In Case You Didn't Already Hate Cena

Both of you are idiots.

I'm not a Cena fan, but how does him being in that movie have him selling his soul? Cena is a recognizable face with tweens that the movie is aimed towards. Sting made an appearance on the Nick Cannon show like back in 2001/2002. I guess Nash also sold out when he started becoming a woman on the Longest Yard? Fred has had many random celebrity appearances on his online videos. So, to have John John Cena be his dad is just funny. It's random, it's what Fred is all about.

To PaperGhost:

Not only is post incoherent, it's completely idiotic. Why would you reply to a post with nothing attributing the post? And, for you to tell people to not watch it if you don't like it is exactly why you'll never be in charge of anything with any importance. Behind your thoughts are "fuck 'em. They can turn the channel and make our ratings drop."

Yes, go ahead and feel good about yourself for trashing the mans post because he uses phonetic spellings. While it is lazy, at least he's not berating others about their grammar while having grammatical errors of his own. I would hope a future moderator would know how to spell moderator.

On topic: while I loathe Cena just as much as the next guy, I don't see a problem with this move. Most of his fans are kids and he's appearing in a movie for kids. Makes perfect sense to me. But to the people who says he's not a bad actor; I say you must be blinded and deafened by your love for Cena. I came home last night and the family was watching 12 Rounds. They had to stop me from piercing my eyeballs and eardrums with a hot q-tip in an attempt to end the misery.
I've never been a huge John Cena fan, but threads like this are little more than pointless excuses just to hate on the guy for no real reason. John Cena is going to be in a movie made by Nickelodeon, so what? Is that supposed to be one of the Seven Signs of the Apocalypse or something? It was announced yesterday that Hulk Hogan is going to be hosting a kid friendly television court show, so does that mean Hogan is going to be or should be crucified?

All this hostility towards wrestlers that are more family friendly types of characters is really getting old and stale. Quite frankly, it hold water anymore and neither do the all the various "Cena sux" arguments. When it comes to in-ring ability, John Cena might not be in the same league as a guy like AJ Styles, but to say the guy can't sell worth a damn or has no psychology is not only inaccurate, it's outright stupid. Cena does have a move set that's something of a trademark for him and I don't really see the big problem with that as most wrestlers are the same way. Cena's just not a spotmonkey and I have absolutely no problem with that at all.

As far as promos go, the claims that Cena can't cut good promos is easily the most idiotic claim that's been made in this thread thus far. I'll admit that John Cena sometimes comes out and acts a little cheesy and that does make me roll my eyes. But to say the guy can't talk on the mic is ficticious, possibly even deluded, bullshit. Overall, John Cena is very very good in the role and character that he's had in the WWE for a long time now. He's very comfortable in his role and that comes across whenever he gets on the mic. Sure, his promos are a little preachy at times, but they're also usually quite energetic and they do feel legitimate.
There are just so many things to say!

First off, to all the people who said "ooooh another I hate Cena thread, how original!" That comment I've seen WAAAAY more than the "i hate cena" threads. And I would have to say HALF the comments on here mention "how is this thread still going on?" The thread was designed to hate on Cena. So if you are going to jump in and defend Cena, expect it to keep on going. When was the last debate you saw that went "i hate cena" "no he's good" "oh, you're right!". No.

Secondly, I am definately NOT a Cena fan. BUT it is not due to his "lack" of wrestling ability (something I honestly used to think, but am starting to come around on, he can do what he's asked). I did not like Cena back when he was a heel and was rapping. The ONLY time i liked that shtick was when he did the rap off with Kurt Angle. But then I did grow to like him a little, for some reason, after I saw a commercial with him in it. It was made pre-WWE (at least pre-being shown in tv). "Is there snow on top of that mountain?" I dunno, it made me laugh. But he was still never "over" with me.

