Is Chris Jericho the Biggest Transitional Champion of All-Time?

Is Chris Jericho the Greatest Transitional Champion EVER?

  • Yes, the greatest EEEEEVVVEEEEERRR!

  • No, someone else holds this dubious honor...

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
In what could only be described as "not a shock," John Cena defeated Chris Jericho at Survivor Series to win the World Heavyweight Title. This thread is NOT about that match.

What I have come to realize is simple - Chris Jericho is nothing but a transitional World Champion.

It pains me to say this, because he's my all-time favorite professional wrestler, and by a MILE. I mark out HUGE for him. I still turn the lights in the house off during his entrance, and I'm 27. Go figure.

But let's check the stats - he's as transitional as a champion has ever been. He hardly seems like a 5-time World Champion.

Reign #1 - WCW World Heavyweight Champion
October 21st, 2001 - November 5th, 2001

15 days. After all of the buildup to Jericho's finally winning "The Big One," the reign lasted 2 weeks and 1 day. Jericho won the belt at No Mercy 2001 and lost it two weeks later on Raw, right back to The Rock. This totally advanced the Jericho / Rock feud as an undercurrent for the Invasion Angle at Survivor Series.

Reign #2 - WCW World Heavyweight Champion
December 9th 2001

No end date here, but there's a good reason. Jericho is counted with an official title win here, since he defeated The Rock for the WCW Title, only to unify it less than 30 minutes later. Incidentally, Jericho joined Sting, Kevin Nash, and Ric Flair as the only WCW World Champions with reigns of less than 24 hours.

Reign #3 - Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion
December 9th - 2001 - March 17th, 2002

Shockingly, Jericho retained the UWHC at two straight pay per views, over The Rock and Austin, but in both cases to promote other feuds. Jericho was keeping the belt warm for a returning Triple H, who was coming back from a torn quad suffered in a match against Jericho. Once this was over, it was back to the mid-card and tag-team ranks.

Reign #4 - World Heavyweight Champion
September 7th, 2008 - October 26th, 2008

After losing a brutal unsanctioned match to Shawn Michaels, Jericho shocked the world by replacing the injured CM Punk in the Raw Championship Scramble, and winning the World Heavyweight Title for the first time since the "2nd coming." A month and a half later, he dropped the belt to Batista at Cyber Sunday, 49 days into his reign.

Reign #5 - World Heavyweight Champion
November 3rd, 2008 - November 23rd, 2008

Jericho continued to assert himself in gimmick matches, winning his 2nd steel cage title match in 2 months on RAW, defeating Batista only 1 week after losing the title to him. That reign would still be short lived, as Jericho acted only as a heel belt-warmer, handing the title back to a returning John Cena at Survivor Series.

5 reigns, none of which lasted 3 months. For three of those reigns, Jericho served only to be a viable heel to drop the title to a major babyface. Two of those title changes were losses to faces returning from injury-induced absences. All things considered, Chris Jericho is the biggest transitional champion of all time. Do you agree?
I'll say no and go with someone that's going to get me in a lot of hot water: Shawn Michaels. He, like Jericho, had one reign of any real length where he was viewed as the top guy, but even then he was overshadowed by guys like Taker and Austin. His WHC title reign was just a way to have HHH go over him, the Screwjob reign was a last second thing, and then used as a way to get the belt on Austin. Shawn was "on top" of the WWF in the same way that Jericho was on top of it, which is to say barely. Shawn and Jericho share many traits, and the lack of an ability to be the top guy is one of them. I said in a thread on here many months ago that Shawn is the greatest jobber of all time. He was given a chance to be the top guy, but never really cliqued as that guy. Like Jericho, both have been the top guy, but only until someone bigger comes along. Jericho is transitional, but Shawn just trumps him to me.
I said in a thread on here many months ago that Shawn is the greatest jobber of all time.

