In case y'all missed it: BIG NEWS! Supreme Court strikes down Violent Video Game..

That doesn't answer my question.

I didn't say, "...and that viewing violent media doesn't make someone inherently violent?", I said, "doesn't inherently make someone violent?". Maybe it was poorly worded, but what I mean is, is it possible that you're wrong, and there's nothing inherent to violent media that will make someone violent? If you want to say that violent media, in a combination with other things can make someone violent, I would agree with you, and research would support that.

As for what you're saying about studies, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If a study shows a result that you didn't expect, then obviously it was a good study because it just uncovered something new, or showed something in contrary to what one would think. So either the studies are wrong or flawed, or you're just refusing to believe what's shown to be true.
No, not really. It's a study that shouldn't have been done in the first place. Idiotic in the first place, as are a lot of such studies.
No, not really. It's a study that shouldn't have been done in the first place. Idiotic in the first place, as are a lot of such studies.
You're not making any sense here. You said that you didn't want the government telling you how to raise your kids, I pointed out that this law doesn't do that. Life isn't black or white Salv, it should be up to the parents if the kid should play the game. That's all the law did, prevent stores from selling a violent game to a minor, nowhere does it say the minor can't play it. The parents have the final say on what their kid can handle, not you. Not every kid can handle graphic violence, it's up to the parents and therefore it should be illegal for the kid to purchase such things.

I agree with the underlined, I am fully advocating that the parents of a child should be making the decisions regarding them. I know that the law doesn't outlaw the playing of said game and only the sale, but I don't like the precedent this sets basically.

With music, movies, video games (as of now), there is no government regulation. The music, movie, and video game industry regulates themselves and simply institutes guidelines of what they advocate for the parents to follow. I don't think it's a good idea to single out video games are a form of media that should be government regulated when there's a perfectly competent system already in place. Also, what's the purpose of making the sale of the game illegal, but the playing of said illegal-to-purchase game, legal? Either it's a bad idea for the kid to be playing the game or it isn't.

It's just a stupid law, because there's either a reason for the game to be illegal for minors to purchase, or there isn't. If there is a reason they shouldn't be purchasing the game, then they shouldn't be playing it. What scenario exists where purchasing the game should be illegal, but playing it should be legal? The only scenario I can think of is that it forces the parents to buy the game for the youth and thus they have to be somewhat familiar with what the child will be playing, but there's a system already in place to ensure this! So what's the point? Why legislate it? I see no reason.
No, not really. It's a study that shouldn't have been done in the first place. Idiotic in the first place, as are a lot of such studies.


It's not possible that you're wrong? I'm really baffled how to proceed with you at this point. That's like someone saying, "Yeah I know all the papers on global warming say X, Y, and Z, but yeah they're wrong and idiotic, and I know this because the amazing power of my common sense."
Methinks someone should stick to giving letter grades to every wrestling match he sees while we leave science to the people who understand the obvious benefits of objectively and in a controlled manner studying a divisive issue.
With music, movies, video games (as of now), there is no government regulation. The music, movie, and video game industry regulates themselves and simply institutes guidelines of what they advocate for the parents to follow. I don't think it's a good idea to single out video games are a form of media that should be government regulated when there's a perfectly competent system already in place. Also, what's the purpose of making the sale of the game illegal, but the playing of said illegal-to-purchase game, legal? Either it's a bad idea for the kid to be playing the game or it isn't.
Music is different, it is really easy to hear a song. You have so many outlets and with one being radio it would be to difficult to legislate such a thing. There is laws against minors seeing movies, try having a 12 year old buying a ticket for an R rated movie...Not gonna happen in most cases. Pretty sure it is not legal in a theater without a parent. There is no legislation on the content and there wouldn't have been for the game here. Games are different from music, it is pretty damn hard to play a game without stealing it or buying it. Obviously if 2 10 year olds are playing manhunt somebody knew they got it. Remember the world isn't black or white, this just helps parents keep bad games out of the kids hands. Parents are human and are not all seeing.

