Is anyone else confused as to why Batista is being booked as a mega star?


Championship Contender
I was just interested in finding out if anyone else is stunned as to how Batista is being pushed as a mega star on the level of Rock, Austin or Undertaker. When Batista left 4 years ago he was at his peak in wrestling and I only considered him an upper mid carder but despite WWE having a talent filled roster of young guys needing their chance to shine on the biggest stage WWE brings back Batista who at his peak was worst than Ziggler, Rhodes, Wyatt's, Bryan, Rollins and Cesaro to name a few. Batista was a terrible talker as a face and only average as a heel, he is below par in the ring and had a physical presence that a few current guys have.

Conclusion - Batista who was good but nothing special as a talent or in terms of popularity with the fans comes back from 4 years off and gets a push that atleast 10 guys on the roster deserve and I simply cant understand why. Comment if you agree or disagree and why you do
Although I'll agree he'd not on The Rock or Austin's level, to say he's of a lower level to Ziggler and Rhodes and the other guys mentioned,and to only refer to him as upper mid carder is quite something! I'm not a lover of him and I agree that hiring him back instead of pushing others is somewhat frustrating, Batista held the WHC on a number of occasions and was a huge factor in the Evolution angle,which when people recognised him as a talent. Let's not forget he faced Undertaker at Wrestle mania and has now won two Royal Rumbles!
Lol how could you only consider him as an Upper Mid Carder when he was consistently in WHC feuds and was basically the #2 guy until his heel turn and departure? I also agree he's not on the level of The Rock or Austin the truth is he is a big star. He out draws the majority of the roster the only reason you probably are even feeling this way is because fans want Daniel Bryan now and don't plan on settling for anyone else.
He was a legitimate main event wrestler and a top draw for the WWE when he was there. To say that he was an upper mid carder is flat out ******ed. However, I do believe they assumed that people were longing for him much more than they actually were. They try to tell us that Batista is the guy and the fans are saying, "Go fuck yourself, we want Daniel Bryan." It isn't an indictment toward him, just bad timing really. If this were to happen two years ago, he'd have gotten a much more positive reaction.
He was a legitimate main event wrestler and a top draw for the WWE when he was there. To say that he was an upper mid carder is flat out ******ed. However, I do believe they assumed that people were longing for him much more than they actually were. They try to tell us that Batista is the guy and the fans are saying, "Go fuck yourself, we want Daniel Bryan." It isn't an indictment toward him, just bad timing really. If this were to happen two years ago, he'd have gotten a much more positive reaction.

He never came off to me as a top guy, there always seemed to be a lot of guys ahead of him and even when he was champion he was never top of the card till his final feud with Cena, that's why I said upper mid card because he never came off as the top attraction to me.

He is being booed due to his booking and not him returning and I thought that people were partly agreeing with me on him not being a talent on the level of someone deserving of the push he has gotten and partly the fact he is not Bryan

To the first guy who commented I didn't say Ziggler and Rhodes where higher level guys I said they are more talent than he is consider him a upper mid carder. That's your opinion, a pretty inane opinion but an opinion nonetheless.

Batista was a top draw and a star no matter what your opinion is of him.

The reason he is back is because he didnt made it like the Rock in movies and he doesnt have much going for him so he needs a WM paycheck.+ Vince has a hard-on for Batista and anyone big so that's that.

Problem with his return is it was done at a very bad timing.Does he diserve this treatment...I dunno that's up for debate.WM is around the corner and Vince needs stars.And since he is so out of touch with what people want he gives us Batista, a 45yo dude who cant wrestle worth a shit and has no mic skills, and he seems to have lost feeling in his face cause he has like no emotions lol

So basically his physique and his past is all he has, which is enough for VKM.

