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Impact Wrestling 2010


Occasional Pre-Show

~~ Starting Roster ~~


AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Amazing Red
Bobby Lashley
Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Brutus Magnus
Chris Sabin
Christopher Daniels
Consequences Creed
D’Angelo Dinero
Desmond Wolfe
Douglas Williams
Dr. Stevie Richards
Eric Young
Jay Lethal
James Storm
Jeff Hardy
Jeff Jarrett
Jesse Neal
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
Matt Morgan
Mick Foley
Orlando Jordan
Rob Terry
Robert Roode
Samoa Joe
Sean Morley
Scott Hall
Scott Steiner
Shannon Moore
Shark Boy
Syxx-Pac (Sean Waltman)


Alissa Flash
Angelina Love
Awesome Kong
Lacey Von Erich
Madison Rayne
Taylor Wilde
Traci Brooks
Velvet Sky

Tag Teams

Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin)
Lethal Consequences (Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed)
World Elite (Homicide and Kiyoshi)
Beer Money Inc. (Robert Roode and James Storm)
British Invasion (Douglas Williams and Brutus Magnus)
Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon)
Matt Morgan and Hernandez
Raven and Dr. Stevie

Taylor Wilde and Sarita
Hamada and Awesome Kong
The Beautiful People (Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, Lacey Von Erich)

Broadcast Team

Bubba the Love Sponge - Backstage Interviewer
Mike Tenay - Play-by-Play Commentator
Taz - Color Commentator
Christy Hemme - Backstage Interviewer
SoCal Val - Ring Announcer/Backstage Interviewer


Hulk Hogan - Authority Figure
Eric Bischoff - Authority Figure
Ric Flair - Unknown
Dixie Carter - TNA President


Kristal: Bobby Lashley

TNA Impact - Special Monday Night 3 Hour Impact | “Time for a Change” | January 4, 2010

The Spike TV countdown finishes as a video package begins showcasing TNA from its start in 2002 up through Hulk Hogan announcing he has signed with TNA and that on January 4th he is leading TNA straight to war with the WWE.

The screen fades to the title screen. Tonight's episode is called "Time for a Change"

We are greeted by the commentators Taz and Mike Tenay who welcome everyone to the special three hour Monday night episode of TNA Impact. They go through some of the matches tonight: a Steel Asylum match for the X-Division championship, ODB vs. Tara for the Knockout’s Championship, also later in the night will be Abyss vs. Rhino in a street fight! The commentators also welcome the newest member to the TNA broadcast team, Hulk Hogan's good friend, Bubba the Love Sponge who is shown interviewing fans outside the Impact Zone in footage from earlier in the night.

The first match is announced, the Steel Asylum for the X-Division Championship. The Steel Asylum is a red steel cage that has a dome top with a hole in the center; in this match there are no disqualifications, no pinfalls, no submissions, the only way to win is by climbing through the hole.

Match #1: Steel Asylum for the TNA X-Division Championship -- Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Homicide vs. Kiyoshi vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Suicide vs. Amazing Red

The match starts with the three tag teams going after each other before splitting off and focusing on either climbing or taking out Suicide and Red. Tenay mentions that Mick Foley has been barred from the arena and that we will get some footage of what happened later on tonight. In the middle of the match Homicide pulls an iron bar from his boot and starts to hit everyone in the ring with it, which is legal because of the no DQ rule. Homicide's tag team partner Kiyoshi stands by him while he is beating everyone down, but after everyone is down Homicide turns to Kiyoshi hitting him several times with the bar. Sabin and Shelley team up on Homicide taking him out and hitting him with the bar. Sabin and Shelley shake hands before starting to climb up in a race. Red and Suicide take them out before fighting. Red takes out Suicide before climbing up and climbing out of the cage.

Here is your winner and STILL TNA X-Division Champion: Amazing Red!

After the match Homicide grabs the bar and continues to hit the other competitors with the iron bar.

