Is all of THIS one big angle to bring Mr. McMahon back?

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
From day one....when CM Punk started talking smack about the WWE on twitter. It's no secret the WWE is having a hard time finding stars when everyone is either retiring or getting hurt.

What's the single greatest angle in the late 90's? Mr. McMahon, the BOSS..going around showing off his grapefruits and threatening to fire people. Then you had his foil Steve Austin challenging him in every way.

The last couple weeks on Raw we've heard superstars saying that McMahon isn't what he used to be....and it's easy to see that this COULD be a setup to bring the Mr. McMahon character back, and perhaps a little "attitude."

Vince has been out of the spotlight for several years...maybe he's getting the itch back? Could there be a screwjob finish at Money in the Bank?

Either way, it'll be clear where this angle is going after Sunday.
I don't think that was the impetus for it, no, but I wouldn't be shocked if the WWE brass either said 1) hey, this is really getting over, let's get McMahon involved to stroke his ego a la Pat Riley taking over the Heat from van Gundy, or 2) we really wanna make this Cena / Punk thing work, let's get McMahon in there to give it another dimension.

The idea, I realy feel, was designed to give Cena an honest to God legit challenger in this slower time of the year. Cena's big payoff is at Wrestlemania, and the issue with that match already being announced is the fact that everything Cena does between now and then is "lame duck" entertainment. None of it matters, because it's all about the Cena / Rock show in some 9-10 months. The Punk, angle, however is making a lot of fans put the Cena / Rock match on the back burner, and that's a credit to Punk's work as well as Cena's.
Honestly I think so. Everything Punk is saying is true and it's funny how Vince is allowing him to say it. Maybe a new age of WWE is coming. I remember Daniel Bryan doing about the same thing on NXT last year talking about WWE and Michael Cole. How Bryan Danielson is here. Then a few weeks later he was fired. I wonder what they could have done with him.

Punk is truly a great wrestler and everyone knows that. Many people compare him to Austin and that could have a lot to do with this. Maybe he will become the Austin of this age if he stays. But I'm still up in the air on if that will happen.

hey storyline wise they should give him the belt. He could show up on ROH's first tv broadcast next month or whenever it is with the belt. ( I mean it's possible Vince could pay Sinclair to let him bring the belt on there tv, or the othe way around) It could help ROH which is something I think Vince wouldn't mind happening. Also helping WWE at the same time, then bring CM Punk along with Colt Cabana, World's Greatest Tag-Team, Luke Gallows and some others back over to WWE to bring the storyline back to WWE TV. Go back and forth a few weeks. This puts both companies doind a storyline together. Put's Vince's face back on TV. I think It'd be awesome, it's a dream storyline that we can only pray for. I'm not counting it out with the mentions of Colt Cabana lately I feel it's time for him to showup on Raw.
Anyone who has a ounce of doubt whether Punk is staying is out of their minds. CM Punk isn't going ANYWHERE. There's no reason to build him up and give him the mic time for him to just walk away. The WWE has done a great job on reeling everyone in and making them think there's a good chance Punk is leaving.

However, with that said, if they really wanted to make this work they would have Punk walk out of Chicago with the title and be absent for a couple months to really build on this storyline.

When he comes back...maybe he'll have championship belt with a new design. Maybe he'll bring back Colt Cabana and a few others he's been talking about in a new stable called..."The WWF"? Maybe....just MAYBE he'll show up on Raw as the wrestler that isn't under contract kind of like the nWo. The possibilities are endless and it can ONLY happen if he wins this Sunday. Vince better not drop the ball with this one because he's generated alot of interest from hardcore fans, casual fans...and even non fans in the ESPN world.

Don't drop the fuckin ball and have Cena win. PLEASE don't fuck this up.
I believe the angle was created to boost Punk's ego. They knew Punk wanted to leave so they figured they might be able to convince him to stay they gave him the top program against the face of the company. I imagine he took advantage of the situation and pitched some ideas about him 'shooting'. Since they are trying to talk him into staying, they would agree to about anything.