It's just a stupid law, because there's either a reason for the game to be illegal for minors to purchase, or there isn't. If there is a reason they shouldn't be purchasing the game, then they shouldn't be playing it. What scenario exists where purchasing the game should be illegal, but playing it should be legal? The only scenario I can think of is that it forces the parents to buy the game for the youth and thus they have to be somewhat familiar with what the child will be playing, but there's a system already in place to ensure this! So what's the point? Why legislate it? I see no reason.
The idea is to let the parents decide. the underlined is the reason. But I would like to know this magical system, because the those game rating things do jackshit. My sister doesn't even look at them before she lets her 12 year old play a game. Does the same with TV shows.
Common Sense is the Parents be able to tell their kids what they can buy. Not the government.

the law states, if the parent acts as a proxy for their kid sellers cant do shit, we only enforce the rules if the kid comes in and attempts to buy the games, its stupid and unethical if you ask me, parents need to limit the types of games that their kids play because they are taking away their childhood and bringing about adult situations that these children should see, I dont know about you doug but i wouldn't want my kid seeing rape scenes or people getting bludgeoned to death. any idiot that lets their 8 year old play gta needs to have their children removed from their care IMO.

and what freedom of speech should children have?, this is the problem with the whole system as it stands they care more about money than about the kids buying this stuff which is wrong!
Sorry I didn't read the entire thread but I don't understand why anyone would be happy about any of this. Why should we want young kids to have the right to purchase adult oriented games?

Common Sense is the Parents be able to tell their kids what they can buy. Not the government.

Sorry bro but that is nothing but a lazy cop out. If a parent approved of his kid playing an adult oriented game that parent would have the right to purchase the game for the kid.
the law states, if the parent acts as a proxy for their kid sellers cant do shit, we only enforce the rules if the kid comes in and attempts to buy the games, its stupid and unethical if you ask me, parents need to limit the types of games that their kids play because they are taking away their childhood and bringing about adult situations that these children should see, I dont know about you doug but i wouldn't want my kid seeing rape scenes or people getting bludgeoned to death. any idiot that lets their 8 year old play gta needs to have their children removed from their care IMO.

and what freedom of speech should children have?, this is the problem with the whole system as it stands they care more about money than about the kids buying this stuff which is wrong!

I wouldn't want my kid unter 17 playing GTA IV either but I don't need the Government telling me that I can't.
I don't think your kid should be able to buy an MA game, but you can buy whatever game you want for your kid. Why does it make you feel better if the kid himself makes the purchase?

Because my kid should be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. again. The government shouldn't be telling me how I can raise my kid. I know that some kids can't but then that's the parents responsibility to find a way so they can understand the difference.
Because my kid should be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. again. The government shouldn't be telling me how I can raise my kid. I know that some kids can't but then that's the parents responsibility to find a way so they can understand the difference.

You're not understanding me. I'm not saying you're kid shouldn't be allowed to play the game. I don't think he should be able to without your permission. The best way to ensure the kid has your permission is to make it illegal for him to make the purchase. Again, you can make the purchase and give him the game. That's your call.
Because my kid should be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. again. The government should be telling me how I can raise my kid.

The government isn't telling you how to raise your kid. Buying the game for your child is allowed. How is the government stopping a child from purchasing a game above their ages maturity level themselves stopping you from parenting a child how you choose?
The government shouldn't be telling me how I can raise my kid.
What the fuck are you talking about? The government was never telling you how to raise your kid. If you want your child to play Grand Theft Auto 5, then go fucking buy it for him.

The only thing the law said was that the kid couldn't buy it himself.
What the fuck are you talking about? The government was never telling you how to raise your kid. If you want your child to play Grand Theft Auto 5, then go fucking buy it for him.

The only thing the law said was that the kid couldn't buy it himself.
He is the 2nd person to make that claim in this thread. How in the hell anybody sees it that way is beyond me. Atleast Salv explained his comment.
The reason we have so many messed up kids and young adults is because we have so many broken and dysfunctional families. Kids grow up in really tough and unstable environments now with absentee parents who let them have free reign and leave them unchecked, so it's no wonder why children turn out to be losers when they grow up. There are always exceptions, but the general rule is that involved, loving, caring parents will raise generally good children.

All about the parenting.

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