~~ Modest ~~

Jeff Hardy comes out from the audience in a surprising return and gets into the cage to stop Homicide. The two of them brawl Jeff throwing him out of the cage as they fight up the ramp. Jeff grabs the bar hitting Homicide in the stomach and hits the twist of fate. Leaving Homicide laid out, he goes back and climbs the cage from the outside as the crowd cheers.

** Commercial Break **

After the commercial break Jeff is seen exiting the entrance tunnel in the back and he meets his good friend Shannon Moore. The video cuts to footage of a limousine being escorted by a bunch of police. Taz and Tenay mention that Hulk Hogan is on his way and should be here shortly.

In the back Christy Hemme interviews Kevin Nash who mentions how excited he is that his good friend Hulk Hogan has signed on to TNA he mentions he is going to be working for the number one company again and he is going to be the happiest he has ever been in a wrestling company. Before leaving he announces that he talked to Hogan who said he isn't going to be alone.

Match #2: Singles Match for the TNA Knockout's Championship -- Tara vs. ODB

The crowd is more over for Tara throughout the match. The match is mostly even between the two woman, both getting equal amounts of offense in. ODB knocks Tara down and goes grabbing her flask taking a drink and slapping her boobs towards the camera. Meanwhile, Tara is recovering behind her and by the time ODB turns around Tara is back up and knees ODB in the stomach and executes the Widow's Peak and earning herself a pinfall.

Here is your winner and STILL TNA Knockout's Champion: Tara!

After the match Tara grabs her tarantula cage and opens it up seeing it on ODB holding the belt up over her.

Video goes to the back where the police escorted limousine arrives backstage at the arena. Many are flocked in anticipation for Hulk Hogan. The door opens and the person inside is Ric Flair! Ric Flair has been signed to TNA Impact! He makes his way through shaking hands and heads to the back into a locker room labeled "AJ Styles".

** Commercial Break **

Footage from earlier today where Foley is walking into the Impact zone. Christy Hemme goes to interview him asking if he got a memo saying he has been barred. Foley says that he has a memo in response that he won't be a disruptive influence and he just wants to be part of the show tonight.

Backstage Bobby Lashley is seen backstage attacking several members of backstage crew and other staff members, his wife Kristal watching and cheering Lashley on. He continues attacking people all the way out to the stage. He walks down and Kristal takes a microphone. She says that Bobby Lashley was told to make an impact tonight, and they thought that what he is doing tonight is the biggest impact. She says that TNA is full of inbred idiots that don’t deserve Bobby Lashley. Tonight Bobby Lashley is demanding his immediate release from the company, and if he doesn’t get it his impact will keep getting bigger.

Backstage Velvet Sky leads the camera into a room with a poker table and Lacey Von Erich and Madison Rayne. The three girls say that they were told that tonight was all about the ratings and that they know the perfect way to boost the ratings. Poker. The cards are dealt and they each show their hands. Lacey wins with a royal straight flush, but doesn't know it. The other two girls tell her she lost, but they don't have any chips to bet so they will have to play strip poker. Lacey removes her jacket as instructed.

*Commercial Break*

The show comes back to Scott Hall and Sean Waltman, two more surprises for the night, who are trying to get backstage saying "The band is back together, we are friends of Hulk", but the two are denied entry anyways.

Another white limo being escorted by police are shown, Taz informs us that it is only a few blocks away. The white limo stops and a black limo pulls up. A guy gets out of the black limo and gets into the white limo. The white limo continues on towards the Impact Zone.

*Commercial Break*

Coming back Waltman and Hall are seen in the audience making there way through, they sit down in the front row and hold up their tickets to the camera.

~~ Our House ~~

Hulk Hogan makes his way out to the ring stopping to shake hands with people in the front row. The crowd cheering him the entire time. He smirks at Hall and Waltman before getting in the ring and grabbing a microphone. He talks about how he is going to lead TNA to becoming the number one show on television and that they are at war and Hogan is the one that is right to lead the fight. He says the young talent and the old talent in the back are all ready for the fight.

Hall and Waltman try to jump the barrier, but are stopped by security. Hogan calls off security and tells them to get into the ring. Hall begins saying that when he heard Hogan was going to be here and Nash was already here that they needed to be here. Hall and Hogan go back and forth about what they need to do in TNA, Hall wants to treat it like a party and Hogan says he need to take it serious.

