Interview Segments

Which Is The Best Wrestler Interview Segment?

  • A Flair For The (G)old.

  • Piper’s Pit

  • The Snake Pit

  • The Funeral Parlor

  • The Highlight Reel

  • The Barber Shop

  • The Heartbreak Hotel

  • Carlito's Cabana

  • Jive Talkin’ (For Marty2Hotty x0x0x)

  • Other

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
For the most part they're always pretty poor. Wrestlers can cut promos, but they can't interview to save their lives. Although everyone s better than The Grish.

So wHAt is your favorite? Which has had the best moments?

The Funeral Parlor without a doubt. Especially in late 1991-early 1992. That show was great. It was something to look forward to. And unlike a lot of todays segemnts it acually meant something.

One of my favorite moments was when Jake Roberts shut 'Takers hand in the casket. I remember thinking it looked far more painful than the chair shot.
I'd go for the original: Piper's Pit. Piper could talk with the best of them and he was so arrogant in his interviews that it was hilarious. Piper and whoever that guy that smoked at Wrestlemania 5 was still cracks me up. A lot of interesting feuds or segments came from the Pit, including the Andre Hogan match from wrestlemania 3. It is the reason most of the other interview segments/talk shows came along. The only other one that can compare is maybe the highlight reel.
I agree Piper's Pit was great. But his charisma was the only thing he had so it had better have been good.

The Barber Shop deserves a mention. Without it we wouldn't have had The Rocker's split. Well it would have been different. It shocked me. It's the first heel turn I really remember. That and Jake's snake biting Savage are my two favorite angles.
I think Piper's Pit was the best. He knew how to do an interview, and they were always very entertaining.

I don't think the new ones like Carlito's Cabana or The Highlight Reel have had enough air time to make them the best, prehaps in a few years when more shocking things have happened on their segments.
Easily Piper's Pit. As was mentioned, he could talk with anyone and had the biggest stars, from Bruno Sammartino to Hulk Hogan to Stone Cold Steve Austin. He also lasted the longest from the mid-80s all the way up to WM21 in 2005.

The Heartbreak Hotel? Who knew Elvis had a wrestling talk show segment?
I had to go with other. Though short lived, Funk's Grill on WCW was one of the most entertaining and often unintentionally hilarious, not to mention down right strange segments I have ever seen. A lot of it was just classic heel Funk, but the segment with the Steiner's talking about how Woman has Rick all confused is just beyond...well it's just beyond. I also love the segment where the Great Muta sprays red mist on Funk's arm to give him the strength of the samurai(!?).
Was looking for The Body Shop on here. Great show with Ventura getting to show why he was one of the best on the mic in history. However, nothing really happened on that show making it forgettable, lol. Also The Flower Shop with Adrian Adonis, you can't forget Piper destroying that with the baseball bat
The Heartbreak Hotel? Who knew Elvis had a wrestling talk show segment?

I really have to hope this guy is joking lol.

Anyways Pipers Pit was the original, he spoke with who he wannted, when he wanted. He began the trend for this. He was entertaining, and funny. But the original isn't always the best. And I for one think Heartbreak Hotel beat this for entertainment value. It had everything you could want on a talk segment. Thie thing that separates this from others was the setting. Is it just me who completely loved the heartshaped bed? It was amazing.
But the original isn't always the best. And I for one think Heartbreak Hotel beat this for entertainment value. It had everything you could want on a talk segment. Thie thing that separates this from others was the setting. Is it just me who completely loved the heartshaped bed? It was amazing.

She picks Shawn Michaels' interview segment as the best.. shocking. :rolleyes: :p (kidding)

Anyways, if you want best overall setting, how can you even think to go against the Barber Shop? Brutus had crap for wrestling skills, and wasn't the greatest on the mic either from what I remember, but the guy had a barber's chair AND that candy-cane pole thingy. How can you beat that? Heartshaped bed my ass. :lmao:

However, if you want to tie one and two together.. the Barber Shop was where it all began for Shawn Michaels as the 'Heartbreak Kid.' When he did the unthinkable by Superkicking (poor) Marty Jannetty through a plate glass window. Before that, something of that magnitude had never before been done. Never before (to my knowledge) had someone been put through a window, on television.

