Intercontinental Championship- Lost it's value again?


Pre-Show Stalwart
IC title history since it came back at Judgement Day 03:
Christian won in a Battle Royal @ Judgement Day 03
Booker T df. Christian on RAW in Montreal
Christian df. Booker T at RAW House Show
Rob Van Dam df. Christian
Chris Jericho df. Rob Van Dam
Rob Van Dam df. Chris Jericho on RAW/Same night/Restart of match
Randy Orton df. Rob Van Dam at Armageddon 03
Edge df. Randy Orton at Vengeance 04
Edge drops belt due to injury
Chris Jericho df. Christian @Unforgiven 04 in Ladder Match
Shelton Benjamin df. Chris Jericho @ Taboo Tuesday 04
Carlito df. Shelton Benjamin @ RAW on Carlito's debut
Ric Flair df. Carlito @ Unforgiven 05
Shelton Benjamin df. Ric Flair on RAW before Wrestlemania 22
Rob Van Dam df. Shelton Benjamin @ Backlash 06
Shelton Benjamin df. Rob Van Dam @ RAW
Johnny Nitro df. Shelton Benjamin @ Vengeance 06

Random Stat: Last Wrestlemania title defense of IC Champion was @ Wrestlemania 18. (Rob Van Dam v William Regal)

Ok so we remember before the IC title was unified into the World Heavyweight Championship at No Mercy 02, Rob Van Dam mentioned in a interview when asked what it's like to be IC Champion.. he mentioned that he felt the belt had lost alot of prestige and was just lost in the mix up. At that point alot of fan's felt the same way feeling that it just had no meaning anymore. Though when it was brought back Booker T won it on RAW in Montreal only to lose it week's later to Christian at a house show, very unfortunate... but after Rob Van Dam won it off of Christian I think in that ladder match, the belt IMO has either, 1. being passed around like pass the parcel, 2. Just completely lost in the shuffle. I was kind of pissed when Y2J won it the last 2 times as he held it for 10 minutes before losing it back to Rob Van Dam.

He later dropped it to Randy Orton who briefly restored a little bit of prestige back into the belt only to drop it at Vengeance in a half decent contest with Edge at Vengeance 04 just at the drop of the hat because they decided to put the WHC on his shoulders at Summerslam. I feel Orton should of held on to it longer and lost it to Edge in a speciality match. Edge's reign as IC Champ wasn't great as well the fans at that point hated his face character and well he got injured and had to drop it. Now Chris Jericho's last IC Title reign last what a month before dropping it to Shelton Benjamin at Taboo Tuesday, I have to admit I have nothing to complain about apart from Y2J only holding it for a month as the idea of someone random to us coming in to challenge Y2J and beat him for the belt was refreshing.

Shelton's IC Title reign at first was good as he faced off against the likes of Christian and Chris Jericho but after that his long reign was pretty much insignificant as he defended it against opposition that was going no where and didn't really defend it at big PPV's like Wrestlemania 21. Wouldn't it have been nice to put the IC title on the line aswell? So then Shelton's reign end's on RAW when Carlito show's up. I have to admit I was really diggin Carlito as IC Champ but again didn't really do much with it and then he lost it to Ric Flair.

Ok fair enough he's never won the IC title but to hold onto it the time he did was ridiculous especially since at Survivor Series, Flair should not have been holding it if he wasn't going to defend it against HHH. Would have been wise to have had HHH cost him a match on RAW and to have elevated someone like Carlito again. So fast forward near to Wrestlemania 22 and finally Flair drop's it to Benjamin on RAW in very lacklustre style and again the belt is not defended at Wrestlemania where at Backlash RVD gains it and within a few week or not even that it's back on Shelton who within a month loses it to Nitro, whom I feel in no way shape of form deserves to have the IC title just upon arriving on the RAW roster and now we have Kane randomly pushing aside Shelton and Carlito for the IC Championship?

So pretty much the story of today's IC title is for it to change hands every so often on RAW, never really defended on a major PPV with a killer match and hasn't seen the Wrestlemania spotlight since Wrestlemania 18 aswell as being passed around every other midcarder with no relavance.
latley its been getting some value back cause shelton and rvd had a good rivalry and also shelton/carlito/nitro was amazing. now kanes in the hunt. i think its on its way to getting bigger
^ yeah but he's saying it will never be like how great it was before. Remember the good old days where Razor Ramon and Shawn Micheals had that awsome ladder match for the INTERCONTINNINTAL TITLE in WrestleMania, we won't see that these days cause now it's soley for the mid-cards and mid-cards won't put epic matches like that.
I'm thinking of breaking up D-X and having Shawn Micheals and Triple H fued for the IC belt. That will make it gain back some prestige and it's not like D-X is doing anything important now so it's better to break it up and make them fued for the belt.
DIg This..Have HHH be WWE champ...and Micheals be IC Champ..til he break up, in that time it should get the ball rolling

I still say they should have put Rey on RAW after Mania (at my Mania Orton would have walked out champ) and put he IC belt on him. The underdog champ on a show full of heavyweights and top superstars winning week after week untill a Ken Kennedy or someone comes along and takes it off him?
Mickey-B said:
I'd have to disagree because the last few matches have been solid.