I'm pretty sure KB is joking there. He has to be. For anyone to call the Heartbreak Kid a 'jobber' really is kidding themselves. He's better without the title, most people describe his best matches as ones where the title hasn't been involved and I agree. He's not a great champion. But he's not a jobber, he's far from it. Shawn Michaels is one of the biggest stars in the WWE. He's a sure Hall of Famer, as well as being the first ever Grand Slam champion, and he's had some of the best matches in WWE history. Tell me, is that the definition of a jobber to you?

On to this, I agree with Irish. And it's such a shame. I love Jericho to bits, I think he's a great wrestler, and has come back after so long, re-invented himself, and made it work. He just had the feud of the year with HBK, and has had some great matches. His match with Cena just yesterday was amazing. And so I'm completely at a loss as to why the WWE haven't given him longer, better reigns. Hopefully, Cena will bring up the ratings, which he usually does. If he doesn't, Jericho deserves that title. And a lot more than Cena does right now.
Yes, Shawn is the definition of the greatest main event jobber of all time to me. THink of it this way. For years, Brooklyn Brawler got beaten up by everyone. Now it's Val, Snitsky etc. None of those three pose any challenge to any main eventer. They need someone they can go out there and beat up, with the fans easily seeing the outcome. JBL is the heel version, and while Shawn has had single years that beat JBL's career, he is the face version of that. Shawn is able to go out and wrestle anyone and put on a near classic on any given night. When he was in the WHC scene recently, the chances of winning were between slim and none, but he made Jericho look good. Same with Cena at WM 23. Shawn was never expected to win that match, but he made Cena look all the more powerful, because Cena beat "The Main Event, the Icon, the Showstopper, Mr. Wrestlemania". Shawn puts people over better than anyone else. He is the king of the jobbers. He beats who he is supposed to beat, and then jobs to people ahead of him, making them look great.
While I won't say Chris Jericho is the biggest transitional Champion of all-time, I can't say any of his reigns (outside of the Undisputed one) will be remembered. And the fact of the matter is, sadly, the Undisputed one will only be remembered for who he beat.. not who won.

Chris Jericho just isn't a Main Event caliber wrestler. He never has been. He has the ability as a heel to hold the crowd in his hand, but it's only mid-card ability. He can't hold the crowd to the point that they want to see him.. last. They enjoy seeing him in the middle, or opening, but not last. They want someone who'll leave them amazed with what happened. Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker.. guys like that. Chris Jericho isn't them, and never will be.

But transitional also relates to saying he is undeserving and the fact is that's false. Chris Jericho is very deserving. He's become a rememberable name in the industry, one that fans HAVE indeed loved and did originally WANT to see have the Main Event shot. It's just once he got it, and ran with it.. they didn't like what they seen, so they turned away.
Yeah I would say that Jericho is the biggest transitional champ of all time, I dont think theres anything wrong with that, sure the internet and HHH shit all over transitional champions (ironic seeing how HBK is loved by the internet and HHH) but somebodys gotta do the job to the people that draw the fans in, if Vince McMahon said to me "hold the belt until Cena comes back" you think I'd say no, I can walk around saying I am a former World Champion.

At least this title run however short was somewhat of an improvement on his undisputed run, at least this way he was beating legit contenders in ways that made him look strong and if he never lost the title at Cyber Sunday then his run would have been a bit more impressive. As it goes he's a 5 time champion whichever way you look at it.
As much as I hate to admit it, I really can't disagree with this. There aren't too many guys that I can think of who have been used as a transchamp (in the WWE) more than a few times. Only Angle with 5 and Edge with 4 (soon to be 5 when he drops it to Hardy) can compare. But what puts Jericho heads and tails above the others is that when he is champ everyone is happy when he loses it. Marks hate him because he plays his heel role perfectly, and smarks hate him because he's a ratings killer.