But all this does not mean he wasnt a star and a top draw before the 4 year hiatus.Its just really really bad timing.I mean seriously if there is anything more boring than a Cena vs Orton face 2 face promo + match, that's Batista and Orton.If anything if Bryan gets in a triple threat at Mania, it will basically save the match for the 2 veterans.
I don't think anyone can doubt at one point he was "A" top guy but he's nowhere near "THE" top guys. Austin, Rock, Taker, Cena etc. There is a difference. When he left WWE he was not very popular anymore. He was treading downwards for a while so to me when someone calls another person ******ed because they don't feel Batista is a top guy anymore that's kind of offensive. I don't think that opinion is too far off base. Yes he was a Main Eventer at 1 point but he wasn't when he left and why would he be now? I don't see why WWE management thought this would be a home run. It's more like a solid double.
I don't think anyone can doubt at one point he was "A" top guy but he's nowhere near "THE" top guys. Austin, Rock, Taker, Cena etc. There is a difference. When he left WWE he was not very popular anymore. He was treading downwards for a while so to me when someone calls another person ******ed because they don't feel Batista is a top guy anymore that's kind of offensive. I don't think that opinion is too far off base. Yes he was a Main Eventer at 1 point but he wasn't when he left and why would he be now? I don't see why WWE management thought this would be a home run. It's more like a solid double.

i think you said it perfectly. if cena had left for 4 years and come back it would have been a huge deal. if someone like bastista comes back its good but not great. i see batista on a similar level as randy orton or edge or jeff hardy: a decent worker all around, main event level, can hold a major championship at any time and no one would question it, but not quiet THE man. not on the same level as a cena or rock or austin in terms or drawing power but definitely a main event performer. someone else made a good point above as well in that his return is just bad timing. daniel bryan is on this huge wave of momentum and is so over with the crowd but batista is basically stealing his spot. its not batistas fault and if bryan had not had the year be just had people probly would not be so critical but your bringing in a former maineventer and pushing a future and current maineventer down the card. its just not right
Lol how could you only consider him as an Upper Mid Carder when he was consistently in WHC feuds and was basically the #2 guy until his heel turn and departure? I also agree he's not on the level of The Rock or Austin the truth is he is a big star. He out draws the majority of the roster the only reason you probably are even feeling this way is because fans want Daniel Bryan now and don't plan on settling for anyone else.

I'm not sure he was ever the #2 guy. In the John Cena-Randy Orton-Batista Triumvirate, Batista comes nowhere near Orton to being the #2. John Cena being consistently the company's #1 in every way is not arguable. But Batista being #2 on Raw the same time as Orton? Batista's popularity didn't last more than 2 years. That could be attributed to his lack of charisma, average to below average mic skills, and his look which is neither totally hot and natural-looking like The Rock, nor a total credibly scary beast like Brock Lesnar). Lets just say Batista is to The Rock what Ryback is to Goldberg.
Batista got popular during Evolution break-off in 2005 and was chosen to lead the Smackdown brand. He got injured in the beginning of 2006, returned in July, and set on his quest to become WHC again, which he finally won at Survivor Series, and again lost it to The Undertaker at WM 23. However, post-WM Edge and Batista had a series of matches on pay-per-view, and in most of them EDGE was chosen to be champion over Batista. This was the time when Batista first came across as an extremely boring, unmotivated, unidimensional character and it lasted until 2008 when they finally decided to boost him up. Thus did he had two matches with Shawn Michaels with 1-1 being the end-result. Before summerslam '08, it was the first time in history that John Cena and Batista existed on the same brand as established main-event stars. Rest is history.
Following his victory over Cena at Summerslam, he was once again fed to Randy Orton because Randy succeeded in re-proving himself to be a hot commodity with his recent return and the inception of Legacy. (It is noteworthy that before being drafted on Raw, he once again lost to EDGE on pay-per-view in some sort of a last-chance match for the WHC).
Finally, He returned at Backlash '09, lost to Orton, Won, Got injured(or beaten up?) by Legacy and VANISHED AGAIN. After finally coming back for the 10th time in 5 years, he was once again sent to Smackdown, where his presence was lukewarm at best. Hence, to reinvent Batista (something John Cena was never required to do), they turned him heel , had Four matches with Cena(3 of which he lost ) on pay-per-view.
Randy Orton was never fed to Edge or John Cena, or even HHH for that matter, face or heel.
Hence, proved.
Lack of star power.

The Rock had better shit to do this year.

Honestly it's a shame, because if he stuck around, a Batista appearance would be no more special than a Ryback or Sheamus appearance (and that's disrespectful to Ryback honestly, because ever since he's got the Bully gimmick, he's shown glimpses of star quality in his promos, on commentary, and on his Instagram/Twitter).

I guess he was a star in his Smackdown prime (a time when it was really only Taker, Mysterio, Edge and Batista), but when were you really happy to see Batista? All his feuds really revolved around Edge, Taker, Khali, etc. Another dude with muscles and corny pre-written one liners. No real gimmick.