And in the end.. which segment got more memorable moments? Outside of William Shatner for the Heartbreak Hotel, noone even remembers it.. (except for the bed :p) However the Barber Shop had several memorable moments.
She picks Shawn Michaels' interview segment as the best.. shocking. :rolleyes: (kidding)

I know, gosh why on Earth would she pick the best wrestler for so many things. Hmm. :p

Anyways, if you want best overall setting, how can you even think to go against the Barber Shop? Brutus had crap for wrestling skills, and wasn't the greatest on the mic either from what I remember, but the guy had a barber's chair AND that candy-cane pole thingy. How can you beat that? Heartshaped bed my ass. :lmao:

Haha the barber shop was great. Very original, very funny, in general just great. But come on, it was a heartshaped bed! How many other times do you get to see one of the best looking guys on TV laid on a heartshaped bed?

However, if you want to tie one and two together.. the Barber Shop was where it all began for Shawn Michaels as the 'Heartbreak Kid.' When he did the unthinkable by Superkicking (poor) Marty Jannetty through a plate glass window. Before that, something of that magnitude had never before been done. Never before (to my knowledge) had someone been put through a window, on television.

And in the end.. which segment got more memorable moments? Outside of William Shatner for the Heartbreak Hotel, noone even remembers it.. (except for the bed :p) However the Barber Shop had several memorable moments.

Please, the only memorable moment of the Barber shop was the one that you mentioned; Shawn Michaels putting Marty Jannety through the window. Heartbreak Hotel had plenty. Rememeber the one with Bret Hart on? That was just a classic. When he called Hollywood Hollyweird..Seriously, one of the funniest things ever. Heartbreak Hotel had originality, funny segments, memorable interviews. Yep it's better.
No way, she picked Heartbreak Hotel, who would have guessed that???

Piper's pit was probably the best, but I'm going with a Flair for the Old, err Gold. Isn't great that Pillman and Austin were ripping on Flair for being old, and now, 15 years later, he's finally retired, maybe those two were onto something waaaaaay back then.

Anyways, Flair for the Gold not only did we get to see the charisma begin for Pillman and Austin, but we got to see perhaps the greatest moment in wrestling history come from that sketch. The one, the only, Shockmaster. Flair for the Gold owns all.
As far as interview skits go...Pipers Pit was the best...but my favorite interviewee will always be Jake Roberts. Put Jake Roberts in the ring, and you won't see him wrestle like Bret or Flair, but his psychology in the ring was perfect...but put Roberts in front of a mic, or in an interview (ex: Pick Your Poison, Beyond The Mat, his pre-match interviews, etc), he'll kick ass! Piper kicks ass whether he's interviewed, or when he's interviewing someone else. So it was a hard decision for me, but Piper edges a lil over Roberts.

One last thing...Ed Leslie aka Brutus Beefcake was in pro wrestling because he is Hogan's best friend. Without Hogan, Beefcake wouldnt have lasted so long.
Haha the barber shop was great. Very original, very funny, in general just great. But come on, it was a heartshaped bed! How many other times do you get to see one of the best looking guys on TV laid on a heartshaped bed?

I'll have you know I've NEVER seen him "laid" on national television. I wanna know exactly what you were watching, when you witnessed this event unfold. :disappointed:

Please, the only memorable moment of the Barber shop was the one that you mentioned; Shawn Michaels putting Marty Jannety through the window. Heartbreak Hotel had plenty. Rememeber the one with Bret Hart on? That was just a classic. When he called Hollywood Hollyweird..Seriously, one of the funniest things ever. Heartbreak Hotel had originality, funny segments, memorable interviews. Yep it's better.