The sad thing is that it didn't have to be this way. Jericho could have been huge as a face in 2000-early 2001. Remember the episode of Raw in 2000 that started with Jericho winning the title from Triple H in a dusty finish? The crowd when nuts. Everybody wanted to see him beat Triple H. And the next year when he and Benoit were feuding with the two man power trip? Again, everyone was behind the Chris's and wanted to see Jericho win the title from Austin.

But instead they wasted the best face run Jericho would ever have.
i have to agree here as well im big on Chris but wwe treats him like a nobody. and as far as im concerned he is the greatest heel right now. yes even better then edge and Orton. the fact that he never holds the belt long is creative being there useless selves not knowing how to book a champion. now tell me how much heel heat has he drawn over the last 6 months. the amount is to hard to count. he may be a transitional champion. he is a way better overall wrestler then anybody on the Raw roster and by miles has better microphone work then anybody. including my boy Orton. Chris will never be remembered for anything thanks to how he is used. hell i will be surprised if he even gets his own dvd ever out.
Well he certainly won't be remembered for being a great champion. He probably fills the role as best transitional champion of this decade, but of all tiem I would have to look into that more. The Iron Sheik was the standing definition of transitional champion for years. He was the guy that got the belt off of Backlund, without Hogan having to take it off of him. Same with Slaughter, Slaughter got the belt off of Warrior and got it onto Hogan again.

It all depends I guess. Chris Jericho has had multiple title reigns, that all have amounted to jackshit in terms of memorable moments. Be that as it may though, Chris Jericho is still a five time world champion any way you cut it. I just can't see a guy being a five time world champion as the greatest transitional champion ever. I still think the Iron Sheik is the golden standard when it comes to that honor.
Whoa whoa whoa jericho is in no way shape or form the best transitional champion of all time I believe kane fits that role better than anyone. His 24 hour world title reign was pointless and lead to nothing. At least jericho had 5 reigns kane had 1. The ecw title isn't crediable and even that reign was pretty bad. There are many others far more qualified to be transition than jericho
Jericho ranks up there for transitional champions. But I think the man who trumps him is the Hardcore Legend, Mick Foley. Just take a look at his World Championship reigns.

First Reign- WWF Championship
Dec. 29th, 1998- Jan 24th, 1999

After being screwed out of the championship by The Rock and Mr. McMahon at that year's Survivor Series, Mankind won a rematch on a RAW is WAR broadcast. This set up another match for that year's Royal Rumble, in a famous (and infamous) I Quit Match, which Mankind lost due to the trickery, yet again, of Rock and the McMahons.

Second reign- WWF Championship
January 31st, 1999- Feb. 15, 1999

The title was won at Halftime Heat, a piece of counter-programming to the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Mankind lost it back to the Rock a couple weeks later.

Third Reign- WWF Championship
Aug. 22nd, 1999- Aug. 23rd, 1999

Foley's last reign lasted all of one day, winning it at Summerslam in a Triple Threat Match against Steve Austin and Triple H, only to lose it the next night on RAW to Triple H.

The first two reigns were the product of a hold-off to the Rock-Austin confrontation at Mania. The third only took place because reportedly Austin refused to drop the title to Triple H at Summerslam. Clearly, even MORE transitional then Jericho.
Nah, 'cus Jericho has had shit transitional reigns, and he's not as big a star as......EDGE.

1st Reign: Needed to get the MITB title shot away from him so the real stars were in the Mania main event.

2nd Reign: Needed to get the belt off RVD, Cena had just come off a long reign.

3rd Reign: Not the first choice to take the title now was he.

4th Reign: The only legit title reign so far. But the end result was always pretty obvious, Undertaker Mania victory.

5th: What the fuck was the point in that?

6th: ????

