Indy And Puro Finishers

  • Thread starter Numberonewrestler
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Thats what i hate about wrestling today, There are like no new moves left that aspiring wrestlers can call their own. By the time i start training in two years all the moves will be taken.

the videos were very well done though.
I would like to say that is where Creativity comes in, Look at the Twist of Fate, it is a modified Stunner, You can easily modify a move, look at the Dragon Clutch, it is a modified Camel Clutch with a Front Facelock put on. Personally when I start Training after I finish Uni next year and Im overseas in the US or UK. Ill be talking about how I could modify an Emerald Frosion to something for my Finisher. Ive got it all worked out I just need the training and the stuff for the gimmick that I have developed.
Although modify moves can work it can also fail...when i started watching CZW back in bout 2001 all the more lightweight guys had moves that resembled Chris Sabins cradle shock as a finisher, they all just grabbed different body parts, hooked an arm or something, and it kind of put a disappointing end to the matches.

Good vids though....Deff some sick moves in there.
Yes that is only if Everyone starts modifying the same move, the only modification I know of for some of these moves are Avalanche or Top Rope versions of them. I mean look at the Emerald Frosion it is pretty cool by itself, but if you modify it slightly in the right kind of way you get a move that you can call your own. And people will be calling it that for many years to come. As I said look at the Twist of Fate it is effectively a stunner, but it is different because of how it got done thereby giving the move its own personality if you will.
Thats awesome because nearly all the japanese moves were on the old WWF games on N64 like WM2000 and No Way Out. Now I can finally see who did these moves that I used to say "Thats impossible!" to.

Good thread!
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