I'm sure this thread is filled with fake businessmen who put the WWE's PR goals over their own enjoyment of the product trying to justify his position because of the publicity of being a supporting character . . . in a Marvel property that nobody outside of hardcore comic book fan knows exists. So it doesn't even really help the WWE in that aspect.

He does do what he's supposed to in the ring, I'll give him that. But honestly I would have taken Lesnar in Batista's spot, at least we would have gotten some more Heyman promo work.

Batista is really nothing special. He has no gimmick, isn't especially gifted on the mic, and doesn't have the fluidity or general aura of badassness of a Goldberg (if we're talking muscular dudes with no gimmick who just show up to beat people up).

Also does not help that he coincidentally comes back and steals the spotlight from the most over dude since the Attitude Era. And on top of that is friends with HHH, which opens up another can of worms.

I will say he doesn't dress like a bum like most wrestlers.

Maybe I'm speaking too soon, my opinion might change if he has an entertaining heel turn.
It's not confusing.. Batista was the 2nd biggest draw before he left WWE. They need star power right now, Batista is a huge star whether you think so or not, that's why he's getting pushed to the moon.
I think it was Plato who at one time worried that the next generation would fail to live up to the expectations of his own and thus mankind would begin a steady downward slide into the pits of social depravity and indulgent ignorance. Oh, what a fuddy duddy.

Batista came around as an obscure bit player when the WWE was desperate to make a singles competitor out of Devon. He was a soft spoken muscle head and the fans were pretty much down with whatever the WWE coughed onto the screen. He became the most innocent member of HHH's circle jerk quartet "Evolution" and thus was the easiest member of that garbage faction to turn face. He didn't have to say much because he was stiff as hell and didn't have to worry about fucking up because his best friend was also one of his bosses. He couldn't take a bump properly to save his life, so he'd just no-sell and dominate. Fans being a different genre of fucking stupid at the time ate it up and begged for more.

If you love a performer, don't let me convince you otherwise. If you love Batista, then fuck all of my criticisms of him.

The decision to bring Batista back was, to put it politely, a knee-jerk decision made by a pair of fucking morons who barely understand what year this is. For whatever reason, fans are falling madly in love with performers who can actually put on a complex match of uncommon twists to common spots and less time frittered away on submission holds that never result in a victory. Has anyone EVER tapped out to an abdominal stretch?

Anyway, Batista represents a time when fans hadn't seen someone like him stomp around the ring in a piss-poor attempt to perform adequately only to concuss his opponent with a stiff power bomb. It takes a while for obnoxious fads to die down, especially if there's no substance to them because then they're being followed by people with little else to believe in. Batista was done being a pro-wrestler two years after his first title run as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not at all confused that Batista was booked as a mega star, a shallow jack-off like him wouldn't accept any other form of publicity. He was hired to bring more money into the company, he was put into a feud with Del Rio because stupidity is truly the only limitless element in the cosmos.
It's not confusing.. Batista was the 2nd biggest draw before he left WWE. They need star power right now, Batista is a huge star whether you think so or not, that's why he's getting pushed to the moon.

I think that's the thing "was", I am not saying Batista is a big star but four years is a long time in Wrestling but not long enough for people to miss him. And despite him being one of the top guys back then a lot can happen in four years when fans have decided why the want to see. In this case the rise of Punk and Bryan come into mind.

I would compare this to Ultimate Warrior's 1996 run. Sure some other factors exist why it wasn't successful, like some huge backstage issues, but at the time of the rise of Shawn Michaels and when Bret Hart was one of the top guys would Warrior have been deserving of the main event spot at WM12? I guess people would say "no".

Batista is a big star but he needs to win back the fans after being absent for four years. Sure guys like The Rock, Hogan, and Austin rarely have to win back the fans but that's because they built a legacy in the WWE that's already at legendary status. Batista, not so much yet.
Batista = The Rock 2014 version. Paul Walkers death probably has put him in a weird spot, so they booked another dude with a movie comin out.

I don't think anyone can doubt at one point he was "A" top guy but he's nowhere near "THE" top guys. Austin, Rock, Taker, Cena etc. There is a difference.

100% true. He was (and is) a guy who could show up on TV, challenge for the champ and be a credible threat at the next PPV. But, not if that PPV is Wrestlemania. If Batista came back a month ago, and fought Orton for the title at the Rumble, I don't think anyone would have blinked. (The skinny jeans and the rust would still have been problems, but wouldn't have been magnified.)

