Informal Mid-2016 Best of the Year Votes


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Most of what I've seen this year has been WWE and NXT with the odd bit of NJPW or ROH sprinkled in. Accordingly, my choices will probably be almost entirely WWE-centric.

Wrestler of the Year: AJ Styles
Honourable Mentions: Roman Reigns; Finn Balor; Samoa Joe; Sami Zayn

Not that he was bad pre-Mania when he was getting his feet on the ground versus the likes of Miz and Jericho (hope you haven't all forgotten about Y2AJ vs New Day, which was balls-to-the-wall), but post-Mania he has silenced all the doubters. His matches with Roman are among the very best of the year. His TV work against the likes of Sami, Del Rio, KO, and everyone in the post-Mania four way has lived up to his pre-WWE reputation. Nobody brings higher quality wrestling to WWE on a more consistent basis.

Match of the Year: Samoa Joe vs Sami Zayn, 2/3 Falls
Honourable Mentions: Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor @ Takeover: Dallas; Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles @ Payback; Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles @ Extreme Rules; American Alpha vs The Revival @ Takeover: The End

I doubt this will be a popular choice. But to me, this match captured so much of what made me fall for Joe in the first place over a decade ago. It was a return to form for both men as this was easily the best performance yet from post-injury Zayn. As the match went on, Sami's qualities as a never-say-die underdog seemingly fuelled Joe's qualities as an okay-I'll-kill-you-if-that's-what-you-really-want badass.

Show of the Year: Takeover: Dallas
Honourable Mentions: The NXT episode with the 2/3 falls Zayn vs Joe match

I briefly considered the honourable mention because it included nothing except a short William Regal promo and my personal favourite match of the year. For me, that's a high-quality hour of television. But Takeover: Dallas was a thrilling ride from start to finish and possibly one of the greatest top-to-bottom cards in company history. You can't ask for a hotter opener at the moment than the red-hot American Alpha and the bound-to-be-overlooked-on-the-main-roster (I love hyphens!) Revival. And if the lowest point on your card is the debut of Austin Aries against indie-killer Baron Corbin, you know you're on the right track. Sami vs Nakamura was exactly what most people wanted it to be and is going to receive plenty of attention on a lot of people's lists. Bayley vs Asuka was exactly the colossal collision Mania weekend demanded of the previous year's standout division, from the hype-as-all-fuck video package to the heartbreaking finish. The match will be seemingly overlooked because of what it followed, but it's easily the best women's match WWE has produced this year. And saving the best for last, Finn and Joe closed the show in style. I wish I could credit the intensity of this one to Joe and Joe alone, but Finn kept up. Joe's blood raise the temperature a few degrees during this main event confrontation. Definitely a MOTY contender.

Female Performer of the Year: Asuka
Honourable Mentions: Bayley; Becky Lynch; Charlotte

Okay, someone's probably going to slap me on the wrist for not lumping these performers in with the wrestler of the year category. And perhaps rightly so. If I felt there were standouts who were potentially the wrestler of the year, their names would be up there. As it stands, I feel there are many males outperforming the entire female roster this year. Which isn't meant to be an insult, as WWE's female talent is definitely still producing high quality work. Asuka is a fantastic standard-bearer for the NXT division at the moment and Bayley continues to impress while she's in a pre-call-up holding pattern. Unfortunately, the main roster has a fantastic way of dulling the enthusiasm we all had about several performers who spent the bulk of last year in developmental. Becky's a great face and Charlotte's a worthy top villain. Aside from that, I lack enthusiasm for much of what's going on up there. That says more about the booking than the performers, but unfortunately I feel compelled to reflect those feelings here. I can only give people marks on what I've seen, regardless of the talent I know is waiting to shine on the big stage. Now that Sasha's big push seems poised to begin, I'll likely have a lot more to say about her in six months.

Tag Team of the Year: The Revival
Honourable Mentions: American Alpha

Flip a coin to make your choice between these two if you absolutely must -- it's that close. There's no wrong choice here. I've gone with Dash and Dawson because of their Roadblock title defense and their squash of Jamoke #1 and Jamoke #2. Seriously, that was an all-time great squash. If I were Gallows and Anderson, I'd be looking over my shoulder for these guys.

