Is Chris Jericho saving the WWE?


I'm the Big Daddy
I was watching Raw last night and although I have some issues with last nights episode I began to think that Jericho is really saving the WWE... What I mean is he has now held The WHC belt, The IC Belt, and The Tag team unified Belt. We were all complaining about how the belts were losign their dignity and or prestige but everytime Jericho goes after a belt wins it holds it for a bit then all of a sudden the belt seems saved and worth it now. JEricho versus Mysterio over the Belt brought back the prestige to the IC belt now I actually care about who is holding again... even if Dolph takes it off of Mysterio at SUmmerSlam I will eb totally into it again. The tag team division can actually start to heat up if Jericho and Bigshow actually eventually jobs to Cryme Tyme (not at SummerSlam) then can let the teams they have so far (Hart DYnasty, Cryme Tyme, Legacy, etc) fight over it.... So if this posts makes sense what do you think is Jercho really that good I think so and it is time for him to win the US Title and improve that a little taking it from Kofi and then eventually loosing it back to Kofi would totaly improve the Belts prestige and also make Kofi a bigger star being in a program with Jericho
I think any title Jericho holds immediately becomes a little more valuable just because he held it. Jericho in my opinion is one of the best of all time, and a great wrestler, entertainer, athlete in my eyes. I like what him and Show are doing with the tag titles, and i'm actually anxious to see a tag-team match at a pay-per-view for the first time in a long time. I don't agree however with him holding the US title. I'd like to see him just fued with Kofi, that'd be interesting. Remember, when he returned he said he was going to save the WWE..
For Kofi to be truely get to the next level he needs a fued a personal fued and Jericho would easily take Kofi to the next level.... If it is for the title it just makes it that more important and at the same time pushes the actually title higher up in importance.....
Yeah i agree, but theres so many guys on the raw roster that would be left with nothing to do if Jericho fueded with Kofi, all the 6 pack challenge guys for example it's a large division which i believe kofi should defend against alot of them to spice up the title defences a bit more not just with one good guy.
But i do think jericho is one of the best in the world and has helped the WWE alot in the past year! :D
Absolutely right. And now you can see were his original gimmick when he came back
"Save Us Y2J" is true.

He has been in amazing feuds since he returned, maybe even the 2 of the top 5, (Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio). He has brought instant credibility back to the Intercontinental Championship and the Tag-Team Division, something we were all praying would happen, because the Tag Team division was crap.

So Yes Y2J Chris Jericho has done exactly what he said, he "Save Us".
I love jericho, he one of the best all-around performers of all time IMO. I think if anyone in the WWE is the savior its definetely him. Jericho's just plain awesome.
Jericho makes everyone care about the title he is chasing after/holding because the things that come out of his mouth make us want him to lose. We all realize he is great at what he does. Finally!!! Jericho does speak the truth and you need someone like that around a championsip. The belts aren't just props when Jericho is involved. They have meaning. You can see the passion he has when he speaks about championships. Holding titles is why everyone in the WWE should be there.
Well it seems everyone is loving Jericho and agrees with me on what he has done since his return to WWE so I will pose another question on this thread.... What else needs saving in WWE that Chris Jericho can save??? He cannot save the womens division so that is out, so what else can the WWE do with him to help the company out?
I think as far as his worth & character go Y2J is better today than he has ever been. I like that his gimmick is getting less preachy now too. I love and miss the old Jericho (man of 1,004 holds is still the best thing he's ever done) the WCW Jericho that worked a 5 star match every week and did more than 5 -7 of the same moves. However the value that he adds to the WWE product today is higher than its ever been. This is because the product as a whole sucks now and Jericho has grown as an actor/character.

Yes the belts mean alot more because Jericho does the opposite of what the WWE usually does. Vince expects the belt to make the guy more credible, when really the guy should be making the belt so. I hate that Ziggler is about to win the IC title, it sucks. I really don't think that anyone less than 10 months in should win the IC/U.S. titles.

In regards to feuding with Kofi, I think its a waste of time. That feud doesn't benefit the Y2J character from any standpoint. I love the reasoning for Jericho/Edge going after the tag titles. It gave the two most opportunisitic wrestlers access to both shows (hence more opportunities). It served the shows storyline wise, character wise & ratings wise, hence everybody won. Let Kofi just do what he does, besides with Swagger, Bourne, Miz, Masters, MVP, Carlito all on Raw you have decent options for the U.S. title.
I don't think mid carders save promotions.

I also don't think that Jericho adds anything to any belt he holds. Obviously him & Big Show is a step up from The Colons as champions, but it's a step down from Jericho & Edge. Mostly because Edge would've carried that team and was the bigger star.
I don't think mid carders save promotions.

I also don't think that Jericho adds anything to any belt he holds. Obviously him & Big Show is a step up from The Colons as champions, but it's a step down from Jericho & Edge. Mostly because Edge would've carried that team and was the bigger star.

Wow dude your screen name is a Jericho reference and your gonna come out like that?