But he's not Hogan or Austin or the Rock, or Undertaker, guys who CAN (or could) credibly walk back in, say Hi and main-event Wrestlemania.

He was treading downwards for a while so to me when someone calls another person ******ed because they don't feel Batista is a top guy anymore that's kind of offensive. I don't think that opinion is too far off base. Yes he was a Main Eventer at 1 point but he wasn't when he left and why would he be now? I don't see why WWE management thought this would be a home run. It's more like a solid double.

Well, the OP called him an upper mid-carder

Conclusion - Batista who was good but nothing special as a talent or in terms of popularity with the fans comes back from 4 years off and gets a push that atleast 10 guys on the roster deserve and I simply cant understand why. Comment if you agree or disagree and why you do

I think part of it is WWE buying their own BS. Batista was created by HHH squashing face after face from 2002-05, until the fans were starving for anyone to take down HHH. Batista was that guy, so Batista got the cheers. More than most other world champions, Batista was a "spoke in the wheel."

Is WWE confusing that with Batista's own ability to draw heat, draw TV ratings, draw PPV buys? I think so.
He never came off to me as a top guy, there always seemed to be a lot of guys ahead of him and even when he was champion he was never top of the card till his final feud with Cena, that's why I said upper mid card because he never came off as the top attraction to me.

He is being booed due to his booking and not him returning and I thought that people were partly agreeing with me on him not being a talent on the level of someone deserving of the push he has gotten and partly the fact he is not Bryan

To the first guy who commented I didn't say Ziggler and Rhodes where higher level guys I said they are more talent than he is

Well regardless of your inclinations, he was in no way a mid card guy. He was always in the title hunt no matter the brand he was on and his popularity surpassed anyone not named Cena for about 5 years. He was a main event talent. He deserved to be pushed when he returned because he drew a lot of money for the WWE, that is all that matters to Vince and company. It's not working because the climate is different now than it was 4 or 5 years ago.

You're also grossly under selling his talent. I understand the IWC cliche is to hate the big guys, but to say that Rhodes and Ziggler are more talented than Batista may be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Batista's late heel run crushes anything those guys have ever done.
He was a legitimate main event wrestler and a top draw for the WWE when he was there. To say that he was an upper mid carder is flat out ******ed. However, I do believe they assumed that people were longing for him much more than they actually were. They try to tell us that Batista is the guy and the fans are saying, "Go fuck yourself, we want Daniel Bryan." It isn't an indictment toward him, just bad timing really. If this were to happen two years ago, he'd have gotten a much more positive reaction.

Exactly right. Batista was a major star in the WWE. He won world titles, headlined Wrestlemania, won the Royal Rumble, feuded with the best in the business such as Cena, Undertaker, Triple H etc and is one of the biggest names that WWE were able to go out and bring back. He is a star whether you like it or not, just perhaps not as big as WWE thought.

To call him an upper-mid carder is ludicrious, 'Tista is a main event level wrestler and has been since he left Evolution.
Batista is a main event player and carried Smackdown for a long time. He was the number 2 guy in the company for a number of years and this cannot be denied.

Mania 21 - Main Event
Mania 23 - Co Main Event
Mania 26 - Co Main Event

Batista has main evented many other events, has won countless titles and has a bit of mainstream appeal. To compare him to Dolph Ziggler is ludicrous.
Ultimately I don't think they're booking Batista to be anything more than what he was when he was a Full-Time performer in the WWE; Monster Guy, Main Event Status for his time, always a consistant #2 Guy for either brand at worst, and his matches with John Cena were Dream Matches when they happened.

It's still just about timing. Someone on 4chan trolled the IWC saying they raved about Brock Lesnar doing the same exact thing Batista is doing now. That really isn't true for a number of reasons;

1. Timing. Lesnar came back the day after Wrestlemania, when most major plotlines (except for the fucking Cole/King dynamic, ugh) were effectively resolved. Batista comes back for the Royal Rumble, takes it, and is immediately thrown into the Big Picture, and in the process shoving aside several others who could've used that spotlight.
2. Impact. Lesnar got one PPV with Cena before being fed to HHH. He never so much as sniffed the WWE Title up to now. Batista on the other hand, has his shot already.
3. Intentions. Lesnar did nothing but try to stomp babyfaces in the ground. Batista came back as a supposed babyface- if that confrontation with Orton was any indication.
4. Competition. Lesnar faces Cena and HHH before finally getting Punk the next year. All three are established stars who couldn't really get over with Brock, but rather were supposed to get Brock over. Batista directly shoves aside DB and Roman Reigns among others, guys who could easily go over with that spotlight.

