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Is everyone so sure that Sandow will be the one cashing in the Smackdown case?

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Flash H

Dark Match Jobber
Right now it seems as though Cody Rhodes has the early advantage in the feud between the two, but how does everyone feel about Rhodes winning the briefcase from Sandow? I love both of them a lot, but it seems like WWE is trying to push the two of them at the same time, which I like. I'm just not so sure WWE has more confidence in Sandow than Rhodes as a World Champion right now. I wouldn't at all be surprised if Cody wins the briefcase from Sandow and goes on to become the World Champion instead of Sandow at the moment.
i dont c that happening. the only time the brifcase has ever switched hands was when edge beat mr.kenady and that was only to cover ken getting hurt. sandow is good on mic in ring but most important he has the look and sise. as much as i like cody he is just to small to win big one now. maby in four or five years when he has more nastalga but not now. look at how long it took outher smaller guys such as y2j to win big one. it not fair but little guys gotta pay more dues than larger stars.
unless Sandow gets hurt and WWE fears he will be out for over a year, i think he (Sandow) cashes in. if WWE wanted Sandow to not cash in, they wouldnt have had him won the briefcase in the first place. maybe Sandow loses the case in a match, but i see him getting it in the end and cashing in on the champion (hopefully Ziggler).
Hell yeah! I'd love to see Cody Rhodes walk out of Summerslam with the briefcase, its something new and fresh. Although I wouldn't mind if Sandow kept the case.
I think Sandow will cash in and lose the match. Cody will make sure of that. Ziggler will probably be champion by the time this happens so the crowd will be firmly behind Cody when he screws Sandow out of his World title shot. That will only elevate the stakes of their feud.

I would prefer it if Sandow cashes in, wins, and then has a World title feud WITH Cody, but I'm pretty sure Ziggler will be getting the title back soon. Call it a hunch.
What would be the point in having Sandow win the case and then lose it immediately. Why not just have Rhodes win it clean.

It would reek of garbage booking, barring an injury to one superstar.

Just My Opinion
What would be the point in having Sandow win the case and then lose it immediately. Why not just have Rhodes win it clean.

It would reek of garbage booking, barring an injury to one superstar.

Just My Opinion
I agree with you. It's just a hunch of mine that they wouldn't put the title on Sandow. I hope I'm wrong though. I'm a big fan of his. We're always reading every year how WWE wants someone to lose their cash-in. I know Cena has already done it, but I think they'll want to stress the point this year that a briefcase isn't a guaranteed title win. Like I said, I hope I'm wrong.
Sandow cashes in and wins and Cody wins the title from him at a future PPV event. That's how I see this going down.
Agree with previous posts. They wouldn't give Sandow the case only to lose it 2-3 months later. The feud is a way to further split Sandow and Cody, making (another) Rhodes Scholars reunion impossible and promote Cody as a true babyface. Odds are, Sandow will somehow cheat his way to keeping MITB, or cash it in before his match with Cody thereby making the stipulation null and void.
Sandow is one of HHH's boys, so to speak. I see him cashing in during that after Survivor Series lull period, having a small short run until The Rumble or thereabouts. I dont see him headlining Wrestlemania but I do see him being given a chance with the big gold belt later in the year. Rhodes is being used to elevate Sandow in this feud after putting Sheamus over. Rhodes is expendable, Sandow will go over him and move on to bigger things. Guessing whomever Del Rios drops the title to........where this leaves Doplh Ziggler though is a mystery. He is ready and should have the trigger pulled on his main event run with the belt.
The plan for Cody to ultimately be the rightful owner of the case could have been the original plan and in a weird way could still be where they are headed with this feud. The reason for Sandow screwing Cody out of his MITB win could have been just to cause the split between the two, which would set up a feud for the briefcase, and would lead to Cody winning it in at a bigger PPV than MITB, SummerSlam.
I personally believe Sandow should go over in this feud, which hopefully culminates at Summerslam. Cody can feud for the Intercontinental Championship. He's only upper mid-card material to me. He can feud with Axel, Sheamus, Ryback, Cesaro, Swagger, Dean Ambrose among others. Sandow can cash in and be the most intelligent WHC title holder or something.
Damien Sandow has so much momentum and he's essentially a star in the making. Rhodes has plenty of time to become a World champion (I think he's even younger Sandow). Damien Sandow is an awesome heel and plays his character perfectly. If Cody Rhodes wins the contract then you are essentially destroying his momentum. Let this be a slow build where Sandow eventually become a World champion by 2014, Rhodes wins the Royal Rumble and make it Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes for the World title.