So Punk to the ball and ran with it. WWE seen the success of his first 'shoot' so they let him cut loose this past week on RAW. Now the WWE is getting theirself into a position where they almost HAVE to resign him. He is red hot now. You waited until the guy is about done with the company before you make him the star of the show? This is so unlike WWE.

I wouldn't be shocked to find out he has already signed a WWE contract but part of the agreement says he can take the next 2-3 months off the road. Maybe he can work some ROH shows or NJPW shows too. So he leaves WWE and goes on ROH bagging WWE constantly. He keeps the gimmick going, which will draw the internet crowd into it more. Eventually he will come back.

And as stupid as it sounds I think this whole angle is turning him face. The crowd was getting behind him, the biggest heel in the history of wrestling Mr. McMahon was the one he was bagging on. He is basically transitioning into a modern Stone Cold rebel type.

If WrestleMania wasn't booked already, and it wasn't already Cena vs Rock I would think this is the greatest opportunity if ever to turn Cena. McMahon helps Cena beat punk cementing Cena as the protoypical Corporate Champion that we all think he is. Everyone think's he is Vince's boy, so let's make it that way on screen. The tatoo'd rebel against the establishment Punk against the clean cut perfect corporate imaged Cena.

But like I said...I don't think they would do that with Cena already set to face Rock. It would make it more interesting to have a heel vs face match up instead of Face vs Face. Unless they used that match to turn Cena back face with a handshake and hug after the match.
i think the Mr. McMahon character is returning to television and i love the fact that he's in a program with Punk. McMahon only worked with the top dogs and people he believed in. Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, DX, Bret Hart, etc. This could be what Punk really needs. This could be McMahon really considering Punk being a top guy and the future of the WWE.

I can easily see another "invasion" maybe with the ROH guys. You have CM Punk as the leader and you have him bring in Colt Cabana which is someone he has been talking about on live TV. WWE already has Daniel Bryan, and Evan Bourne. WWE also has Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) in developmental. Nigel McGuiness and the Young Bucks can also be used possibly. WWE was in talks with McGuiness before he went to TNA. I wouldn't even have WWE acknowledge that they all wrestled for another organization. I would just have a new stable and the wrestling fans that follow every organization would know why they are together. I don't know i just think its something cool that WWE can do.
You mentioned bringing in Nigel McGuiness. I just read somewhere that he has Hepatitis C. Is this true? If so, I doubt he'll ever go anywhere from here. Bring in The Young Bucks? What, do you want to see them get split, buried and future endeavored, and possibly have their hair cut during their time in the E? No thanks.
I was thinking the same thing or more or less that it was hinted that Vince would be back on TV more when Punk said that part of his rewritten contract allows him to push Vince I know its just words but still even the way he said it either way pretty interesting stuff going on
Honestly I don't think so and I certainly hope not but you are definitely not the only one thinking of it.

I think there is a real possibility of having a screwjob finish but something is telling me Punk is signed and Cena will be the one getting screwed this Sunday at MITB. What if this is all a ploy to get Cena "Storyline" fired, have Punk leave Chicago Sunday with the belt and then gets signed back on Monday by Vince.

A simple screwjob finish with Vince would not work at all but Nexus was always talking about a "Greater Purpose" and a "Bigger Plan", maybe everything will come together this Sunday with Vince as the mastermind behind the Nexus attack and this was all a ploy to get the belt of Cena and get him completely out of the picture, like when Vince tried to get rid of Austin and replacing him with the Rock.

If it happens I hope they do something like that and have CM Punk the main heel in the company with Vince right beside him. I don't want too much of Vince but something like that would be what I hope happens.

Most likely scenario Cena wins, Vince causes Punk the title and we don't see alot of Vince but something tells me its not that and having the MITB winner come down and win would be too predictable. This is me hoping for something awesome to happen on Sunday.
Well WWE is starting to build their tag teams up as of late. they have the Uso's, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr., Michael McGuillicutty and David Otunga. I think The Young Bucks can bring some excitement to the tag team division. This could be the beginning of a good tag division.
I do believe so too, but I'm not completely sure who Mchmahon might be screwing though. I have this strong feeling Mchmahon will be apart of The Rock Cena angle with one of them being heel and this might be his entrance back in the scene.