In other words, they utilized Lesnar surprisingly well despite the underwhelming performance, while they somehow crapped the bed with Batista's arrival.
he is top wrestler on that time. He main event most ppv than cena or randy or edge. So wwe restart his carrier where he left. But i bit confused why he didnt wrestle on raw or smack down now as he comeback as fulltime wrestler.
I think there's two separate points to make here.

First, is Batista a "Mega-star"? In looking at the CURRENT roster, I'd say yes. I'm not talking about wrestling ability. I'm talking about drawing power, main event status, etc. Batista has won the WWE and World title several times, he's won 2 Royal Rumbles, he's main evented Wrestlemania.... Feuded with Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge, The Undertaker, to name a few. So, in terms of his status, he's definitely without a doubt, a main eventer when you compare him to the current roster.

The second point I'd like to touch on, is the whole "there's 10 other guys that 'deserve' it" thing. I've heard this time and time again. WWE isn't about who "deserves" anything. It's about who can draw and who makes money for the company. Fans need to realize this. Now, just because a guy doesn't draw or doesn't get over doesn't mean he sucks or you can't like him, it just means that he's not a money maker.

WWE continually brings back part-timers. You know why? It's because this roster of guys that "deserve" main event shots CAN'T GET OVER. These part timers come back for short runs and the rest of the roster has an entire year to get over and prove themselves. They haven't been able to do that. Vince isn't about to just put a guy in the main event because he "deserves it" or because he works hard. If you suck on the mic or you suck in the ring and simply cannot get over, then you're not going to be in the main event. It's as simple as that. Pro Wrestling isn't about who deserves what. I wish more fans would realize that. You'd enjoy it more.
There's another point that is being overlooked in the argument about Batista.
Remember that this is actually the fourth year in a row where the main event is being dominated by returning part-timers, in spite of other guys working their asses of for the company for the entire year.
Three years ago, the main event was Miz vs. Cena, but all the attention was being focused on a seeming rivalry between Cena and the Rock, who was the special guest referee. Two years ago, after a whole year's buildup, all the attention wasn't on a title match but on Cena fighting the Rock, who had fought maybe three or four times over the intervening comeback year. Last year, they did a recycle by doing "Rock-Cena II", with the change being that it was for the title. And now, after having been gone for four years, Batista is immediately dropped into the Wrestlemania match. (And don't give me about him winning the Rumble, since we all know that his victory was planned from the start.)
One final thing: let's be clear that it's not really about a WWE return for Batista. Batista is doing it to maximize publicity for his newest film, Marvel's GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, which will be coming out in the spring. Both Batista and the WWE want to make money off of the cross-promotion, so the chance of anyone else getting the spotlight, no matter how deserved, is slim to none. As such, not only will Batista win the title at Wrestlemania, but expect him to hold the title until GOTG has left theatres.
There's another point that is being overlooked in the argument about Batista.
Remember that this is actually the fourth year in a row where the main event is being dominated by returning part-timers, in spite of other guys working their asses of for the company for the entire year.
Three years ago, the main event was Miz vs. Cena, but all the attention was being focused on a seeming rivalry between Cena and the Rock, who was the special guest referee. Two years ago, after a whole year's buildup, all the attention wasn't on a title match but on Cena fighting the Rock, who had fought maybe three or four times over the intervening comeback year. Last year, they did a recycle by doing "Rock-Cena II", with the change being that it was for the title. And now, after having been gone for four years, Batista is immediately dropped into the Wrestlemania match. (And don't give me about him winning the Rumble, since we all know that his victory was planned from the start.)

Those wrestlemanias that you're talking about had the most buys ever I believe. That part-timers keep coming back because they draw more money than the guys on the current roster. Who's fault is that? It's the fault of these guys that are "working their asses off for the whole year." Those guys have a whole year to get over. Since they can't, the part-timers are needed.
WWE needs big names; that's partly where the concept of part-time performers is coming from. As the company strives to create new stars, it helps the buyrates to have names from the past return to generate some excitement.