But I think the big reason a lot of fans don't like Cena is really the story lines and the booking. I went through a time where I didn't watch WWE (or any wrestling) that often. It had to do more with life circumstances than any problem with the product. But when I did watch it, sporadically, he was ALWAYS the champion. I know it switched hands a bunch, but it just seemed like he was ALWAYS champion. There is no conflict when the face always wins. The best time, for me, is when the "villain" is in control (like Shaemus actually is now) and the "hero" must always climb an uphill battle. They FINALLY get there, just to be dropped back down again a little while later. And I understand John Cena's "Galaxy Quest" theme. "Never give up, never surrender." And it DOES show kids you can always persevere (sorry about that spelling). It just gets old. Which might be why I'm starting to like Cena now. The Nexus Angle. Although they still do the SuperCena. He's the last man standing, he's the one who finishes them, he's the one who won at Summerslam. So its STILL old. And his speeches are STILL old. BUT. they ARE in character. The man (not the character) is doing his job.
Lol as you can see I'm pretty torn on this. I respect him, I really do. And I have come to realize he's better than what is used. And I know he almost does live his character. He puts 110% into everything he does. Even if, in certain situations, his 110% is not as good as someone else's 50% (i.e. the reviews i'm hearing from Legendary). He is still giving it his all, and you gotta respect that.

And as for appearing on this Fred thing. I think I saw whatever Fred is on Tosh.0. And if it is what I think it is, I do agree it is absolutely trash. But thats what today's society is, you get famous on some dumb crap. Look at Jackass. Look at Justin Bieber. (okay he can sing, but he got famous because of youtube). And Nick IS producing it. The Rock made The Game Plan for Disney. AND he was on "Cory in the House" on Disney. So there is no problem with John Cena, even more over with todays kids than the Rock, being on a Nickelodian program. And as far as his acting goes, why are we getting mad a John Cena for giving it a shot, and trying it in some legit movies, but we aren't STILL bashing Hulk Hogan for ANYTHING he's ever been in. Surely that STILL deserves to be slammed.
There are just so many things to say!
Unfortunately, nothing that hasn't been said lots.

First off, to all the people who said "ooooh another I hate Cena thread, how original!" That comment I've seen WAAAAY more than the "i hate cena" threads. And I would have to say HALF the comments on here mention "how is this thread still going on?" The thread was designed to hate on Cena. So if you are going to jump in and defend Cena, expect it to keep on going. When was the last debate you saw that went "i hate cena" "no he's good" "oh, you're right!". No.
The reason I said it will probably be closed, is because 1) It contributes nothing but an all out Flame war. and 2) because there is ALREADY an "Official John Cena thread" where all things Cena are. Haters and non haters alike.

Secondly, I am definately NOT a Cena fan. BUT it is not due to his "lack" of wrestling ability (something I honestly used to think, but am starting to come around on, he can do what he's asked).
Glad you're coming around, because contrary to un-popular belief.. He can wrestle. Look back on the early days.. OMG! he does more then 5 moves! Once you're at the top, they want you to do the one's you're famous for. Ask hogan, Austin, Orton, or the Rock.

I did not like Cena back when he was a heel and was rapping.
I thought it was pretty enjoyable. Played a good heel.

The ONLY time i liked that shtick was when he did the rap off with Kurt Angle.
Okay, now THAT was funny.

But then I did grow to like him a little, for some reason, after I saw a commercial with him in it. It was made pre-WWE (at least pre-being shown in tv). "Is there snow on top of that mountain?" I dunno, it made me laugh. But he was still never "over" with me.
Never saw it.. Might have to go look.

But I think the big reason a lot of fans don't like Cena is really the story lines and the booking. I went through a time where I didn't watch WWE (or any wrestling) that often. It had to do more with life circumstances than any problem with the product. But when I did watch it, sporadically, he was ALWAYS the champion. I know it switched hands a bunch, but it just seemed like he was ALWAYS champion. There is no conflict when the face always wins. The best time, for me, is when the "villain" is in control (like Shaemus actually is now) and the "hero" must always climb an uphill battle. They FINALLY get there, just to be dropped back down again a little while later. And I understand John Cena's "Galaxy Quest" theme. "Never give up, never surrender." And it DOES show kids you can always persevere (sorry about that spelling). It just gets old. Which might be why I'm starting to like Cena now. The Nexus Angle. Although they still do the SuperCena. He's the last man standing, he's the one who finishes them, he's the one who won at Summerslam. So its STILL old. And his speeches are STILL old. BUT. they ARE in character. The man (not the character) is doing his job.
The thing is, all of this stuff is covered in the other thread. the one for all Cena related stuff. This is why I said this thread serves no purpose, except to pit the IWC against it's self.