I think CM Punk's leave is just him taking a break but I do believe they renegotiated a contract. Why would they do all this for him just so he can just leave? They could of easily gave him a title shot with a crappy angle and crappy lines, but they set Punk up to look like the best underutilized wrestler and he carried it all the way.
I sure hope they're not going to try to do the austin vs mcmahon type angle again. It's not going to make Vince the heel he once was. Mainly due to the fact he's a legend in most fans eyes. Let's be frank, CM Punk is no Stone Cold either, I think this angle is going to drag out till around september/october, then they'll start preparing for Cena/Rock slowly. WWE may have shot themselves in the foot announcing a wrestlemania main event 1 year ahead of time, hopefully it works out.
Vince himself stated that the Mr. McMahon had been retired sometime last year because he was too old to be getting physically involved in story lines.

Think of how many times over the past two years he's actually been on Air, its far and few between. Don't get me wrong Vince is great, but his time has gone. Thats not to say that the Anonymous RAW GM's time has also passed and needs to be retired.
Maybe....just MAYBE he'll show up on Raw as the wrestler that isn't under contract kind of like the nWo.

Funny. In another thread I suggested something similar. With Punk winning and doing promos that were ran like ads Paid for by CM Punk. I think something like this would be amazing. It's not really new, but, hasn't been done in awhile. So, it would seem fresh.

As for this storyline being about getting Vinnie Mac back in the picture I kinda hope not unless it also brings in SCSA. It would be so weird to have Austin play Vinces guy. Yeah it kinda goes against the anti-establishment Austin that we all knew and loved,but, at this point is that a bad thing?

I think (more-so hope) that this angle doesn't end up being a way to bring someone back in. But, rather just a general change in the product. But, what do I know I'm a ten percenter.
Mr. McMahon never REALLY left WWE, he has been away for a long ass time but whenever he does come back he's still the BOSS he's never out of character, maybe he will be making regular appearances again, I sure as hell hope so! Mr. McMahon is easily one of the best heels if not THE best in WWE's long history.
so many possibilities on this one!! One hand we can have a screwjob angle,Cena can win clean (which i hope to god that doesnt happen) one Punk can win then immediately have MITB cash in and take the belt from him which is what i think will happen!! As far as mcmahon goes its good to see him on tv again!! He only works with the top guys people he believes in!! I hope Punk stays hes the top guy and top heel right now!! He deserves to be the champion for a long time!! Let Cena be kayfabed fired and heal up!! His focus right now should be for the rock next year... I for one am sick of seeing cena champion for half the year or more!! Let punk run with the ball till next year!!
No, if Vince wants to show up on TV he will. He will always be the egomaniacal boss on our tv screen, and he never really needs a reason to show up. However, like IC25 said I do think this adds another dimension to the whole program between Punk and Cena, and more importantly realism. Which is something that is severely lacking. We need to be drawn in, and when the owner of the company comes on TV and does what he does, it always makes everything seem a little more real.
Punk can win then immediately have MITB cash in and take the belt from him which is what i think will happen!!

Wow I totally forgot about the MITB match talking about the MITB main event. I'm really thinking this also might happen AFTER CM Punk defeats John Cena. I can totally see Vince cutting in the middle of CM Punk's celebration congratulating him(in a sarcastic way) then bringing out the MITB winner.
I had started a thread about my opinion of what should go down in the main event at MITB, but of course, because it was a CM Punk thread, was closed. So let me bring my opinion here. I'm really hoping this is actually how it goes down, because as an old fan that is turned off by the current product, i'd come back to what I grew up on.

Now everyone has the same thoughts running in our heads, has CM Punk already been resigned? Maybe he's been resigned all along, it's just one of the few secrets kept within WWE. What if WWE is taking a turn for a new well needed era? And they're doing it with one of the top talented performers, CM Punk? We've all heard Punk's ground breaking promos over the past few weeks, and they've been gold!

