Instant Replay?!


The King of Swing
" reports if WWE uses instant replay than it will be a stipulation that gets used for particular matches, not every match."

um...what?! your kidding me right now? they are not real officials. the matches are fake. why the hell would you have instant replay? oh its a controversial ending. ya because they booked it that way.

any i the only one who see's this as a really really stupid idea? all they are going to do is waste time that could be used for oh idk IN RING ACTION. the part that matters. i don't watch wrestling for the amazing and compelling story lines, which there are very little of now a days. i watch to see WRESTLERS WRESTLE!!!

enough of my rant. what are your thoughts on the idea of using instant replay, even in just some cases?
terrible idea. my guess is that this is a spoof or something, dealing with the whole John Cena-CM Punk matches recently, at last weeks Raw and at NOC. I think it's a terrible idea and that the WWE should get rid of it already with out even using it. I'm guessing if the WWE does go with this, The system would be put in place in title matches, i.e: WWE Championship, World Heavyweight Championship. Yes, as everyone on this forum knows, the matches are scripted and are fake, the IWC knows it. I'm just thinking this is a mistake. It's not like the NFL's replacement ref's, where all of them are making horrible calls (just sayin) but no, this would be a terrible idea, plain and simple.
Sure it's a stupid idea but then again 99% of the current WWE product is filled with stupid ideas so stop trying to find logic in anything they do. Just turn your brain off for 5 hours a week and stare at the TV in a vegetative state or better still play the WWE drinking game. Do a shot every time they mention Cena, Twitter or Facebook you'll be good an plastered by the first commercial and won't give a fuck.
Can someone explain what a instant replay is?

Basically, they would go back and look at film if CM Punks foot was on the rope, and reverse the call. Like in football, they use instant replay to see if a receiver had two feet in bounds when he caught his touchdown

I think it's a dumb idea, and I really don't understand how this could make for a payoff in the world of pro wrestling
This is hilarious Vince is trolling us and insulting the intelligence of the IWC and the IWC is still gonna kiss his ass and will continue to say how he is the best thing since slice bread.
Funny. Weeks go by and by and the whole "Punk and Cena's matches have bad officials" just falls in the distance of the rear view mirror. Almost like it was....... Made up? Would there be a point to having instant replays other than to fit Cena and Punk's current.... Correction, previous storyline? This isn't a report. It's fickle ideas pinched from you can see playing out on TV. If it happens they say "I told you so". If it doesn't happen "they scrapped the idea".
i think this would only work after you booked many bad calls. then say at SS when things go wrong in hitc you this added to the match. so this happens cena will win the wwe title. yet its still only good for one match. other wise you cant have cheap wins.
This is just a case of the WWE taking advantage of a current issue (The NFL Referee Controversy) and running with it.

I honestly do not think anything horrible will come of this. Everything that you could possibly rant about, they already know. It's not going to change anything if an instant replay is used here or there to allow a babyface who gets screwed over to get his fair shot. Also, its something that can easily be done away with on a whim..say by a badass C.O.O. who thinks its too pansyish.
Has to nonsense surely?

If they brought this in - in theory it would make any outside interference redundant. After all, if somebody was cheated - he would just ask for the instant replay to right the wrong.

Never going to happen...
I agree, the whole idea just seems silly to me too. Will we see the WWE refs looking in little "booths" (for lack of a better word) like the NFL refs do? ...or will the replays be shown on the titan-tron?

This kind of thing has been done in wrestling's past. I've seen refs reverse decisions after seeing the replay on the Titantron (or the WCW "tron", or the TNA "tron"), where a wrestler has cheated - or they see there was a foot on the ropes, etc. Usually the announcers make a point to say that the ref's "decision is final", but they never say whether it's their first decision that's final - or if it's up to the ref's discretion to change their mind after the fact.

Which brings me to my other point - there's almost always a replay of the "high spots" after the match, and they almost always show the finish (especially with "high profile" matches, such as a Title match, or any main event). You'd think this kind of instant replay thing would be commonplace in the WWE (and all of pro wrestling) by now, but I understand that the refs have to be blind to certain things (interference, foreign objects, etc) for the interest of moving a story along. You'd think that any competent official could just watch the replay right after a match, and change a decision to make sure this predetermined bout is actually "fair". But there's a paradox there, that doesn't always work for the story. Hence why the WWE is saying that they're only going to use the instant replay angle for certain matches, and not all the time. It makes sense, when you look at it logically. They're only making a big deal about it because of what's going on in the NFL right now, and it's topical. This idea will most likely go away within a few months at most.
And it will just be for certain matches. So basically they are giving away the ending. It will either be a clean finish or a reviewed finish that ends with a clean finish. Sure we won't know WHO wins all we will know for certain is those are the 2 outcomes.
But I guess as long as there are stupid people/unlucky people namely the NFL/UFC respectively..the UFC due to injuries forcing events to be canceled and the NFL for these ridiculous referee situation the WWE will stick true to form and mock everyone.

This could turn out good but again sounds more like a massive backfire for the WWE. Terrible, Terrible idea IMO.
" reports if WWE uses instant replay than it will be a stipulation that gets used for particular matches, not every match."

um...what?! your kidding me right now? they are not real officials. the matches are fake. why the hell would you have instant replay? oh its a controversial ending. ya because they booked it that way.

any i the only one who see's this as a really really stupid idea? all they are going to do is waste time that could be used for oh idk IN RING ACTION. the part that matters. i don't watch wrestling for the amazing and compelling story lines, which there are very little of now a days. i watch to see WRESTLERS WRESTLE!!!

enough of my rant. what are your thoughts on the idea of using instant replay, even in just some cases?

If you watch WWE solely for the in-ring action and not for the storytelling, I think you are in a small minority. Seriously, if you only like the matches, you may prefer UFC or collegiate wrestling to WWE.

With that being said, I think this idea for instant replays is stupid. As others have said, it's fake. I don't need to see a bunch of officials standing around watching a tv pretending that it's going to influence the match results.

Although I can think of one example where the instant replay storyline was used pretty well. In the 1994 Royal Rumble, Bret Hart and Lex Luger both went over the top rope at the same time and they used the instant replay angle, declaring them both winners. This was new and interesting. I personally felt like they should have declared just one winner since it kind of flaws the record books to me. But whatever. It was what it was.
Yeah, I also disagree on it. There isn't really any reason to do it unless they plan on it, and in those cases all they really need to do to reverse a decision, is have a GM come out.

Other than that, the only other option would be for everyone to have manages, and for those managers to be able to challenge the referee's decision.

Sadly I can't see either of those options working. It's a lot better to just stick to what they're already doing, and if they want to reverse the ref's decision, have someone like Teddy Long or whoever the GM is come out and do it.
This wont be around for long. This idea is only because of the NFL Ref controversy, and now that the NFL and real referees have a deal, if they do this at all, it wont be long.
I dislike this idea very much. As one person has already said, this idea has been done in the past. There have been times when a superstar feels like he was cheated and they go to watch the replay and reverse the decision. Also, this is a dumb idea for the fact that WWE needs some cheap wins. How will heels gain more and more heat if they have 0 cheap wins? They can do a lot, but for quite some time that's how some heels have been winning matches. And it's fantastic for the part that they're actually doing their job: getting heat from the crowd. With the instant replay, if a heel gets a cheap victory, the decision will just be reversed and the face will win every time (unless the heel wins clean).

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