Is Edge really the best heel on Smackdown!?


I'm better than you!
I was watching Smackdown last night and was taking not of the heel heat Edge was getting. It wasnt as bad as i really thought, but then Vicki starts speaking and everyone goes OFF!!!

I think Vicki, Vicki Guerrero, is the biggest heel on Smackdown!, does anyone else agree or have thoughts about this?

I'd really like to see if Edge got the heat he does without Vicki, of course he's a pretty good heel but is the heat aimed at him or at the lady standing next to him????
Well the Heel heat between them is shared. Vickie is an incredible heel, and she is a surprise talent in the WWE. She has been the same character for months and she is yet to be boring in my books. As for an actual wrestling talent, of course Edge is the best heel, but you do have something when you give Vickie credit, because she adds a lot of heel heat to her onscreen husband.
A lot of people on here are quick to say that Vicki has X-Pac heat, but that couldn't be further from the truth IMO. SHe has thuroughly commited herself to an industry she basically had no ties to aside from her husband (RIP Eddie), and has become very good at talking on the mic. Most people wouldn't have the bravery or the skills to become that good at talking in front of thousands of people that quickly, especially knowing they hated you. SHe's done gereat.
She has, she generates so much heat it's not funny. The crowd genuinly gives it to her. With som heels you can tell that the crowd is just playing along wih the boos and what not, you know just getting into it, but sometimes with Vicki I really think she is absolutley hated lol, the amount of crowd reaction she gets is unbeleivable. I think she gets the most heat in WWE at the moment, Edge and Jericho would be close as well...
Vicki is just an accessory for Edge, like Lita was. It's just a play on peoples emotions, if Vicki disapeared people will still hate Edge because he does that part well and has the mic skills to ensure that he is hated. Vicki isa bonus to Edge but not essential E.g when the crowd used to hate Stephanie when she joined w/ HHH,even when she disapeared from TV they still hated HHH. As long as the storyline, and the character are both delivered well then it doesnt matter. Vicki's main role aside from storylines is just to enchance Edge's negative reaction and is a constant reminder of why the fans should hate him.
Vickie definitely gets the most heat on Smackdown and quite possibly more heat than anyone else in the WWE. I've been saying for a while now that Vickie steals Edge's heat. Don't get me wrong, Edge is great at generating heat but he is the type of person fans love to hate. Vickie, however, gets genuine hatred from the fans. All she has to do is say EXCUSE ME and she has the entire crowd booing her. She does a great job at playing her character though. She knows exactly how to milk the crowd for those boos.
of course he is!!!! Resume cwise hes one of the greatest wrestlers ever! 7 tme world champ 5 time ic champ 1 time us champ and 12 time tag champ not to mention hes one kotr and all the old belts like european and hardcore- btw heels job is to get booed. wish he does and to cheat to win which he defintely does not to mention winning matches that everybody wqamnts him to lose! and hes the best ever at that!!! his in ring ability is phamominal and he is great at pullin the wool over peoples eyes do respect the man!!!
Edge does his best work as a heel when he is directly playing off a face. He needs the "good guy" in the ring with him during a promo to add contrast and show us how evil he really is. For that reason, I was much more interested in Adam when he was at odds with Vickie. I wish they had continued that angle because you almost wanted to root for Vickie, even though she was as much a heel as she ever was. The confusion was refreshing.

An interesting corollary to this was the promo last night between Edge and Big Show. The Show is still a heel, but during their in-ring verbal confrontation, the fans seemed to want to root for him but weren't sure if that was the right thing to do. Plainly, they "hate" Edge more than Show, and that's how it should be.

Professional wrestling has traditionally displayed the "good vs. evil" angles since time immemorial. For all the criticism I've read of WWE's storylines, I think they've a great job over the years of giving us the occasional "good vs. good" and "evil vs. evil" angles that spice up the proceedings and prove that you never know what's going to happen next.

Give me Edge! I'll take all I can get.:thumbsup:
Yes it's Edge. Assuming that the storyline that has been pushed for months is what's going to happen, then Edge will indeed become the ultimate heel out of this. He's using Vickie to gain the title. Anytime someone does something under false pretences, it draws heat as well as anything else can. Also, as for top heel, who else is there? Big Show?
Considering Edge just won the WHC in the RAW elimination chamber, (Which was a great match. I was there.) he may not even be on SmackDown. If he's on RAW, then obviously the answer to your question is no. If he is, then it's a yes. Although he walks a fine line between face and heel sometimes. I heard and saw quite a few Edge chants and signs last night.

Here's an alternate question... If Edge isn't on Smackdown, who takes his place?
Edge and Vickie are both tremendous heels, especially when they both do a promo. But let's not forget Matt Hardy. Since Jeff is a HUGE face, Matt will get a lot of heat. He is becoming a Chris Jericho like heel, YOU FANS, ALL OF YOU, ARE HYPOCRITES, and, YOU NEVER HELPED ME IN MY CAREER, NEVER CHEERED ME, ONLY ROOTED FOR THE PATHETIC, WORTHLESS, AND HYPOCRITICAL [insert name here]." =)
I think at this time, if you exclude Vickie, Edge may just be the best heel in WWE, I would put him over Randy Orton atm, mainly because a. he's better on the mike b. Randy has been getting cheered more than booed of late.

The strange part is that Edge is a character I tune in to watch Smackdown for, I've always been keeping an eye out for he will do next and how he will gain his next championship, problem is I'm a big Edgehead. I hated him more when he was with Christian than now. He knows how to get under your skin, he's a thinking heel, he is hated because he is a heel who has plans that actually work!

