Independence (from syntax) Day

The Butcher

i think grammer an spelling is importent even if u r just writin sumthin on the internet its still gud to do im not sayin dat u need 2 be prefect but just making shure dat ppl can under stand u and wut ur tryin too say is the write thing 2 do. for won thing it shows ppl dat ur a inteligant guy for a nother thing ppl want two read wut u right moar and for an other point it is like when da coach say 'pactise how u play" wut i mean by dat is dat u wudnt write a letter or an rezumay like it wuz a txt msg so why wud u wanna right anyting dat way i dont get it? Using gud grammer and speling isnt harder then usin bad gramer and speling the only differents is dat u have to care for me its actually harder to right like this cuz i beleive dat i shud comunicate w/ ppl the way i wanna b talked 2 and that is like some1 with a educashun. it dont matter 2 me if im talkin 2 a bum or the presadent i dont dum it down an i try to respect ur intelagents, not every1 has to be a geneyus dat is not wut im saying at all i'm just tryin to say dat the poor righting i see on da intenet is a sign dat are culture is lazy we dont valu educashun and we dont care 2 sho effort i want da future 2 b brite not dum like dat movie idiocracy becuz even tho dat wuz funny it wuz sad two think dat we goin dat way. do n e body agee wit me or am i jus bein a gramer nazi. oh an hapy independents day 2 all my fellow americaans mainly yall dats keepin it real an tryin to hav sum standads an make r cuntry gud for da futur!
... an make r cuntry gud for da futur!

Iz that a slurr about pheemale boddy parts, Dock? If sew, eye obbject.

Butt this iz a ppost that had to bee maid! Gud gramatikal skills iz someting we never want to loose. Gud spellling, two.

Eye kan't beleeve eye gotta work on, on Indfendince---.....well, on the Forth of Jew-lie.

Piece out, Dock.
Non-Spam? Challenge excepted. ;)

i dissagree a hole bunch dguys. mayB nt in the ritten contxt as mush as verbly, but grammmr and spellling is smply tempry devises. hw much as evrthin is not d same as SHAKESPEER DUH?? We dost protest too much but lyk, if we speaked like dat we'ld ne locked up and trown away d key. langage only exits to srev 1 porpoise nd tha is comm-u-nic-tive. if we get what youer ryting 2 say thn whers d harm? d meaning matrs mre then th strutcre. Truthfly, is hard as shit rytting lik dis. lyk its atually a challang. Consistncy al tht urkes me. d president shud spek like real peeple, and not insuly us wiyth false ideas f whut cnostitues inteligents.

Pisces out Dor. and Salle.
Non-Spam? Challenge excepted. ;)

i dissagree a hole bunch dguys. mayB nt in the ritten contxt as mush as verbly, but grammmr and spellling is smply tempry devises. hw much as evrthin is not d same as SHAKESPEER DUH?? We dost protest too much but lyk, if we speaked like dat we'ld ne locked up and trown away d key. langage only exits to srev 1 porpoise nd tha is comm-u-nic-tive. if we get what youer ryting 2 say thn whers d harm? d meaning matrs mre then th strutcre. Truthfly, is hard as shit rytting lik dis. lyk its atually a challang. Consistncy al tht urkes me. d president shud spek like real peeple, and not insuly us wiyth false ideas f whut cnostitues inteligents.

Pisces out Dor. and Salle.

eye get wut u r sayin n ur point is gud but im not talkin bout shakespear cuz he pruty much had an difrent langwidge american english is a amalgam of lotsa langwidges so we hav are won stuctre landgwidge evoloots i get dat. wut we r sseein 2day iz d oposit of evolooting we is deevolooting. i used dat movie idiocracy as aexample becuz as are standerds go down so does are iq wut happins wen it go dwon solo dat we jus guntin like cavemans? u dont see langwidge basterdised n culturs dat valu educashun i mean shure dey hav slang but dey keep dey struckture i uses slangs we all do butt deres a big difrents cuz even wen i talk slang i make shure dat i uses it write... ppl like me, and sally we r swimin aginst the tides i dont expect most ppl 2 agree wit me but dats okay wen we all speakin chineese it wont matter none

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