In Case You Didn't Already Hate Cena


Championship Contender
Apparently, Cena isn't satisfied with annoying us with his shitty wrestling ability and crappy promos. He's decided to sell what's left of his soul to the devil and is playing a role in the made for Nickelodeon movie, Fred....

Come on Cena, I know you're not hurting for cash that bad, Fred's Youtube channel can probably be pin-pointed as where the decline of western civilization began. Cena, I hope this role marks the end of your poor acting career. Stick to what you do best, wrestling poorly and giving lame interviews.

What do you guys think of this?
Cena isn't a bad actor at all. He just needs to hone his skills. Man is a talented human being who has then charisma to thrive in a lotta facets of entertainment. Geniuses who say 'Cena sux he's got no skillz and Miz rules he's awesome' need to go find a well and jump in it, because Cena's present character and the PG rating does inhibit a lotta qualities that made him go over in the first place. He is miles better on the stick than Miz, has more wit and charisma.

These f*cking douches who think they are tough just coz they berate Cena and his 'wrestling abilities' are getting on my nerves really!

Hey, you don't like it don't watch it!
Both of you are idiots.

I'm not a Cena fan, but how does him being in that movie have him selling his soul? Cena is a recognizable face with tweens that the movie is aimed towards. Sting made an appearance on the Nick Cannon show like back in 2001/2002. I guess Nash also sold out when he started becoming a woman on the Longest Yard? Fred has had many random celebrity appearances on his online videos. So, to have John John Cena be his dad is just funny. It's random, it's what Fred is all about.

To PaperGhost:

Not only is post incoherent, it's completely idiotic. Why would you reply to a post with nothing attributing the post? And, for you to tell people to not watch it if you don't like it is exactly why you'll never be in charge of anything with any importance. Behind your thoughts are "fuck 'em. They can turn the channel and make our ratings drop."
Cry me a fucking river. Cena this, Cena that, fucking oath it never ends!

Cena is a decent actor, not great, but certainly decent. He can only really play the one type of character at the moment and from what I’ve heard about Legendary he’s still got that problem. He’s learning though and he’s only doing smaller movies which will allow him to grow as an actor. He has stated numerous times though that he is first and foremost a wrestler and that acting is something fun and interesting to do on the side. He’s only going to do the odd movie here and there and why the fuck not? I would if I were in his position. He's a kid friendly celebrity, doing something with Nic makes sense.

Oh, and before I forget.

Stick to what you do best, wrestling poorly and giving lame interviews.

If that’s your opinion then you must have limited intelligence. Your hate on Cena has no merit here and has no substance. You’re going to sit there and tell this forum that the most over and successful wrestler today is A. A bad wrester and B. Gives lame interviews... Hmmm, something doesn’t compute. You may not like him, you may find him stale, whatever, I don’t really give 2 shits but at least give an intelligent reason on why you are not liking him instead of opening another Cena bashing thread with no substance.
Cena isn't a bad actor at all. He just needs to hone his skills. Man is a talented human being who has then charisma to thrive in a lotta facets of entertainment. Geniuses who say 'Cena sux he's got no skillz and Miz rules he's awesome' need to go find a well and jump in it, because Cena's present character and the PG rating does inhibit a lotta qualities that made him go over in the first place. He is miles better on the stick than Miz, has more wit and charisma.

These f*cking douches who think they are tough just coz they berate Cena and his 'wrestling abilities' are getting on my nerves really!

Hey, you don't like it don't watch it!

Ha. Cena is not better than the Miz on the mic first off. Not even close. He says the same shit over and over..."I do this because I love it" blah heard it a million times. Miz is at least creative and when he talks he pulls major heat from from the fans. Cena can't get the same reaction as a face because half the crowd still boos his boring ass. Neither of them will have a match of the year candidate anytime soon but Cena's matches are all the same. Cena gets his ass kicked for 10 min....pulls out his five moves....and he either wins or gets screwed. I'm pretty sure his match against Orton is the first match he's lost cleanly in forever. The Miz/Daniel Bryan/Alex Riley story is going somewhere and it's a little refreshing as I already feel this storyline is better than anything the WWE has going right now. I don't hate Cena at all but I think he needs to freshen up his character and stop being so damn stagnant and predictable.

As for the acting...wrestlers shouldn't act period. The Rock is the one exception and honestly even he's not that good compared to other actors. I can see Cena doing the Nickelodeon thing though...that makes perfect sense because all his fans are 8 years old.
Its this simple....

Is anyone FORCING you to watch Cena? No. There is a channel up, and a channel down, when he comes on, change it. If hes in a movie, dont see it.