~~ Saturn Rock ~~

Nash comes down and asks Hogan why he became so corporate. Hogan says its a different time he has a job that he has to get done.

~~ Running with the Bulls ~~

Eric Bischoff, who was the man in the other limo, comes out to join Hogan in defending Hogan against Hall, Nash, and Waltman. Bischoff says that even though they are friends Bischoff and Hogan have a job that they need to get done, which is bringing TNA to the top of the wrestling industry. He says that they are going to be treated no differently than the other talent.

Everybody has to earn their spot in the company.

As Hall, Nash, and Waltman leave Hogan and Bischoff say they are the perfect team. They enforce that everyone is going to be under a microscope and everyone is going to have to earn their spot in TNA. Changes will be coming and the changes are going to turn the company upside down. The changes are going to be starting tonight! The fans cheer and Dixie is seen nodding. Hulks music plays as the camera pans out Sting appears up in the rafters holding his baseball bat.

** Commercial Break **

Match #3 Tag-Team Match for the TNA Knockout's Tag Team Championship -- Awesome Kong and Hamada vs. Taylor Wilde and Sarita
Hamada had earned the right to chose her opponent in this tag-team match and chose Awesome Kong knowing she would be the best bet to get the tag titles. Taylor Wilde and Sarita use their athleticism and team work to get the best on Hamada keeping her from Kong.

Footage goes to the back with JB calling for help moving tables and scrap away from the Motor City Machine Guns who have been laid out in the back.

Back in the arena Hamada gets the tag and Kong starts taking out Sarita and Taylor Wilde by herself. Kong and Hamada use excellent team work for only being their first week as a team. Kong gets Sarita up into position for a powerbomb and Hamada climbs the rope. Hamada strikes with a missile dropkick as Kong gives a powerbomb and pins Sarita.

Here are your winners and NEW Knockout Tag Team Champion's Awesome Kong and Hamada!

** Commercial Break **

In the back The Beautiful People are still playing their game of strip poker. They talk about the next hand they are going to play until interrupted by a voice saying "Hello, ladies" Sean Morley who is just in a towel sits down and says that he wants to get in on the game, but is at a disadvantage since he just got of the shower. The next hand starts as the camera changes to backstage with Christy Hemme.

Christy Hemme interviews "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero about his upcoming match against Desmond Wolfe who is interrupted by Orlando Jordan who is looking for Hulk Hogan. Orlando tried to shake The Pope's hand before leaving, but the Pope refuses.

Match #4: Singles Match -- Desmond Wolfe vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

A relatively short match, but gets the fans to start cheering "this is wrestling" the fans really enjoy the match. Wolfe gets The Pope to the corner and sets him up on the turnbuckle going for the Tower of London, but The Pope breaks out and gets Desmond into a small package. Pinfall!

Here is your winner, "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

After the match Desmond argues with the ref about it being a fast count and he wants the match restarted.

The camera switches to the back to Jeff Jarrett who is just arriving to the Impact zone.

** Commercial Break **

Backstage JB interviews AJ Styles about his match against Kurt Angle. AJ says that they need to know who the best in the world is and that the world will find out at Genesis. Eric Bischoff enters the room laughing. He introduces himself and says that he has to think about the fans and what the fans want to see. He explains that is why at Genesis The Pope and Desmond Wolfe will have another match, he also explains that it's why AJ and Kurt will not be having a match at Genesis. He pauses to let the fans boo before continuing saying it's why tonight's main event will be AJ vs. Kurt for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, the fans shouldn't have to wait until Genesis. He shakes AJ's hand before leaving.

Out in the ring Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring with a microphone he says that it feels good to be back in the Impact Zone. He talks about how he started TNA and how critics said he wouldn't last six months, but here he stands on a Monday night in the middle of the ring and he is proud of where he stands and what the company has become. He closes saying TNA isn't finished, you haven't seen anything yet.

