In-Crowd Move Spoilers & Hecklers


On A Break From Sig Requests
So I was re-watching the Triple H vs Undertaker match at Mania and whenever the Game is down on the outside, this ******** in the crowd screams "guillotine legdrop!". And the when Taker grabs HHH's arm we hear "OLD SCHOOL!".
Sure, we can all anticipate moves, especially with Taker, but thinking back I remember at just about every PPV you get one guy in the crowd doing this.

I also remember at I believe Backlash 03, Some guy just tears into Earl Hebner;"WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE?!" and shit like that. All night.
I also found this fuckin hilarious.

I personally have no problem and find it pretty funny at times, but I'm sure some don't.

But I want to know your stance:

Do you get pissed when you hear a heckler?
What is your favourite occurrence of this?
I wouldn't say I get pissed. But a lot of these guys just make themselves look like Douche Bags. To me it is different to heckle at a sporting event like baseball, basketball etc. You go to support your team and basically anyone opposing them can probably fuck off in your opinion.

Even though people go to support their favorite wrestlers, and also oppose the guys they dislike, it is scripted and for the most part, a guy is "acting" a certain way to make you have the feelings for him that you are expressing. But WWE or any other federation can say they are a "wrestling" company, but first and foremost it is for entertainment. People in the crowd look pretty foolish when they yell personal things about the entertainers performing for them. I have laughed at many comments yelled from the crowd, but I am a sick bastard. I really think the Earl Hebner example just made the guy look dumb. Though I did laugh about it, I think I was laughing more AT the dude that said it and not at Earl.
I remember watching Armeggedon 2007.Maybe it was just the disc since my cousin downloaded it but in the HBK vs Kennedy match someone kept calling out Kennedy.

And when I watched a Santino match on WWE.Com someone kept yelling out Santino.

It gets fucking annoying.Nuff said.
At the last house show here (we don't get many) Randy Orton made his entrance. When he was standing in the ring, as soon as he music stopped playing, some random guy in the crowd yelled "RANDY ORTON I FUCKED YOUR MOMMMMM". I thought Orton was gonna come out and kill him, hahahaha.
I find it quite entertaining. I heckled the shit out of Homicide at the ROH show I went to when he was speaking Spanish.

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