The end.
You’re going to sit there and tell this forum that the most over and successful wrestler today is A. A bad wrester and 2. Gives lame interviews... Hmmm, something doesn’t compute.

Yeah, that's way too harsh. Cena's a MEDIOCRE wrestler and gives lame interviews! But with you being a Hardy mark, I guess you're immune to lame interviews by now.

Do you really want the list of guys who have been weak in the ring and lame on the mic but still found success? Hogan, Luger, Goldberg, Batista, Cena... and that's just off the top of my head. It happens.

As for the OP... whatever. Cena's not doing anything that Hogan or The Rock haven't done many times over. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate on the guy. Save your energy.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

He's a VERY talented actor and entertainer. He will make more money then you will ever dream of. He's on top of his game right now and he's damn good at it. I don't think Vince thinks Cena sucks at wrestling, and if Vince doesn't who the FUCK cares if you do?

"5 MOVES OF DOOM LMFAO HE SUX LOLZOLZLOZL FUX CENA". He's not afraid to take bumps. He sells moves really well (hes been improving on this if you haven't noticed). He's the most over guy in the company right now.

If you are a TRUE WWE fan you would APPRECIATE Cena as he literally CARRIED THE BUSINESS for a few years. Fucking Cena haters are so god damn annoying because their arguments are such shit. CENA SUX CUZ DA MIZ IS DA BEST LMAO XP. No, shut up.
As for the acting...wrestlers shouldn't act period.

What the hell are you talking about? Wrestling IS acting, everything that you hear the Wrestler's say in Promo's and During matches is the wrestler's portraying they're characters. Acting in films is the perfect alternative for a Wrestler because it's basically the same thing except you aren't banged up all the least that's the way I see it.
What the hell are you talking about? Wrestling IS acting, everything that you hear the Wrestler's say in Promo's and During matches is the wrestler's portraying they're characters. Acting in films is the perfect alternative for a Wrestler because it's basically the same thing except you aren't banged up all the least that's the way I see it.

Exactly. John Cena doesn't go home and tell his wife "YOU CAN'T SEE ME". Neither does Kane go home and talk about being the devils favorite demon. Holy shit. It IS acting. Yes people the wrestling may not be fake but it is "staged" and the guys with the mics cutting promos aren't SERIOUSLY talking about/to people. They are ACTING. It is ACTING.
To PaperGhost:

Not only is post incoherent, it's completely idiotic. Why would you reply to a post with nothing attributing the post? And, for you to tell people to not watch it if you don't like it is exactly why you'll never be in charge of anything with any importance. Behind your thoughts are "fuck 'em. They can turn the channel and make our ratings drop."

Right, so it's incoherent to make a point if it's a direct counter-point to previous poster?
And "you'll never be in charge of anything with any importance" , well I dunno how to deal with that, I can tell you what I do and everything but that doesn't matter in a Wrestling Forum.

And No behind my thoughts I ain't thinking that.
Look, it's simple, Cena has a character to play on TV, he plays it and is the most famous wrestling entity on the planet today. It makes sense that he is doing everything entertainment related like movies and television.
Just saying 'oh he's so lame and can't wrestle' doesn't make people saying it cool. That my point.

He's a decent actor so far, and isn't exactly Kurt Angle in the ring but isn't p*ss poor as everybody is making him out to be.
He isn't as fantastic as a lot of other guys in the ring because he's simply playing a character. Remember when he first came out and had a complete different look and everything? He had way more moves then. He didn't just say ha fuck it I'll just be a loser now. This is just the character he is portraying. God damn some people are so ignorant.
Apparently, Cena isn't satisfied with annoying us with his shitty wrestling ability and crappy promos.
Well this thread will be closed for stupidity..

He's decided to sell what's left of his soul to the devil and is playing a role in the made for Nickelodeon movie, Fred....
Kids love Cena.. Cena appears on a KIDS show, more kids turn to WWE to see him, plus that movie does better. Yes because wanting to make money is SUUUCH a bad thing. Idiot.

Come on Cena, I know you're not hurting for cash that bad, Fred's Youtube channel can probably be pin-pointed as where the decline of western civilization began. Cena, I hope this role marks the end of your poor acting career. Stick to what you do best, wrestling poorly and giving lame interviews.
Have I said Idiot yet? Yes because YOU don't like something, means NO ONE does. You name one of your favorite movies and I bet I can rip it apart. Sometimes keeping your opinions to yourself works best.

What do you guys think of this?
Did I mention Idiot yet?

Ha. Cena is not better than the Miz on the mic first off. Not even close. He says the same shit over and over..."I do this because I love it" blah heard it a million times. Miz is at least creative and when he talks he pulls major heat from from the fans.
I was un-aware that Cena and Miz wrote their own material! Here's an idea.. Go back and look at footage of Cena in his rapper days. Think before speaking. Good advice.