Hogan comes on the jumbotron and tells the fans not to believe what Jeff Jarrett says. Jarrett is just trying to manipulate everyone. Jarrett ran the company into the ground. He can stay claiming that he is the founder, but if he had stayed president TNA wouldn't be where it is. Dixie took over and did a lot better job than Jarrett ever did. He tells Jarrett to stop trying to manipulate everyone into thinking he is the reason TNA is where it's at because he isn't. To Hulk, Jarrett is just another talent, and says he hopes Jarrett can stand up to the young guys because just like everyone else Jarrett will have to prove himself.

Backstage Christy interviews Christopher Daniels who says he is not worried about his job. Since TNA started he has proven himself and will continue to prove himself. He gets cut off by JB though who is holding his cellphone. He tells Christy he doesn't know what to do; Mick Foley is right outside the door and wants to come in. Christy tells JB not to let him in or else it might cost him his job on the line. JB says he knows and goes to the door and tries to hold Mick back saying he can't come in, but Mick forces his way past JB saying he needs to find Hogan.

Match #5: #1 Contender Match for the TNA Tag-Team Championships: Matt Morgan and Hernandez vs. Raven and Dr. Stevie Richards accompanied by Daffney

The two teams compete showing off that they can work as a team. After a few minutes of wrestling the current champions The British Invasion come out to watch standing ring side.

Short footage in the back of Bubba the Love Sponge finding Samoa Joe laid out just like the Motor City Machine Guns were.

The match ends with Raven tagging in Stevie, but as Stevie gets in the ring Morgan gets momentum and kicks Stevie in the head (The Carbon Footprint) sending him down and getting the pinfall.

Here are you winners Matt Morgan and Hernandez!

After the match The British Invasion get in the ring holding the belts up in front of Morgan and Hernandez. The camera pans up showing Sting still watching in the rafters, but he walks away out of the shot.

** Commercial Break **

In the back Jeff Hardy is finishing a painting while Shannon Moore watches. Shannon answers his phone and quickly hangs up saying it's time to meet the big man. The two of them walk off as we go to the ring.

Match #6 Street Fight: Abyss vs. Rhino

The match starts off with both men going out and grabbing what they can out of the dumpsters outside the ring. Right at the start Abyss lays out a pile of tacks in the middle of the ring. The two hit each other with as many weapons as they can. Rhino gets busted open by a barbed wire plank that Abyss uses. Rhino gets a surprise spear in and beats Abyss down with a chair. Rhino gets into the corner to
prepare a second spear. Abyss picks him up, however, and delivers a Black Hole Slam to Rhino onto the thumbtacks. Pinfall.

Here is your winner "The Monster" Abyss!

** Commercial Break **

In the back Bubba the Love Sponge is helping out a trainer get Beer Money Inc. Off the floor. They have been laid out like other TNA wrestlers have been throughout the night. Bubba says he has been investigating the occurrences and he thinks he knows who is doing it.

JB is in the locker room with Kurt Angle hyping up the main event which is coming up. Kurt Angle says that he never lost his title. AJ Styles won the title, but he didn't lose it. There were two other competitors in the match and now they have to have a one on one to know who deserves the championship. He closes with his catchphrase "Oh, it's real; it's damn real!"

Shannon Moore and Jeff Hardy leave the building holding envelopes. Shannon says that they got everything they needed from the big man. Jeff is approached by screaming girls who want an autograph. He hands them his painting from earlier instead before getting in his car with Shannon and driving off.

Main Event: Singles Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship with a 20 minute time limit

The competitors come out and JB gives the tale of the tape comparing the two competitors.

** Commercial Break **

Coming back the bell rings. The two competitors go at it in a PPV quality match. In the middle of the match a mystery man who has been coming out in all of AJ's matches for the past 3 months tries to get into ring, but is quickly clotheslined out by Angle and the man is removed by security. Angle tries to end the match with an ankle lock every now and then. AJ gets out every time though. AJ gets a pele kick and goes for a pinfall, but doesn't get it. Ric Flair, who was seen in AJ's locker room earlier comes out and starts to watch the match. AJ gets the Style's Clash on Kurt but takes too long to go for a pin. Ric Flair returns to the back. Kurt kicks out but stays down hurt. AJ gets on the apron and executes a springboard 450 splash and goes for the pin. Pinfall.

