In your opinion, who didn't deserve their spot


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So, as it says in the title: Which wrestler from WWF/E, ECW, TNA, WCW, whatever didn't deserve their spot?

This is the Old School forum, so obviously it's easier for us to look back in hindsight and say 'this guy bombed', but based on talent, who do you think was least deserving of what they were handed?

First up to bat for me is Lex Luger. I'm an Irish wrestling fan so I knew nothing of Luger until he debuted for the WWF (NWA wasn't popular over here, so video stores didn't stock their tapes & no TV station would touch them). So this guy comes in with his vanity gimmick and Bobby Heenan talking him up. Honestly, at the time I thought he really had something. He had the best look in the company, Heenan was backing him and he was putting away guys with an intriguing finisher.

Then he slammed Yoko and was required to talk and work proper matches. Now all of a sudden the wheels come off for me, the guy has zero personality, can't work a proper match against Yoko in the Summerslam main event and his gimmick is terrible (not his fault I know, but it intensifies his failings). He pretty bombs after that, still gets his name in the record books as a Royal Rumble winner though.

So a few years later and the nWo are really taking WCW to greater heights. I start watching WCW more than a couple of times when I can catch it and the whole Sting vs nWo thing draws me in like it did every wrestling fan at the time. I loved the Luger distrusting Sting angle, loved the pay off to that and generally loved the product.

Again though, Luger starts sticking out like a sore thumb. He's fine as a guy who finishes off jobbers in under a couple of minutes, but when he's in there with Sting or Savage or when he's going against Hogan or Piper on the mic he looks as out of his depth as he did going against Bret and Perfect in the WWF. Just very, very mediocre. Not awful, but not good, and certainly not good enough to have held the WCW title after making Hogan (of all people) tap out. Granted it was for a few days and was intended solely to get a ratings spike, but c'mon.

Anyway, obvious choice is obvious, I'm putingt Lex Luger forward as my first candidate.
I agree Lex Luger is ex-football player with little to no love for the business, that was only given a job in wrestling because of his body. He was limited in the ring at best and handicapped on the mic. Honorable mention to David Flair.
I agree totally with Lex Luger...but I am going to go with David Arquette. Don't really need to explain why, where we all know he never really belonged winning the WCW World Title to begin with
I don't think Ron Simmons was Heavyweight Champion material. Other than that I was a fan of his though.

In the late 90's I couldn't stand Jeff Jarrett, but looking back I think he deserved most of what he's gotten, except maybe the stolen wives.

I've never thought of Scott Steiner as main event material either. He used to be a good worker, but was always limited and became much more limited in the late 90's when he began to make main event pushes.
The thing about most of the people who didn't deserve their spot, there is always an underlying reason as to why. I agree with Lex Luger not deserving it, as far as a full-time wrestler is concerned. His interviews, and ring movements were beyond wooden. But, as for David Arquette, he got his "spot" the same way Zeus (Tiny Lister) did. WCW was promoting the movie "Ready to Rumble", and they pushed him past his rightful spot. At least Zeus did not win the World title from Hogan way back then.
There is a long list of guys who did'nt deserve their spot. You can argue that most guys that get a top spot, their loyalty to the sport is questionable. Most guys are ex-NFL players who as CM Punk put it "Called up their old man and said 'Hey dad, I suck at everything else, maybe I'll give that wrestling thing a shot." Most are "body" guys who as Bobby Heenan put it' "left the gym with a protein drink and canned tuna, saw a WWF truck rolling by and said 'Hey, maybe I'll do that!" My point is this, most undeserving guys are the guys who come in from outside the buisness. They don't have a genuine love for wrestling, they just view it as a way to make a lot of money. But who am I to judge, If Vince has no problem signing these guys, why should I right? It's "just buisness"... I understand Punk's fustrations with these kind of guys.

The thread is about guys who did'nt deserve their spot, well I can think of two right now. One was a hero of mine in High School and the other I did'nt care for... The Rock and Brock Lesnar. These guys came back and I think it hurt the overall morale of the locker room. I think them coming back sent a message to the roster....No matter how hard you work your spot will be taken by an outside entity with name value and celebrity status. I know this thread didn't hit the point but I answered the only way I knew how at the time. WWE should invest in the up and comers like they did via Attitude Era.