So yeah it's Edge. Does everything Jericho does as champion, but bigger & better. While Jericho was made to look weak as a champion, you can guarentee that Edge will be dominant before he loses it to Jeff Hardy.
Edge has Chris Jericho beat in the ''Transitional Champion department'', but let me stay on topic and talk about Jericho. Chris Jericho has only had 3 World Title reigns and never won the title at a time when he was at the best of his career. I didn't watch wrestling at the time that Y2J won his first title in 2001, so I couldn't tell you anything about that, but look at his other reigns. At Unforgiven, Chris Jericho was seen earlier in the night getting his ass handed to him by Shawn Michaels and then replaces champ C.M. Punk in the ''Championship Scramble'' match. About 20 minutes later, Chris Jericho is crowned as the new World Heavyweight Champion. Less than 2 months later, he loses the championship to Batista just to regain the gold 8 days later. You would think that having Y2J win the title back so soon would mean that he would be promised a long reigns, but no... he loses the title in a mere 20 days.

I am not worried about Chris Jericho having such short title reigns, but it could be held against him when he hangs up the boots. By the time, Jericho does retire... he will have many Title Reigns and some of them are bound to be long, so the whole ''Transitional Champion'' nonsense is nothing for now.
I agree with both Shango and Y 2 Jake's choices, both Edge and Mankind are far more bigger transitional champions at the moment. I'd like to throw out another name on the table who may be a bigger transitional champion... The Undertaker.

1st reign: Won over Hogan at Survivor Series 91. Lost 6 days later back to Hogan. This lead to controversial decision where title would be placed on Flair at Royal Rumble.

2nd reign: The Undertaker's longest reign. Won at Wrestlemania 97 from Sycho Sid and lost it to Bret Hart at Summerslam 97. However, the reign was never meant to be originally, as he main event was originally slated to be a rematch of last years Wrestlemania with Bret Hart beating Shawn Micheals for the title, that was until Shawn's "Lost My Smile" speech.

3rd reign: Won it at Over The Edge (Owen FTW) over Austin, then dropped it back to Austin 1 month and 5 days later. Was given the title pretty much so Austin could feud with the McMahons at KingoftheRing.

4th reign: Won it over Hogan at Judgement Day 02, then dropped it 2 months 2 days later to The Rock in a triple threat match with Angle. Title reign was used to get title off Hogan and on to The Rock without The Rock beating him again.

5th reign: Was slated to be a long one. Won it at Wrestlemania 23 over Batista, but due to injury dropped it to Edge 1 month and 10 days later. Edge, who was also then slated to have a long reign himself, got injured 2 months later and dropped it to Kahli, who then dropped it to Batista, who then dropped it back to Edge who then dropped it to you know who at Wrestlemania 24..., funny how things tend to work out in the end, huh.

6th reign: Won title at Wrestlemania 24 over Edge. Held it for 1 month 10 days before being stripped of it by use of The Undertaker's illegal submission, the Gogoplata. He and Edge battled over it till and Edge finally won it a One Night Stand. I guess WWE had planned to move then WWE champion HHH over to SD, so the title had to be taken off The Undertaker so he wouldn't have to lose MITB CM Punk.

So there, none of Taker's reigns, except maybe one, were ever long or significant. That being now said, it's sad that Jericho is a transitional champion, but it's something I kinda always knew and now I'll have to deal with. Jericho is a great wrestler, and awesome promo man and earned everyone of the title reigns he received. But he just was never meant to be one of the big guys, like Cena, HHH, Hogan, Shawn Micheals, Bret Hart, Austin. It seems the crowd always wants Jericho to be champion, but the moment he becomes champion they stop caring. Jericho will go down as a transitional champion, a great transitional champion; but maybe not the biggest transitional champion.
When you have held the title for 3 or more times and all those times you could not hold the belt for longer than 3 months, you are dfeinately a transitional champ. It is a shame but Jericho is always at the worst place at the worst time for being a champ (champ during HHH"s 2002 return, Batista getting hot in October and John cena's return in his hometown).....He is a decent main eventer. However, he does not seem to have it in him to carry the company on his back and run with it. I believe that he can improve but right now, he is not the best fit. Edge has grown into a great main eventer so it is very possible for Jericho.

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