Is Cena Gona be champ till WM28


Dark Match Winner
1.Do you think Cena will be the wwe Champ All the way untill Wrestlemania 28?
2.Do you think it's a mistake?
3.How would you do it if you were wwe?

Well I think if he doesn't lose it,(which I don't think he will) to cm punk he just might be. He said hemself that if he is the wwe champion at wrestlemania, then the rock vs cena will be for the wwe championship.

I think this is a mistake heck with tna getting better and better every week the cena hatter will eventualy stop watching untill wrestlemania, no Im not a Cena Hatter per say, but I think if I get this is what they're doing why should I watch Raw if this the plan.

If I were the wwe I would defenetly make him champion going in to wrestlemania but I might just do it a little diferently. If cm punk wins the belt at MIB Id have hem keep it untill wrestle mania and I'd have Cena Not being champion all year then in like january he wins it back then he'd keep it untill wrestlemania, I might even have CM Punk or the Miz or Triple H win royal rumble then make it a triple treat at mania. Prefably CM Punk.

Ether way I think hell be champ untill WM.
Men Cena is Cena he WILL BE CHAMPION COME WM 28, It doens't mean he will not lose it, but he WILL regain it for sure, wwe title cena vs rock next year, unless they change the plans or something happens with rock.

And if Cena has the title all the way to mania, what's the problem? he's the top draw, and remember he doesn't have too many years left, remember stone cold and edge? it's called "SEVERE NECK INJURY". So they have to get all they can from cena in the next year or two.
A. Cena "Hatters" won't stop watching just because Cena is champ for a long time. Part of the fun of not liking Cena is seeing him lose the title and eventually, whether it's before or after WM, he will.

B. TNA will never be a legit company. At least no time soon, so they pose no immediate threat.

Hopefully Cena loses to Punk at MITB and he goes on to feud with Punk and McMahon for a while. If he doesn't lose to Punk, maybe to Del Rio at Summerslam. As long as he gains the title back before WM it doesn't really matter and Cena's true to his word. Even though personally I don't think Rock/Cena needs the title and it should be used to help build up another match, but that's just me.
I don't think the WWE has the focus to do that. While I'm sure they discussed it... it's basically saying no one else matters except for Cena/Rock for the next year.

I don't see CM Punk winning the title.. sadly..

However.. I do think Alberto Del Rio will be winning the WWE Title in the next few months. I almost guarantee it.
What TNA marks and fans seem to not realize is that they're just a tiny blimp in the WWE's radar. The WWE aren't worried about them at all. TNA aren't WCW. The WWE don't care if they lose a couple of viewers to TNA, because no matter what, they'll always have millions more viewers than TNA - and there are a ton more Cena fans than Cena haters, so even if a couple leave (although most will stay, praying that he loses), it's nothing. TNA have trouble selling out their events. The WWE don't care about them.

Also, *Hater. Not Hatter. That's such an easy word to spell, I don't know how the hell you don't know how to spell it. Also, learn to use punctuation.
Its definitely a mistake to let anyone hold the title for an entire year. Each title match would be less and less believable. I'm not going to dump on you for saying people will stop watching WWE and start watching TNA if he holds the title because I have stopped watching WWE during the whole Cena boom and with TNA giving the fans more of what they want (well at least me lol) then I have no problem watching it. People really need to stop believing WWE has this death grip on its fans. And I think that since they have a year to kill why not give Del Rio a title run? The guy can definitely be championship material and hes supposed to be feuding with Cena soon.
What TNA marks and fans seem to not realize is that they're just a tiny blimp in the WWE's radar. The WWE aren't worried about them at all. TNA aren't WCW. The WWE don't care if they lose a couple of viewers to TNA, because no matter what, they'll always have millions more viewers than TNA - and there are a ton more Cena fans than Cena haters, so even if a couple leave (although most will stay, praying that he loses), it's nothing. TNA have trouble selling out their events. The WWE don't care about them.

Also, *Hater. Not Hatter. That's such an easy word to spell, I don't know how the hell you don't know how to spell it. Also, learn to use punctuation.


Millions more viewers... WITH RAW... but uhh Smackdown and Impact Wrestling are getting closer and closer.

The WWE better care about them. Obviously they do, they've since been using words such as "Wrestler" and "Wrestling" again... though sparingly.


As I said.. I think Alberto Del Rio will win the WWE Championship from Cena within the next few months.. for some reason I feel that the WWE feels they owe it to him after derailing him with the Edge/Christian thing.


Is it a mistake to let Cena hold the title that long? Probably not... but how lame is it going to be when a 1 year long title reign ends by The Rock... and what's The Rock going to do... vacate the title? Then again.. why am I saying The Rock will win?

They should use Rock/Cena as a platform for someone to cash in the MITB Contract afterwards.. and get an awesome push.

The mistake is that Cena V Rock will be for the title at WM. This match doesn't need the title, and it's ridiculous to even consider that The Rock would win. He wants to put Cena over like Hogan did to him? Fine. Lose clean, but don't waste a title match on this shite. CM Punk was right - this main event makes me sick. Who actually wants to see this? I can think of 10 other wrestlers I'd want in the WM title mix whose name is not Randy Orton or Christian. Have this as a stand alone match - and give the belt to Del Rio at MITB

but i will respond to this topic.....i see cena walking into mania and beating rock to remain champion BUT i dont see cena holding the title till mania if punk doesnt beat him del rio might (sadly because hes worse then cena :banghead:) plus the fact whoever wins the RAW MITB match is gonna cash in at some point and having them lose would be a shame and i personally think cena is gonna win at Elimination Chamber so theres no more title defenses till mania (minus the lame ones on raw that the champ never loses)
Whilst it's not out of the question, i don't think it'll happen.

Sure as hell he'll regain it before Mania, but i don't think he'll hold it ALL THE WAY. My Pick as with several others is Del Rio will hold the strap for a while before Cena gets it back for Mania.

This is despite the fact i really don't think the Cena vs Rock match needs to be for the title, does anyone actually think they are going give Dwayne the title and have Cena lose 2 mania main events in a row? Of course not....
1. I almost guarantee that John Cena will not be champ until WM28, He will be champ for WM28 but not until.

2. It would be an incredibly stupid mistake for creative to keep the title on cena for the remainder of time until mania, Incredibly stupid because to me if he held the title till then it would ultimately result in less buys for the PPV, i wont elaborate and dont ask how cause its simply super Cena all over again and again!

3. I would say that if Punk is staying then he will have a reasonable title run sometime very soon, i would throw Alberto in there but hes Apparently negotiating his way back to Smackdown, He is in the MITB but he also won the Royal Rumble and they done nothing with it so...
I really almost hope that Cena gets injured and simply can't wrestle for wrestlemania. It will teach the WWE that planning a match a full year ahead has too many unknowns to bank on. They'll look completely idiotic if Cena can't wrestle, and he's far from injury-proof. What if Rock gets injured on-set, or just gets in a car accident?? All terrible scenarios, but in a years time, they're very possible. Booking a match a full year ahead of time for an event as big as wrestlemania is a stupid promise, plain and simple. Adding the title stipulation only makes the promise harder to keep if Cena stops drawing (which may just happen with this post-punk atmosphere).

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