That is a long time you have to build the feud and imagine what a Rumble win could do for Rhodes's career. If Rhodes wins the World title, it should be at WrestleMania 30.
I'm not necessarily sure that it'll be Sandow. All signs point to Rhodes vs. Sandow at SummerSlam for possession of the briefcase. As with the WHC MITB match, the outcome of this match is difficult to predict because neither Rhodes or Sandow has a whole helluva lot of momentum right now.

Even though there was some silliness this past Friday on SmackDown!, I enjoyed the angle they're doing as a whole. Sandow looks as though a weasel like aspect is coming into his heel character while Rhodes looks to be developing into a solid babyface. I'd like to see Rhodes develop his character more going forward because it seems just a little generic at this point in time. As for Sandow, I've consistently enjoyed him on the mic and inside the ring. Personally, I think he should have been Intercontinental Champion at least once by now.

Either of them in the WHC hunt would feel fresh to me as neither have ever really had significant shots at it before. I just wish that Vince wouldn't adopt the "break them down to build them up" philosophy so much. We've seen it too often and applied to too many wrestlers with Sandow & Rhodes being two of the latest.
It seems to beheading that way at the moment and I think Cody Rhodes would be better as a World Champion than Sandow would be, he just has more charisma and seems to have the advantage in the feud.
I wouldn't be surprised if either Cody Rhodes or Sandow ended up cashing in. It's obviously going to be one of them, but the fact that it could, realistically, be either one adds some excitement to their feud.

Judging by the reactions of the crowd, both men are getting over from this feud. So who knows which of them will be more over in a few months time. People are really starting to like Cody, and is in-ring work is always good. Sandow, meanwhile, would cut some killer promos as world champion. So to be perfectly honest, I'm good with either guy cashing in. Maybe one of them will start being the break-out star of their feud in the coming weeks, but right now it's dead even, and the feud is enjoyable as a result.

If I had to pick one of them to cash in, I would probably pick Sandow since a heel champion just has more challengers on Smackdown at the moment. Sandow could face Ziggler, Christian or RVD, all of which would be good matches. And a sneaky win against someone like Kane would do wonders for him.
While I'd prefer Rhodes as a world champion, I think having Sandow win the MITB only to loose it hurts his career. They have a talented young heel and having him loose his shot at the world title could hurt him. Where would he go afterwards? Back to meaningless feuds and getting buried.

They have effectively pulled the trigger. He needs to be built has a future world champion so he turns out as and Edge or CM Punk rather than Jack Swagger.
I don't think any of them are going to cash in the WHC Push In A Briefcase.

Since Cody threw the briefcase into the ocean, I think that was their way of retiring the WHC Push In A Briefcase. I think they realize that the WHC is now kind of a mid-card title, and will either

1) Just have a cash-in for the WWE Championship


2) Have the Push In A Briefcase redeemable for any title.


3) One briefcase could be foreshadowing to only having one major championship. Unification, anyone?
If somehow the WWE have Cody Rhodes beat Sandow for the briefcase it would be a big mistake, in my opinion Cody Rhodes just doesn´t strike as a main event guy, i said this before, he´s a mid carder with an ocational WHC title match on Smackdown as a thank you for your hard work kind of thing, and Sandow is a future Main event heel, he has much more carisma and talent that Rhodes, and also he has mucho more to offer to the WWE than Rhodes, the WWE has gone back and forth giving Cody oportunity after oportunity and nothing, the guy has gone as far as he can go, if some how he wets to be a WHC totle holder is going to be something like Christian, he will hold the title for a few days just to have a real superstar winning the title from him without making the other champion look bad, or in some kind of tournament at the beginning of Smackdown for the vacant WHC title only to loose it at the end of the program to a main eventer, that is the only possible way i see Cody Rhodes winning the WHC title in a distant future.......
I like the start of this feud the mitb case being thrown in the water was awesome i do think its going to esculate into a match at a ppv maybe summerslam over the mitb contract but i dont think cody will win it. I think this feud is just to make sandow more of a deserving mitb winner. I honestly like cody more and would rather see him as world champion but this feud shouldnt result in sandow losing it
Yeah I'm not really into the idea of Cody beating Sandow for the briefcase either. In terms of future feuds to set up, I would think that somehow a Sandow title reign for no matter how long would be good to set up a Ziggler/Sandow feud. There's a lot of material right now out there for Sandow to dive into. I'm really excited to see where this briefcase takes him.
I would not be a fan of Sandow losing the briefcase to Cody Rhodes. However, I would like to see Sandow and Rhodes feud with each other through the summer and build themselves up as a credible heel and face respectively.