Lol as you can see I'm pretty torn on this. I respect him, I really do. And I have come to realize he's better than what is used. And I know he almost does live his character. He puts 110% into everything he does. Even if, in certain situations, his 110% is not as good as someone else's 50% (i.e. the reviews i'm hearing from Legendary). He is still giving it his all, and you gotta respect that.
I am not a super fan of his character either, but I respect the hell out of him for the work he does in and out of the ring.

And as for appearing on this Fred thing. I think I saw whatever Fred is on Tosh.0.
Another Tosh fan! nice! but you have to remember Tosh MAKES things look stupider then they really are. I love that show, but even I know that. Fred is a show for kids. Hence the "Disney" banner to it. So are you, or I, or most of the people here SUPPOSED to like it? probably not.

And if it is what I think it is, I do agree it is absolutely trash. But thats what today's society is, you get famous on some dumb crap. Look at Jackass. Look at Justin Bieber. (okay he can sing, but he got famous because of youtube). And Nick IS producing it. The Rock made The Game Plan for Disney. AND he was on "Cory in the House" on Disney. So there is no problem with John Cena, even more over with todays kids than the Rock, being on a Nickelodian program. And as far as his acting goes, why are we getting mad a John Cena for giving it a shot, and trying it in some legit movies, but we aren't STILL bashing Hulk Hogan for ANYTHING he's ever been in. Surely that STILL deserves to be slammed.
That's my point also.. Other people have done it too. Rock, Ice Cube, Eddie Murphy. All guys who made a name doing things that were not very "Disney like". But they do whatever brings in the money. Do we not all do things like that? I'm sure half the people on here work at jobs others will laugh about. Who cares? It brings in cash, that's all the matters. Who are WE to say what actors should and should not do? If anyone was any better, they would be in movies themselves, not sitting behind a computer, bitching about someone who they say can't wrestle (lets see you do better) or can't act (again, go do it yourself then if you're so good). I applaud John for trying something new. Broadening his horizons a bit.
Cena isn't a bad actor at all. He just needs to hone his skills. Man is a talented human being who has then charisma to thrive in a lotta facets of entertainment. Geniuses who say 'Cena sux he's got no skillz and Miz rules he's awesome' need to go find a well and jump in it, because Cena's present character and the PG rating does inhibit a lotta qualities that made him go over in the first place. He is miles better on the stick than Miz, has more wit and charisma.

These f*cking douches who think they are tough just coz they berate Cena and his 'wrestling abilities' are getting on my nerves really!

Hey, you don't like it don't watch it!

Tbh I find this comment to be true and just to eloborate on The my eyes he is just... shit... I'm sorry but seriously I dont get him,he just annoys me when ever he comes on to the screen *and thats not because of his, suposingly, "amazing" mic skills as a heel... it just isn't*.

Oh yeh btw when people say The Miz is an average wrestler and he is just good on the mic, why not for Morrison "he is average on the mic but a entertaining wrestler"? Why is Morrison looked at like he is crap on a stick when im sorry his mic skills are probably better than The Miz's wrestling... *just my opinion*.

EDIt Just as an after thought Cena can do more than 5 moves but, again, its McMahon wanting money and telling him (i think...) to stick to 5 moves that children around the world know...

