In The Latter Days Of A "War"; A Truce?


Lord And Master
Staff member
I've often stopped and wondered why do wrestling companies seem to feel the need to compete for supremacy. All I've been able to think of is the ridiculous cliché of "number 2 stinks". Thinking about it more, I wondered what would be the outcome of this "New Age Wrestling War". the most likely scenario being that WWE wins. But what if it doesn't come to an end? Unlike WCW, TNA isn't on course for any kind of bankruptcy or is there a merger of Panda Energy with another company. Basically, other than the Hogan/Bishoff era, there isn't any kind of powerstruggle in the foreseeable future of TNA Wrestling.

On March 1st, TNA will apparently move iMPACT! to Mondays thus bringing competition to Monday Night Raw. What will happen in the future is unknown, but it doesn't hurt to wonder. "What if TNA reaches Raw's level?" "How will Vince McMahon react?"

Honestly, I doubt Vince will buy TNA. Nor will TNA go bankrupt. So how will it end? What I was thinking, was that in a time of war, a compromise can always be reached. Say Raw and TNA are getting closer in ratings by the week. Raw continues in 3.5 or so while TNA ges around 2.5 and growing slowly. WWE is still a Million Dollar company while TNA is still in need of growth. However Vince won't buy because even though he'll have access to a new library, he'll have to succumb to the TNA fans. And then just like with WCW and ECW, TNA wrestlers will begin to move to WWE. There's no guaranty they will stay, but in an over saturated roster that divides itself in 4 separate entities, where do we put this new breed of talent?

With that in mind, I present my hypothesis:

A truse. What truse? Vince McMahon offers TNA temporary air-time a la ECW to give them credit. TNA in return moves its shows to days where WWE is not on air. With that, both companies live, TNA prospers, WWE stays on top and the fans keep their alternatives.

I know chances are slim as there's always massive ego's and desperate moves that can get in the way. But I wouldn't discard the possibility of an understanding being reached, as both companies would benefit greatly from it.

"All Is Fair In Love And War".

That...will never happen. Wrestling companies, especially one that has the notoriety (Can't say for good or ill) as the WWE, NEED competition to better their product. They feel this NEED to one-up their competition since they start to feel threatened. Granted, the ratings they're pulling in compared to TNA are worlds apart. RAW pulls in the ratings it gets, partly or wholly, because of the time it's been around, which brings me to my next point.

For TNA to reach RAW's level, it needs to be around for quite a while. You got to remember that RAW hasn't been around for the same amount of time as Impact. If you think about it, Impact is starting to develop like RAW (taping twice in a row to minimize the costs). I seriously doubt Vince buys out TNA, seeing as he's got one too many brands and subsidiaries to think about (WWE Films, WWE music, the shows, FCW) TNA's in a position to channel all it can to Impact so it can grow. Once a promotion grows too fast, it gains the attention of the competing promotion, thus leading to my final point.

There won't be a truce. Vince has one too many a show, and Impact can't afford to go on any day of the week except on Wednesday. If they go live Monday, they face RAW, Tuesday with ECW, friday with Smackdown, Thursday with Superstars. TNA can't afford ANYTHING that has to do with interacting directly with WWE, lest they repeat a "Mick Foley put my ass in this seat" moment.

So you said it yourself, Alls fair in love and war...and WWE vs. TNA is no different.
Why Vince would ever do that is beyond me. TNA are throwing all their irons into the fire, and they aren't even taking 0.1 of Vince's ratings when they went head to head. There's no point in Vince helping them. As for why TNA are trying to take on WWE I have no idea. While I think that if they are successful they might end up with a bigger audience than they have now, there's such a big risk involved that it doesn't seem worth it. That is unless Spike are helping them take on USA, which is a distinct possibility.

Why WCW took on WWF is again beyond me. Perhaps it was so that TNT could take on USA, but I think it was more to do with Ted Turner's personal pride being tarnished by Vince. I have no idea why they decided to take each other on, but it worked, and I think TNA are under the impression that it will again, but I'm not sure they have the financial backing to do it.

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