I would put him on top as the top heel yes, he may not the best for ring work at times, but he has excellent spots and he uses his mind ahead of anything else, IMO.
Well the qustion is basically simple who gets better heel heat the rated r superstar Edge or the smackdown genral manger vickie guerrero lets break it down first


. Edge cuts really good promos to get the crowded to hate him

. He plays his gmmick the ultimate oppertuneist very by getting him these title regins as you just saw last night and getting him hated even more by how he is winning them

. Wins most of his matches not all With some cheap kind of tactic

. just a person you want to hate

Vickie guerrero

. gets huges amounts of heel heat by saying one line Excuse me

. everytime she trys to cut a promo or talk the crowd just boo's the live crap out of her

. when she was in the wheel chair early 2007 late 2008 she was hated even more cause everyone new she was faking that injury and also helping her husbend Edge winning matches and granted him title shot after title show

. finally she puts top babyfaces like the undertaker triple h jeff hardy mvp into matches at time seem unfair like mvp vs big show last man standing or triple h in that triple jepordy match

This person i think who gets more heat is Vickie guerrero she gets way more heat then edge by just said two words Excuse me granted her husbend title shot after title shot and occiasonally make him not wrestle She is basically the perfect women heel you can argue some other women heel are better but thats for another thread

who do you think gets more or better heel heat Edge or Vickie gurrero
Eh, probably Vickie. I'd say she gets more heat, but it's not really a matter of her playing a better heel character or Edge not being as good a heel. People boo Edge because he's a classic heel wrestler, he uses cheap tactics, feuds with top faces, insults the fans...but he's still entertaining, and thus way more tolerable. People boo Vickie because they just want her to go away. If Edge were fired in an on-air storyline, the live audence would be like, "Yay, the heel is gone!" But if he were actually released, most people would be like, "What the hell was WWE thinking?" I doubt too many people would have such a passionate response if Vickie were released.

So in closing, Vickie probably gets a little more heat, but it's really just circumstantial.
Vicki def gets more heat from the crowd, but thats really because its a sort of X-Pac heat, but not quite as bad. The crowd just does not want to hear/see her. Period. They probably dont like the fact either that she always pulls for Edge in everything, despite her role of being the supposed GM of a brand.

As for Edge, he mght not get the better reaction sound-wise, but he's def the better heal, and gets heat in other ways than by just sayin one line, so I would go with Edge as the better heel/heat-drawer.
Vicki def gets more heat from the crowd, but thats really because its a sort of X-Pac heat, but not quite as bad. The crowd just does not want to hear/see her. Period. They probably dont like the fact either that she always pulls for Edge in everything, despite her role of being the supposed GM of a brand.

As for Edge, he mght not get the better reaction sound-wise, but he's def the better heal, and gets heat in other ways than by just sayin one line, so I would go with Edge as the better heel/heat-drawer.

I sorta agree with you Edge is the better heel/heat drawer but the reason i feel vickie gets the better heat then edge is cause her voice is anoyying enough to make the fans hate her that bad When stephine was a heel gm for smackdown she never got that kind of heat but im not deneying the fact that edge is the way better heel but vickie draws heat slightly better then edge at times but not all the time but also do you agree that vickie is sorta the perfect women heel
If we're talking quality heat drawer, Edge can do it in so many ways- underhanded ring tactics, cheating to win titles, & a multitude of different types of promos (he can make fun of the crowd, put down faces,etc.).

All Vicki does is talk, and people just dont want to hear her voice. Its the equivalent of brining an airhorn to the arena and blowing it non-stop for 15 min. People just want her to stop, a la Xpac heat. Edge, on the other hand, has/had to work for his heat, and is a damn good heel that makes you want to hate him, yet, in the end, respect him for his talent at doing just that (thats a damn good heel).
I think they feed off of each other. Without Edge pulling the dastardly things he does there wouldn't be much to hate about Vivkie. Aside from her ear splitting voice she hands Edge everything and thats why the crowd hates her. Were she sticking up for Rey Mysterio instead of Edge than she'd be cheered. On the flip side if Edge didn't do the things he did he wouldn't get booed either. Half the time he gets cheered anyway because what he does is so brilliant. Edge is very good at gaging how the crowd is reacting to him and finding the exact right time to pour on more heat for himself. I'm a huge edgehead and I find myself hating the slimeball at times which is good but he always finds a way to keep me interested. Ultimately I think they're feeding their heat off each other but I don't think Edge needs Vickie. Whether she needs him or not we may find out tonight.
No,He is boring and can't wrestle for a CD.

The best heel in SD is Big Show,such dominance like he did,not to mention his impact he left in the ring when he returned at NWO.

Did you just seriously call Big Show a better wrestler than Edge???
Did you seriously just say Edge can't wrestle?
You are officially the dumbest poster on WZ forums no doubt about it.
Here is why you are wrong:

Edge is captivating. Whether he wins his matches fair or not is irrelevant.It's actually the beauty of the character. He is the Ultimate Opportunist. He is supposed to win with as little work done as possible. He has won 8 world championships in 3 years. Never cheated once either...just bended the rules to his favor like any smart wrestler would. He has a much more entertaining moveset than Big Show. He is way more over with the crowd than Big Show. Show isn't a huge heat magnet...he is a silence magnet. At least they boo Edge when he insults them. Edge best wrestler alive today...undoubtedly

I'd love to hear Will tear you up.:dark2:

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