So the last few matches determine the Championship's overall value since its reinstatement? Take a read of my post and you will see what I am talking about. kthxbye
the only reason why you people think the ic title is losing it value is b/c nitro has the title... i think nitro could be great... but it'll take time... i think nitro is gonna be the next top wwe superstar... c'mon guys.. im waiten for the disagreements... all in all i dont think the i.c titile lost its value
PauLwaLL50 said:
the only reason why you people think the ic title is losing it value is b/c nitro has the title... i think nitro could be great... but it'll take time... i think nitro is gonna be the next top wwe superstar... c'mon guys.. im waiten for the disagreements... all in all i dont think the i.c titile lost its value

Again another one who obviously didn't read my post to it's full extent, the Intercontinental Championship really has not been the same since its reincarnation at Judgement Day 03 and it's not just Nitro, theres Benjamin...Y2J even RVD who have really not had the chance to return it to it's full glory.
maybe if kane wins it and goes on a path of destruction beating down superstar after superstar who are trying to take his title. maybe that would bring some credit back to the IC title.
I think it’s obvious what the problem is, its no longer on a show with Six Belts. Think about it before the Brand Split the IC Title was Number Two to the World Title, yes it is still that, however there is only one (singles) belt below it, and since most people on RAW are not even eligible for the Title the IC Title has taken the Middle Ground, instead of being held by people who are going to immediately take the step up to the WWE Championship, its being held by people who need a push to get them even noticed by the fans. Nitro was an obvious choice for the Title, because he needed just that. Don’t get me wrong I completely agree with the original post, it has been devalued, however its more that the WWE has moved it lower down the card on purpose, than dropped the ball with it, its another thing that comes with the brand split I’m afraid.
I don't think the I.C title has lost it's value whatsoever. When Eric Bischoff, got rid of the I.C Title, it was like he took away apart of the WWF/E, I don't why Vince ever thought of getting rid of it, which is by far one of the dumbest moves ever in the WWE. Secondly, there have been many great I.C Title holders: Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Honky Tonk Man, Rick Rude, Mr.Perfect, Bret & Owen Hart, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, HHH, HBK, The Rock, Stone Cold, etc. and through those years, these particular superstars have kept the value of the I.C at it's highest peak, in my opinion, and currently today in the WWE, I think it's a good idea having Johnny Nitro as the I.C Champion because, I'd rather see him as champ, than Chris Masters, Umaga, Snitsky, etc. and he's done a good job thus far with his run as the champion.
i think i like the way it's being used now. basically it's the title for the rookies to battle over. the great thing about it is that it lets the professionals who already understand their character challenge for the world title. also it lets the rookies who still haven't gotten a total grasp on their character, such as shelton benjamin, to develop and become better in interviews and in the ring wrestling.
.JoeY said:
I don't think the I.C title has lost it's value whatsoever. When Eric Bischoff, got rid of the I.C Title, it was like he took away apart of the WWF/E, I don't why Vince ever thought of getting rid of it, which is by far one of the dumbest moves ever in the WWE. Secondly, there have been many great I.C Title holders: Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Honky Tonk Man, Rick Rude, Mr.Perfect, Bret & Owen Hart, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, HHH, HBK, The Rock, Stone Cold, etc. and through those years, these particular superstars have kept the value of the I.C at it's highest peak, in my opinion, and currently today in the WWE, I think it's a good idea having Johnny Nitro as the I.C Champion because, I'd rather see him as champ, than Chris Masters, Umaga, Snitsky, etc. and he's done a good job thus far with his run as the champion.
You forgot Randy Orton!!!
I think all the belts have been devalued in the WWE. None of them really mean anything.

They left the belt on Cena so long that we all stopped bothering about the title hunt.
There is no tag team division anymore.
And the IC belt means nothing now, as it is not a natural step towards the world title.

I'm not taking anything away from Nitro, already he's given some 5 * matches, the damage was done long before he got the belt.

The WWE is all about cheep pops and shock factors, this notion of story telling that JR bangs on about all the time in interviews has long past, which ultimately has had a knock on effect to the value of all belts.

Think of the US belt this time last year, we are expected to believe Jordan was a creditable champion, who then week after week gets beaten in under 30 seconds by Benoit. Then before they could really give the belt any credibility we had to suffer 7 matches, spanning another storyline out longer than we can be bothered with.