This is where guys like Batista come in. I'm still trying to decide whether WWE needed him for the reason just mentioned, or whether his movie career wasn't generating enough income to maintain the lifestyle he wants to live......perhaps it's a combination of both, which would be good because those are the types of deals that benefit everyone.

However, if he (or his representation) are good negotiators, maybe they were able to get a great deal for Dave, one in which WWE had to promise him all kinds of incentives to get him to come aboard. This would include a mega-push from the get-go. ("Oh, and since I'm coming back just in time for the Royal're gonna have me win it.")

Or maybe it was all Vince McMahon's idea, figuring the only way they were going to get Batista back is if they approached him with a whole bag of goodies.

Perhaps it's a great deal for both sides. WWE gets the star power they crave and Batista gets to make a pile of money while he's still able to present himself as a force in the ring. When his possible return was first being bandied about, I presumed it was going to be a Lesnar-type deal in which Batista had to show up only for shows.....and not really be a part of the traveling troupe. That he's a full-time performer is a good thing.

Push him while you've got him, I suppose.
It's the fault of these guys that are "working their asses off for the whole year." Those guys have a whole year to get over. Since they can't, the part-timers are needed.

But here's the real problem. Vince won't let anyone become a star. He won't even let anyone get over unless he feels it was his idea in the first place.

Whether you like Daniel Bryan or not, you can't deny the reaction he's getting. The fans are going insane for him on a nightly basis. There's absolutely no good reason to believe he wouldn't be the top star if pushed properly - in fact, the only reason to even think he wouldn't be is if you're just being cynical.

So how does the WWE respond to that situation? They put him in a feud where Triple H is legitimately perceived as the heel. They let Triple H get the better of him on a weekly basis for 6 weeks... and then they book Triple H in 50/50 heel-face role where we never know from one week to the next whether we're going to see Triple H be an asshole or if he's going to try to be a face. The only thing we do know is that Daniel Bryan isn't going to get the better of him - because, honestly, no one ever does. A guy might pin him, but Triple H always manages to kill a guy's steam by refusing to be 'one-upped' in a promo.

Let's apply that same logic in booking to Mick Foley in 1998. Foley gets into a feud with Vince McMahon. McMahon is the heel in this situation, and he gets the best of Foley for nearly two months - this actually shouldn't be tough to imagine since it happened. But after those two months, Vince McMahon starts acting like a face. There are some weeks when he panders to the crowd, feeding his corporate jewel The Rock to the wolves. Other weeks, he acts like an asshole. But at no point does Foley ever get his moment. He never pins The Rock or one-ups Vince McMahon by extension. He just keeps losing... match after match. He keeps getting ambushed by the corporation and never overcomes the odds. Just curious, but at what point would you have stopped caring about Foley and just started investing in someone else?

A few years back, CM Punk was white hot - the first wrestler since Austin and The Rock who brought mainstream attention for things that actually happened on WWE TV. So how does the WWE respond? They have Kevin Nash screw him. They put him in a short-lived program with Triple H where Triple H pinned him... then they have CM Punk admit to being friends with Triple H even though his character got over for being anti-authority. The duo teams up a month later to face the real anti-authority figures (Miz and R-Truth), and they lose - keep in mind that a month after this loss, the Miz and R-Truth lost a squash match to Cena and The Rock where the entirety of the match was scripted so that the WrestleMania opponents could try to top each other by seeing which one had the easier time man-handling the competition. And to make matters worse, CM Punk never gets retribution on the guy that cost him the title - Kevin Nash. Nope. That honor goes to Triple H, who was seemingly being a good big brother to Punk and fighting his battles for him.

Let's apply this to Austin in 1998. Let's imagine that after Austin won his first WWE Title, Sgt. Slaughter came back and screwed him out of it. Austin gets into a short program with Vince McMahon where Vince wins the match. A few days later, Austin - our anti-authority hero - decides to become friends with Vince. This leads to a tag-match where Vince and Austin face the real anti-authority villains (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) and they lose. A month later, Vince McMahon challenges Sgt. Slaughter to a match and Austin never gets retribution on the guy that screwed him in the first place. Good story? Are we still giving Austin a 'hell yea' every time he asks for one? I doubt it.

And this isn't even just a common story for the guys that reached main event status. It's a trend in the mid-card, too.