And seriously, IMO, Y2J hasn't been a midcarder in about 6 years. He's clearly the best thing going today and he has made a difference between his feuds w/ HBK & Rey and the matches he had w/ Batista actually made me enjoy watching Batista (2 or 3 great matches w/ Punk too). I'm sorry, I just think that your opinion is short sighted. Also I like Edge but I really don't get how an Edge head can dis on Jericho. The characters aren't exactly worlds apart, ya know?
Wow dude your screen name is a Jericho reference and your gonna come out like that?

And seriously, IMO, Y2J hasn't been a midcarder in about 6 years. He's clearly the best thing going today and he has made a difference between his feuds w/ HBK & Rey and the matches he had w/ Batista actually made me enjoy watching Batista (2 or 3 great matches w/ Punk too). I'm sorry, I just think that your opinion is short sighted. Also I like Edge but I really don't get how an Edge head can dis on Jericho. The characters aren't exactly worlds apart, ya know?

What was he doing in 2003? Being in the midcard. What about 2004, 2005, most of 2008 and 2009? That's right. He was in the midcard. Jericho is a great midcard wrestler but he just isn't a great main event performer. Jericho is not saving anything and the midcard is just right for him.
Jericho could save the tag team division. Look, without Jericho and Big Show, the're 4 teams total in the WWE.

1 Hart Dynasty
2 Cryme Tyme
3 Legacy

Jericho alone is making the division worth watching again and I'm sure creative could put together 2 or 3 more tag teams for Jericho and Big Show to feud with. Yes two singles competitors forming a team isn't what some people call a "real" tag team, but you don't have to debut with a partner to be called a real tag team. Look at Miz and Morrison. Both were on their own not doing much, got together and then ran the tag division for over a year! It can happen again, and Jericho with Big Show by his side are indeed Saving the WWE's tag team division!!!
To me he is but he isn't. Look while Cena is the face of the company. Jericho could be considered the back bone. Why because he can do anything. He can face midcard talent then go up and face the ME's. His career is proof of that. He is a great wrestler that can do anything, and is willing to do anything that is asked of him. Look last year he filled in when Cena went down. Then he had a great feud with the legends going into Mania. On top of that he feuded for the IC title helping bring respect back to the belt. How he is helping make the tag team division matter again. The guy can do anything that is asked of him. And he's been doing that for years. Look at how well he did back when he first carried the titles. He was a great heel that took over for triple h when he went down. Are his world title reigns tainted because he won them after another guy went down to injury? Maybe, but as I look back I'm glad that he had those reigns, because he really elevated himself. While he was holding a title that was going to go to Cena or Trips. The guy has done everything that wwe has ever asked of him. He jobs when he needs to job and goes over when he needs to go over. I really hope that in the future he gets a long title reign for his work.
Whether Jericho is mid card or main event, he is definitely a breath of fresh air for the WWE since his return. I mean look at his feud from last year with Michaels. I mean has Michaels been in a better feud then that in the past few years? Those two can tear the house down. Jericho is a great heel with passion in everything he does. I believe Jericho can freshen up any championship, whether is was IC title or Tag titles.

I agree that him and Big Show isn't as entertaining as Jericho/Edge. However, if you take Jericho away all you have is Randy Orton and CM Punk as major heels. Big Show too if any one takes Show serious. At least Big Show is more entertaining and more of a threat as a tag team champ with Jericho. Before Big Show was jobbing to Cena every month. Jericho may not be Edge, but he is just as talented and as vicious in my book. WWE needs to push stars to the midcard instead of keeping Jericho there. Honestly, has Jericho had a bad match with anyone in recent memory?
Chris Jericho truly is the best at what he does. He's taken the ball, and run with it, dribbled it, and shot it in the hoop for the game winner. He's doing an amazing job with all these championships.

First he wins the Intercontinental Championship again, breaking his own record of holding the title from 8 to I believe 9. But you know, you guys are forgetting the unsung hero here. Mysterio also helped with bring back the prestige. When was the last time you saw two wrestlers feuding over the belt like they were? Usually it's just a one off match with no defenses until the next person. But Rey Rey and Jericho actually feuded over it, so much to the point where Jericho was trying to unmask Mysterio. Together, these men had amazing matches and brought back some credibility to a division that was slowly losing momentum. Hopefully now, the belt gets passed on to Ziggler, but that's for another thread.

Now for the tag team championships. At first everyone bitched and complained that Jericho and Edge were going to be taking time away from the "real tag teams ". I'm going to take a line from Jericho here...You are all nothing but a bunch of hyprocrites. First you bitch and complain saying the tag teams are nothing but a bunch of guys thrown together at random who don't even mesh. Now that they are trying to save the division, you are all happy and saying " Yay!! Jericho is saving us!! " But I digress. This man is bringing back prestige to these belts, but not alone, he's doing it with the Big Show. These two, together, they seem unstoppable, and there are many a good feud ahead of us.

One thing you forget to mention, Big Show. Jericho is saving the Big Show. Big Show has jumped back and forth from heel to face to tweener to heel and done so many things in the business that I could never take him seriously, until now. He finally seems to have found what's right for him. This new character he portrays due to Jericho is pure gold. I love that he's cocky and arrogant like Jericho, but for his size and power. Jericho has finally given Big Show a true purpose and direction and I for one am happy to see it.