Seriously look at the guy I'm sure he can do a powerbomb with ease *making his move count 6... lol but still*. EDIT
OMG! stop trolling man like WTF? I bet if The Rock came back you would be marking out and no one mentions the fact hes a shitty actor or that he was on hanna montanna! seriously if you dont like Cena stop talking about him talk about the wrestlers you like atleast Cena is still with WWE and didnt sell out to become a movie star *cough The Rock cough* now dont get me wrong i miss The Rock and want him back but he turned him back on the WWF/E and they made him! now man if you dont like that Cena in the fred movie dont watch it. everyone hates on Cena because hes the face of the companny so they pick at every little thing like hes appeals to kids or hes not a tecincal wrestler just like they did to Triple H in 2002-2005 because he was the face of the company so what they did was picked at everything he did like marrying Stephine McMahon saying he got everything cause he's married to her i backed up Triple H back then just like i am backing up Cena and what happend when Cena became the face of the company everyone started to hate him and they will do the same thing to the next guy and this will go on intill wrestling ends.
Apparently, Cena isn't satisfied with annoying us with his shitty wrestling ability and crappy promos. He's decided to sell what's left of his soul to the devil and is playing a role in the made for Nickelodeon movie, Fred....

Come on Cena, I know you're not hurting for cash that bad, Fred's Youtube channel can probably be pin-pointed as where the decline of western civilization began. Cena, I hope this role marks the end of your poor acting career. Stick to what you do best, wrestling poorly and giving lame interviews.

What do you guys think of this?
I included that last line in the quote to remind you that you asked what we thought of this. I will tell you.

Let's start with the top paragraph, "selling what's left of his soul". I forgot for a second that professional wrestling was a pure industry, with clean, honest people who would never stoop to doing anything like movie acting. Oh, wait, fuck- professional wrestling is full of criminals, drug addicts, and con artists who would leap at the opportunity to do mainstream acting if it presented itself.

Wrestlers are actors. It's just that professional wrestling, in the pantheon of theatre, ranks half a step above "street mime". A wrestler taking an acting role in a children's movie aimed just a few years below your own age is hardly "selling your soul". Get back to me on that account when you hear that John Cena owns an Indonesian sweatshop where the workers are mercilessly beaten if they can't turn out enough "U Can't See Me" t-shirts.

Second, the days of the pure wrestling champion are dead. You don't have to know a wristlock from a wristwatch anymore. Watch some of Matt Sydal's (you know him as Evan Bourne) matches in ROH. Compare the Edge that was just breaking into the WWF to the main-event version of Edge. Hell, watch Daniel Bryan wrestle and compare it to Bryan Danielson. Wrestlers get told to simplify their move set in the WWE if they want to succeed, because acting and mic skills get you over better. Cena can't wrestle, but that hardly matters at all. I don't like his character personally, but I can't deny he's the best sports entertainer in the game today. His mic skills and ability to pop the crowd are unequaled amongst today's performers.

Third, what, are you John Cena's accountant? Worried he's making too much money and might have problems with the tax man? Hello- in entertainment, there is no "enough money". You make what you can make while you can make it. Next week could bring the MCL tear that ends your career.

So for what I think? I think you're a tool with no idea of how the entertainment business works, and that you have a hard-on for hating John Cena because he's popular and you have to be an anti.
Why must these threads be created on a daily basis? I'm sure the moderators role their eyes at the four hundreth Cena hate thread of the day. The OP bashed John Cena not only for being a horrible wrestler, but also fro always cutting lame promos. Those are two very assinnine claims you hasve going there so I will address those first.

If Cena is such a horrible wrestler then why is he one of the very few wrestlers on the roster that always puts on consitently good to great matches? That hardly makes sense doesn't it? Every match on pay-per-view the man has delivered great matches on and he is always the one to put the best television match of the night when he competes weekly on RAW. So that would make John Cena a damn good professional wrestler in reality. Also you said he always cuts lame promos, well I guess thats why he is perhaps the most entertaining man on stick today. Everyone of Cena's promo has have a good blend of passion, emotion, and humor that always make them top notch in quality. So once again you are wrong.