Zack Ryder was never going to be a main-event guy, but he was more over than pretty much everyone vying for the irrelevant IC or US Titles. His gimmick was stupid as hell, but it got over - maybe because fans appreciated that he got over despite never being on TV or without ever having the WWE Machine even acknowledge his existence on the roster. Whatever the reason was, people were actually reacting to him, and that should be all that matters, right? Wrong.

The WWE gave him the title on December 18. Over the next three weeks, he wrestled two six-man tags (both main events, mind you) and one mixed tag-team match. He then spent one week in a Michael Myers-esque horror movie that ended with Kane choke slamming him off a loading dock. The next week, he dropped the title in a squash match. He didn't get booked for the Rumble. He was written off TV all February with the exception of one Raw where he slapped John Cena because he was upset about Eve. He re-surfaced in March to play the role of a love-sick fool, catering to the needs of a woman that everyone - including himself - knew was just using him. This came to a head at WrestleMania where the woman screwed him out of his match. He was then written off TV and barely heard from again. The IWC gets knocked for investing in Ryder and then losing interest quickly... but how the hell were we supposed to keep up the interest when 1) they used his popularity for nothing else but to put over Eve and further the Kane/Cena story, 2) they wrote him off TV, and 3) they took control of his YouTube show and canceled it, thus giving us pretty much no way to actually see the guy anymore.

How about Dolph Ziggler? The guy got one of the loudest pops I've ever heard on a Monday Night Raw. I was at the Raw where Jericho debuted as well as the Raw where Hogan returned and was confronted by The Rock for the first time. The Ziggler cheer after winning the WHC was louder than both. The only time I remember a crowd coming close to that was when Foley won his first WWF Title. Sure, the after-Mania Raw crowd is a special one, and that played a huge role in the thunderous ovation - but I've never understood why Fandango got more love from the WWE announcers for the reaction he got that night than Ziggler did.

So how does the WWE capitalize? Well, within two months of this win, he's wrestling in a mixed tag-team match at the pay-per view. A month later, he's losing a singles match to Dean Ambrose. And since then, his only pay-per view appearance was in the Royal Rumble. People like to re-write history and say that Ziggler simply wasn't getting over with the belt, and that's why his push ended. Well, I was at Payback, and short of Punk's entrance, the Ziggler/DelRio match was the loudest that place got all night. You can't tell me people weren't into the guy when I witnessed it with my eyes and heard it with my ears. I was there. Ziggler was completely over - if he wasn't, then the double-turn that occurred in that match wouldn't have been possible. Ziggler just needed the right push to go completely over the top... and it clearly never came.

But moving on ... Cody Rhodes nearly became huge on a whim last September. He needed to be written off TV because of his wedding, and it led to some real-life animosity between the McMahons and Rhodes playing out on television... I wrote a post about it shortly after the angle began:

While I'm not sure the WWE will go all the way with Rhodes, this potential angle has a lot to work with ... and in a similar fashion to the Daniel Bryan story arc, it will work because it's based in reality and just feels real.

So after a few weeks of legitimately teasing the long-held McMahon/Rhodes animosity, the Rhodes brothers got their jobs back ... and the McMahons simply forgot they existed. Now why was this? Well, it's simple. It wasn't long after this angle began that Triple H decided heels no longer existed - a decision that meant he'd never have to put anyone over despite consistently taking away their heat in heel fashion. As a result of Triple H eliminating himself from the Rhodes program, the two brothers were left floundering - and the tag division has suffered ever since. Again, that was a chance for the WWE to make a guy. Maybe Rhodes never would've become a top guy, but who cares? You still need solid talent in the mid-card that the fans can invest in. But once again, Vince McMahon started something and just said 'Ah fuck it. I'm bored with that..." and then he moved on to fucking up the next guy.

So you can blame the talent all you want in not 'getting over' to the level of The Rock, but when the WWE consistently gives them chicken shit and then demotes them on the card for not turning into chicken salad, I start to empathize a little with them. It's no wonder they have to bring back these part-time guys that got over in a time when the WWF allowed guys to get over. only real curiosity comes with why the WWE thinks Batista is that guy. I mean, we're talking about a guy who was a top guy from 2005-2010, a time period when the ratings went from the mid 4's to barely cracking the 3's. If the goal is to attract the former fans that stopped watching, it's borderline psychotic to think the way to do that is by bringing back and pushing the guy that was the reason most of them turned off the TV.

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