Here is your winner and STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles!

After the match the camera shows Dixie giving a standing ovation as highlights are given.

~~ Our House ~~

Hulk comes out clapping and gives a nodding approval. He gets a microphone from a stage member and says that the two wrestlers took it seriously when he said everyone would have to prove themselves. They raised the bar for everyone else in the back. He gets cut off by a crew member who whispers in his ear. He throws the microphone and heads to the back.

In the back Mick Foley is going locker room to locker room screaming "Hogan!" He goes into the room with strip poker still being played. The Beautiful People have their boobs covered with their arms obviously losing, Morley is standing up starting to unwrap his towel, "Well, looks like a finally lost." Foley demands to know where Hogan is. Morley tells him where Hogan's office is before turning back and continuing to take the towel off. Mick leaves the room, disgusted, and starts to head out, but is attacked by Hall, Waltman and Nash. Hulk comes around the corner and looks down at Mick seriously before smirking.

((OOC: OOC: Hi there! I have been thinking about being a booker and writing my own shows for awhile now. I will be writing shows for TNA Impact because I don’t really see many for TNA. The first episode is similar to the actual January 4, 2010 edition of TNA, but I changed a lot of things around that I didn’t like, including the main points of promos, match endings, and cutting out a lot of promos. My shows will remain largely the same format as above, but I may switch to actually writing out entirely what is said in a promo. I hope you enjoy! ^-^ ))

Hello their Emily. As promised I am reviewing, well giving you some feedback on your Impact Wrestling 2010 project. I remember I actually really liked this episode when it aired on live tv so good luck on topping it.

Nice opener and I remember that you havn't changed anything at all. It is exactly what happened in real life with Homicide going crazy and Jeff Hardy comes out and saves everyone. This isn't a big deal but I think the weapon he used was a baton not an Iron bar. Hmm, also the second part is the same with Shannon Moore returning to TNA or was he debuting? I forgot? Sad that Tara is still the Knockouts Champion also I'm not sure if I really like the fact you had two championship matches straight after each other.

Hmm, alot of things on this seems familier and by a lot of things I mean all of it.. The point in Be the booker is that you book things different. This is all the same. From the Ric Flair debut, the strip poker... Even the whole Hulk Hogan promo was the same. Now I'm not sure if you get that this section is where you post new shows rather then the results from the real shows. I'm not trying to be mouthy I just want to make sure you have got the concept.

Ok right I see the pink section now of your text. Glad you keep this format because it is quite nice and clean. Honestly, not a big fan of the font you have used but thats just me. Will the other shows be "Similar" or will they be different? Like to see how you play a Band-Hogan feud. I remember in real life Mick Foley inlisted Jeff Jarrett to help him in the fight against Eric Bischoff...

Anyway, welcome to the section. Hope you enjoy it here and have some fun booking in this section. Alot of people are coming here so it is looking a bit more promising. Choxy out.
Hello their Emily. As promised I am reviewing, well giving you some feedback on your Impact Wrestling 2010 project. I remember I actually really liked this episode when it aired on live tv so good luck on topping it.

Nice opener and I remember that you havn't changed anything at all. It is exactly what happened in real life with Homicide going crazy and Jeff Hardy comes out and saves everyone. This isn't a big deal but I think the weapon he used was a baton not an Iron bar. Hmm, also the second part is the same with Shannon Moore returning to TNA or was he debuting? I forgot? Sad that Tara is still the Knockouts Champion also I'm not sure if I really like the fact you had two championship matches straight after each other.

Hmm, alot of things on this seems familier and by a lot of things I mean all of it.. The point in Be the booker is that you book things different. This is all the same. From the Ric Flair debut, the strip poker... Even the whole Hulk Hogan promo was the same. Now I'm not sure if you get that this section is where you post new shows rather then the results from the real shows. I'm not trying to be mouthy I just want to make sure you have got the concept.

