Instead of the Survivor Series Match most of us wanted...

FlexAmerican Dynamite

WZCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION has posted a breaking news article. Amidst reports that WWE would potentially make a 6-on-6 tag team match that would feature CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Uso's, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. The Shield and The Wyatt Family, it has been officially announced that this match will NOT happen.

Instead, WWE has booked CM Punk and Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family. Punk and Bryan will take on two members, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. Bray Wyatt will be at ringside with his family, but it looks like that he will not be added into the match.

We just get a normal tag team match we'll likely see on RAW within the next two weeks anyway. So glad they're going with that instead of the pay off to the only entertaining thing on last night's RAW.
I honestly don't even know who is going to win, it's not like one of the teams has lost to the other in singles matches or anything.
They're fucking with us. They gotta be. Next week they'll announce the 6-on-6.

Please tell me they're fucking with us.
While I do agree they're fucking with us, I don't think they're going to announce a 6 on 6. I don't understand why they would have a build to an obvious 6 on 6 then jerk us around by giving us a normal tag.
They need to quit with Survivor Series or go back to the original format.

I love the '80s and early to mid '90s Survivor Series. They're the only anthology sets I own.

I liked seeing people team up in the groups and have the goofy team names and stuff.

Now we get what one or two traditional matches? And they went ahead and messed that up this year too.
WWE don't have the depth of characters to put on a show full of traditional S.S. matches. Two is fine. I'd like them if the teams were a bit more random though.
There is enough talent on the roster for a 20 man elimination match and to be honest, I would prefer that. We would get to see some different names on PPV and the end result would still be Punk/Bryan vs The Wyatt family and/or The Shield
WWE don't have the depth of characters to put on a show full of traditional S.S. matches. Two is fine. I'd like them if the teams were a bit more random though.

They should have faces on the same teams as heels.

Fuck it, it's 2013.

If gay people can get married, The Uso's can team with Fandango.
They should have faces on the same teams as heels.

Fuck it, it's 2013.

If gay people can get married, The Uso's can team with Fandango.

I'm very pro-choice with this.

Hell, Cena's face turn came at a SSeries Elimination and he fucking stole the show when he FU'd the Big Show.
I think they should have a real Survivor Series matchup. Put 12 dudes in the ring with blowtorches and pipes and shit and the guy that walks out wins.

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