Disappointment of the Year: Daniel Bryan retires
Honourable Mentions: Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose

Since I don't want to be sad about Daniel Bryan (who had an incredibly positive and uplifting retirement speech, a testament to the kind of character he has, and WHY HIM, TAKE ANYBODY ELSE, WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM), I'm going to take this opportunity to rant about Lesnar vs Ambrose. Those fuckers took one of my biggest dream matches, gave it the perfect build, and then somehow allowed one of the top matches of the biggest show of the year to end without a final act? Are you shitting me? You build Ambrose up as a guy who is too stupid to stay down, you tease all those weapons, and you let the match end with a whimper? How did that match end with anything other than a) Brock finally showing respect for the Lunatic Fringe or b) a fucking homicide? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!

Surprise of the Year: Shane McMahon returns and... is booked to fight the Undertaker?
Honourable Mentions: None

It created buzz, but I'm still confused -- What was in the lockbox?!

Add more categories if you want.
So you're not a huge fan of Nakamura vs. Zayn?

Also, Triple H vs. Ambrose before Wrestlemania absolutely deserves an honourable mention. As does Nia Jax for honourable mention in the women's category.
I assume the lockbox held a contract that allowed Shane 50% control whenever he felt like it. They sort of implied that.
So you're not a huge fan of Nakamura vs. Zayn?

Also, Triple H vs. Ambrose before Wrestlemania absolutely deserves and honourable mention. As does Nia Jax for honourable mention in the women's category.
Nakamura vs Zayn was fantastic. But my preferences squeeze it out of contention. Of course I realize that it's likely going to run away with MOTY at this rate.

Ambrose vs Triple H was also fantastic. On rewatch, I'd likely take it over Nakamura vs Sami.

Nia just barely missed my honourable mentions. I felt the others established a level that Nia just didn't reach. But she's coming along very, very well. Depending on where things go post-draft, she's another one to look out for in six months.
I assume the lockbox held a contract that allowed Shane 50% control whenever he felt like it. They sort of implied that.

Whatever was in the lock box was something that Shane was using to blackmail Vince.

Whether is was meant to be pictures, or financial records or Vince's drug testing results or whatever.
An imposing physical force of nature who's doing incredibly good in her role being worthy of an honourable mention?! Surely you can't be serious - she's not the figure of beauty that I've got in my own mind, and therefore her entire look as a character who's physical attractiveness is irrelevant is absolutely terrible and she's the worst wrestler on the planet!
On the basis that I've just had a curry and now my Friday night schedule is to digest that curry and then perhaps set it free, here's my stream of consciousness list, in which the winner of each category is the first to come into my head.

Wrestler of the Half-Year: Roman Reigns
Runners-up: Samoa Joe, Asuka, Sami Zayn, Jason Jordan

Sami Zayn is no longer mine anymore - he belongs to the world now. As if that weren't enough to knock him down a few pegs, his main roster output has been multi-man ladder matches and not-as-good-as-they-should-be matches with Kevin Owens, not counting his above par TV matches (imagine that Seth Rollins match, and me kissing my fingers like a jubilant chef).

Asuka's match against Eva Marie was a farce but her matches against Jax and Bayley shows she was the perfect - though, let's not kid ourselves, only - choice to succeed Bayley. Every time she comes to the ring, I get goosebumps.

I'll give a nod to Nia Jax who they keep throwing in the deep end and who keeps flourishing. She's been wrestling for a year.

Jason Jordan gets in because I want to praise American Alpha and because I think the guy that throws people around like ragdolls maybe deserves it more than the guy who does a great Chaos Theory. Shout-out to The Revival and also to the Authors of Pain, who've had exactly one match.

If Finn Balor had lived up to his promise in his cage match with Samoa Joe, I'd have happily eaten my words. But he didn't and Joe had an awesome two-out-of-three falls match Zayn, and has been probably the best promo guy in resting.

Roman Reigns' year includes what I think is his most underwhelming pay-per-view match to date, at WrestleMania nonetheless, but also include those three fucking boss ones he's just had back to back. More importantly, he's finally started to settle into his character, even if he still talks too much, and a role that makes sense for him, for the company and the fans. And seeing the sitout Razor's Edge live would have had me pulling my underpants off so I could throw them at the ring.

I can't be arsed with the other categories right now but how is AJ Styles debuting at the Royal Rumble not even an honorable mention for surprise of the half-year? Or Seth Rollins' return for that matter?
Wrestler - Styles

Match - Reigns vs. Styles (Payback)

Show - Takeover: Dallas

Woman - Bayley

Tag Team - New Day

Return - Rollins / Shane

Best Moment - Ambrose's cash-in

Mic Skills - Owens

Feud - Reigns vs. Styles

Non-Wrestler - Heyman

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