I'm assuming randomly only you would remember every other moment from the Heartbreak Hotel. Although, was it on that segment that Sid Vicious powerbombed Shawn like 2 or 3 times, causing him to turn face for the first time as H.B.K.?

Sadly, I honestly can't debate the Barber Shop being better, but I could the Highlight Reel. It offered several great moments, including the first Raw draft pick (unfortunately being John Cena) as well as the storyline with Jericho & Trish, then the moment when Christian turned the Highlight Reel into the Peep Show. Ah, I loved those moments. Jericho also invented the Money In The Bank match on the Highlight Reel.
Pipers pit, without a doubt...

How can anyone question the original sonofa bitch Roddy Piper?

Lets not forget, it was the show we got to see Andre and Hogans build up to the biggest/best feud ever.
I'll have you know I've NEVER seen him "laid" on national television. I wanna know exactly what you were watching, when you witnessed this event unfold. :disappointed:

Oh, sorry. Got confused between National TV and our own film..

I'm assuming randomly only you would remember every other moment from the Heartbreak Hotel. Although, was it on that segment that Sid Vicious powerbombed Shawn like 2 or 3 times, causing him to turn face for the first time as H.B.K.?

No. It was not the same. Awful thoughts now in Beccas head. And I'm sure I'm not the ONLY person to rememeber every one of his segments..

I honestly can't debate the Barber Shop being better, but I could the Highlight Reel. It offered several great moments, including the first Raw draft pick (unfortunately being John Cena) as well as the storyline with Jericho & Trish, then the moment when Christian turned the Highlight Reel into the Peep Show. Ah, I loved those moments. Jericho also invented the Money In The Bank match on the Highlight Reel.

I actually forgot about the Highlight reel. Ah there were some good times. The Peep show was probably my favourite lol. Gosh I used to love Christian, he made me laugh so much. But Edge is better. Got sidetracked there lol. Highlight Reel is definately the most 'modern' so to speak, and probably the most entertaining fo today. Gosh thanks for the memories, going to search for it now.
I voted for Piper's Pit. That interview segment had some memorable stuff go down everytime it was on. The one that i and everybody else will remember will be the time that Piper smacked Snuka with the coconut. That was pretty funny stuff. I own the Roddy Piper DVD just so i could watch the Pit segments. He revolutionized the interview segment for guys like HBK, Y2J, and Edge to come in and have succesful segments of their own.

Piper's Pit is the stuff legends are made of.
Piper's Pit. It was outrageous, funny, interesting, and made you want to see what was going to happen on the next Pit. He was cheered and boo'd everytime. Most new interview segments are pretty dead to the crowd. And most times now end so badly with no pop. The Pit always left you wanting more.

The Pillman/Austin Flair for the Old was pretty great too, but nothing comes close to Piper's Pit.
Pipers Pit - It was the first of it's kind. The Barbershop mostly was forgetable, mainly because Beefcake was not very talented on the mic (or in the ring). The Heartbreak Hotel had some funny moments, better than The Barbershop, mostly because Michaels is WAY more talented than Beefcake on the mic (and in the ring).

The Funeral Parlor had great sets and atmosphere but lacked the humor that Piper & Heartbreak had. However, moments like Jake Roberts slamming the casket on Undertaker's hand or Ric Flair pummeling Hulk Hogan while Taker steals the cross necklace off his chest were pretty cool for their time.

Flair For The Gold was too short lived and mostly the guests were not very good (that Shockmaster moment was horrible, proof that WCW could be totally clueless at times). However, on the rare occassion that someone good actually came on (Like Austin & Pillman) the segment was entertaining. Of course, Flair is the best promo guy of all time, Pillman was very creative when given the opportunity, and Austin had charisma and speaking skills to spare. Add in Arn Anderson and you have potential for greatness. Unfortuntely, that was about the only time this short lived segment ever lived up to the hype.

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