Lastly you said his role in the Fred movie will tarnish his career. Well let me first go on the record and say that I don't care for Fred at all, in fact I think his YouTube channel is by far the worst one on the enitre website. But he draws in the younger viewers and is entertaining to them. Some thign that the WWE does today. Having John Cena do a role in the Fred movie could do good business for both sides in terms of getting new fans/viewers. I may not like it but in the end it's not the worst thing a wrestler could do. Hulk Hogan during his run on top did a whole bunch of embarassing kid flicks that no one cared about, Mr. Nanny anyone?
cena sucks and his acting sucks even more, all these ppl saying how great cena is n blah blah blah hes just a character that vince and the wwe marketing team took and made into a star.. you think cena would of bin this big if brock never left wwe, he was brocks replacement meaning he was NUMBER 2(SHIT) but im not hating on cena for getting his money and doing his thing hes getting paid... BUT THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS CENA SUCKS... the attitude era set the bar sooooooooooooooo dammmmn high n cena is the best to come out since than thats why alot of ppl hate in, but the miz on the other hand hes has "it" cena get ready to pass the torch to miz your days are almost done sorrry :shrug:
What the hell are you talking about? Wrestling IS acting, everything that you hear the Wrestler's say in Promo's and During matches is the wrestler's portraying they're characters. Acting in films is the perfect alternative for a Wrestler because it's basically the same thing except you aren't banged up all the least that's the way I see it.

Wrestling is extremely limited's not really that complicated especially since the WWE tries to tailor a character's persona to the actual persons personality. Youre saying that a wrestler can hop in to a movie and do as good as a professional actor? Bullshit...Id love to see Cena play Mickey Rourke's role in The Wrestler and get laughed off the fucking screen.
Yeah, that's way too harsh. Cena's a MEDIOCRE wrestler and gives lame interviews! But with you being a Hardy mark, I guess you're immune to lame interviews by now.

Do you really want the list of guys who have been weak in the ring and lame on the mic but still found success? Hogan, Luger, Goldberg, Batista, Cena... and that's just off the top of my head. It happens.

As for the OP... whatever. Cena's not doing anything that Hogan or The Rock haven't done many times over. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate on the guy. Save your energy.

Well, that was a smart thing to say. What is wrestling? What is the point of it? The point is to make money by creating reasons to draw peoples attention. Wrestling isn't "wrestling" for fucks sake. You can't expect these guys to go out there and ameteur wrestle like the Olympics. They are out there to tell a story and Cena, Hogan, Batista, Goldberg and everyone else you mentioned fucking does that.

Lame interviews? Sure to us who are so into wrestling that we spend time on a wrestling forum discussing the ins and outs of the business the interviews Cena does do seem stale and boring but to the wide variety of fans who just watch for the fun of it obviously don't feel the same way. Cena hardly ever fucks up on the mic and he delivers promo's well. I too find Cena's promos stale but hey, he's still selling shit loads of tickets and isn't doing anything wrong in the eye's of his employer.

You really want to debate this? Think before you start berating guys like Cena, Batista, Hogan and Goldberg for not being good wrestlers, or the word you used, mediocre.
Cena is a decent actor and he's trying to get some exposure, nothing wrong with that. He also probably took this role because it fits in with the target demographic of the WWE. It was a smart move by Cena. I don't see why you need to have all this hate for him, the guy is a really hard worker and he does whatever he can to get the WWE brand along with his own name out there. I'm not saying the movie will be any good, but if it can bring the WWE some new fans... why not? Great move by Cena.
You haven't stopped yet?

Wrestling is extremely limited's not really that complicated especially since the WWE tries to tailor a character's persona to the actual persons personality.
Kane really is some angry, evil, freak? Undertaker really is undead? And praises Satan? Chris Jericho? Well, you watch him on downfall, then on RAW and tell me he's not acting.
Youre saying that a wrestler can hop in to a movie and do as good as a professional actor?
Depending on the movie, yes.

Bullshit...Id love to see Cena play Mickey Rourke's role in The Wrestler and get laughed off the fucking screen.
Well when you explain how that would make sense.. That role was for an old guy. Flair probably could have done that role. Hell Roddy Piper probably could have as well. Why would they cast Cena to play a old guy? I'd like to see Rourke play Cena's role in 12 rounds. They'd have to bring his walker out. Cena is a better actor then some of those other actors in Hollywood. Would you like a list?