I can understand why people want Rhodes to beat Sandow for the case. Cody does seem to be an internet darling. I'm not discriminating, I love Cody Rhodes as a wrestler. Personally I feel this will help build both Rhodes and Sandow more than Cody originally winning it ever could benefit Rhodes himself.

If it were up to me, I would have Rhodes and Sandow feud with each other until they were both built up and could start feuds with other people. I would hope Sandow cashes in on anybody not named Alberto Del Rio.
Sandow either won't cash it in, or he won't win. He's a comedy character, he can't win the world title. Unless they toughen him up by then.
In the past three years, MITB holders were of two types: guys who seemed scheduled for main events runs sooner rather than later (Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler) or mid-carders who it was fairly obvious were going to ascend to main event status (Daniel Bryan, Kane). For reasons known only to WWE, these men were to be granted shortcuts to a world title. All seemed worthy of holding it, even if for just a while.

Then comes Damien Sandow. While he's plainly earned a push, I've seen nothing to indicate the company is ready to advance Sandow to main event status. To me, he's the first MITB winner in the past few years to truly merit the label of permanent mid-carder. Having him hold the briefcase was a marked departure from the norm.

Of course, I might be wrong and it's possible management sees him as the next Hulk Hogan. But if not, it's entirely possible Damien will never get to cash in his briefcase; that he'll be forced to fight for possession of it before he ever gets a chance to cash in.

If that happens, I kind of doubt Cody will be the one cashing it in either, even if he somehow gets it away from Sandow. In my opinion, the company doesn't see Cody as a world champion any more than they do Damien. It could be the guy who winds up cashing in might not even be in the picture yet.

But I have to admit I'm enjoying Sandow's run with the briefcase so far, especially his near-drowning experience trying to salvage it from the Gulf of Mexico......which was silly, of course. In truth, he needn't chase the actual piece of equipment.....which can be easily replaced.....but rather what the blue case symbolizes. It was a funny bit, particularly from a guy who lords his intellect over the rest of us.

It should be a fine program, but I do have doubts Damien Sandow will be running to the ring to cash in on an exhausted champion, which is what we've seen in the past.
I don't understand why they would put the briefcase on him in the first place if that wasn't the plan all along.

Sure, you had the Mr. Kennedy er......Andersoner...the VP of the Aces and Eights who won the briefcase and then never got a chance to cash it in, but that was because it was deemed he had an injury that was too severe to know whether he would even return for the next Wrestlemania. Other then that, it's been pretty straightforward: The case stays with the man who won it in the first place.

We've seen matches where the briefcase has been on the line, of course. Most recently, the match between Dolph Ziggler and John Cena at TLC, and looking back over seven years, the winner-take-all match between Shelton Benjamin and RVD at Backlash 2006 where Shelton's IC Title was on the line. But in both cases, the briefcase remained in the hands of the man who won it, and they successfully cashed it in.

I have no doubt that we'll see Cody somehow goad Sandow into putting the briefcase on the line, after all, that's the big issue between the pair in the first place, is it not? But it's a match Sandow should win, but if done properly, it's a feud that could elevate both Sandow and Cody Rhodes.

A cool surprise would be if Sandow cashed in on a heel champion, such as Del Rio. We've seen heels on faces, faces on heels, and faces on faces. But since the inception of Money In The Bank, we've yet to see a heel cash in on a heel. Not only do I think Sandow cashes in, but I think he does so on a heel champion.
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