Ok right I see the pink section now of your text. Glad you keep this format because it is quite nice and clean. Honestly, not a big fan of the font you have used but thats just me. Will the other shows be "Similar" or will they be different? Like to see how you play a Band-Hogan feud. I remember in real life Mick Foley inlisted Jeff Jarrett to help him in the fight against Eric Bischoff...

Anyway, welcome to the section. Hope you enjoy it here and have some fun booking in this section. Alot of people are coming here so it is looking a bit more promising. Choxy out.

There is a lot different on this show, even though a lot of it is minor like I said. I also really enjoyed this episode and thought only a few things needed to be changed.

A few things where the ending to the Steel Asylum, originally the ref declared it a no contest. Also Tara won instead of ODB, I cut out the Nasty Boy segments, I changed some of the promo points, like with Jeff Jarrett and Hogan, I felt TNA originally used that to try to hint Hogan as a face, instead I used it as a way for Hogan to try to make Jarrett a heel. Abyss vs. Rhino in a street fight instead of Abyss vs. Joe in a singles match. Sean Morley lost the game of strip poker and starts to get naked, something that wasn't in the original. Also cut out the Mick Foley talking to Bischoff and went straight to the attack. These are just some of the things I remember changing up.

Mainly, I just wanted to use this episode more as a chance to get the format looking good and all the aesthetics of the thread hammered out. Also get some practice of writing for wrestling, something that I am not use to.

Thanks for the welcome, and thanks for the review!

IMPACT | Emily

Hi Emily. Welcome to the BT section. I'm not a fan of TNA and I don't watch it so I will struggle to get into your thread. I've seen some good TNA threads here (check out JAM and GrandSword if you want to see them) but haven't been able to get into them due to not knowing much about it. I'm not going to feedback about the booking - albeit you haven't changed much anyway in this show - but I will give you some pointers on the general stuff that I think is important to any BT.

PROMOS: I prefer a fuller promo style than this recap style that you're using - I think fuller promos, whilst they take longer, give much more character development and allow your reader to get more into the stories that you are trying to tell. I think your recaps tell the story well and have enough description in them to get the points across; could you keep the recap style but just add more description? That could help to get the characterisation across more.

MATCH WRITING: Same as the promos, not enough detail for me. I understand the need for a recap style with the lesser matches early in the show but for me the main event needed much more detail - especially seeing as it was a title match. There isn't enough to get right into it again. I am not advocating the writing of huge great matches - people will skim read them for TV anyway - but PPV and main event title matches need more than a paragraph IMO. I often use a paragraph to generally describe the early stages of the contest and then I write the last few minutes in detail - could that be a way to add in the extra detail you need?

GRAMMAR / WRITING STYLE: To introduce myself, I'm a teacher so I'm really huge on grammar, punctuation, spelling and the writing style. However, there are a lot of people who read these things and don't comment that will be put off by poor standards in these things. However, I'm saying these things and there isn't much to complain about with yours. I like that you try to use subordinate clauses as openers (describing where, when, how, why as a start to the sentence, i.e. Backstage ... Out in the ring) but your writing style would improve if you varied the types; you tend to focus on when and where. You could use opening phrases like Because of last week's attack, As a result, Devastatingly and Unfortunately for example. You also need to remember to put a comma after these opening phrases. I might seem picky but these are all things that could just add that extra detail that I was talking about earlier for your match writing and promos.

FORMAT / PRESENTATION: No complaints. It's good. You make decent use of the colours. Have a look round at other shows and adapt as you see fit. Images can be useful in places and I'd suggest some use of centre alignment at times; maybe use of different size fonts. I don't mind the font you've used, it's clear enough.

BOOKING: Not going to comment on this - don't know TNA that well anyway but you've admitted that you didn't really book this show anyway. It's more of a retell of what really happened.

A really good start, Emily. As I said before, I probably won't get into this too much because it is TNA but this first show has a lot of potential for TNA followers. Good luck with it. GCB

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