variety, we don't give a shit about a senior citizen coming back to wrestle.
I agree Flair can' t wrestle in WWE again. I think this will lead to Flair being a special referee at Summerslam or "The Bash" with a triple threat between Triple H, Orton and Batista.
If Flair wrestles again, he shits on Michaels. Flair said with Jericho how he has too much respect for his match with Shawn and the man himself.
Extreme Rules will proberly have a return match for Batista against Orton NO DQ Flair as enforcer maybe?? Then Batista will win and a beat down on him and Flair resumes after the match Triple H comes back, evens the score. Batista and Triple H at The Bash, Then triple Theat with Orton saying he never used his rematch clause. ?? Thats just my view, with Flair as referee.
This is fucking Dumb. Flair your old fart who comes back to get a cheap pop from the crowd. i agree with Shock this is utterly shit. Flair is trying to work his way into the storyline now as evolution. who really believes that a 60 year old fart well past his prime is going to beat the shit out of the top 3 heels on RAW what the hell. how is that good Vince. your making Shawn look like shit 1. 2 no one wants to see Flair wrestle again. 3 I hope he has a heart attack that is the only way to keep him out i guess.:flair::dark2:

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