Back when Jericho first started, I never expected him to be a top man in the business. Through the course of his gimmicks and career, he's won quite a few championships, but I could never see him with the big one or even considered him coming close to it. Now that he is considered a wrestler who brings prestige and credibility to championships, I am truly impressed by his work. Jericho has become one of my favorite heels in the business and one of my favorite workers. more thing....Kofi shouldn't drop the belt to Jericho, Jericho doesn't need that belt, it would ruin this and in my eyes make it seem like a joke.
He's making a difference that's for sure. He always steps up and goes beyond what's expected of him. It's great to see him lifting the tag devision back up like he did with IC belt earlier in the year.

Jericho is such a great performer. He can work with main eventers or mid carders a like and as Paradox said, he has the ability to be WWE's 'go to' guy when they need something done well. Jericho is a clear cut legend of the business.
Wow dude your screen name is a Jericho reference and your gonna come out like that?

It's a millenium reference, actually.

And seriously, IMO, Y2J hasn't been a midcarder in about 6 years.

You'd be better off counting when he's been a main eventer. There were a couple of months last year, one month in 2007, three months in 2005. Jericho is almost a career mid carder.

He's clearly the best thing going today and he has made a difference between his feuds w/ HBK & Rey and the matches he had w/ Batista actually made me enjoy watching Batista (2 or 3 great matches w/ Punk too).

He made the HBK feud, I'll give you that. But the feud with Rey & Batista were join efforts.

Jericho stopped being the best thing in WWE when he failed to come up with some new lines. If it was anybody else, calling fans ''hypocrites'' in a monotone voice would get you the label of Most Boring Wrestler 2009.
I honestly beleive that he is the saviour of the WWE. Not the complete saviour, but definately part of the reason the prestiege in belts has gone up. Chris Jericho is of the old school and I for one love see him every week.

When he returned after his hiatus from wrestling, because he came back as a face, something seemed like it was missing with him. I guess I assumed he was still going to be the Y2J of old, but he had matured and his change was a little difficult to swallow.

But as soon as he turned heel, and that monster feud with Shawn Michaels kicked off, I saw the old Chris Jericho peeping out again, and I now beleive him to be better than he was before. He has definately saved the WWE title belts, and I beleive he will go on and become the World Heavyweight Champion again!
He made the HBK feud, I'll give you that. But the feud with Rey & Batista were join efforts.

Jericho stopped being the best thing in WWE when he failed to come up with some new lines. If it was anybody else, calling fans ''hypocrites'' in a monotone voice would get you the label of Most Boring Wrestler 2009.

Actually, I think that you have that backwards but...whatever.

I agree with what your saying in regards to the monotone hypocrite speeches. I'm gald he's kinda getting away from that now. But the character change in general has been awesome. He's drawing so much heat with the crowd that he, on more than one occasion, has fans in the crowd trying to get at him. Also, I guess I'm just at a point where in a Cenacentric/HHH/Orton main event picture I'm feeling extra grateful for Y2J. I think he's finally being regarded with alot of earned respect.

And don't get me wrong Jake, I'm missing Edge and really hoping he can make it back at 100%. I'm actually hoping that he comes back w/ Christian and takes the titles off Y2J/Big Show. Of course with him currently hurt its all the more reason we need Jericho on both shows...hell I'm even willing to suffer the Big Show for Y2J. That in and of itself is a virtual miracle.
I wouldn't say it's Jericho "saving" the WWE... He's improved the show, no doubt. He's had his great angles and his great promos and such. But if he was really saving the WWE, he would be on Raw doing all that great stuff. At the moment, it does seem to be Raw that needs the saving. It just doesn't have any solid matches anymore, apart from a select few wrestlers like Kofi who do put on a good show. But even those wrestlers aren't consistent... So I think if Jericho was really saving the WWE, he would be on Raw making that a better show.
But he's on SD, a show that would still be good without him, just not as good. There's still some really entertaining guys on there like Punk and Morrison and such

So here's my view: He's not saving the WWE in general, he's just making a good show better. He would need to be on Raw to be saving the WWE.
Jericho has been absolutely monumentally amazing the past, well, 30-odd years. That being said, I think it would be in the WWE's best interests to turn Jericho back to face, send him to Raw and give him the WWE title. Why? Because he's the only absolutely flawless Superstar they have, not counting semi-retired or oft-injured guys. He gets over with the marks, is beloved by the IWC and other "thinking" (and I use that turn loosely) fans for his work rate, can work face with the best of them, isn't an internal political junkie, has cross over appeal can go on any radio or talk show and be charming and hilarious, can drag a good match out of anybody, etc. etc. etc. The only real knock on him is that he isn't as physically imposing as a Batista or a HHH or a Cena, but he's not exactly Rey Mysterio either. He also has so much heat on him that, frankly, it would be a pain in the ass to turn him. Lets face it, Raw is lagging. But in their midst is a relatively fresh superstar who's been there and done that, but just needs the ball back.

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