Quick list of undeserved "spot" talent (in no particular order)
2.Nash (he never seemed to appreciate wrestling and even referred to it as "fake")
3.Warrior (his attitude back stage made him widely unpopular and he was notoriously un professional)
5.Lesnar (no passion)
6. Del Rio (I actually like this guy but I just listened to a pod cast featuring Konnan and he said Del Rio was going to leave FCW because of money issues and he could not adapt to the WWE style, So they brought him to the main roster because they knew they needed someone to induct Mill Masaras into the HOF. What kind of message does that send to guys like Ziggler, Kofi and others, by putting the strap on this guy with a bad attitude?)
At the end of the day, better or for worse I guess it's buisness...
I guess everybody is going to say Luger, and I guess I have to agree, but I did enjoy him in his NWA days, pre-wwf...I remember seeing him have some very good matches with Ricky Steamboat & Flair, some around 88-90....yes he was in there with two guys that could make even me look good, none the less, I thought they were good matches.....
Asiatic7My point is this, most undeserving guys are the guys who come in from outside the buisness. They don't have a genuine love for wrestling, they just view it as a way to make a lot of money.
I couldn't agree more, that is the problem with guys like Lesnar, Luger, Hall, Nash, hell even Hogan. They don't have that passion for this business, they have a passion for the business of money. A lack of passion reflects to the audience in this sport or profession just like it does anywhere else. To be truly deserving of something you have to have a passion for it that is what drives you to succeed and improve. Just wanting to get paid will only get you but so far, in my opinion the undeserving rarely stay on top long. Although they do make it to the top.
There are quite a few guys who are undeserving. I have to agree with Luger being one of them but I have to say Hogan. He is a guy with little to no inring talent at all and the only reason he got over is because of his look and the WWF making him look superheroish. But he's an asshole back stage and an egomaniac everywhere he goes. He thinks he made the business or something. But with that being said, a lot of people out there look at him like he's the Babe Ruth of baseball. I disagree. I see him as more as the Hank Aaron of wrestling with Cena being Barry Bonds. Both are overrated and both didn't deserve the spot they got. The only difference between Cena and Hogan is that Cena is a much better person.
There are many choices to choose from. My pick is DDP. A 3 time champ???? The only reason he was given a top spot was his relationship with Bishoff. Without that, he wouldn't have gone as far. He still would have been driving other wrestlers during wrestlemania. Over-Rated!!
There are many choices to choose from. My pick is DDP. A 3 time champ???? The only reason he was given a top spot was his relationship with Bishoff. Without that, he wouldn't have gone as far. He still would have been driving other wrestlers during wrestlemania. Over-Rated!!

Fucking bs bro ddp did pretty good promos and was good in the ring worst choice bro.
Who was he wrestling before the feud with the NWO? Jobbers. Later he was a tag champ as a member of the Triad with Bigelow and Kanyon. Not champ again. Not a bad choice.
. I see him as more as the Hank Aaron of wrestling with Cena being Barry Bonds. Both are overrated and both didn't deserve the spot they got. The only difference between Cena and Hogan is that Cena is a much better person.

This is clearly the dumbest quote ever lol especially after he had the nerve to say Babe Ruth like he is not overrated.

Hogan is like Babe Ruth where the myth is greater than what he actually did
Cena is like Bonds one of the greats but disrespected by idiots (Media/idiots who hate cause they think its cool)

But to answer your question the guy who did not deserve his spot is and always will be for the 123 kid/xpac/syxx he got his spot cause he was part of the kliq
In my opinion, I say Batista. He was just an another guy who had big muscles. He had a bad attitude in the back with other wrestlers. He was injured prone. When he came back, he would say, "I want my title back." After he got back the belt, he would get injured again. It would be an endless cycle with him. I dont think he should deserved the top spot he had.
I can't believe no one has mentioned my pick...THE MIZ.

I understand how people can see guys like Brock or Batista not deserving of a spot, but you also can't deny that these guys LOOKED like pro wrestlers. Their look alone puts them in a category that not many can claim to be in. Guys who look like that simply can't stay in the midcard. They're bound to get into the main event. And if you have phenomenal in-ring skills (like Brock did/does), then there's not much to argue over.

These guys make MIZ look like a joke. I'll admit that I was a huge Miz supporter when he was coming up in 09-10, but in retrospect, I can't believe I believed in him so much. His charisma and mic skills were what really got him over. I don't think there is any denying to that. But I narrow it down to two reasons why Miz did and does not belong in the main event with guys like Cena, Orton, Brock, etc.

1) I know wrestling is fake/scripted but does this guy even LOOK like a wrestler? Batista brought it up in an interview and I believe he is absolutely correct. In a time where UFC is dominant and always compared to WWE, Miz makes pro wrestling look even less credible. With Brock, Batista, Cena, doesn't matter if they suck in the ring, their look alone makes the business what is known to be.

2) He SUCKS in the ring. Miz is just as good as any developmental wrestler in FCW. How many GREAT matches has Miz had in WWE? I can only count two. His Falls count anywhere match with Morrison and his US title match at Night of Champions with Daniel Bryan (in which I might add that DB carried the entire match). IMO, if you're going to be in the main event, AT LEAST be a decent wrestler. Cena is no wrestler either, but how many GREAT matches has he given us in the past 5-7 years? Hell, hate on him all you want, but he's even been in some classic matches.
In my opinion, I say Batista. He was just an another guy who had big muscles. He had a bad attitude in the back with other wrestlers. He was injured prone. When he came back, he would say, "I want my title back." After he got back the belt, he would get injured again. It would be an endless cycle with him. I dont think he should deserved the top spot he had.

That's one asshole I overlooked! I never saw what the big deal about Batista was either! He could'nt talk, he was stiff (Melina,Ha!, wink! nudge) in the ring and was un-grateful for his spot.
This is clearly the dumbest quote ever lol especially after he had the nerve to say Babe Ruth like he is not overrated.