Cena can't get the same reaction as a face because half the crowd still boos his boring ass. Neither of them will have a match of the year candidate anytime soon but Cena's matches are all the same.
Yet still more memorable then Miz's matches. I can list some top Cena matches off the top of my head, can't say the same for Miz.

Cena gets his ass kicked for 10 min....pulls out his five moves....and he either wins or gets screwed. I'm pretty sure his match against Orton is the first match he's lost cleanly in forever.
Point being? Remember Hogan? Or Austin?

The Miz/Daniel Bryan/Alex Riley story is going somewhere and it's a little refreshing as I already feel this storyline is better than anything the WWE has going right now. I don't hate Cena at all but I think he needs to freshen up his character and stop being so damn stagnant and predictable.
Again, DON'T think Cena has the "full creative control" that people use to have. Cena does what Vince says. He does what the KIDS want. Not you.

As for the acting...wrestlers shouldn't act period.
Says you.

The Rock is the one exception and honestly even he's not that good compared to other actors.
Could come up with a list of 50 actors worse then Dwayne.

I can see Cena doing the Nickelodeon thing though...that makes perfect sense because all his fans are 8 years old.
ages 6-17 actually. Plus a lot of women. Which is more then any of the Cena haters can say about themselves.

This thread will probably be closed soon for being moronic, and having nothing intelligent to share with the forums. Mark my words on that.
I think all the cena bashing is fucking pathetic its just a buncha bandwagon fans that don't like someone becuz someother douchebag doesn't. Get a life he's the headliner for the biggest promotion in the world he's obviously doing something right and he is doing what he is paid to do and a pretty damn good job I might add. Who cares if he's doin a nicelodeon thing yer more lame than he is if yer watchin the shit to begin with. Cena is doin what he's supposed to do and that's make vince money. No less and no more than any of u iwc cena hating marks would do if yer boss told you to. Grow up and get a fucking life. Seriously if wrestling and cena bashing is yer entire world u need help. Fuckin losers.
I hate all these people that whine about Cena. There is nothing bad about him, im not a huge Cena fan but i do like the guy. Its just people following other people that like to call themself "Cena-Haters". I guarantee most of these people that crap on Cena, dont even know what they are talking about. They are just saying what they hear and are being FOLLOWERS. Honestly control your jealously scumbags!
Apparently, Cena isn't satisfied with annoying us with his shitty wrestling ability and crappy promos. He's decided to sell what's left of his soul to the devil and is playing a role in the made for Nickelodeon movie, Fred....

Come on Cena, I know you're not hurting for cash that bad, Fred's Youtube channel can probably be pin-pointed as where the decline of western civilization began. Cena, I hope this role marks the end of your poor acting career. Stick to what you do best, wrestling poorly and giving lame interviews.

What do you guys think of this?

I'm not a huge Cena fan either, but what is wrong with him being in a Nickelodeon movie? Cena and other wrestlers have been in a ton of movies and award shows for children. How is he selling his soul to promote a movie? I guarantee you The Miz or anyone else in WWE has already or will be involved in some form of entertainment for children. Its great publicity for him and WWE.

Whether people like it or not, Cena is the most popular wrestler in the world right now. If you hate Cena's matches and interviews that is one thing, but hating a man for being in a Nickelodeon movie for children is ridiculous.
This isnt the First time Cena will be appearing on Nickelodeon, a few years back he was the host of the Australian kids Choice awards, plus I dont think he is a bad actor I think he was just placed in movies that didnt really fit his person, I thought he did an awesome job when he appeared on psych. So yeah everyone does have something to say about him, but they are only saying that because he is the biggest draw on the Show right now I am sure if it was someone else they be bashing that person too......
This is possibly the worst thread i have ever read, and have no idea how it hasn't been closed yet, do you hate the Rock for appearing on disney shows?, and making disney movies?. Cena's main demographic is children and teenage girls so him appearing in a tween movie couldn't make more sense. You are the reason that people who really understand the wrestling business dont care what Cena haters think.
Apparently, Cena isn't satisfied with annoying us with his shitty wrestling ability and crappy promos. He's decided to sell what's left of his soul to the devil and is playing a role in the made for Nickelodeon movie, Fred....

Come on Cena, I know you're not hurting for cash that bad, Fred's Youtube channel can probably be pin-pointed as where the decline of western civilization began. Cena, I hope this role marks the end of your poor acting career. Stick to what you do best, wrestling poorly and giving lame interviews.

What do you guys think of this?