Now hear me out. What if we're seeing and old storyline being brought back (why not? it happens all the time) and that storyline being the McMahon/Austin pair. We all watched in shock @ WM17 as Austin hopped sides with McMahon and took the WWE Title from The Rock. We all know how CM Punk as felt about his position in the company, what if he's finally getting that? What if CM Punk is about to get the major rub he's deserved from McMahon? I could easily see McMahon helping CM Punk to take Cena out of the picture. Now before you say it's ludacris, by now, everyone knows that Cena has been working injured. And also as everyone knows, Cena vs Rock is the main event at WM28. Why jeopardize that with Cena possibly becoming seriously injured? Stars used to take time off all the time when needed. We could actually use the fresh air without Cena around for a while. Give him 5-6 months off to heal up and come back in time to create a well needed build-up to Mania. Meanwhile, CM Punk & McMahon can tear up the WWE Universe. Now I know thats a longshot, but seems probable and possible given the angle we've been seeing the last few weeks.
vince needs to bring back the corporation with the leader the rock, behind it stephen and hhh and a bunch of wrestlers from the AWESOMEE attitude era to go against cm punks N brock n those ROH jobber wrestlers!!!!

Im making a crazy prediction right now the rock leaves MITB as world champ!!!!!!
I honestly wouldn't mind if this brought us a short term return for Mr. McMahon. Vince is always entertaining whenever he is on the show and adds a different dynamic to this feud. Hell if Cena loses it could lead to a potential feud with Vince that keeps Cena busy until the end of the year and then he can focus back on Rocky. However I don't believe that will be the case. Vince showed up to deal with Punk and that was pretty much it. Once this whole angle cools (pretty much on Sunday) it is likely to be the last we see Vince for awhile, as he really just comes and goes nowadays.
There is absolutely no reason to bring back the Mr McMahon character. He had his run as the evil boss but every single thing they could have done with that character has been done. Could there be a screwjob finish a MITB? It's possible, but I doubt that we will see a fulltime return of Mr McMahon as the evil boss. There was talk at one point of making Michael Cole the successor to tha character, so I would rather see a screwjob involving him instead of Vince. Cole is annoying but at least it would be more refreshing than bringing back a character who is no longer needed or anywhere near as interesting as he used to be.
There is absolutely no reason to bring back the Mr McMahon character.

Sure there is. It's called entertainment. He's an entertaining son of a bitch.

He had his run as the evil boss

... and that role helped create some of the best, most entertaining storylines in the history of professional wrestling.

but every single thing they could have done with that character has been done.

True. But, wrestling recycles angles, constantly. It's tradition, really. Why not do this again? With someone outside of Stone Cold Steve Austin, like, John Cena. Maybe CM Punk? It would make for amazing television, as it has for the past several weeks.

There was talk at one point of making Michael Cole the successor to tha character, so I would rather see a screwjob involving him instead of Vince. Cole is annoying but at least it would be more refreshing than bringing back a character who is no longer needed or anywhere near as interesting as he used to be.

Cole isn't half the talent McMahon is. Also, Cole has no physical presence. If necessary, McMahon could step in, and throw down. He was a big, physical guy, who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Cole... not so much.

I would love the Mr. McMahon character to come back, full time. It makes for great television, and gives you a constant heel at the top of the card. Shuffling "top heels" in and out of the top spot gets tiring, so having McMahon as that constant figure makes for great television. It happened before, so there's really no arguing that.

It won't happen. Vince is pretty much done, he's too old, etc. But, I wish it would.
why was my post deleted i was basically saying that vince will come back for a few months coz him and cena will join to screw punk sunday. cena cant be a heel on his own straight off the bat not believable in the slightest so with him and vince and cena being the "company guy" makes it more believable
I think a screwjob finish at MITB is a horrible possibility. And I think they are going to bring the McMahon character back, and possibly involve him in a rivalry with Cena, and have it go on until Mania. Vince screwing over Cena at Mania against The Rock would be big.

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