Hogan is like Babe Ruth where the myth is greater than what he actually did
Cena is like Bonds one of the greats but disrespected by idiots (Media/idiots who hate cause they think its cool)

But to answer your question the guy who did not deserve his spot is and always will be for the 123 kid/xpac/syxx he got his spot cause he was part of the kliq

Lol obviously you don't watch the news nor did you pay attention to the drastic change in Bond's body. The man took steroids to break the record. Did Babe Ruth take steroids to hit 714 homeruns? I don't believe so seeing as steroids wasn't even around at the time. You've got it extremely backwards on two points. Point one is that Babe Ruth is the great one being disrespected by idiots like yourself, second, YOUR the idiot here not me nor what I said. Babe Ruth was the greatest baseball player of ALL time. If Ruth had started out in the outfield instead of pitching and had remained sober, not only would he had remained alive longer instead of dying of throat cancer in 1948, but he also would've hit more homeruns. So in a sense, Hogan is like Hank Aaron in the way that Aaron is the cheaper version as it took him 2500 more times at bat than Ruth to break 714 and Hogan is no where near the greatest of all time. Just like Aaron but maybe it's more appropriate to compare Hogan to Bonds as Bonds couldn't do what Ruth or Hank did without help. Hogan does not deserve the title, one of the all time greats over guys like Samartino, Backlund, Randy Savage, and many others who were 10,000 times better in every way than Hogan.
Ezekiel Jackson:

Zeke shouldn't have won the IC title and it should have been Ted Dibiase's spot. Have Ted drop the belt to Cody after. This would mean Ted takes the IC title off of Wade Barrett, which makes Wade look weak but can be worked around to protect him. Storyline-wise it makes better sense.

He should have never had a Wrestlemania 27 appearance on-screen altogether. Yes, he was part of the CORRE (why two "R's"? and he was representing his stable. But there were plenty of other guys more deserving of his spot on the show (R-Truth). Ezekiel should have been replaced as the enforcer of the CORRE by Chris Masters, a guy who greatly improved in his 2nd WWE stint.

ECW-Last Heavyweight champion. Shock-value for a title change on the show's final night? Fine. Zeke still isn't the guy to pick it up. Three other options: 1) If you go with the "pushing new talent" route you go with a guy like Zack Ryder who had a growing fan-base and momentum from previous storylines that year. 2) If you book with an extreme-type guy as a way to honor it's history from the original ECW, you have Christian drop it to someone like Shelton 3) Why does Christian have to even drop it? He's ran through that whole roster, he deserves to finish strong.

He has the physique but is missing way too many tools in the ring and on the mic to be in any of those spots. For a big guy, he doesn't sound too menacing either.
Man there is a huge list. I must say I disagree with the selection of Miz. He works hard and does just about anything WWE tells him too. I actually have 2 picks. First is The Great Kahli. Dude seriously he cant wrestle, sell moves, or even cut a decent promo by standing there. My second pick is Ken Shamrock. I bet I will hear some crap for this but hear me out. True he was a former UFC champion but he couldn't sell moves if his life depended on it. This man was horrible on the mic and was thrown to the top upon arrival. The only catch phrase of his that really caught on was "I'm in the zone" which was when he turned into a freakin psycho before the ankle lock.
I have to pick Goldberg there were and still are athletes from football to UFC that were or are still wrestling, but Bill Goldberg was a bad wrestler I don't understand how people liked him, every time he came on I would change the channel it's like John Cena now but worse I can actually stand Cena Minus the fruity pebble shirts, Goldberg and the winning streak got old by win 40-0 then it just got really annoying to even watch WCW with him on it, not to mention at Starrcade when he kicked Bret Hart in the face and because of that kick Bret Hart has stated he got very bad headaches right after that kick to the face and he has also said that might have something to do with his stroke he had from that kick that Goldberg gave him that winter night in 1999.
I have to pick Goldberg there were and still are athletes from football to UFC that were or are still wrestling, but Bill Goldberg was a bad wrestler I don't understand how people liked him, every time he came on I would change the channel it's like John Cena now but worse I can actually stand Cena Minus the fruity pebble shirts, Goldberg and the winning streak got old by win 40-0 then it just got really annoying to even watch WCW with him on it, not to mention at Starrcade when he kicked Bret Hart in the face and because of that kick Bret Hart has stated he got very bad headaches right after that kick to the face and he has also said that might have something to do with his stroke he had from that kick that Goldberg gave him that winter night in 1999.

Yeah, Goldberg did not deserve his spot. How many wrestlers did he hurt? Like you stated, he ended Bret's career and caused him health problems. This guy was careless.
I am going to agree with Lex Luger, and Goldberg. I would lean more towards Goldberg though. He was pretty much given a spot. At least Luger put some time into the business. Goldberg was semi known for his football, and came out of nowhere and given the streak. He was not very good in the ring. He skyrocketed to the top without really having to pay any dues at all.

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