Well, it is funny that "fans" on this board are all excited about Miz in WWE and Anderson in TNA. Yet, their workrate sucks as much as Cena. What is the difference? Just because it is popular to rip Cena does not mean a lot of wrestlers are equally bad in the ring as Cena is.

Yet, he draws money and fans (good and bad) while people groan when Miz or Anderson talk......LOL
Wow how original another I hate Cena thread, never seen one of those before :rolleyes:.

In all seriousness though who fucking cares. Cena is in a Nick movie what's wrong with that. He most likely wants to get into acting after he is done with wrestling and he isn't bad at it so doing some movies now before he gets into it full time gets his some good practise and some exposure. On top of that it gives the WWE alot of publicity, kids see Cena in the movie and the like what they see so they decide to go research him and find out that he is a wrestler so the kids decide to go watch wrestling, it is a win-win situation. As for it being a kids movie, what the fuck is wrong with that? The majority of Johns fan base is kids/tweens so why the hell wouldnt he be in a movie that appeals to the majority of his fans.
First of all, I can't believe I'll be the 20 something person to post on this. When I opened it, I thought I'd see closed by response 3.

Second, OP, if it bugs you so much that Cena is playing Fred's dad, make a post when its announced, 6 months ago. Where the hell have you been...this has been planned for so long.

Finally, we have quite a few people who make thought out posts and responses in this forum, it's depressing to see such a pointless thread about such a pointless topic. OP, obviously, you love to hate Cena so much, you need to find things to bitch about. Go back under your rock and come back out 6 months after they announce Cena's next role.

P.S. Did you know he's starring in a movie called Legendary about 2 brothers who bond over wrestling. Why don't you create another post to bitch about this breaking news, tool.
this thread makes me lol i actually think cena isnt that bad go ahead bash me for it its the internet thats what it was made for!!!! but in all seriousness ive met cena hes got alot of heart and puts 100% into everything he does! I herd that he actually helped ban chair shots to the head!!!! how is that bad???? I know some of you only care about entertainment and not the well being of the superstars but hey i respect john and if you recall when the wwe was not pg he did great promos!!!! (Personal opinion but still) sure his wrestling is not that great i will admit that but whatever deal.
Here is my theory to all the Cena hating. The people who hate him are all 12 year olds who just recently realized that wrestling is fake. So now they are spiteful and cheer all the bad guys and boo the good guys. If Cena turned heel tomorrow, these same people who hate on him would fall in love with him and he'd be their favorite wrestler. Cena haters are just marks who agree with whatever their friends say. I've heard all the arguments, but I still see no legitimate reason to dislike John Cena. I wouldn't consider myself a fan of his, but he has been WWE's savior and people should respect that.
I have seen Cena wrestle since his debut, and I for one, didn't like watching him wrestle, its not his 5 moves of doom, or his getting beat up for the majority of a match, it's just something I don't like. I agree that he can talk on the mic, no doubt about it, and I am sure he is a great guy in real life, but as a wrestler, in the ring might I add, I don't like him. I grew up with the attitude era, mainly the later half, so I liked people like Stone Cold, but he wrestles the same way as Cena.

I guess that I like the promos more than the actual wrestling, and the two men I stated up above can talk. I am not a Cena-Hater or a Cena-Mark, I am Cena-Neutral.

:twak: Bad Cena-Haters

He's a VERY talented actor and entertainer. He will make more money then you will ever dream of. He's on top of his game right now and he's damn good at it. I don't think Vince thinks Cena sucks at wrestling, and if Vince doesn't who the FUCK cares if you do?

"5 MOVES OF DOOM LMFAO HE SUX LOLZOLZLOZL FUX CENA". He's not afraid to take bumps. He sells moves really well (hes been improving on this if you haven't noticed). He's the most over guy in the company right now.

:lol: Seriously Cena sucks in his current state he is not a good actor and doesn't really wrestle and cant sell an injury or a beating to save a 5 year old kids life and when he does he doesn't have any effects of it when he starts the 5 moves of doom sequence. Vince doesn't care about wrestling that's why Cena is on top if Vince cared about wrestling someone like CM Punk would be the top guy in the company or Jericho. Also he is not the most over guy in the company Orton is. This is the same exact thing that happened in the Attitude era with Austin and The Rock. The Rock was booked like the top guy but Austin was. The reason for this was The Rock was easier to market.

Now unlike most Hardcore fans I will say that Cena can wrestle when he wants to. Go look for a match of his on youtube against The American Dragon Bryan Danielson. That match is a great example of Cena doing his job how its supposed to be done none of his current superman take the biggest beating and the world and then have an instant momentum shift with no effects of the beating

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