There are no champions anymore, the belts are not championships they are meere trophies.
lonely_god said:
I think all the belts have been devalued in the WWE. None of them really mean anything.

They left the belt on Cena so long that we all stopped bothering about the title hunt.
There is no tag team division anymore.
And the IC belt means nothing now, as it is not a natural step towards the world title.

I'm not taking anything away from Nitro, already he's given some 5 * matches, the damage was done long before he got the belt.

The WWE is all about cheep pops and shock factors, this notion of story telling that JR bangs on about all the time in interviews has long past, which ultimately has had a knock on effect to the value of all belts.

Think of the US belt this time last year, we are expected to believe Jordan was a creditable champion, who then week after week gets beaten in under 30 seconds by Benoit. Then before they could really give the belt any credibility we had to suffer 7 matches, spanning another storyline out longer than we can be bothered with.

There are no champions anymore, the belts are not championships they are meere trophies.
u owned this thread u said it all
its lost its value, but also there is two wwe champs now, so that means that there are a lot more people in the title hunt, on raw and smackdown, back then there was one belt so everyone who wasn't going for that was for the intercontinental title. but once people like carlitto, nitro, and shelton become more popular, then it will seem like it was valuable because they are gonna be future champs probably
lonely_god said:
I think all the belts have been devalued in the WWE. None of them really mean anything.

They left the belt on Cena so long that we all stopped bothering about the title hunt.
There is no tag team division anymore.
And the IC belt means nothing now, as it is not a natural step towards the world title.

I'm not taking anything away from Nitro, already he's given some 5 * matches, the damage was done long before he got the belt.

The WWE is all about cheep pops and shock factors, this notion of story telling that JR bangs on about all the time in interviews has long past, which ultimately has had a knock on effect to the value of all belts.

Think of the US belt this time last year, we are expected to believe Jordan was a creditable champion, who then week after week gets beaten in under 30 seconds by Benoit. Then before they could really give the belt any credibility we had to suffer 7 matches, spanning another storyline out longer than we can be bothered with.

There are no champions anymore, the belts are not championships they are meere trophies.

I personally think that the WWE Championship has not lost it's value, it's the main belt/championship/"trophy" on their flagship show. As much I was on the Cena Sucks bandwagon, he held onto it for a lengthy amount of time maybe too long... he cut promo's.. became engaged in storylines of his own their would either headline single brand PPV's or the big ones and I found that the more Cena held on to that belt the more I wanted to see someone take it off him much like when JBL had held it previously. Then when Edge did defeat Cena at New Years Revolution, what a shock and a twist that was as many of us expected Edge to take it at the Rumble or at Wrestlemania. Sure he was a tranisitional champ but sometimes those are needed every ONCE in a while to help save ones character or shake things up.

As for the dude who said that this belt has helped young rookies like Shelton Benjamin develop their mic skills, well how can that be possible when whomever has really held the IC title in the last little while has had no air time to cut a promo with the belt and trust me Benjamin is not Ric Flair on the mic. I think one guy described it well a somewhat as a monthly or every so month trophy it has become because when was the last time the IC title had a major fued or storyline brought into it? I feel as though it is more like a TV title like WCW had, not the belt that once elevated talent to the top tiers because in all honesty where has it taken Y2J, Benjamin, Christian and RVD (till ONS)?
PornstXr said:
I personally think that the WWE Championship has not lost it's value, it's the main belt/championship/"trophy" on their flagship show. As much I was on the Cena Sucks bandwagon, he held onto it for a lengthy amount of time maybe too long... he cut promo's.. became engaged in storylines of his own their would either headline single brand PPV's or the big ones and I found that the more Cena held on to that belt the more I wanted to see someone take it off him much like when JBL had held it previously. Then when Edge did defeat Cena at New Years Revolution, what a shock and a twist that was as many of us expected Edge to take it at the Rumble or at Wrestlemania. Sure he was a tranisitional champ but sometimes those are needed every ONCE in a while to help save ones character or shake things up.

As for the dude who said that this belt has helped young rookies like Shelton Benjamin develop their mic skills, well how can that be possible when whomever has really held the IC title in the last little while has had no air time to cut a promo with the belt and trust me Benjamin is not Ric Flair on the mic. I think one guy described it well a somewhat as a monthly or every so month trophy it has become because when was the last time the IC title had a major fued or storyline brought into it? I feel as though it is more like a TV title like WCW had, not the belt that once elevated talent to the top tiers because in all honesty where has it taken Y2J, Benjamin, Christian and RVD (till ONS)?

Yeah man i know what you mean
IC has been disgraced for a while with exception of Flair! RVD was good, but I miss the days of

Owen Hart
i think the I.C. tittle will be back to it's best soon, give the tittle to jeff hardy and have him run with it. imagine hardy vs shelton or carlitio or nitro.

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