I'd like to see you hop into a wrestling ring and get laughed out of the building.
Why is cena always the hero i want to see him be the bad guy i want to see how he would be but he is in a movie with Fred wow really Fred?
i personally dont get fred he has a high voice and has no idea about anything i don't find it funny but Cena at least can be funny Fred is not if Fred gets his movie why not smosh? or Nighahigha(Yes i know they have one but one that you can watch is the movie on any tv network or is it a dvd? none that i know of)

Apparently, Cena isn't satisfied with annoying us with his shitty wrestling ability and crappy promos. He's decided to sell what's left of his soul to the devil and is playing a role in the made for Nickelodeon movie, Fred....
I had no idea he was in the movie to be honest with you. I don't really care either. The movie is marketed to the same people the WWE wants to get as fans i nthe PG era so it makes sense i guess. Still don't care though.
Come on Cena, I know you're not hurting for cash that bad, Fred's Youtube channel can probably be pin-pointed as where the decline of western civilization began. Cena, I hope this role marks the end of your poor acting career. Stick to what you do best, wrestling poorly and giving lame interviews.
He's actually a good actor. I've seen both The Marine and 12 Rounds and enjoyed them Ican't wait to see Legendary either it looks likea very good movie. As for his wrestling skills you have got to be fucking kidding me. He's one of thebest of the PG era. I don't know what else to say onther than take off you Cena hating glasses and watch his matches from a neutral perspective. I'll admit he's no Rock on the mic but he's a lot better than most of the other people you see either in WWE or TNA.
What do you guys think of this?
See above^^^
This whole thread is ridiculous. So a guy that has thousands of kid fans shows up on a kid's show. Sounds like a good bet for the WWE and nickelodeon. And while I never even heard of that show, I still don't see the problem with it, and why it would cause someone to "hate cena"

Seriously, you might as well have started a thread saying "I hate the color purple. Cena's new shirt is purple. Now I have a new reason to hate Cena, and you should too."

Ya know over the past few years I have read and read all the Cena Hating and I always chuckle over all the Superman and 5 moves comments. Well I finally decided to join the forum and post and such.

I am 41 years old and have been watching WWF/WWE since I was in Middle School. I remember Wrestlemania 1. But enough about me.

Let me list the supermen through the years starting with the Number one Superman a man who had LESS than 5 moves...HULK HOGAN....Oh look he is Hulking up ...he points at his opponent then YOU!!!! and he demolishes his opponent. Yet the IWC LOVES him...why yes he made Wrastlin more entertaining and brought the crowd into it.....then again the IWC complains about less Wrastlin and more Wrestling. Yet Hogan is God....kinda contradictory in my book.

Number 2 on my list from the old days....The Ultimate Idiot..I mean Warrior...same scenario but he would shake the ropes.

Number 3 The Rock same thing but he had his smelling the air bit.

and now its John Cena in that role...notice I said role.

You see since the dawn and days of carnival wrestling and territories there was a simple formula ...the good guy " face" is beaten down for a while then the fans or his will and heart bring him back from the brink of destruction and he then crushes the bad guy " Heel".

This is a formula that has worked since the very early days and as they say if it ain't broke why fix it.

Tha'ts my two cents

I have to laugh at people who try to tear Cena down every chance they get. People who say he sucks... he certainly doesnt suck he is the face of the company basically. People who say the Miz is better are out of their minds. The guy who runs around saying I'm AWESOME is better on the mic than cena give me a break. Fact is Miz isn't better than Cena in any aspect of Pro Wreslting. Is Cena the greatest wrestler in the world NO but he is good enough to carry the biggest Wrestling organization on his back and keep people watching and entertained like him or not he is gold for the WWE thats what matters most.
What do you guys think of this?
I think your short sighted and naïve. WWE is after the youth market. Clearly they're best served by targeting new media forms and icons—like Youtube born Fred—who appeal to the very audience they're courting. The movie clearly isn't for you or your sensibilities (whatever they may be). Likewise if you don't like it and don't wish to see it then why do you even care? Or at least care enough to waste your own time writing a post about it. You'd've been better off just ignoring it.

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